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51 Cards in this Set

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Prevertebral Ganglia
a) Celiac Ganglion
b) Sup Mesenteric Ganglion
c) Inf Mesenteric Ganglion
d) Same branches as the Aorta
Parasympathetic nuclei in the brainstem.
a) III - Edinger-Westpahl in the Mesencephalon
b) VII - Sup Salivatory Nucleus in the Pons
c) IX - Inf Salivatory Nucleus in the Medulla
d) X - dorsal vagus nucleus of CNX and scattered neurons dorsolateral to the N. Ambiguus in the Medulla
Peripheral nerves from Parasympathetic nu. in the Brainstem
a) VII - Greater Petrosal N, terminates at Pterygopalatine Ganglion
b) VII - Chorda Tympani, terminates at Submandibular Ganglion
c) IX - Lesser Petrosal N, terminates at Otic Ganglion
Somatomotor nuclei columns in the brainstem
Dorsomedial - III, IV, VI, XII

Ventrolateral - VII, IX, X, XI (VII, IX & X send fibres to spinal nucleus of CN V)
Functional segments of the Spinal Cord
C1-C3 - Head & Neck
C4 - Phrenic Nerve
C5-T1 - Brachial Plexus, upper limb
T2-L3 - Trunk, Abdominal organs
L4 - S2 - Lower Limb
S3 - S4 - Sacral Plexus, Parasympathetic
Components of the Basal Ganglia
a) Caudate Nucleus
b) Putaman
c) Globus Pallidus
d) Subthalmic Nuclei
e) Substantia Nigra
Basal Ganglia and apparatus
a) Caudate Nucleus
b) Putamen
c) Globus Pallidus
d) Subthalmic Nuclei
e) Substantia Nigra

f) Thalamus (VA and VL)
g) Cerebral Cortex
Parts of Mesencephalon
a) Tectum - lamina quadrigemina (Sup & Inf Colliculli)
b) Tegmentum - Substantia Nigra
c) Base - Cerbral Peduncles (below Subst. Nigra)
AFFERENTS of the Neostriatum
a) Corticostriatal Tr - Glutamate
b) Thalamostriatal Tr - Glutamate
c) Nigrostriatal Tr - Dopamine
d) Raphe dorsalis - Serotonin
EFFERENTS of the Neostriatum
a) Striatopallidal - GABA
b) Stiatonigral - GABA
EFFERENTS of Pallidum
a) Ansa Leticularis (around IC) - GABA
b) Lentricular Fasiculus (through IC) - GABA
c) Both go to VA/VL and/or Subthalmic Nu.
Defects in the Basal Ganglia
a) Parkinson's Disease (Paralysis Agitans) - death of DOPAnergic n. in Sub. Nigra; overexcitation of striatum

b) Huntington's Disease - degeneration of GABAergic neurons in the striatum
In the Pyramidal Tract
a) Corticospinal Tr.
b) Corticobulbar Tr.
Somatopy of the Pyramidal Tract
a) Cortex - Medial-Lateral (low = med)
b) IC - rotates 90, now Ant-Post (low = post)
c) Mesencephalon - 90 rotation again, Med-Lat (low = LAT)
Pyramidal Fibers in the Spinal Cord
a) Uncrossed descend in the medial part of the Anterior Funiculus (Ant Corticospinal Tr)

