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132 Cards in this Set

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____ also know as "Erik the Red" was among the first people sailing west and discovering _______, _______, and the New World.
Leif Erikson
_________ were spanish conquerors sent by the king to claim lands in the New World.
______ conquered the Incas in Peru.
______ explored the southwest United states as he was looking for the 7 Cities of Gold. He route later became the ____
Santa Fe Trail
_____ conquered the Aztec empire.
_____ __ _______ explored Florida.
Ponce de Leon
The _______ _______ is the imaginary route over the top of North America to the Pacific Ocean.
Northwest Passage
______ discovered the Pacific Ocean.
______ discovered the Grand Banks
______ claimed land around the St. Lawerence RIver.
The ___ ______ was the continents discovered between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
New World
_____ sailed around the tip of Africa.
Queen _____ financed Columbus' voyages to the New World.
The man given credit for discovering America is ______.
The first man to sail around the world was _______.
The first to sail around Africa to get to the spice trading lands was _______.
The English colony that mysteriously disappeared was _____ ___ and it was founded by by ___ ____ ____.
Roanoke Island
Sir Walter Raleigh
The _____ _____ was thought to be the water route through North America.
Northwest Passage
____ ______ explored the Hudson River for Holland.
Henry Hudson
The first successful English colony in America ________. It was founded as a _____ _____ to make a _____.
trading post
Captain ____ _____ was the leader of JAmestown.
John Smith
The _______ were the Native Americans that helped colonists at Jamestown.
People that came to North America and had to work off the price of their trip were called ______ _______.
Indentured servants
___ _____ brought tobacco to Virginia as a cash crop.
John Rolf
The _____ of _______ was the law making body of Virginia.
House of Burgesses
English colonists that came to Plymouth to find religious freedom were called ________ who had separated from the Church of England.
The _________ was the ship that brought the Pilgrims to North America.
The _____ _______ was a list fo rules that the pilgrims agreed to live by.
Mayflower Compact
______ was a Native American that helped the Pilgrims get started.
The ______ came to North America to purify the Church of England.
The ___ ____ colonies were the northernmost English colonies in America made up of Massachusettes, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
New England
The ___ _____ were just south of the New England. They included New York, Pennsylvannia, New Jersey, and Delaware.
Middle Colonies
The _____ _______ were the southermost English colonies made up of Maryland, Virginia, Carolinas, and Georgia.
Southern Colonies
____ _____ was the business of buying and selling people for profit.
Slave trade
______ _____ _______ was trade between English colonies, Africa, and England.
Triangular Trade Route
______ were very large farms in the south tha grew cash crops.
The rugged land between the Atlantic coast and the Appalachian Mountains was called the ________.
__ _______ was Spain's first colony in what is now the US. Stone walls were built around it to ____ from attacks.
St. Augustine
A religious settlement where missionaries lived and worked was a ______.
________ founded a trading post called Quebec.
The war between the Britain and France with the help of the Indians was the _____ and ______ ____.
French and Indian War
The _________ _____ of ______ gave all land east of the Appalachian Mountains to the colonists. Lands west were set aside for the Native Americans.
Proclamation Line of 1763
______ explored the south central part of the US
De Soto
______________ something is to stop buying or using something as a means of protest
___________________ involved dumping British Tea into Boston Harbor.
Boston Tea Party
________ ____ were laws and taxes passes as punishment for the Boston Tea Party.
Intolerable Acts
_________ _________ wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson
______ _____ was the second president of the United States.
John Adams
_________ _________ was the patriot who said "Give Me liberty of Give me death".
Patrick Henry.
____ ____ formed the Sons of Liberty.
Samuel Adams
______ __________ was killed in the Boston Massacre.
Crispus Attuckes
____ ______ was the wife of John Adams.
Abigail Adams
_____ ______ signed the Declaration of Independence large enough for the King of England to see without his glasses.
John Hancock
____ _____ warned the British were coming.
Paul Revere
_______ ________ wrote the book ___________ __________.
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
German mercenaries from Hesses were ___________.
People who favored splitting with Britain in the Revoluationary War were ___________.
____________ were people who favored staying a British colony.
_____ _____________ was famous for saying, "I have but one life to lose for my country"
Nathan Hale
_______ was the site where Washington crossed the Delaware and captured a Hessian fort.
___________ was a french man who came to America to help the Patriots fight.
___ _____ trained the Continental Army in European battle techniques.
Von Stuben
____ ____ ____ kept the British busy in the South.
George Rogers Clark
____ ____ ____ was a naval hero in the Revoulationary War.
John Paul Jones
____ ____ was a famous traitor in the American Revolution.
Benedict Arnold
______ __________ was also known as the "Swamp Fox"
Francis Marion
The commander of the British forces was __________ _________.
General Cornwallis
_______ __________ was commander in chief of the Continental Army.
George Washington
The last battle of the American Revolution took place in __________.
The _______ __ _______ finalized the Revolutionary War.
Treaty of Paris
The __________ __ __________ was the frist form on national government in the US
Articles of Confereration
The ____________ __________ was a law passed by COPngress in 1787 organizing Northwest Teritories for settlement and statehood.
