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60 Cards in this Set

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Odysseus - The protagonist of the Odyssey. Odysseus fought among the other Greek heroes at Troy and now struggles to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Odysseus is the husband of Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. Though a strong and courageous warrior, he is most renowned for his cunning. He is a favorite of the goddess Athena, who often sends him divine aid, but a bitter enemy of Poseidon, who frustrates his journey at every turn
Odysseus’s son.
Wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus
godess of beauty and the arts, assists Odysseus and Telemachus with divine powers
God of the sea, enemy of Odysseus, father of the cyclops, Polyphemus
King of gods and men
The most arrogant of Penelope’s suitors.
suitor who pleas for his life after Antinous is killed
swineheard and friend of Odysseus
The aged and loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemachus when they were babies. is well informed about palace intrigues and serves as confidante to her masters.
The beautiful nymph who falls in love with Odysseus when he lands on her island-home of Ogygia. holds him prisoner there for seven years until Hermes, the messenger god, persuades her to let him go.
One of the Cyclopes (uncivilized one-eyed giants) whose island Odysseus comes to soon after leaving Troy
The beautiful witch-goddess who transforms Odysseus’s crew into swine when he lands on her island
Odysseus’s aging father
A Theban prophet who inhabits the underworld
King of the Phaeacians, who offers Odysseus hospitality in his island kingdom of Scheria. hears the story of Odysseus’s wanderings and provides him with safe passage back to Ithaca.
"strangers who are you and where from?...wandering rogues..ravage other folk by the sea?"
"You are a ninny or else you came from the other end of no where...we care not a whistle fro your thundering zeus...where was it you left your ship?
try some wine...taste it and see the kind of drink we carried under our planks...
What ails you...No man has tricked you, ruined you?
the cyclops'
sweet cousin ram, why lag behind the rest in the night cave?
Puny am I, in a cavemans hands...zeus and the gods have paid you!"
"Why bait the beast again? Leave him alone!"
Odysseus' men
All but stove us in! Give him our bearing with your trumpeting he'll get the rnage and lob a boulder
Odysseus' men
Now comes the weird upon me, spoken of old. A wizard, grand and wonderous...
if i could take your life i would and take your time away and hurl you down to hell! the god of earthquakes could not help you there
O hear me lord blue girdler of the islands if i am thine indeed and tho art father...
dear friends you should know these things circe forsaw for us...
Sweet coupled airs we sing.
No lonely seafarer
Holds clear of entering
Our green mirror.
friends have we never been in danger before this?
Comrades youve gone through everything listen to what i have to say. we'll sacrifice cattle...build temple...
O cruel drowsing in the evil hour here they sat and a great work was contrived
They have killed your kine
O father zeus and gods in bliss forever punish odysseus and his men...restitution or penalty they shall pay in full
Peace Helios shine on among the gods shine over mortals in the fields og rain let me throw down one white hot bolt
"I marvel that they leave this hound to lie here on the dung pile;
he would have been a fine dog, from the look of him,
though I can't say as to his power and speed
when he was young. You find the same good build
in house dogs, table dogs landowners keep
all for style."
A hunter owned him—but the man is dead
in some far place. If this old hound could show
the form he had when Lord Odysseus left him,
going to Troy, you'd see him swift and strong.
He never shrank from any savage thing
he'd brought to bay in the deep woods; on the scent
no other dog kept up with him. Now misery
has him in leash. His owner died abroad,
and here the women slaves will take no care of him.
You know how servants are: without a master
they have no will to labor, or excel.
For Zeus who views the wide world takes away
half the manhood of a man, that day
he goes into captivity and slavery."
god what evil wind blew in this pest?
who cares? who spares anothers food when he has more than plenty?
a pity that you have more looks than heart. you'd grudge a pinch of salt from your own larder to your own handyman
now! you think youll shuffle off and get away with that impudence? Oh no you dont!
one word only my lords and suitors...if beggars interst the gods then may antinous see his death before his wedding day!
enough. eat and be quiet where you are...unless you want these lads to stop your mouth
a poor show that- hitting this famished tramp-bad business if he happened to be a god. You know they go in foreign guise gods do looking like strangers
young suitors who speak out against Antinous
would god you could be hit your self Antinous-hit by Appolo's bowshot!
he and no other? if all we pray for came to pass, not one of them would live til dawn!
Oh Nan, they are a bad lot, they intend to ruin for all of us.
Friend, let me ask you first of all, where do you come from, of what nation were you and your parents born?
But grief instead heaven sent me-years of pain
You see now he is alive and well and headed homeward now...Odysseus will come
A bow lover
Dealer in old bows
Or has an itch to make one for himself.
see how he handles it, the sly old buzzard!
the suitors
the hour has come to cook their lordships mutton-supper by daylight. other amusements later, with song and harping that adorn a feast
So much for that. Your clean cut game is over. Now watch me hit the target no man has hit before if I can make this shot. Help me Appolo.
Foul to shoot at a man...your own throat will be slit...Buzzards will tear your eyes out!
the suitors q
Antinous was the leader he whipped us to do these things...he is dead now...Meanwhile we cannot blame you for your anger
Friends, this man is implacable. Now that he's got his hand on bow and quiver he'll shoot from the big doorstone there til kills us to the last man
Father, let me bring you a shield and spear...Better to have equipment
Run then while I hold them off
Nurse, make up a bed for me to sleep on. Her heart is iron in her breast.
There's our sign! I know no more Could someone else's hand have sawn that trunk and dragged the frame away?