b) Crossed descend in the dorsal part of the Lateral Funiculus (Lat Corticospinal Tr)
Exceptions to the bilateral innervation of the Cranial Nerves
a) Somatomotor n. of VII - innerv of lower half of face
b) Nucleus Ambiguus - motor neurons of Soft Palate
c) Somatomotor CN XII - Geniglossus m
Indirect Corticospinal fibers
End in Lamina 5, 6, 7, - the internuerons
Symptoms of Pyramidal Tract disorder
a) Deviated uvula to side of lesion
b) Tongue will deviate toward PARALYSED genioglossus m. Contralateral to lesion
Descending pathways connecting Brainstem and Spinal Cord
a) Medial Desc. (axial and proximal muscles)
i) Vestibulospinal
ii) Reticulospinal
iii) Tectospinal
b) Lateral Descending (distal muscles)
i) Rubrospinal
c) Aminergic Pathways
i) Cerulospinal
ii) Raphe Spinal (Raphe Magnus)
Cerebellar EFFERENTS
a) Cerebellovestibular
b) Cerebellobulbar
c) Cerebellothalmic
d) Dentatorubral
Cerebellar damage symptoms
a) Hypotonia
b) Asynergia
c) Intentional Tremor
d) Nystagmus
e) Dysarthria
f) Cereballar Ataxia
g) Dysmetria
Four main divisions of Hypothalamus
a) Preoptic Area
i) Medial Preoptic (GNRH)
ii) Lateral Preoptic
b) Lateral Zone
i) Medial Forebrain Bundle
c) Medial Zone
i) Supraoptic Region
-> Supraoptic (ADH)
-> Paraventricular (Oxytocin)
ii) Tuberal (Medial Region),
-> Ventromedial, Dorsomedial, Arcuate Nu.
-> All major activity and inhibitory factors
iii) Mamillary Region
-> Mamillary Nu connected to Limbic Sys (via Fornix)
d) Periventricular Zone
Functionally divided Hypothalamus
a) Posterolateral Hypothalamus - Sympathetic like activities
b) Anteromedial Hypothalamus - Parasympathetic like activities
AFFERENTS of the Hypothalamus
a) Thalamohypothalmic
b) Corticohypothalmic
c) Retinohypothalmic
d) Fornix
e) Stria Terminalis
f) Medial Forebrain Bundle
EFFERENTS of the Hypothalamus
a) Hypothalamo-hypophyseal (tubero-infundibular)
b) Hypothalamobulbar
c) Hypothalamospinal
d) Mamillothalmic
e) Dorsal Longitudinal Fascicle
Exceptions to the usual direct terminations of the postganglionic fibers on target organs
a) Enteric Nervous System - ( Submucosal and Myenteric Plexuses)
b) Autonomic Innervation of the Heart - (end on SA node)
Reticular Formation division
a) Median Group (Nucleus Raphe)
i) Dorsal Raphe (to the Neostriatum) (B7)
ii) Raphe Magnus (to the Spinal Cord) (B3)
b) Medial Group
c) Lateral Group
i) Substantia Nigra - DOPA (A10)
ii) Locus Coereleus - Norepi (A6)
Distributions of the biogenic amines in the Reticular Formation
a) Serotonergic
i) Median and paramedian reticular formation
ii) Dorsal Raphe and Raphe Magnus
iii) All over brainstem
b) Noradrenergic
i) Lateral Reticular Formation
ii) Locus Cereleus
iii) Pons and Medulla only
c) Dopaminergic
i) Lateral Reticular Formation
ii) Substantia Nigra
iii) Mesencephalon and up (Hypothalamus)
Projections of the Serotonergic nuclei
a) Descending Spinal Cord
b) Desceding Cerebellum
c) Ascending to
i) Thalamus
ii) Striatum
iii) Amygdala
iv) Hippocampus
v) Hypothalamus
Projections of the Noradrenergic Nuclei
a) Descending to Spinal Cord
b) Descending to Cerebellum
c) Ascending Brain stem (similar to serotonin without the Basal Ganglia)
Projections of the DOPAminergic nuclei
a) Nigrostriatal Tr
b) Mesolimbic and Mesocortico Tr
c) Tubero-infundibular Tr
Adrenergic receptor activity
Only Alpha 1 (According to Prof. Antal)
Parts of the Limbic System
a) Hippocampus
b) Amygdala
c) Septum Pellicidum
Parts of Hippocampal Formation
a) Hippocampus
b) Dentate Gyrus
c) Subiculum
d) Parahippocampal Gyrus
AFFERENTS to the Limbic System
a) Olfactory Apparatus
b) Medial Forebrain Bundle (that goes to the lateral zone of the hypothalamus)
Ring of Papez
a) Hippocampus
b) Fimbriae Hippocampi
c) Fornix
d) Mamillary Bodies
e) Mamillothalmic Tr
f) Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus
g) Cingulate Gyrus (Cortex)
Stria Terminalis
Amygdala -> Septum Pellucidum
Stria Medullaris
From Septum Pellucidum -> Str. Medullaris -> Habenular Nu -> Fasciculus Retroflexus -> Interpeduncular Nu -> Spinal Cord and Brainstem
Induceum Griceum
Dentate Gy -> Fasciculus Gy -> Induceum Gryceum -> Septum Pellucidum
Nuclei terminating in the Telencephalon in which Serotonergic fibers arise from the Brain Stem
a) Cerebral Cortex
b) Striatum
c) Amgdala Nu
d) Hippocampus
Nuclei participating in the regulation of the somatomotor function in the Telencephalon
a) Caudate Nucleus
b) Lentiform Nu
c) Cerebral Cortex
Brain Stem NUCLEI sending DESCENDING fibers to the spinal motor apparatus
a) Medial and Lateral Vestibular Nu
b) Reticular formation
c) Tectum of the Mesencephalon
d) Red Nucleus
e) Nucleus Raphe Magnus
f) Locus Cereleus
Cell bodies in the pre-ganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers in the Kidney
a) Sympathetic - Greater Splanchnic Nerver
b) Parasympathetic - Dorsal motor nucleus of Vagus and Nucleus Ambiguus
Location of the nuclei of the Brain Stem and Spinal Cord in which the cell bodies of the preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic innervating
a) the heart
b) stomach
a) Symp - Lat Horn of the Grey Matter (T1-T5)
Paras - Dorsal motor of Vagus and Nu Ambiguus
Both reach heart via Vagus N.

