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41 Cards in this Set

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'When normal behaviour is judged from a male standard' is a definition of...


Ignoring or minimises the differences between the sexes...

Beta bias

Who accused Kohlberg of gender bias in his moral development theory?


Presenting gender differences as fixed in nature and inevitable is known as...


Theories that suggest real and enduring differences between men and women may be...

Alpha bias

'Any underlying characteristic of human beings that is capable of being applied to all, despite differences of experience and upbringing' is a description of...


The idea that social norms and values can only be understood within that society is...

Cultural relativism

Critics have argued that Ainsworth's ideal attachment type is an example of...

Imposed etic

A belief in the superiority of one's own cultural group is best described as...


Takano and Osaka (1999) found no evidence of...

The distinction between collectivism and individualism

The psychologist that drew distinction between emic and etic approaches is called...


Brain fag is an example of...

Culture-bound disorder

Which is not a form of determinism?






Which form of determinism was proposed by William James and underpins the cognitive approach?

Soft determinism

Which legal principle recognises that perpetrators of crime may not always be acting under their own free will?

Diminished responsibility

Free will is a principle at the heart of whose approach to therapy?

Carl Rogers

Which form of determinism is most associated with Sigmund Freud?


An alternative term for determinism...


The nurture-nature debate is sometimes referred to as...

Heredity vs Environment

Which of the following would most closely associated with a nativist approach in the nature-nurture debate?

▪Cognitive approach

▪Behaviourist approach

▪Social Learning approach

▪Biological approach

Biological approach

Which of the following is not part of Scarr and McCartney's gene-environment interaction model?

▪Provocative interaction

▪Passive interaction

▪Evocative interaction

▪Active interaction

Provocative interaction

The philosopher John Locke was best described as...

An empiricist

Which of the following is not one of Lerner's levels of the environment?

▪Child's genetic make up

▪Mother's physical state during pregnancy

▪Social conditions of the child's upbringing

▪Historical content the child is part of

Child's genetic make up

'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' is a quote associated with...

Gestalt psychologists

Stimulus-response learning is a good example of...

Environmental reductionism

Which of the following explanations of OCD would illustrate the neurochemical level?

▪Most people would regard behaviour as odd or irrational

▪The experience of obsessive thoughts

▪Overactivity of the basal ganglia

▪Underproduction of serotonin

Underproduction of serotonin

According to the hierarchy of science, which is the most reductionist?


Reductionism is based on the scientific principle of...


Which of the following advocates a holistic view of human behaviour?

▪Cognitive approach

▪Behaviourist approach

▪Biological approach

▪Humanistic approach


Which of the following would be the most closely associated with the nomothetic approach?


▪ Case studies

▪Unstructured interviews

▪Qualitative data


Which of the following would not be associated with the nomothetic approach?

▪Humanistic approach

Biological approach

▪Behaviourist approach

▪Cognitive approach

Humanistic approach

Which of the following would be associated with the idiographic approach?

Classifying people into groups

Establishing principles of behaviour in general

Describing unusual individuals in detail

Establishing dimensions along which people can be compared

Describing unusual individuals in detail

Which of the following is the best example of the idiographic approach?

▪Miller's law of STM

▪Freud's study of Little Hans

▪Behaviourist laws of learning

▪IS testing

Freud's study of Little Hans

The idiographic approach is likely to produce...

Qualitative data

Idiographic is derived from the Greek word 'idios' which means...

Private and personal

Which of the following is not a concern of socially sensitive research identified by Sieber and Stanley?


▪Public policy


▪The scale of the research, e.g. sample size

The scale of the research

Cyril Burt's research led to the introduction of the....

11+ exam

In the 1920's and 30's, US states enacted legislation to try to control numbers of the...


Which of the following was not a group deemed to be 'feeble-minded' in some US states in the q920s?

The elderly

In the 1950s, advertising companies tried to influence consumers using...

Subliminal messages

Socially sensitive areas of research are sometimes referred to as...

Taboo topics