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14 Cards in this Set

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An exact statement what a word exactly means

* verb form: define sth

1. What is the definition of this word?

2. Could you define this word for me?

Avoid doing sth

If you avoid doing sth, you try not to do that.

* avoid is gerund: avoid taking not avoid to talk.

1. Please avoid talking to him when he is angry.


A group of words that comes to gether to form a new meaning that is different from the meaning of individual words


Items in list

Provide sth (v)

Make sth available for someone, give sth to someone

Provide comes with "with".

Structure: Provide sb with sth

1. He provides me with his book.

For instance

For example

Slang (n)

Very informal than idiom.

Offensive (adj)

Sth that make you sad because it's not in polite way and is rude

* verb form: offend sb

* collocates: offensive comment/ content/ behavior/ gesture

* collocates: offend by sb/sth, offend at sb's action

1. My boss talked to me with offensive words.

2. You shold not have offensive behavior with your parents.

3. I'm affended by what you said.


Sign, letter, number


Part of a word

Relate sth to sth

Connect sth to sth.

* adj form: related

1. I cannot relate these two idias.

2. Why are you trying to relate you bad score to some other thing?

3. How these two are related to each other?

Build sth

Make sth bigger, increase sth

1. You need to build your vocabulary.

Select sth (v)

Choose sth (select is more formal),

* noun form: selection

1. It's hard to select which one is better.

Emphasize sth

Put stress on sth,

* noun: emphasis

Note: verb form "emphasize" do not take any preposition. "Emphasize on" is wrong, but we can (have to) use preposition "on" with noun form like "emphasis on".

1. Do not emphasize it too much.

2. Do not put emphasis on it too much.