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65 Cards in this Set

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Causes vasospasm and constriction
Decreased placental blood flow
Increased CO2 inactivated fetal Hgb
Decreases fetal O2
Increases low birth weight and Prematurity
Increases SIDS and Pneumonia
ADHD and short attention spans?
Growth and Development lags (physical & mental)
CNS dysfunction
Facial Anomalies
Need for long term support
Broad nasal bridge
Short palpebral fissure
Short upturned noses
Flat midface
Epcanthal folds
Absent filtrum
Small jaws?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Withdrawal)
Often used with marijuana/cocaine/heroin
Withdrawal sighns may take 3-4 days or up to 10-15 days and last for weeks or months?
Intrauterine asphyxia, intrauterine infection, alterations in birth weight, low apgars, respiratory distress, jaundice, congenital anomalies and growth retardation, behavioral abnormalities, withdrawal?
Greatest risks to drug dependent infants (list 1)
Often SGA, fetus gets greater effect from cocaine then mom, increased risks of >ICP, neonatal tremors/tachycardia, marked irritability and muscle rigidity, HTN, >startle reflex, dificult to console, poor feeders/diarrhea, poor suck/swallow, failure to thrive?
Greatest risks to drug dependent infants (list 2)
Swaddle, rock upright, quiet, dim environment, organize care, taper drugs slowly - valium, phenobarbital, tincture of paregoric?
Pain nursing care of drug dependent infants
Frequent feeds, slow feeders, monitor respiratory rate?
Nutrition nursing care of drug dependent infants
Protect bony prominences and perineum?
Skin nursing care of drug dependent infants
Altered Nutrition
Sleep pattern disturbance
Altered Parenting
Ineffective family coping?
Nursing Diagnosis to consider for drug dependent infants
Limit sensory stimulation in?
Drug dependenct infants
Referral, support, observe behaviors and be a role model for how to handle their baby?
Parenting support in the NICU
What is the Nic for the Abuse/Protection/Support of the child as it goes out into the world?
NIC 6402
Hyperirritability (persistent shrill cry)
Increased muscle tone
Exaggerated reflexes
Tremors and myoclonic jerks
Sneezing, hiccups, yawning
Short, unquiet sleep
Fever (accompanies the increased neuromuscular activities)
Central nervous system signs of a drug dependent infant
Tachypnea (>60 breaths per minute)
Excessive secretions
Repiratory signs of a drug dependent infant
Disorganizd, vigorous suck
Sensitive gag reflex
Abdominal cramping
Poor feeding (<15ml on first day, takes longer than 30 minutes per feeding)?
Gastrointestinal signs of a drug dependent infant
Stuffy nose, yawning, sneezing
Sudden, circumoral pallor?
Vasomotor signs of a drug dependent infant
Excoriated buttocks, knees, elbows
Facial scratches
Pressure-point abrasions
Cutaneous signs of a drug dependent infant
Neonates experience pain by __ weeks.
Glucose sucking
Kangaroo Care
Adjust stimulus to gestational age/condition
Containment measures in the NICU
Kangaroo care?
What is the NIC for Touch?
What is the NIC for Kangaroo Care?
What is the NIC for Developmental Care?
What is the NOC for Pain?
Usually periventricular and is most common in <32 weeks
Increased CO2 and associated with RDS
Increased cerebral blood flow in fragil vascular network?
Intra-cranial Hemorrhage
Avoid clustering activities
Allow rest
Avoid stimuli
Prevent pain
Regulate B/P
Suctioning increses ICP, so minimize suctioning
Screen those at risk with ultrasound
May require shunts?
Nursing Care for Intra-Cranial Hemorrhage
What is the NOC for Neurological Status?
Neonate with congenital defects is at risk for altered growth and development on a?
Genetic basis
What is the Nic for Newborn Monitoring concerning the Neonate with Congenital Defects?
What is the Nic for Surveillance concerning the Neonate with Congenital Defects?
Gland either absent or non functioning, retarded physical and mental development
Mandatory testing
S/S evident by 3-6 (by now time has been lost that is why testing is mandatory)
Require daily hormone replacement?
(autosomal recessive)
Lack the enzyme to convert galactose into glucose
Results in cataracts, mental retardation or death
Require galactose free diet and formula
Signs - lethargy, hypotonia, diarrhea/vomiting, hepatomegaly, cirrhosis?
S/S are lethargy, hypoglycemia, hypotonia, diarrhea and vomiting, failure to thrive
enlarge liver, jaundice, cirrhosis, cataracts, mental retardation
Toxic levels destroy body cells in vital organs
can die as quickly as 3 days if endetected
Screening test Buetler Test from cord blood if history in family?
(autosomal recessive)
Lack the enzyme to convert phenylalanine into tyrosine
Results in severe mental retardation
Atopic dermatitis
Test after feeding
Requre phenylalanine free diet/formula Lofenlac?
1 in 10, - 25,000 in the USA
More common in northern European descent, blonde hair, blue eyes
Decreased pigmentation
S/S by six months of age
Should have milk for at least 24 hrs or 120cc (may need repeating)?
(autosomal recessive)
Lack the enzyme needed for lipid metabolism
Results in mental retardation, blindness, death by 3-5 years from malnutrition and pneumonia
S/S - extreme Moro reflex, hypotonia
Genetic counseling for parents?
Occuring along the spine and the brain stem?
