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106 Cards in this Set

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Preventative Maintenance
Lipid panel
Screen for Breast Ca (mammography)
Colorectal Ca (colonoscopy)
Cervical ca (pap smear)
Testicular ca (TSE)
Osteoporosis (DEXA)
Anemia, Fe deficiency
PE? p 924
HEENT, heart, abdomen, nails, pelvic, rectal
Eyes: Pale conjunctiva?
Mouth: Corners? Stomatitis?Cheilosis? Glossitis? Plummer Vinson syndrome?
Cardiac: tachy, flow murmurs
Abdomen: Masses, splenomegaly
Pelvic: vaginal bleeding
Rectal: stool guiac and DRE, bleeding melena, hemorrhoids, masses.
Skin: Pallor, Nails: kiolonychia
PE for hypertension? p 485
HEENT, Chest, heart, extremities, abdomen, neuro
Head: temporal arteries
Eyes: funduscopic exam-papilledema, retinal exudates, hemorrhages, or retinopathy,
Neck: distended neck veins, carotid bruits, thyromegaly
Lungs: auscultate for abnormal lung sounds (wheezing, crackles, rales)
Cardiac: Apical Impulse, arrhythmias, S3,S4,murmurs, or a displaced PMI, JVD, and pulses
Extremities: (No C,C,E) Color, temp, edema, diminished hair growth?
Abdomen: listen for aortic, renal, illiac bruits, aortic pulsation, palpate for masses or pain, enlarged kidneys, liver size
Neuro: complete neuro exam for s/s stroke or TIA
Diabetes Mellitus PE? p 165
General, HEENT, Abdomen, Feet, Neuro, Skin
Eyes: funduscopic eye exam to rule out cataracts, retinopathy or retinal hemorrhage
Mouth: Thrush
Heart: perform a complete exam to chek for abnormalities
Abdomen: Liver Enlargement?
Feet: comprehensive ft exam to check vascular status, skin condition, infect, sensation and proprioception (monofilament, tuning fork)
Neuro: eval for peripheral neuropathy
Skin: acanthosis nigricans, inspect for signs of infections at insulin and FS sites.
Asthma PE? p 392
HEENT, chest, skin
HEENT: examine nasal mucosa and oropharyngeal mucosa for abnormalities
Chest: Wheezing, crackles, rales? Decreased aeration with expiratory phase> inspiratory phase.
Skin: Inspect for rashes or hives
Bronchitis/ pneumonia
PE? p 404
HEENT, Lungs, heart, skin
Grunting? Nasal flaring?
Lungs: decreased BS
Heart: complete heart exam
Skin:Skin turgor and capillary refill for hydration status
Chest Pain
PE? p 462
HEENT, Chest, heart, Abdomen, musculoskeletal
General: observe for signs of anxiety or nervousness
HEENT: JVD? Carotid pulses, bruits?
Chest: complete chest exam
Abdomen: Pain? Bruits?
Musculoskeletal: examine arms, shoulders and chest wall for tenderness
PE for hyperlipidemia? p181
BP, Ht &Wt, Neck, heart, abdomen, neuro, skin
Neck: carotid bruits, Thyroid
Heart: Perform comp. ht exam
Extremities: Pulses? C/C/E
Abdomen: listen for renal bruits, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly
Neuro Perform a comp. neuro exam if signs of a stroke or TIA are present
Skin: xanthomas near eyelids or over extensor areas of tendons
PE Osteoarthritis? p 836
ROM of joints
Herbeden's nodes
Bouchard's nodes
Joint deformities/ enlargements
Pain with tenderness w/ movement
inspect for local trauma, erythema, or streaks (septic arthritis)
Crepitus and joint instability
effusion/ synovitis
Headache PE? p 894
HEENT, Neuro
HEENT: Lacerations? Hemotympanum, Battle's sign, raccoon eyes, clear otorrhea or rhinorrhea?
