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51 Cards in this Set

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OB HPI focus on what?
types contraception
menstrual hx
+ pregnancy test
sx of pregnancy
Describe the GXpX system and give an example of twins.
G - # pregnancies
P - outcome of pregnancy
=> G1P2 is twins after birth

TPAL system
When this is used drop the P term so G(x)P(tpal)
T- EDD+/-2wks
P- 20wks-36wk6d
A- <20wks
L- Offspring living
What is conjugate diameter
Lower pubic symphysis to sacral promontory
- palpate up & back for sacral promontory (often not felt)
- Not felt then CD > length hand
Lower pubic symphysis to sacral promontory
- palpate up & back for sacral promontory (often not felt)
- Not felt then CD > length hand
What is the approximate location of ischial spine on palpation?
2" into vagina at 4 & 8 O'Clock position
What is transverse diameter?
distance between ischial tuberosities
What questions should be asked for LMP based dating?
-1st day of LMP
(assess integrity of LMP dating)
-Length/variability of menstrual cycles
-Use of OCPs/breast feeding 6mo prior to conception
When and where are we able to 1st hear FHT ?
By fetoscope - 17-20wks
By US - 12wks

typically located midline through wk 28
What are the cut off in wks for trimesters of pregnancy?
1 Tri - 0-12wks (13wk)
2 Tri - 13-28wks (16wk)
3 Tri - 29-39wks (11wk)
What is measured for dating by US in each trimester ?
1 Tri - crown rump length
2 Tri - biparietal diameter or femur length
3 Tri - not helpful accuracy is +/- 3wks
What is used for dating LMP or US?
LMP is used unless >1wk from the US dating. Then dating is based on US
What constitutes referral to high risk OB?
-h/o preterm delivery
-h/o IUFD
-h/o loss betw/ 14-20wks
-multiple gestation
-3rd tri bleeding or placenta previa (>26wks)
-h/o serious medical prob
-h/o DVT or PE
what is the ROUTINE Ob visit schedule?
Q4wks until 28wks
Q2wks until 36wks
Q1wk until birth
What is typical weight gain during pregnancy?
based on pre pregnancy BMI

0.5lb/wk until 28wks
1lb/wk after 28wks
Why are we concerned about massive wt gain near the end of pregnancy ? Like 5lbs/wk.
could be a sign of pregnancy induced HTN
What is the general trend of BP in pregnancy? What values make us concerned?
Drop in 2nd Tri -AND- Rise in 3rd Tri

