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12 Cards in this Set

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Which of the 4 types of vertebrae are most susceptible to racture
Cervical are most fragile and most susceptible
At what 3 vertebral articulations are dislocations most likely to occur.
The articulations of greatest mobility:
CV5-6, TV12-L1, and CV1-2
Reciprocal vs Recurrent inhibition in reflexes
reciprocal - sensory fiber that stims LMN of agonist also stims an interneuron which inhibits the antaginist
Recurrent - Motor fiber which stims the muscle sends off a collateral which stims an interneuron which inhibits that same motor neuron.
What force does the muscle spindle sense
Rate of stretch and amount of stretch when a muscle fiber is stretched.
What force does the golgi tendon organ sense
Shortening of muscle due to contraction
Occulomotor Nucleus and lesion
Midbrain @ superior colliculus.
Lesion = Eye looks down and out, ptosis, dilated pupil
Trochlear nucleus and lesion
Midbrain @ inferior colliculus
Outward, up rotation of globe, head tilted to good side.
Trigeminal nucleus and lesion
Mid pons
Atrophy of masseter, open jaw deviates toward side of lesion
Abducens nucleus and lesion
Caudal pons
Lesion leads to esotropia
Facial nucleus and lesion
Caudal pons
Lesion leads to total ipsilateral facial paralysis including upper face and hyperacusis. (bells palsy)
Nucleus ambiguous and lesion
Medulla; supplies 9, 10, and 11.
Lesion leads to dysphagia because of CN9
Lesion leads to vocal paralysis, sagging palat, and uvula deviation to the opposite side.
Hypoglossal nucleus and lesion
Located in medulla.
Lesion leads to tongue atrophy and deviation towards the side of injury.