Scalp tenderness(temp art)
unequal pupils, papilledema, TMJ tenderness, nuchal rigidity
PE? p 535
Abdomen, rectal, pelvic exam
Abdomen: Rebound? Guarding?(peritoneal irritation)
Mc Burney's point
Rovsing's sign
Obturator Sign
Psoas sign
Dizziness PE?
HEENT: Perform a complete ears, nose, throat and neck exam?
Vertical/ Horizontal or rotatory nystagmus?
Heart: arrhythmias or abnormal heart sounds
Neuro: Complete exam , Cerebellar exam, Hallpike exam, Sensory exam
Obesity PE? p 106
HEENT, Abdomen, skeletal
HEENT: check thyroid for enlargement
Abdomen: measure waist circumference and palpate for masses
skeletal: joint crepitus, tenderness or deformity
Conjunctivitis PE? p 326
check PERRLA
Photophobia? Hyperemia (which may suggest iritis)?
Visual problems? Visual acuity?
Conjunctival discharge? Color? Consistency?
Debris on eyelashes? Lid edema:Vesicles? Allergic shiners? Nasal Congestion? Mucopurulent discharge? Invert eyelids to search for andy foreign body?
Constipation PE? p 555
HEENT, Abdomen, Rectal, Skin
HEENT: Check for enlarged thyroid gland and goiter? Dry mucous membranes or painful oral lesions?
Abdomen: masses? tenderness or distension? hypoactive Bowel sounds?
Rectal: hemorrhoids, masses, fissures or impatction, stool guaiac
Skin: check skin turgor, capillary refill, an signs of dry skin
Allergic Rhinitis
PE? p 362
HEENT, Lungs, Skin
Nasal mucosa pale? boggy? clear rhinnorhea?
red mucosa?
allergic shiners? cobblestoning? Horizontal nasal crease? Nasa salute?
Lungs? Wheezing (asthma)
Skin rash or hives?
BMI parameters
Body Mass Index
•Underweight = <18.5
•Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
•Overweight = 25–29.9
•Obesity = 30 or greater
History that's really impt to ask
Tobacco, ETOH, or drug use
Cerebellar exam consists of?
Check gait, Romberg, and finger to nose.
Osteoperosis PE? p 840
Osteoperosis PE?
RA PE? p 851
Dementia/ Delirium PE?
General: Check if ppt is alert and oriented.
HEENT: signs of head trauma
Chest/heart: complete cardiopulmonary exam
Neuro: perform a minimental status exam and compare to previous; Psychological exam and a complete neuro exam
Evaluate for aphasia, agnosia, apraxia or anomia?
GERD PE? p 570
Cardio, Lungs, Abdomen
Abdomen: midepigastric tenderness to palpation
hyperactive bowel sounds are seen in te setting of a bleeding ulcer
peritoneal signs (rebound, guarding, hypoactive bowel sounds) may be elicited when there is gastric perforation from an ulcer
Rectal: guiac positive (bleeding ulcer)
Obdurator's sign
1st the pt lies on back with the rt hip flexed at 90 deg. The examiner then holds the pt's rt ankle in his rt hand. With his left hand, the examiner rotates the hip by moving the rt knee to and away from the patient's body. This is flexion and internal rotation of the hip.
The technique is done on each leg in succession.
aka Cope sign, is an indicator of irritation to the obturator internus muscle.
Skin PE for hypothyroidism?
-rough, cool skin with a doughy consistency
-orange-yellow coloration
-brittle hair and nails, pitting of the fingernails
Neuro PE for hypothyroidism?
delayed relaxation of DTR
Abdomen PE for hypothyroidism?
Decreased or absent bowel sounds on auscultation secondary to ileus
Chest for hypothyroidism?
Nipple discharge can be present on breast exam
GI Bleed?