Head to Tail/Flipper Variations
Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
Occurs in 1/800 biths, in moms over 35yrs can be as high as 1/100
Nondisjuction, translocation, mosaicism
Results in mental retardation and heart defects
Signs - hypotonia, low set ears, big tongue, simian crease, eye folds, short broad hands
Head to Tail/Flipper Variations
Lack of fusion of the posterior suface of the embryo related to Nutritional Deficiency?
Neural Tube Defects
Medulla without cerebral hemispheres, occurs before day 26
Difficult birth, due to unengaged head or breech position
Elective terminations?
CSF obstructed flow or reabsorbsion
Ventricles enlarge
Check head circumference, prevent skin breakdown, prevent infection
Support and position
VP shunts?
Slow brain growth resulting in mental retardation
Differs from craniosyntosis - normal brain with fused sutures
History of maternal infection - Rubella, CMV, Toxoplasmosis, severe malnutrition, anoxia
Small head circumference, check for increasing ICP
Meninges herniated vs myelomeningocele which includes spinal cord and nerve roots
Prevent pressure, infection
Keep sac moist with saline sterile dressing
Check head circumference
Check fo lower extremity movement
Check elimination
Benign without protruding sac
Common at L5 to S1
Look for dimple or tuft of hair
Use correct terminology
Maybe dermoid cyst or hemangioma
Mildest form?
Spina bifida occulta
Obstruction of the posterior nares to the pharynx
Can be membranous or bony prominence
Unilateral or bilateral
Cyanotic at rest
Attempts to mout breath, snorting or retracting
Difficult feeders?
Choanal Atresia
Because they have excess thick mucous

Hold mouth closed and alternately compress each nostril
Attempt to pass NG tube
Use oral airway, keep mouth open
Gavage feeding
Treatment is either peircing or surgical removal
This is related to?
Choanal Atresia
Failure of the maxillary process to fuse in intra-uterine life
Prevent aspiration/infection
Use adaptive feeding devices
Feed upright, burp often
Clean lips and palate
Surgical repair?
Clef lip/Clep Palate
Abnormal separation of the trachea & esophagus (5 types)
Associated with Polyhdramnios
Signs - mucous, bubbles, cyanosis, RDS with first feeding
Catheter won't pass to stomach
Prevent aspiration, pneumonia, dehydration
Elevate HOB, right sided position, suction
Prevent crying
Humidify air, hydrate baby
Protect the skin if esophagostomy is done
Repair usually requires multiple surgeries?
Tracheal Esophageal Fistula
Abdominal organs protrude into the chest through a defect in the diaphragm
Causing cardiac compression and pneumothorax
Risk of permanent pulmonary hypertension
Risk of patent ductus and patent foramen
Severe RDS
The infant will have a flat abdomen and a barrel chest and absent breath sounds
The infant needs an endotracheal tube/vent, not a mask
Place upright on affected side Possible echmo
Prep for surgery?
Diaphragmatic Hernia
Aorta and pulmonary artery trade places, RV goes to aorta, LV goes to PA?
Tranposition of the great vessels
When the left ventricle lacks musculature and cannot operate effectively
The infant fails quickly
May give prostaglandin
Staged repair or transplant/high mortality rate
Death without correction?
Hypoplastic Left Heart
4 defects, cyanotic with mild to sever pulmonary flow obstruction
VSD, Pulmonary Stenosis, Overriding Aorta, Hypertrophy of RV?
Tetrology of Fallot
Acyanotic, (left-right), loud murmur
Spontaneous closure
Surgical repair needed in 15%?
Ventral Septal Defects
What does VSD stand for?
Ventral Septal Defects
Acyanotic, bp/p disparity, upper extremities greater than lower extremities
Surgical repair required?
Coactation of the Aorta
Acyanotic, left to right
Common in ill premies
Increases systolic BP
Give prostaglandin inhibitors (Indomethacin) to trigger closure
Surgical repair?
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Rduce O2 demands/conserve energy
Maintain k/calories and fluid balance
Prevent infection
Feed slowly over 30 to 45 minutes?
Cardia Care Goals
Cyanosis disproportionate to RDS
Oxygen does not improve right to left shunts
Ashen grey color
Tachycardia, tachypnea
Unequal BP's and pulses?
Signs of cardiac disease
Content of abdomen protrudes at the base of the cord (may have closed transparent sac)
Herniated abdominal organs
Cover with moist sterile saline dressing or silastic pouch used
NGT/TPN for feeding
Surgical repair?
Abdominal wall defect
Content of abdomen protrudes at the away from the cord (may have closed transparent sac)
Herniated abdominal organs
Cover with moist sterile saline dressing or silastic pouch used
NGT/TPN for feeding
Surgical repair?
Abdominal wall defect
Occurs with malformed pelvis or penis
Cover with moist sterile saline dressing
Wrap symphysis
Don't separate legs with a diaper
May need artificial bladder?
Extrophy of the bladder
Look for uneven leg length/skin folds
Perform ortlani and barlow tests
Rotate legs with diapers
Ultimate splint, harness, cast or surgery
Often caused by breech presentation?
Congenital Hip Dysplasia
Serial casting and splinting
Caused often by intrauterine position?
Club Foot
Misplace opening of urethra
May be accompanied by a short chordae
Don't circumcise
Testosterone cream until surgical repair
If extensive check for gender error?
Milestone progression within 2 months
Endurance - energy enables activity
Muscle function adequate for movement
Neurostatus - ability to receive, process and respond to internal and external stimuli
Nutrition - provides energy to meet cellular demands
Pain - managed
Sleep - extent and patterns noted
Thermoregulation - balance heat production and loss
Growth - normal percentatges increase in body weight and height
Expected outcomes of child development for the infant with a birth defect?