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8 Cards in this Set

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4 cell-cell junctions are Adherens, Desmosomes (grouped into anchoring junctions), Gap and Tight


Adherens, their cell-adhesion proteins are called...

Require... For adhesion

Adherens junctions are connected to... Inside the cells by... Proteins

Cadherins (bind to other cadherins of the same type in the extracellular domain)

Require Ca2+ to bind to flexible linkers between the cadherins, this stabilises the linkers and facilitates binding.

Actin cytoskeletons


Desmosomes, strong cell-cell adhesion. Contains the desmosomal cadherins...

Connected to intermediate filaments such as...

Adapter protein is...

(desmogleins and desmocollins)



Tight junctions form a seal between cells, very close membranes, prevent water and solute movement (regulate transport).

Membrane proteins binding are of 2 types...

Occluding proteins and claudin proteins. Transmembrane domains have extracellular loops which form non-covalent interactions with loops from neighbouring cell.

Gap junctions, connexons from adjacent cells attach, a connexon is 6 connexin proteins in a circle with a hole (pore) in the middle for transport of ions, metabolites and small signalling proteins.

In neurones...

In cardiac muscle...

Gap junctions facilitate rapid transmission of electrical signals

Gap junctions allow spreading of ionic signals across heart

Plants do not have anchoring cell junctions, do have a cellulose cell wall. Cell wall allows diffusion of ions and water. Cell communication has to occur through plasmodesmata though, plasma membranes merge to form a continuous channel called a...


Cytoskeleton filaments continue throughout the plasmodesmata

ECM (extracellular matrix) is mostly found in...

Diverse structures created by...

ECM provides... And also can... Is further involved in the... Mechanism as well as the...

Made up of largely...

Connective tissue

Varying amounts and organisation of ECM components.

Physical strength and structural support. Store growth factors. Tissue repair mechanism. Guidance of tissue to correct places during development.

Fibrillar proteins such as collagens and GAG's. Cells secrete ECM, is assembled outside of cell.