HEENT,Cardio, Lungs, Abdomen, Rectal, Skin
General: Pale appearance
HEENT: Check for blood in the mouth nares or oropharynx
Inspect for scleral icterus, which can be present in liver dx
Cardio: tachy or flow murmur may be audible in high output states
abdomen: inspect for caput medusa, which is typically present in portal HTN
hyperactive bs
peritoneal signs, ascites, masses or hepatosplenomegaly
Rectal: check for guaiac post stools, rectal masses or hemorrhoids
skin: findings suggestive of liver dx include jaundiced skin, palmar erythema or spider angiomas
Neuro: AMS, flapping (asterixis)
Heart PE for hypothyroidism? p 199
Muffled heart sounds, suggesting pericardial effusion
PMI could be displaced indicating an enlarged heart
HEENT PE for hypothyroidism?
Check for periorbital puffiness or loss of lateral third of eyebrows.
Palpate the thyroid for possible goiter
Hypothyroidism PE?
HEENT, heart, chest abdomen, neuro, skin
Name for fingernail separation from nail bed?
Murphy's sign?
Pain in the RUQ that halts inspiration upon palpation.
Neuro PE for hyperthyroidism?
Elicit DTR which are usually brisk in hyperthyroidism
inspect hands for fine tremor
refers to the presence of blood in the tympanic cavity of the middle ear. Hemotympanum is often the result of basilar skull fracture
Skin PE for hyperthyroidism?
Moist, warm, silky skin along with fine, silky hair are common
check for fingernail separation from nail bed
Battle's sign
mastoid bruising
Heart PE for hyperthyroidism?
hyperdynamic chest or flow murmur?
irregular rate suggests Afib
Hyperthyroidism PE? p 193
HEENT, heart, skin, neuro
HEENT: diplopia, lid lag / proptosis
tongue tremor?fasciculations?
enlargement of thyroid / palpable nodules
thyroid bruits?
Neuro check for headache consists of?
CN, visual fields, motor and sensory exams, cerebellar deficits, alternating hands, finger to nose and gait
Basilar skull fracture can be suggested by?
hemotympanum, Battle's sign, raccoon eyes, clear otorrhea or rhinorrhea
Papilledema suggests?
Increased ICP
Signs of meningitis?
Nuchal rigidity Brudzinski
You may see unequal pupils with what type of headache?
cluster , ICP
General, Chest, Abdomen
General:note obesity and if jaundice?
Chest: auscultate chest for RL lobe pnuemonia?
Abdomen: epigastric or RUQ tenderness, rebound, or guarding? Murphy's sign?Charcot's triad? Palpable gallbladder may indicate cancer.
Ascending cholangitis is caused by bacteria, and causes pain, jaundice, and fever. The bacteria usually originate from a preceding choledocholithiasis.
Cardio, Lungs, Musco
General: May be anxious or have a flat affect
Musculoskeletal: tenderness by digital palpation over 18 paired trigger points
Eye proptosis is a condition resulting in forward displacement and entrapment of the eye from behind by the eyelids. The condition is also known as eye dislocation and eye luxation/ Exophthalmos
infiltration of the skin by mucopolysaccharides, givnig it a waxy or coarsened appearance. Myxedematous skin is seen part in pts with hypothyroidism
pretibial myxedema of the anterior sufface of the legs folloing hyperthyroidism and exopthalmos
is an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth.
What are the 18 paired trigger points for palpation for musculo tenderness for fibromyalgia?
B/L suboccipital muscle insertion
Angular cheilitis (also called cheilosis or angular stomatitis) is an inflammatory lesion at the labial commissure, or corner of the mouth, and often occurs bilaterally. The condition manifests as deep cracks or splits. In severe cases, the splits can bleed when the mouth is opened and shallow ulcers or a crust may form.
General: Pt may be ill appearing
Urogenital:Check testicles
Testicular or epididymal tenderness with palpatio may be present. Phren's test, Inguinal lymph nodes, Urethral discharge , eval external genitals for lesions Rectal: DRE
inflammation or infection of the tongue. It causes the tongue to swell and change color. Finger-like projections on the surface of the tongue (papillae) may be lost, causing the tongue to appear smooth.
strong involuntary effort to vomit.
