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30 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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what is the base for nerve and muscle excitation
membrane potential
what is membrane potential
difference in electrical charge
what does nerous tissue consist of
neurons and neuroglia
what do neuroglia do of
protect and assist neurons
what is another name of neuroglia
glial cells
what do neurons do
detect stimuli and transmit info
what are dendrites
multiple short branched processes
what do dendrites do
recieve signals
what does an axon do
outputs signals
what makes up most of the colume of nervous tissue
glial cells
what is muscular tissue responsible for
what are the three types of muscle tissue
skeletal smooth and cardiac
what do skeletal muscles consist of
muscle fibers
where is skeletal muscle attatched to
describe the nucleus in skeletal muscle
multple nuclei located peripherally
are skeletal muscles striated
what control is the skeletal muscle under
cardiac muscle cells are called what
descrbe the nucleus situation in cardiac muscle
one nucleus centrally located
what is the appearance in cardiac muscle as far as striations go
light striations
what are myocytes joined by
intercalated discs
what do intercalated discs do
allow electrical excitation
what is cardiac muscle control
describe smooth muscle
no striations
what is the control of smooth muscles
what is the smooth muscle also called
visceral muscle
where is smooth muscle
visceral organs
describe the esophagus and small intestine smooth muscle
two layers, one encircles the organ and one longitudinally
what impacts blood pressure
smooth muscle
what are the connections inbetween one cell and another
intercellular junctions