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11 Cards in this Set

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Describe the Scientific Method

Observations, hypothesis, experiments, theory

What makes a good experiment? List factors.

Quantifiable data, appropriate experimental population, appropriate number of subjects, study duration, statistical analysis of results, publication of results after peer review

List types of nutrition studies

1.Observational studies/epidemiology studies (2: prospective cohort study, case control study)

2.Human intervention studies (1:clinical studies/trials, single blind, double blind)

3.Depletion-depletion studies

4.Balance studies

5.Animal studies

Prospective cohort study

-Diet and health information is collected and compared over several years, at the end are if any correlations between disease and diet

-Epidemiology/observational study, association/correlation not causation

Example: Seven countries study and Mediterranean diet (hypothesized that coronary heart disease was a nutritional problem related to fat intake)

Case-control study

-Conpares people with a condition with individuals without the condition (with same demographics)

-Epidemiology/observational study, correlation not causation

Clinical trial/study

-Study of a population where there is an experimental manipulation of some members of the population and observations and measurements to determine effects compared to a control group who did not have the intervention

-Single blind vs. Double blind studies

What are two studies to determine nutrient requirements?

1.depletion-repletion studies: study that feeds a populations diet without a nutrient to see the effects/signs of deficiency then adds the nutrient back to the diet where health is restored

2.balance studies: study that compares total amount of a nutrient that enters the body with the total amount that leaves the body

Describe the key findings of the seven countries study by Ancel Keys

Results showed blood cholesterol levels were strongly correlated with coronary heart disease deaths

In Finland where saturated fat intake was high there were higher blood cholesterol levels and higher incidence of heart disease

But in Mediterranean countries risk of heart disease was lower

15,000 men studied for ~10 years from 7 countries on different continents

From this study came the Mediterranean diet

What are good questions to ask when critically evaluating research?

Back (Definition)

Name the 3 government agencies in Canada that provide health and dietary information

Health Canada-CFG, DRI, information about food safety and recommendations on food choices and the amount of specific nutrients to avoid nutrient deficiencies and excess and prevent chronic disease

Canadian food inspection agency-Canadian regulations to ensure safety of Canadian food supply, prevention of food borne illness, contamination of food either toxic chemicals and mislabelling

Public health agency of Canada-goal of preventing disease and improving the life of all Canadians

Name Canadian non profit organizations responsible for publishing nutrition information

DC, Diabetes Canada, Canadian medical association, heart and stroke foundation, Canadian cancer society, osteoporosis Canada, hypertension Canada