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42 Cards in this Set

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Who are the three main characters of I Samuel?




What was Eli's parenting mistake?

He honored his children more than God

What was the reason Israel want a king to rule?

They wanted to be like the other nations.

What two things did God do to Saul to prepare him to be king?

Turned him into another man, gave him another heart

What did Samuel promise to do after his rule was rejected?

That he would pray for them

What three characteristics make up the believer?

Created Image

Sin Nature


What are Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, and David symbolic of?

Samuel- Holy Spirit

Saul- Old Man

Jonathan- New Man

David- Jesus Christ

What two things does God do for us as He did for Saul?

New man. New heart

What steps do we take toward maturity?

Believe. Trust. Serve. Obey

What are the definitions of Character and Integrity from class?

Character – the distinct qualities of a person; who we are when no one is aroundIntegrity – moral uprightness; what we do when faced with a decision

What were the consequences of each of Saul's two sins?

His kingdom would not continue after him He was removed from being king

What is Jonathan symbolic of?

The new man

What is a good indicator of which man we are living in?

Our relationship with God

What must we do in every sin or failure?

Be filled again with the Holy Spirit

What is honey on the ground?

Special grace given as we walk with Him

What happens when we don't love the Lord with our heart first?

We love Him only in our:Mind in legalismSoul in emotionalismStrength in works

What are the three "I Wills" of David in Psalm 18?

I will love, I will trust, I will call

What is represented by Goliath and the Philistines?

Goliath- Demons

Philistines- spiritual warfare

What do we do when faced with our own personal Goliath?

Remember that the battle is the Lords and run into battle

What does “give no thought” mean in Matthew 6?

Don’t be anxious, distracted, or overly caring of

What did Jonathan give David?

Garments – Rights Sword – Authority Bow – Volition

How did David respond to Saul’s threats?

He behaved himself wisely, allowing God to revenge him

What attribute of God is seen in David’s leadership?


What is promised in the Davidic covenant?

An everlasting kingdom

When are we most vulnerable to Satan’s temptations?

When we neglect the spiritual warfare

How long did each of Israel’s first three kings reign?

40 years

How do we receive wisdom from above?

By the Spirit

Who was the prophet to king Ahab?


What did Elisha ask from Elijah before he was taken?

A double portion of his spirit

In what years did the Northern and Southern kingdoms get destroyed?

Northern – 722 BC Southern – 586 BC

How is the perspective of I & II Chronicles different from the others?

Kings is from a prophets perspective

Chronicles is priest's

Why did God kill Saul?

He did not keep the Word and he inquired of a witch

What event from II Samuel is not found in I Chronicles?

David’s sin with Bathsheba

Who brought the first group of Jews back to Jerusalem?


Which prophets wrote to Israel during the building of the temple?

Haggai Zechariah

What Psalm may have been written by Ezra?

Psalm 119

What book was written between Chapters 6 and 7 of Ezra?


In what ways did Ezra prepare his heart?

By seeking the law of the Lord, doing it, and teaching it

What can we expect when we begin to build spiritual walls?


How do we respond to the opposition?

We build with one hand and fight with the other, and never come down from the wall

Define “Divine Providence”

God’s sovereign control over the universe for the purpose of fulfilling His divine plan.

What Jewish feast is celebrated in remembrance of Esther’s deliverance?
