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20 Cards in this Set

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لقد تورط في فضيحه ماليه كبري

He was involved in a major financial scandal.

Scandal (n)


Efficient (adj)

An efficient secretary.

X : Inefficient


Efficiency (n) , (UnC)

The company needs to improve the efficiency of its factories.


Confused (adj)

I'm totally confused.

Confused feelings.


معقد وصعب الفهم

Fee (n)

College fees.

رسوم ( تسجيل ، دخول ، دراسه ، محامى أو دكتور )

Diversity (n) , ( UnC)

A diversity opinions.

تنوع ، اختلاف

Concept (n)

The discovery supports the concept that our solar system is not unique.

فكره ، مفهوم ، معنى

Zodiac (n)

الابراج الفلكيه

Aries (n)

The first sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الحمل ، أو الكبش

Taurus (n)

The second sign of zodiac in astrology.

برج الثور .

Gemini (n)

The third sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الجوزاء .

Cancer (n)

The fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج السرطان .

Leo (n)

The fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الأسد .

Virgo (n)

The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج العذراء .

Libra (n)

The seventh sign of zodiac in astrology.

برج الدلو .

Scorpio (n)

The eighth sign of zodiac in astrology.

برج العقرب .

Sagittarius (n)

The ninth sign of zodiac in astrology.

برج القوس .

Capricorn (n)

The tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الجدي .

Aquarius (n)

The eleventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

The twelfth sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الدلو .

Pisces (n)

The last sign of the zodiac in astrology.

برج الحوت .