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29 Cards in this Set

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Also called Lou Gehrig's disease a progressive disease that begins in the central nervous system and involves the degeneration of motor neurons and the subsequent atrophy of voluntary muscle

Ascending tracts

Cox in the spinal cord that carries sensory information to the brain


A single elongated projection from a nerve cell that transmits impulses away from the cell body


The largest and most complex unit of the central nervous system that is responsible for a perception sensation in motion intellect and action


The inferior primitive portion of the brain that contains centers for vital functions and reflex actions such as vomiting coughing sneezing posture and basic movement patterns


Any of several compounds occurring naturally in the body that serve as hormones or neurotransmitters in the sympathetic nervous system

Central nervous system

The brain and the spinal cord and their coverings

Cerebrospinal fluid

A clear colorless fluid that flows through the brain and around the spinal cords cushioning and protecting these structures and maintaining proper pH balance


The largest of the brain divisions consisting of two hemispheres that occupy the uppermost region of the cranium this part of the brain receives interprets and associates incoming information with past memories and then transmits the appropriate motor response


Branching projections from the nerve cell body that carry signals to the branching projections from the nervous cell body that carry signals to the cell body

Descending tracts

Tracks in the spinal cord that carry motor information from the brain to the spinal cord

Dorsal root

Also called the posterior root this is the posterior attachment of a spinal nerve to the spinal cord that transmit sensory information into the spinal cord

Enteric nervous system

A subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that controls the digestive system a subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that controls the digestive system

Essential tremor

A chronic tremor that does not proceed from any other pathologic condition

Gray matter

Unmyelinated nervous tissue in the central nervous system


Paralysis of a single limb or single group of muscles


A white fatty insulating substance formed by the Schwann cells that surround some axons also produced in the central nervous system by oligodendrocytes


Also called Schwann's membrane, sheath of schwann, or endo neural membrane. The outer cell membrane of a Schwann cell that encloses the myelin sheath found on certain peripheral nerves. Essential in the regeneration of injured axons


Specialized connective tissue that helps support protect and hold neurons together


Nerve cells that conduct impulses


Chemical compounds that generate action potentials when released into the synopsis from presynaptic cells


Paralysis of the lower portion of the body and of both legs


Paralysis or loss of movement of all four limbs

Schwann cell

A specialized cell that forms myelin

Spinal cord

The portion of the central nervous system that exits the skull and extends into the vertebral column the two major functions are to conduct nerve impulses and to be a center for spinal reflexes

Status epilepticus

A medical emergency characterized by a continuous seizure lasting longer than 30 minutes


A space between neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ

Ventral root

Also called the anterior root the anterior attachment of a spinal nerve to the spinal cord which transmits motor information away from the spinal cord one of two routes that attaches a spinal nerve to the spinal cord

White matter

Myelinated nerve tissue in the central nervous system