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41 Cards in this Set

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Gmaw normally uses what kind of current

Direct current electrode positive

When using DCEP power source is a _________ machine and the wire feed unit is a _________ type

Constant voltage

Constant speed

In GMAW-P, the welding amperage levels rise and fall at an extremely fast, regular rate, called

Pulses per second

What does adaptive synergic mean

One control with the ability to adapt to changing arc conditions

What does having a higher current density mean

It concentrates more current at one point

Gmaw can be used to weld virtually All Metals except those that cannot be drawn into wire. What metal is it

Cast iron, could not be formed into wire because it has such low malleability

When using GMAW-P what kind of gas do you want to use

Operate more efficiently using a 75% or higher argon gas mix

FCAW uses what kind of filler wire

Tubular electrode wire with powdered flux inside

Fcaw is especially well-suited for welding what kind of metals and what kind of applications

Low carbon structural Steals and low alloy and stainless steels. It's also widely used for hardfacing applications

With fcaw deep penetration reduces the need for

Edge preparation

The main disadvantage fcaw is it limited application. What kind of metals can be welded

Low and medium carbon Steels, some low alloy Steels and a limited number of stainless steel

In metal cored arc welding what kind of filler metal wire is used

Tubular that has no fluxing ingredients inside instead the wires filled with powdered metal

When using metal cored arc welding what kind of gas do you usually use

Argon rich shielding gases

One of the main advantages of metal cored arc welding is its excellent __________. Lack of ________ or ________ _________ is rare



Cold lap

One main advantage of the fcaw process over the gmaw process is

Fast deposition rate

Which process has the highest deposition efficiency


The addition of silicon to MCAW filler metal wire helps to reduce the possibility of


The recommended welding current for saw is

Constant voltage direct current electrode positive

Which welding current is used for saw when Arc blow is a problem

Constant voltage alternating current

The sliding, scraping type of where the removes metal by gouging or grinding is called


Hounding, battering type of where that splits, breaks, chips, mushrooms or otherwise deforms the metal surface is called

Impact wear

Which hard surfacing material is the most abrasion resistant

Tungsten carbide

To reduce falling, cracking in Distortion you must control

The cooling rate

What refers to the breaking away of metal particles from the base metal or underlying hard surfacing layers


An effective way to slow the cooling rate is by


A method of relieving internal stresses, especially in large Parts, is by each layer during Cooling


One way to control dilution is to

Use low current settings

What hard surfacing pattern is suited to resisting impact wear

Dot pattern

What hard surfacing pattern protects the base metal by trapping dirt and sand

Waffle pattern

Solid build up is often used on

Latch pins

What hard surfacing material combines good impact resistance with good abrasion resistance and is work hardable

Austenitic manganese Steel

What hard surfacing material is especially good at resisting corrosive wear and is good choice for lime kiln augurs

Non-ferrous chromium carbide

Which mode of metal transfer is most often used in gmaw aluminum

spray transfer

When metal arc welding aluminum, you always use what kind of technique

The pushing technique

When you gas metal Arc weld aluminum in the vertical position, your direction of travel should be


Which current is used for gmaw on aluminum

Direct current electrode positive

On thick aluminum plate, which shielding gas mixtures are often used with gmaw

Argon and helium

Hot shortness a particular problem with aluminum is defined as

Loss of tensile strength as metal approaches melting temperature

Aluminum filler wire for gmaw should be stored in

A clean, dry area

The problem of cracking in holes resulting from pot shortness can be averted by

Providing support for the weld puddle

Why is the pushing technique always used for gmaw on aluminum

To ensure the shielding gas adequately protects the weld puddle