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16 Cards in this Set

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Many teachers w/students w/autism (PDD) use the TEACCH curriculum. At the preschool level, what does the application of this curriculum look like?

TEACHH involves having children learn independently or in "small groups" with an emphasis on structuring the the environment to develop communication skills, fine-motor, gross-motor, and self-help skills.

What would be some negative choices regarding the previous question that would be frustrating for children like this?

Large groups, unstructured environments

If you had a group of young people with depression and you were going to use a sensorimotor approach, what would be a good opening activity?

Surprisingly to me, passing around items w/various textures (hence sensorimotor) and this is relevant to depressed individuals because: Using sensory stimuli such as touch helps arouse an individuals attention, individuals w/depression have difficulty with initiating a physical activity which is why you wouldn't start the session with something like jumping jacks or throwing a ball.

Therapeutic activities to be avoided with children who have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

Avoid resistive materials, always use techniques for joint protection and energy conservation.

What population would you want to avoid the therapeutic activity of light touch with?

Those with tactile defensiveness, no crap huh?

What population would you want to avoid the therapeutic activity of vestibular activities with?

Don't use vestibular activities w/children who are prone to seizures

What population would you want to avoid a therapeutic activity that could increase above normal body temperature with?

Children with multiple sclerosis because high temperatures = bad for those with MS

Food for thought if you had a person with schizophrenia and who was quite intelligent, what would be an appropriate activity to engage them?

Complex model airplane project would be correct, chess would seem like a good choice but it's not because competitive activities can frustrate a person like this. Self-reflection activities are also not advised because this can of course stir up unpleasant thoughts and memories.

Of the following individuals, which would be most appropriate for a wrist driven hinge splint: C1-C3 injury, C6, or T1?

C6 is the answer. C1-C3 can't use it and T1 doesn't need it.

When you think of the Behavioral Frame of Reference what words should you associate with it?

observable analysis, measurable outcomes, and reinforcement of desired skills/behaviors.

To inhibit tone in a child's hands with CP, why would weight bearing over a small bolster in prone be appropriate?

Weight bearing on arms can inhibit tone which results in decreases the tone in the child's hands which prepares there hands for fine motor activities, got to decrease the tone before starting the fine motor activities like stacking blocks.

Why would a scooter board be an appropriate choice for exploratory play with a person who has a neuromotor impairment ie: Spina Bifida

Because typically a person with spina bifida has enough UE strength to propel a scooter board (with LE supported on board) and kids with spina bifida also have the cognitive and sensory awareness to negotiate the scooter around.

What is Macrame????? This word kept coming up in questions like I'm supposed to know what the heck it is, I must be the only person who has never heard of it. I think it was invented during the same era when blood-letting was considered a cure for illnesses.

Macrame is an ancient craft of knotting in geometric patterns to create a host of creative arts; from jewelry ...an apparently OT's force people to do it. But you can use different thicknesses of the rope/cord and that's what you need to know. Thinner cord easier to use, thicker-more difficult, coarse, smooth, whatever.

Persons arm's in a cast, they want to exercise it, what is okay to do?

Isometric muscle contractions - muscle contractions w/out joint movement or muscle length.

From Latin isus, "equal," and -metria, "measuring."

Isotonic exercises, does the muscle move or remain still?

Isotonic exercises the muscle moves

"Tone/o" Latin means "to stretch"

Most appropriate splint for a low-level ulnar nerve injury and why:

One that prevents hyper-extension of the MCP joints and allows MCP flexion. Remember ulnar nerve injury = weak grip, so you don't want the extrinsic muscles to dominate that's why you block hyper-extension.