b) Symp - Intermediolateral Cell Column of Spinal Cord (T6-T12)
Para - Dorsal motor of Vagus and Descend with Vagus N.
Motor nuclei of the CN receiving exclusively contralateral innervation from the Pyramidal Tract
a) Facial Nerve - facial expression of the lower face
b) Ambiguus Nu - soft palate
c) Hypoglossal N - Genioglossus m.
Inferior Salivatory Nucleus: Cranial Nerve, location and function
a) Glossopharyngeal N
b) Medulla Oblongata
c) preganglionic para. fibers to Otic Ganglion, secretomotor of Parotid Gland
Name the nuclei of Brain and Spinal Cord which the preganglionic parasympathetic innervating the
a) Parotid Gland
b) Rectum
c) Lung
a) Inferior Salivatory Nucleus
b) Lateral Horn of the Spinal Cord
c) Medulla Oblongata
Location of the Pyramidal Tract in the
a) Internal Capsule
b) Mesencephalon
c) Pons
d) Medulla Oblongata
e) Spinal Cord
a) Genu
b) Cerbral Peduncle
c) Base
d) Pyramid
e) Lateral and Anterior Corticospinal Tr
Appearance of the Intermediolateral nucleus in the Spinal Cord and it's nuerons functions
a) Thoracoloumbar (T1 - L2) and Sacral (S2 - S4)
b) Sympathetic and Parasympathetic preganglionic motor neurons
Position within the CNS of the
a) Red Nucleus
b) Substantia Nigra
c) Parabrachial Nucleus
d) Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus
a) Tegmentum of Mesencephalon
b) Between Tegmentum and Base of Cerbral Peduncles
c) Dorsolateral Pons
d) Rostral Medulla in Vagal Trigone
Location of cell bodies of sympathetic and parasympathetic in Cardiac Plexus
a) Sym - Lateral horn of the Grey Matter, T1 - T5
b) Para - Medulla Oblongata ( dorsolateral to Nu Ambiguus)