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25 Cards in this Set

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Oral lesions below mucosal surface

Ulcers, erosion of soft tissue, abcess, cysts

Leaions above mucosal surface

Blisters (vestiles), pustules, hematoma, plaque

Lesions even with mucosal surface

Bruising (ecchymosis)

Raised and flat lesions

Nodules, granuloma (periaptic/gingival), tumors (neoplasms- benign or malignant)

Leukoplakia (disease of soft tissue)

"White patch", little to no pain (unless there is ulceration or infection), cannot be removed by scraping, caused by chronic irritation from cheek biting, tobacco, or misfitting dentures, could lead to a malignant lesion- important to diagnose/treat early

Lichen planus- disease of the soft tissue

Benign chronic disease of skin and oral mucosa, characterized by patchy white lesions in circular patterns connected by lines (Wickham's striae), erosive lesions on gingiva worsened by stress

Candidiasis- disease of the soft tissue

Superficial infection caused by yeast-like bacteria (candidae albicans), caused by antibiotics, diabetes, xerostomia, or autoimmune deficiency (evidence that the patient may have AIDS), causes discomfort, pain, bad breath (halitosis), and loss of taste (dysgeusia)

Pseudomembranous Candidiasis- disease of the soft tissue

AKA "thrush". Characterized by creamy white plaques. Hyperplastic= often on buccal mucosa and cannot be scraped, often evident in patients with HIV

Atrophic= characterized by smooth red tongue, occurs as side effect of antibiotics, mouth feels burned

Perscribe antifungal- should resolve in 2-3 days

Apthous ulcers- disease of the soft tissue

AKA "canker sore". Characterized by oral mucosal ulceration.

RAU= recurring blisters in mouth and on lips

Minor RAU (7-10 days healing time) affects 90% of cases

Major RAU affects 10% of cases and is characterized by deeper ulcerations

Treat with topical anesthetic for pain management and drugs to promote healing

Cellulitis- disease of the soft tissue

Uncontrolled inflammation in localized area often caused by oral infection. Causes swellung, high fever, red skin, throbbing. Can cause optic nerve and brain damage if not treated quickly.

Black Hairy Tongue- condition of the tongue

Side effect of antibiotics, causes extended papillae on tongue that get easily stained by tobacco and food

Geographic tongue

Loss of filiform papillae on tongue resulting in irregular shaped patterns on the tongue. Affects 1-3% of the population, can happen at any age, most often in women

Fissured Tongue- condition of the tongue

Can be caused by vitamin deficiency or injury, one set cause is unknown. Food and debris can be caught in lesions and cause irritation. Brush gently. No known treatment available

Pernicious Anemia

Body is unable to absorb vitamin b12 and results in pallor, weakness, loss of papillae (tongue is sensitive and feels like burning sensation), diarrhea, abdominal paiin, and loss of appetite. Associated with angular cheilitis (red ulcerations at labial commisures)


Abnormally small teeth


Abnormally large teeth


Abnotmally small jaws


Abnormally large jaws


"Tongue-tie"- lingual frenum is shortened, making in hard to speak

Torus palatinus

Bony growths on hard palate


Dry mouth


absence of teeth- hereditary

Supernumerary teeth

extra tooth/teeth- hereditary

Twinning- division of tooth bud, usually forms a mirror image of the adjacent tooth

dens in dente

"Tooth in a tooth" enamel and dentin mass within the pulp of an existing tooth

Amelogenesis imperfecta

defective enamel formation, results in yellowish appearance of teeth, weakness and sensitivity

Hypocalcification- incomplete hardening of the enamel