>140/90 concerns us
>160/110 warrants emergent steps be taken
What should be done is proteinuria is 2+ on a routine visit ?
Repeat with a clean catch midstream sample.
-Culture should be checked if UTI is suspected.
-BP checked to r/o pregnancy induced HTN
What should you do if urine comes back suspect for Glucose ?
Perform 2nd trimester DM screening earlier then normal 24-28wks
How should we assess edema ? Treatment ?
-Seen in 75% of women. No longer in triad for preg induced HTN.
-Sudden onset -OR- >3lb/wk gain suspect dz process
-Sitting legs up/lying down during day (often not practical)
Why is GDM more common late in pregnancy? What was the old days outcome?
-Often 2y to HPL secreetion which is proportional to the wt of the placenta
-Seen in 1-2% pregnancies AND prior to use of Insulin 50% moms died
What is screening for GDM ?
1H GTT - want <140mg/dl
What is dx for GDM ?
Abnormal 3H GTT
Fasting - 105mg/dl
1H - 190mg/dl
2H (drops 25) - 165mg/dl
3H (drops 20) - 145mg/dl
What are the letter/number classifications for GDM ?
A1 - fasting <105mg/dl
A2 - fasting >105mg/dl
B1 - fasting >130mg/dl
B2 - T2DM prior pregnancy
C - DM onset age 10-19
D - DM onset prior age 10 -OR- >20y
F/R/H - w/ nephropathy/retinopathy/heart probs
Relationship of GDM and T2Dm ?
about 50% of GDM will develop T2DM later in life. Recommend screening.
24-28wk screening tests ?
CBC for Hct
-Anemia defined as <11mg/dl in trimesters 1-2 -AND- <10.5 in 3rd trimester
Rh negative mothers when recieve RhoGam ?
28wks given to prevent Hemolytic Disease of Newborn for subsequent Rh+ babies
-Given for any procedure like amniocentesis/post-partum/abortion
Why is Rubella iGG routinely measured ?
Often the German Measls dz is subclinical but may cause cataracts, cardiac defects, deafness in the fetus
What is tx for reducing vertical transmission of HIV ?
14-34wks initiate ZDZ 100mg 5/day + IV during labor + 6wks treat baby
Why screen for HBV ?
Vertical transmission can be decreased.
90% transmission rate when mom + E Ag -AND- S Ag
reduced to 10% with IVIG in newborn -AND- starting HBV vaccines early in child
When and why screen mAFP levels ?
15-20wks gestation
-Higher then expected levels
= open NT defect/ IUFD
= incorrect gestational age
= twins
-Lower then expected
=chromosomal abnormalities (downs syn.)
What is the f/u to abnormal QUAD screen ?
Gestational age/twins confirmation by US
Remains abnormal - amniocentesis + genetic screening + US for anomalies
What is time frame for amniocentesis ?
Performed betw/ 14-18wks
Take 2-3wks culturing to et enough mass for Karyotype analysis
What is CVS ?
Chorionic Villous Sampling
-10-12 wks (earlier then amniocentesis)
- Fetal karyotype ascertained
- Does NOT screen for NT defects
- Slightly higher risk for loss pregnancy/limb reduction abnormalities compared to amniocentesis
What is the indication for a NST ?
Decreased fetal movement after 28wks
What STI's should be screened for? Treatments?
Chlamydia, Gonnorhea - Erythromycin
Metronidazyl after 1st trimester
What Abxs should be avoided in pregnancy?
-Sulfa near birth - displace bilirubin from carrier resulting in kernicterus
-Tetracycline - teeth discoloration
-Nitrofuratoin - worsens hemolytic anemia
What are the signs of labor?
>4ctx/hr with pain for 2H or more
What is round ligament pain?
Tender on lateral aspects Uterus
Roughly correlates to location of round ligament
Tx - tylenol and heating pads
Leg cramps
want to r/o DVT
-unilateral, erythema, painful swelling
Pregnancy circulation obstruction?
Observed during labor but NOT prior to this time. Ok to sleep on your back
What is critical in L&D triage ?
-EGA if >36wks shouldn't be serious
-Presenting complaint
MC are SROM + Contractions
How determine if SROM and f/u questions?
+Fern test
Positive Nitrazine test
+ when pH is 7.1 to 7.4.
90% women have acidic urine (10% FP from urine)
- Ask about quality (meconium/clear)
+Fern test
Positive Nitrazine test
+ when pH is 7.1 to 7.4.
90% women have acidic urine (10% FP from urine)
- Ask about quality (meconium/clear)
What does active labor include?
-Dilation of cervix
What is Friedman's curve?
Not used for detail level but gives sense of progression
Not used for detail level but gives sense of progression
What divides 1st and 2nd stage of labor ?
Complete dilation marks end of the 1st stage and beginning of 2nd stage
How is the 1st stage of labor divided?
Often hard to differentiate in real time. Shift occurs when dilation rate increases. Generally occurs around 4cm
Latent - Cervical change w/ regular ctx
Active - Rapid cervical change w/ regular ctx
What marks beginning and end of 3rd stage of delivery?
3rd stage - ma take up to 30min
-Beginning = birth of baby
-End = delivery of placenta
What are majority fetal orientations and presentations?
96% are Vtx (head first)
95% are OA (looking at the ground)
What is slang for OP?
Sunny side up - since looking up to mom's urethra
-labor is prolonged
-May have more back pain
How long from time 100% effacement to delivery?
This is stage 2 of labor and timing depends...
Primnup - 2.9H
Multip - 1.1H
How long is active labor ?
This is a portion of stage 1 of labor. Time depends but generally about 50% of latent labor. Multips are typicall about half the time for stage 1 labor.
Primnup - 11.7H active labor
Multip - 5.2H active labor