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69 Cards in this Set

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A person diagnosed with ------------- is characterized as someone with distortions of reality, withdrawal from social interactions and disorganization of perception, thought, and emotion.
Children of one schizophrenic parent have --.-% chance of exhibiting schizophrenic where as a child who’s mother and father are schizophrenic have a --% to --% chance of developing the diso rder.
16.4 / 38-68
Biogenic Amine hypothesis of schizophrenia is a possible deficiency in -------------------------, a decreased activity of the enzyme --------------------------, or an excess of --------------------
enzymes that converts dopamine to norepinephrine, monoamine oxidize, dopamine
Psychodynamic theorists believe schizophrenia develops during the ---- stage.
What are 6 maladaptive parent-child and family interactions?
Schizophrenic mothers and fathers, schismatic family pattern, marital skew, pseudo-mutuality, double-bind communication pattern, and undermining of personal authenticity.
Imaginary achievement of goals and meeting of needs.
Attributing one’s own unacceptable thoughts and desires unto others.
Decreased emotional involvement in situations that are perceived as threatening
Emotional insulation
Return to an earlier development level associated with greater comfort and security.
What kind of speech my someone with schizophrenia have?
Neologisms, echolalia, word salad, and loose association.
Speech where new words are formed to express an idea
Speech where client is repeating what someone else said.
Speech containing a mixture of words and phrases lacking comprehensive meaning or coherence.
Word salad
Speech verbalizing a connection between unrelated ideas. Ex: it’s a brown rug I’m cold.
Loose association
The belief that others are spying on or planning to harm you
Persecutory delusions
The belief that the individual is extremely important or has extraordinary talent or powers, or is a famous person
Delusions of grandeur
Client looses track of thoughts or client blocks thoughts. Ex: “Yea I was going to.. (client walks away)
Thought fragmentation
Impaired ability to perceive self as separate from other or to distinguish internal stimuli from external stimuli.
Autistic thinking
Thinking equals doing
Magical thinking
Inablility to conceptualize meaning in words or thoughts
Concrete cognitive ability
The belief that events, objects, or other people are significant to the individual, usually of a negative nature. Ex: the stock market crashes and they think they are responsible
Delusions of reference
The belief that ones thought can be heard by others
Thought broadcasting
The belief that thoughts that are not one’s own are inserted into one’s mind
thought insertion
Mixed feelings associated with significant relationships
Profound ambivalence
. What are the 4 different kinds of hallucinations that a person with schizophrenia can have (sometimes all at once) ?
Auditory, tactile, somatic, and visual
What are the 4 theories of the etiology of paranoia?
Psychoanalytic theory, hostility theory, homeostatic theory, and Colby’s shame humiliation theory
What are 5 behaviors to cope with anxiety?
Withdrawal, acting out, psychosomatization, avoidance, and problem solving.
A repeating disturbing thought is also know as
A ritualistic behavior performed to dissipate anxiety and to avoid conflicts is called
A panic disorder is described as at least --- panic attacks within the ----- week period in situations that are not life threatening and does not involve physical exertion.
3, 3
What are symptoms of panic disorder and how many do you need to have in order to be classified?
Dyspnea, palpitations, choking or smothering, dizziness, tingling of hands and feet, sweating, faintness etc. 4
The fear of being alone or in public places from which escape may be difficult
The compelling desire to avoid a situation in which a person may be exposed to possible scrutiny by others and fears being humiliated or embarrassed.
Social Phobia
All other irrational fears
Simple Phobia
The sudden ability to recall important information or unexpected travel away from home or work with inability to recall one’s past.
Psychogenic Amnesia
What symptoms may someone with PTSD have?
re-experiencing the event through dreams, flashbacks, denial, confusion or disorganization when thinking about event, fatigue, H/A, alteration in social roles, etc.
A group of psychological disorders in which the client experiences physical symptoms even though they have no organic or pathologic basis.
Somatoform disorders
The symptoms block psychological conflict or anxiety from conscious awareness
Primary Gain
The physical symptoms release the person from performing responsibilities and they receive attention form others
Secondary gain
Altering ones usual level of self-awareness in order to escape an upsetting event or feeling. Memory becomes fragmented
Dissociative disorder
What are some common characteristics of a client with a personality disorder?
inflexible maladaptive response to anxiety, enraging, self-centered, etc.