May precede vomitting
Plummer Vinson syndrome?
(aka Paterson-Brown-Kelly syndrome).
conditon which may have upper esophageal web, iron deficiency anemia, glossitis, and cheilosis
vomiting of blood
Basophilic stippling?
observation found when observing a blood film, where erythrocytes display small dots at the periphery. Dots represent accumulations of rRNA and are always pathological.Assoc w/ conditions like: Sideroblastic anemia, Lead poisoning,
Beta thalassemia,
Megaloblastic anemia.
Peritoneal signs?
rebound, guarding, hypoactive BS
is a form of iron overload disorder resulting in the accumulation of hemosiderin.
Pict of kidney cells with hemosiderin
What can cause haemosiderosis?
Hemosiderin deposition in the lungs is often seen after diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, which occurs in diseases such as Goodpasture's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, and idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis. Mitral stenosis can also lead to pulmonary hemosiderosis.
Caput medusae ?
Caput medusae is the appearance of distended and engorged paraumbilical veins, which are seen radiating from the umbilicus across the abdomen to join systemic veins.
Assoc with portal htn
engorgement; an excess of blood in a part.
is a deposition of yellowish cholesterol-rich material in tendons or other body parts in various disease states
Location of mc burney's point?
McBurney's point is the name given to the point over the right side of the abdomen that is one-third of the distance from the ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) to the umbilicus (the belly button). This point roughly corresponds to the most common location of the base of the appendix where it is attached to the cecum.
fluent aphasia (Wernicke’s) and non-fluent (Broca’s aphasia).
is a loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss.
problem with word finding. Impaired recall of words with no impairment of comprehension or the capacity to repeat the words.
Broca’s aphasia
People with Broca’s aphasia typically understand the speech of others fairly well. often aware of their difficulties and can become easily frustrated. People with Broca’s aphasia often have right-sided weakness or paralysis of the arm and leg because the frontal lobe is also important for motor movements.
Apraxia: inability to execute a voluntary movement despite being able to demonstrate normal muscle function.
Complications of Choledocholithiasis?
This obstruction may leads to jaundice, elevation in alkaline phosphatase, increase in conjugated bilirubin in the blood and increase in cholesterol in the blood. It can also cause acute pancreatitis and ascending cholangitis.
Hallpike manuever?
An abnormal test result means that you had vertigo or nystagmus during the test. It is likely that the vertigo is caused by an inner ear or brain problem, depending on the way you reacted to the test. Central vertigo is caused by a problem inside the brain, and peripheral vertigo is caused by a problem with the inner ear or the nerve leaving the inner ear.
Metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed with what criteria's met?
at least 3
Central obesity 9Men waist >40", women waist >35")
Low HDL men<40 mg
Women<50 mg/dl
Hypertension>/= 130/85
fasting glucsoe impairment>/=110 mg/dl
Adenitis is a general term for an inflammation of a gland[1] or lymph node.
Pharyngitis/ Tonsillitis PE?
HEENT, Neck, Skin
Pharyngitis/ Tonsillitis PE for HEENT?
Palatal petechiae, beefy red tonsillar appearance, exuddates and a strawberry tongue.
vesicles r ulcerations on the oral mucosa can be present in herpes and coxsackie infections
unilateral soft palate swelling with displacement of uvula is evident in peritonsillar abcess
Pharyngitis/ Tonsillitis PE for Neck?
cervical adenitis
auscultate to chek for stridor, which can be present in H influ
Pastia's lines?
Pastia's lines can also be found in scarlet fever.
Pharyngitis/ Tonsillitis PE for Skin?
Inspect for the presence of a sandpaper rash (which arises from the toxin of group A strep)
Linear petchiae on the body folds of the neck, groin, acilla, antecubital fossa, and popliteal fossa called Pastia's lines can also be found in scarlet fever.
Inspect palms and soles for vsicles when coxsackie infect is suspected.
orbital cellulitis
eyes for periorbital swelling, erythema and restriction of extraocular movements
Sinusitis PE?
