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28 Cards in this Set

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في استراليا ، الآلاف من الناس يحضرون موكب سيدني الشاذ و ماردي الشاذة في شارع اوكسفورد و موضوع هذا السنة ..بدون خوف ..

In Australia, thousands of people attended the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade at Oxford Street, and this year’s theme was ‘fearless’.

النظمون أملوا في الهام الناس بكل انواعهم بأن يعيشو بشجاعة ، بالرغم من مخاوفهم ، البارات بقت مفتوحة متأخر عن المعتاد حتى 3:30 صباحا للاحتفال

The organisers hoped to inspire people of all types to live their lives bravely, despite their fears. Bars stayed open later than usual until 3:30 AM for celebrations.

theme (the idea which is important for an event or a story).

Mardi Gras (some of the events during Carnival, which happen during religious holidays; Carnival is a time of public celebrations before people change what they eat and think about their religion for a month),

despite (even if they have fears, not to be changed by them badly).

هيلاري كلينتون اللتي بالكاد خسرت البيت الابيض مقابل ترامب . قالت انها لن تسعى للرئاسة ثانيتا في انتخابات 2020

Hillary Clinton, who narrowly lost the White House to Trump, said that she will not be running for president again in the 2020 elections.

على اي حال . هي قالت انها سوف تستمر في العمل ، التحدث ، الوقوف من اجل ما تصدقه او تؤمن به. هي قالت انها منزعجة او قلقة من اشياءتحدث في اميركا . مثال الاستقطاب الشديد للجمهور الامريكي قاد الي اتنين من المعسكرات المتعارضة

However, she said that she would go on working, speaking and standing up for what she believes. She said that she is troubled by things which are happening in the USA. One example is the extreme polarisation of the American public which led to two ‘opposing camps’.

قالت انها مبتهجة من المرة العاملة او النشطة التي ينتخبها الناس للمجلس و اللتي بالفعل تركت علامة

قالت انها مبتهجة من المرة العاملة او النشطة التي ينتخبها الناس للمجلس و اللتي بالفعل تركت علامة

She said she is thrilled by the dynamic women who the people elected to Congress and who are already making their mark.

camp (a group of people who think the same, and may not like people in the other camp).

polarisation (polarise – divide/turn into two groups with different opinions),

thrilled (excited, happy),

make one’s mark (be successful).

في ما يراه الناس اكبر موقع تعشيش في العالم . عشرات الآلاف من السلاحف البحرية الخضراء تأتي لتضع بيضها . السلحفاء تسبح الي جزيرة راينا في استراليا . لكن ارتفاع مستويات البحار يعني ان البحر يهدد الجزيرة

At what people think is the biggest nesting site in the world, tens of thousands of green sea turtles come to lay eggs. The turtles swim to Raine Island in Australia, but rising sea levels mean that water is threatening the island.

آندي دونستان مع حدائق كوينسلاند و الحياه البرية شرحو ان الام الواحدة من السلاحف البحرية تضع مجموعة من 100 بيضة . لكن الماء من المحتمل او على الارجح ان تغرق البيض اثناء المد العالي القادم . و هم لن ينمو

Andy Dunstan with Queensland Parks and Wildlife explained that one sea turtle mum is laying a clutch of 100 eggs, but the water will probably flood the eggs during the next high tide, and they will not develop.


مخلب . تعشيقة . زمرة مجموعة

لإنشاء مساحة و حماية بيض السلحاء البحرية من الغرق او الفيض ، اعاد الناس تشكيل شاطئ الجزيرة و رفعوها الي 150 متر مع نتائج مبهرة . على كل ، انقاذ السلاحف ليس برخيص او سهل . شاكة القطاع العام و الخاص يمولون هذا الجهد بحوالي 8 مليون دولار استرالي على مدي 5 سنوات

To create space and protect sea turtle eggs from flooding, people reshaped and raised 150 metres of the island’s beach with great results; however, saving the turtles is not cheap or easy. A public partnership is funding this effort at about 8 million Australian dollars over 5 years.

clutch (a group of eggs that is fertilised at the same time),

public partnership (when a public organisation and a private organisation work together).

البرت ايشتاين كتب رسالة باليد لشابة في 1921 . و الان ذلك الخطاب على المزاد .العالم الحاص على نوبل اظهر عاطفة قلبية لذات 22 عام اللتي كانت ابنة كيميائي مشهور في فلورنس

Albert Einstein wrote a letter by hand to a young woman in 1921, and now that letter is up for auction. The Nobel-winning scientist showed his heartfelt affection for the 22-year-old who was the daughter of a famous chemist in Florence


صادقة . خالصة . قلبية

ال ceo للفائزين بالمزاد قالت ان اينشتاين اراد ان يقابل تلك المرأة . لكنها لم ترد ان تقابله لانها كانت متواضعة و لو ترد ان تقابل اشخاص مشهورين

ال ceo للفائزين بالمزاد قالت ان اينشتاين اراد ان يقابل تلك المرأة . لكنها لم ترد ان تقابله لانها كانت متواضعة و لو ترد ان تقابل اشخاص مشهورين

The CEO of Winner’s Auctions said that Einstein wanted to meet this woman, but she did not want to meet him because she was modest and did not want to meet famous people.