How many different personality disorder clusters are there?
Three cluster A, B, and C
A dramatic display of emotions, intense interpersonal conflictual relationships and labile mood characterize which cluster?
Cluster B
The more adaptive end of the schizophrenic spectrum, the person appears eccentric and may seem cold, withdrawn, suspicious, and irrational. These describe what cluster?
Cluster A
Characteristics of this cluster are anxious, tense, and over controlled
Cluster C
How do you treat people who’s disorders fall into these clusters?
Promote participation, enlist the family, improve coping skills, reduce inappropriate behaviors, mild confrontation, setting limits, provide physical safety
A person with this disorder has extreme distrust of others and think that they are out to get them. They are suspicious and guarded.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Paranoid personality
Cluster A
A person with this disorder has impaired social relationships because they have no means of social intelligence.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Cluster A
A person with this disorder has a pessimistic perceptual lens. They feel unappreciated, unloved, overworked, used and abused.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Passive Aggressive Personality
Cluster C
A person with this disorder has an exaggeration of achievements and talents. They feel they have entitlement.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Cluster B
A person with this disorder is focused on perfectionism and they insist that others submit to his or her way of doing things.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Compulsive Personality Disorder
Cluster C
A person with this disorder tends to be over dramatic, they have an exaggerated expression of emotions, they draw attention to themselves.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Histrionic personality disorder
Cluster B
A person with this disorder has a hypersensitivity to potential rejection, humiliation, or shame. They are unwilling to enter relationships unless there are strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Avoidant Personality
Cluster C
A person with this disorder is cunning and design schemes to outwit or punish their adversaries. They act out usually with aggressive sexual behavior, vandalism, fighting, dangerous sports, and repeated lying. They tend to have conflict with authority figures.
What cluster does this disorder fall into?
Antisocial personality disorder
Cluster B
What are some characteristics of a person with borderline personality disorder?
They are impulsive and unpredictable, identity disturbance, unstable moods, difficulty in being alone, engages in self mutilation, and chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom.
For a client who has the problem of maladaptive defense mechanisms as a means of coping with anxiety and is in a state of denial what would be some appropriate nursing interventions?
Remain emotionally neutral, provide health teaching but allow patient to make all decisions that pertain to their care.
What are some nursing interventions for a client dealing with devaluation (client is unable to feel good about themselves unless someone else can appear bad, usually trying arouse your feelings of anger).
Do not exhibit anger toward the client verbalize: “It sounds as though you want me to get mad at you.” etc.
What are some nursing interventions for a client experiencing idealization?
Convey to the client that you are not a perfect nurse that you have strengths and weaknesses just like all other human beings.
What are some nursing assessment criteria for anorexia nervosa?
Intense fear of becoming fat, alteration of body image, at least 25% of original body weight loss, no known physical illness that would cause weight loss, and a refusal to maintain normal weight and height for age.
How does someone with an eating disorder look?
they have a hollow face with sunken eyes, lanugo on skin, yellow tinge to skin, and dry hair which my fall out.
What happens to their temp. and pulse? (person with an eating disorder)
They decrease
What is their mood like?
(person with an eating disorder)
anxious when discussing weight, fearful of becoming fat, quiet after eating, and separation anxiety.
What are some examples of behavior someone with anorexia nervosa may exhibit?
Controlling, ritualistic exercise regimes, use of laxatives, enemas, and diuretics, bizarre eating habits, preoccupation with calorie counting, denial of hunger or need for treatment.
What are the 4 interaction pattern characteristics of anorexic families?
Enmeshment, over protectiveness, rigidity, and conflict avoidance.
Why is male anorexia less frequent than female anorexia?
Because males have a greater emphasis of muscle development rather than slimness, they are more likely to act out feelings than to internalize them.
What are some causes of post adolescent male anorexia?
lack of educational and occupational achievement, opposition to male sex role standers, and failure to attain adult autonomy.
An unconscious rapid consumption of large amounts of food .
Binge eating
Someone who is bulimic tends to _______ in weight
What are some nursing interventions for a client with an eating disorder?
Support identification and expression of feelings beyond eating and weight, contracting with consistent limit setting regarding caloric intake and activity, encourage client to interact with peers, provide the client opportunity to develop autonomy, etc.