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51 Cards in this Set

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Who developed lieder

Franz Peter Schubert

When was Franz Peter Schubert born?

January 31 1797

What word is lieder from

A german word for song

Why did schubert develop lieder

To have a powerful dramatic impact on the listeners

He tapped poetry writers like?

Johann Goethe

Considered the last composers of the classical period and one of the first Romantic composers?

Franz Peter Schubert

What were Franz Peter Schubert's vocal works/lieder works?

Gretchen am spinnrade, Erlkoning, ellens gesang III (Ave Maria) and schwanenge sang (swan song). Also wrote piano pieces, string quartets, operetta and the symphony no.8 in B minor (unfinished symphony)

When did Franz Peter Schubert die?

Year 1828 in Vienna, Austria

Where was shubert born

Himmelpfortgrund, Austria

Who was born on October 9, 1813

Giuseppe Verdi

When was Giuseppe Verdi born?

October 9, 1813

Where was Giuseppe born?

Parma, Italy

Where did Giuseppe Verdi study?

Studied at Busseto and later went to milan

What was Giuseppe's first opera?


Where was Verdi's Oberto performed?

La Scala

What were Giuseppe's characters?

Ordinary people

What were Giuseppe's themes?

Serious love with an unhappy ending

He completed how many operas?


What was Giuseppe Verdi's final opera?

All the worlds a joke

What were Giuseppe's much acclaimed works?

La traviata, Rigoletto, Falstaff, Otello, and Aida

When and where did Giuseppe die?

Milan, Italy on January 27, 1901

Belonged to a group of composers who stressed realism

Giacomo Puccini

When and where was Giacomo Puccini born?

Was born in a POOR FAMILY on December 22 1858. In Lucca, Italy

Where did Giacomo Puccini study?

Milan conservatory

What were puccini's famous opera?

La boheme, tosca, madame butterfly, turandot

He introduced new ideas in harmony and in form, including extremes of chromaticism

Wilhelm Richard Wagner

When and where was Willhelm Richard Wagner born?

May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany

Where did Willhelm Richard Wagner attend?

Leipzig University

A new form of opera which wagner called _______________ where musical and dramatic elements were fused together

Music drama

The expressiveness is aided by the use of what?


What were Wagner's famous works?

Tristan and Isolde, Die walkyrie, Die meistersinger, Tannhäuser and Parsifal

What was the cause of Willhelm Richard Wagner's death?

A heart attack

When did wagner die?

February 13, 1883

On what age did wagner die?


Wagner's works would influence modern films including?

Harry potter and Lord of the rings series

He never knew that audiences would come to consider his opera "Carmen" as his masterpiece, who is this

Georges Bizet

What is Georges Bizet Legal name?

Alexandre-Cesar-Leopold Bizet

When and where was Alexandre-Cesar-Leopold Bizet born?

October 25, 1838 in Paris, France

Where did Bizet enter?

Paris Conservatory

What was Alexandre-Cesar-Leopold Bizet's most famous opera?


Where is Carmen first open?

In Paris

When did Bizet die?

June 3, 1875

How old was Bizet when he died ?


Four months later where did "carmen" open?

Vienna, Austria

Were clearly evident in almost all forms of vocal music during the romantic period.

Parallelism of music and literature

Composers interpret what in their music? (4 things)

Poems, mood, atmosphere, and imagery

Musical compositions such as art songs was written for ____________ and ________

Solo voice and piano

Romantic artist found inspiration in what?


What were their subjects? (3)

Traditional myths, legends and folklore

It also usually deals with the?

Supernatural, grotesque and less ordinary

The romantic period require singers to perform what? (3)

Greater range of tone color, dynamic, and pitch