Northwest Ordinance
________ __________ insisted on adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
George Mason
The Virginia Plan vs. the New Jersey Plan for representation became known as the __________ __________.
Great Compromises
Wilderness road was founded by ___________ _________.
Daniel Boone.
An ___________ is a change to the Constitution.
The __________ __________ is the law making part of the government with the power to raise money needed to run the government
Legislative Branch
The _______ ________ is a system of government in which powers are shared between _______ and _____ governments.
Federal System
The _______ _________ is part of the government headed by the President that carries out all laws.
Executive Branch
The _________ ___ ______________ is the house of Congress in which each state is represented according to population.
House of Representatives
_______ ___ _______ refers to a system in which the powers of each branch of government is balanced by powers of another branch.
Checks and Balances
The _________ _________ is the part of a government that interprets the meaning of laws.
Judicial Branch
The ___________ is the house of Congress in which each state has an equal number of representation.
__________ refers to refusing to approve something.
The ________ ________ through the Appalachian Mountains that led to Kentucky.
Wilderness Road
The land bought from the French that doubled the size of the US was the ______ ________.
Lousiana Purchase
__________ and _________ were explorers sent by President Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
Lewis and Clark
_____________ helped Lewis and Clark on their journey through the Louisana Purchase.
________ ______ was the grandson of an indentured servant who became an important writer, inventor, and politician in US history.
Benjamin Franklin
A major route between New Mexico and Mexico was _______ _____.
El Camino Road
___ ____ was land claimed by France along the St. Lawerence River and the Great Lakes.
New France
________ and ________ set out together to find the Mississippi River.
Marquette and Joliet
________ ______ claimed land along the Mississippi River for France.
Robert La Salle
The ____ __ _____ was the far fought that showed the world that the US had the ability to wage war.
War of 1812
______ ______ saved George WAshington's portrait and other documents while the British were burning Washington during the War of 1812.
Dolly Madison
_____ ___ ____ wrote the "Star SPangled Banner"
Francis Scott Key
The _____ _____ states that the US opposed any further expansion or colonization in Latin America.
Monroe Doctrine
_____ _____ was the first president elected by the common man.
Andrew Jackson
The Cherokee alphabet was written by ______.
The _____ ____ ____ removed all Indians east of the Mississippi RIver to Indian Territory.
Indian Removal Acts
The _____ ____ was the time in American history when machines and factories began mass production of goods.
Industrial Revolution
____ ____ was the English immigrant who was responsible for building the first factory in the US
Samuel Slater
_____ ______ built the cotton gin and introduced the idea of interchangeable parts.
Eli Whitney
The machine that removed seeds from cotton as called a ______ ____.
cotton gin
The _____ ______ was an engine run by steam that allowed boats to go upriver and locomotive to pull great loads.
steam engine
The canal that connected Lake Erie with the Hudson River was the _____ ____.
Erie Canel
The ______ was where a battle in Texas was fought in an old Spanish mission, and all of the men were killed.
The ______ ____ was the war fought over the boundary of the US and Mexico that established our Souther border.
Mexican War
The ______ ______ was compromised land obtained from the British in 1846.
Oregon Territory
The ____ ____ was the wagon trail leading to Oregon.
Oregon Trail
The ______ were a religious group led by Brigham Young that settled in Utah.
_____ _____ was a name given to people who rushed to mine gold int he great gold rush of 1849 in California.
Forty Niners
People who opposed slavery were called _______.
The ______ _______ was a series of secret routes that excaping slaves could follow to freedom.
Harriet Tubman
The imaginary line from east to west through the Louisana Purchase that established a border between the slave and free states was a result of the ______ ______
Missouri Compromise
______ _____ _____ wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin to protest unfair slave laws.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The _____ _____ court decsion established slaves were property.
Dred Scott
_______ was elected to the presidency in 1860, and oversaw the Civil War.
The ______ ____ ___ _______ seceded from the Union and established their own constitution, and elected their own president Jefferson Davis.
Confederate States of America
____ _____ was the battle fought in Charleston, South Carolina that began in Civil War.
Fort Sumter
The _____ ____ was the war between the Northern and Southern states.
Civil War
The _____ __ _____ was the name given to the trail that the Indian Nations took to Indian Territory.
Trail of Tears
The ______ _____ was a series of secret routes that escaping slaves could follow to freedom.
Underground Railroad
______ _ _____ was the commander of the southern army.
Robert E Lee
_______ and ________ was the first battle of ironclad ships.
Monitor and Merrimack
The ________ _______ set slaves free.
Emancipation Proclamation
_______ __ _______ was the commander of the Union forces at the end of the Civil War.
Ulysses S. Grant
____________ was the turning point of the Civil War for the north.
The __________ ___________ was the speech given by Lincoln to commemorate the cemetry at Gettysburg.
Gettysburg Address
__________ _________ was the place of surrender where General Lee and General Grant signed the surrender of the Confederate soldiers.
Appomattox Courthouse
_____________ was the plan for rebuilding the South.
____________ is the separation of people by race.