Palpate for tenderness of frontal & Maxillary sinuses
opacity of te affected sinus on transillumination
nasal polyp or diviated nasal septum
swollen turbinates with purulent yellow or green discharge
oropharynx may have cobblestoing or visible steaks of mucopurulent discharge (Post Nasal Drip)
Inspect the eyes for periorbital swelling, erythema and restriction of extraocular movements (orbital cellulitis)
Urinary Inct PE?
Abdomen, Pelvic, Rectal, Neuro
Urinary Inct PE for abdomen?
suprapubic tenderness?
Urinary Inct PE for pelvis?
atrophy of urethra or vaginal rugae may be seen in menopausal women
assess pelvic floor muscle strenght and check for cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse
check for leakage of urine during valsalva's maneuver
Urinary Inct PE for rectal?
perform DRE and check for enlarged (BPH), boggy or tender (prostatis) prostate?
Stool impaction?
Assess sphincter tone: may bebe decreased in spinal cord injury
Urinary Inct PE for neuro?
Examine lower extemity senasation, strength and reflexes (anal wink)
Perform minimental status exam to assess for possible dementia
PE for UTI?
Abdomen, Back, GU, Rectal
PE of ab and back for UTI?
Abdomen: check for surgical scars and suprapubic tenderness
Back: Palpate for CVAT
For subjective data, what is dysuria,
-burning in urin(as with acute cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis)
– diminished quantity(<400ml/24h)
–pus with urin
Prostatitis/ Epididymitis PE?
check testicles
testicular or epididymal tenderness with palpation may be present
+Prehn's test
examine inguinal lymph nodes
check for urethral discharge
eval external genitals for lesions
Rectal DRE for enlargement, tenderness or bogginess of the prostate
+Prehn's test
reduced testicular pain with elevation of scrotum above symphysis in epididymitis (in torsion, there is incereased pain)
It is elicited by performing the psoas test by passively extending the thigh of a patient lying on their side with knees extended, or asking the patient to actively flex their thigh at the hip? medical sign that indicates irritation to the iliopsoas group of hip flexors in the abdomen, and consequently indicates that the inflamed appendix is retrocaecal in orientation (as the iliopsoas muscle is retroperitoneal).
Psoas sign
Coxsackie infection?
Hand foot and mouth dx (viral)
Type A viruses cause herpangina (painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, feet, or in all these areas).
It usually occurs in children (age 10 and under), but adults can also develop the condition. Type A also causes conjunctivitis
Type B viruses cause epidemic pleurodynia (fever, lung, and abdominal pain with headache that lasts about two to 12 days and resolves). Pleurodynia is also termed Bornholm disease. ).
Both types of viruses (A and B) can cause meningitis, myocarditis, and pericarditis, but these occur infrequently
herpangina (painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, feet, or in all these areas).
(inflammation of the eyelids and white area of the eye).
term for spoon nails?
What are the requirements for fed court diversity jurisdiction
1. action between citizens of different states or a citizen of a state and a citizen of a foreign country (alienage)
2. amount in controversy exceeds $75000
Most frequent signs of DM?
polydypsia (excessive thirst)
Go over requirements of DM?
5 signs of acute arterial occlusion? p 523
5 P's
presence of gallstones in the common bile duct. This condition causes jaundice and liver cell damage, and is a medical emergency, requiring the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure or surgical treatment.
ABI results p 523
<0.5 severe dx
0.5-0.89 significant arterial occlusive dx, exercise claudication
1.0-1.1 WNL
cutaneious or subcutaneous papules, plaques, or nodules that may develop in the tendons, extensor surfaces of the extremities, buttocks, knees, skin folds, scars and eyelids
What is the difference in how gastroenteritis and appendicitis presents on
In appendicitis, pain typically presents before vomiting, the reverse being true in acute gastroenteritis.
Hallpike exam elcites?
Nystagmus or vertigo