اينشتاين ايضا ترك لها ملاحظة اللتي تقرأ ، للباحثين العلميين . في قدم من كنت ارقد و اقعد ليومين كاملين . الرسالة المكتوبة من اينشتاين بيعت ب 1.3 مليون دولار اميركي في مزاد

Einstein also left her a note which read: ‘To the scientific researcher, at whose feet I lay and sat for two full days…’A typed letter from Einstein sold for 1.3 million US dollars at auction.

auction (an event when something special is sold to the person who offers the most money for it).

affection (a feeling),

modest (to avoid showing off or get attention).

Britain’s first March weekend was marked by more knife crimes after two teenagers were killed. One of them was 17-year-old Jodie, who was stabbed to death in a park near her home in East London.

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, said that it was a tragic, senseless loss of life.


The former police commissioner said that there has been a 93% rise in the number of young people (younger than 18) who have been stabbed over the last five years – that is almost double.

He thinks that one of the reasons for the violence is a high supply of cocaine which makes it cheap. The second obvious reason is that there are too many people carrying knives, and the third is that there are too many young men who do not care about the consequences of carrying a knife. In the country’s capital alone, there have been 20 murders so far this year, including five in just a week.

مأمور شرطة سابق

stab (cut, put a knife in somebody),

senseless (meaningless, mad, stupid),

consequences (the punishment or reward for your actions).

Scientists are surveying the ocean floor off of southern Cambodia for coral damage. They aim to assess the extent of overfishing and pollution which threaten the marine environment.

The data that they collect will be compared to a 2013 study and the results of the survey published in six months.

extent (how much something is true).

survey (examine, look at closely),

assess (rate, measure),

او امتداد او نطاق

يقدر او يخمن

Abraham Poincheval, an artist who specialises in endurance-testing performances, spent a whole week inside a boulder in an art gallery in Paris. People supplied him with water, soup and dried meat during his stunt.

The 12-ton limestone had a body-shaped hole inside, large enough for a person to sit in. Air entered through holes. Poincheval said that the most complicated thing was to keep himself away from a world of hallucinations.

صبر . صمود . احتمال


حيلة . مجازفة

الحجر الجيري او الكلسي

التهيؤات او الهلاوس

For his previous performance, he spent 13 days inside a hollowed-out bear, and he is planning on sitting on eggs in an attempt to hatch them.

endurance (the ability to endure/survive something difficult),

boulder (a large rock),

stunt (performance),

limestone (a type of hard rock),

in an attempt(trying to).

صبر . صمود . احتمال

جلمود او صخرة كبيرةحيلة . مجازفة

March 8, 2019 marked five years since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared.One woman said that people want the Malaysian government to continue to investigate so they can find the plane, as ‘you can’t be sitting down and waiting for something to fall on your lap’.

The Transport Minister said that if there are believable leads or specific proposals, such as from Ocean Infinity (a US technology firm), the government will look into them.

Marked ملحوظة

proposals اقتراح

Infinity الابدي او اللانهائي

Ocean Infinity is a company that is searching for the plane by using radar and sonar along the seabed.

lead (a source of information),

proposal (a thought-out idea or process).

you cannot just wait for it to reappear.

along the seabed على طول قاع البحر

تظهر مرة اخرى

Former SAS soldier Tom McClean has spent 100,000 pounds and 2 decades building his 20-metre boat in the shape of a whale.

Moby the boat is set to take her 73-year-old creator on a journey from Loch Nevis in Scotland to London and then New York, USA, which is a 5,600-kilometre adventure.

adventure مجازفة او مغامرة

When asked why, the man says, ‘Why not?’ He does things instead of watching television, and he aims to get environmental companies to be involved so he can help the planet as well.

former (-ex),

SAS (Special Air Service),

loch (the Scottish word for ‘lake’),

voyage across the Atlantic is going to be 5,600 kilometres long. ( long journey )

involved تشارك

loch البحيرة او المضيق

Scottish اسكتلندي

In the UK, a new documentary aired about singer Michael Jackson called ‘Leaving Neverland’. In the documentary, two men tell their stories about how Jackson sexually abused them when they were children.In London, Jackson fans went to Channel 4 Studios to protest, and celebrities protested the documentary online.

In response, Jackson’s family said that these people are ‘opportunists’ and ‘liars’. Jackson’s nephew said that the documentary does not add that these men sued Jackson’s estate for millions of dollars in 2016. At that time, they did not win their lawsuit.

documentary وثائقي

protested احتج او اعترض

opportunists انتهازيين

sued قاضى او رفع دعوي قضائية

estate ممتلكات

lawsuit الخصومة او المحاكمة او الدعوى

He said that the men need the documentary to do well because this year they are appealing the lawsuit. If the documentary helps them win the lawsuit, they win a lot of money.

opportunist (someone who looks for opportunities to get what he or she wants from a situation),

estate (all the money and property owned by someone, usually after death),

appeal (try to do something again to get the outcome that you want).

appealing استئناف او جاذبية