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24 Cards in this Set

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Stroke BP
Ischemic - <220/120
after Tpa - at or near 180/105
ICH - <1160/90
Brain Death
catastrophic CNS event in abscence of complicating medical condition
absent motor response to pain
absent brainstrem reflexes
absent pupillary light reflex
absent corneal and oculocephalic reflex
absent cough reflex with tracheal suctioning
confirm with apnea test
GBS tx
Plasmapharesis and/or IVIG most effect within 7 days
cluster headache
prevention - verapamil, (prednisone and lithium are alternatives)
acute tx - 100% oxygen, sumatriptan
memory loss + one of following
1. reasoning
2. language
3. handling complex tasks
4. spatial orientation
Lewy body dementia
gradual progression of parkonsinism + alzheimers
falls and visual hallucinations common
Meralgia paresthetica+lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment
pure sensory over anteriolateral thigh, trapped under inguinal ligament, tx weight loss and avoid tight clothes
sarcoidosis difinitive dx
biopsy of
1. any palpable node.
2. subq nodule except EN
3. enlarged parotid
4. lacrimal gland
MS tx
acute - IV steroids
decreasing exacerbations - beta interferon or glatiramer acetate, natalizumab
what electrolyte to monitor when repleting B12
K, it is used by newly forming rbcs
phenytoin toxicity
nystagmus on lateral gaze, blurred vision, diplopia, ataxia, slurred speeck, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, decreased mentation, coma
tick paralysis
progressive ascending paralysis over hours to days
als nerves preserved
ocular motility, sensory, bladder, cognitive function
bells palsy tx
corticosteroids + eye care
reversible dementia workup
cbc, glucose, electrolytes, calcium, BUN, creatinine, B12, TSH, depression screen
myesthenia gravis
ocular and bulbar muscles - double vision, difficulty swallowing, ptosis
worsens throughout the day, better with rest
Dx. ACHR, epsilon
tx. pyridostigmine,neostigmine>thymectomy>prednisone>azathioprine/cyclosporine
status epilepticus
1. benzo
2. fosphenytoin
3. phenobarbital
4. pentobarbital, thiopental, medazolam, propofol
seizure workup
urgent head ct, Na, Glucose, O2, Cr, Mg, Urine tox, then consult neuro
if workup negative do EEG
parkinsons tx
mild - antiAch if < 60, amantadine if > 60
severe( affected ADLs) levo/carbi, pramipexole, can add entacapone, selegiline to enhance effects
CJD dx
EEG with spkes, CSF with 14-3-3 protein
alzheimers tx
donepizil, tacrine, rivastigmine, memantaine
meniere's disease
can last hours, dix hallpike
tx. epley, meclizine, na restriction, diuretics

myotonic dystrophy

weakness, fatigue, myopathic waddling gait, muscle stiffness and delayed grip relaxation, ptosis, facial drooping, dysarthria, cardiomyopathy and heart block

type 1 distal limb and facial muscles

type 2 proximal muscles

dx EMG and genetic testing for type I

inclusion body myositis

slowly progressive inflammatory myopathy affects the distal upper extremity flexors and quads, assymetry common, no myotonia