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23 Cards in this Set

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From which germ layer does the urinary and genital systems originate?

Intermediate mesoderm

Give the order of the 3 kidney systems - which one is permanent?

Pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros - metanephros is permanent

What is the main constituent of amniotic fluid before birth?

Dilute urine

How does the foetus get rid of its urine?

Via the placenta and its mother's kidneys

When does the pronephros start to appear and where? When does it regress?

Appears at day 23 in cervical region, regresses at day 25

What is the mesonephric duct?

A solid rod of differentiated intermediate mesoderm that induces the formation of the pro-, meso- and metanephros

How many mesonephroi are there at any one time and why?

About 30 because as caudal ones form, the cranial ones regress

Definitive mesonephroi contain functional nephric units containing what?

Glomeruli, Bowman's capsules, mesonephric tubules, mesonephric ducts

What is the purpose of the pronephros?

We don't have a purpose for it in humans

What is the purpose for the mesonephros?

Temporary urine production from weeks 6 - 10

When does the metanephros start to form?

End of week 4, when mesonephros is functional

How does the ureteric bud form?

A sprout from the mesonephric duct

What mesodermal tissue will give rise to the definitive kidney?

Metanephric blastema

How does metanephric mesenchyme induce ureteric bud formation and kidney organogenesis?

Gdnf (glial-derived neurotrophic factor) acts as a ligand for Ret (a receptor tyrosine kinase) to stimulate ureteric bud formation

When does kidney ascent take place? How does this ascent occur?

Between weeks 6 - 9. The rest of the body grows while the kidneys stay where they are

What force drives urine through the ureters?

Peristaltic contractions

What is PKD?

Polycystic Kidney Disease, where fluid-filled cysts form. Patients will require renal transplant or dialysis

What is the allantois? What does it go on to form?

A small diverticulum of the hindgut. Goes on to form the bladder

What separates the urogenital sinus from the anorectal canal?

Urorectal septum

Which structures form the trigone of the bladder and when do they do this?

The distal mesonephric ducts, between weeks 6 and 8

What is the urachus?

The fibrous remnant of the superior allantois, which goes on to form the median vesico-umbilical ligament

From which week is the metanephric kidney functional? What does it produce?

12 - amniotic fluid

What causes urine become more concentrated after birth?

The lengthening of the loops of Henle