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21 Cards in this Set

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Microorganisms living in a particular area, time, period or environment


Inhabiting the host for long periods without causing detectable harm or benefit


A pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines


Interaction of discrete agents (drugs) or conditions such as that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects


Infection caused by harmful bacteria in blood


Disease arising from an infectious agent

Endogenous disease

Collection of pus that has built up within the tissue of the body


Cause serious infections that generally occurs when bacteria, fungi or other germs from another part of the body, such as mouth, spread through the bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in heart

Non-hemolytic streptococci (NHS)

Can cause infections of the throat and skin

Alpha-hemolytic streptococci

5 factors influencing normal flora

1. Genetics

2. Age

3. Sex

4. Stress

5. Nutrition and diet

Influences metabolic phenotypes


2 types of flora

1. Resident flora

2. Transient flora

Microbes that are always present or within the body

Resident flora

Microbes that live or on the body for a period of time (hours, days, weeks, moths) then move on or die

Transient flora

3 significance of the normal flora

1. Microorganisms may aid the host by producing nutrients that host can use

2. Microorganisms may harm the host causing dental carries and other infectious diseases

3. Microorganisms may exist as commensals

5 beneficial effects of the normal flora

1. The normal flora synthesizes and excretes vitamins

2. The normal prevents colonization by pathogens

3. The normal flora may antagonize other bacteria

4. The normal flora stimulates the development of certain tissues

5. The normal flora stimulates the production of natural antibodies

3 harmful effects of the normal flora

1. Bacterial synergism

2. Induction of a low grade toxemia

3. The normal flora may be agents of the disease

2 examples of bacterial synergism

1. Cross-feeding

2. Occurs during treatment of "staph-protected infections"

Occurs between a member of the normal flora and a potential pathogen

Bacterial synergism

A member of normal flora supplying a vitamin or some other growth factor that a pathogen needs in order to grow


Minute amounts of bacterial toxins (endotoxin) may be found in the circulation

Induction of a low grade toxemia