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52 Cards in this Set

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Apgar Score
A. highest
B. category
C. procedure
A. 10
B. heart rate
muscle tone
reflex irritability
C. every 5 min eval until 7 is reached
A. premature infants
B. lanugo
C. vernix caseosa
D. cutis marmorata
E. pallor etiology
F. milia
G. mongolian spot
H. pustular melanosis
I. erthema toxicum neonatorum
J. Nevus simplex"stork bit"
J. Nevus flammeus "port wine stain"
K. hemangioma
L. neonatal acne
A. softer and thinner
B. thin hair that covers skin of preterm infants
C. thick, creamy material in term infants
D. mottling of skin with venous prominence
E. asphyxia, shock, sepsis, anemia
F. tiny whitish papules around pilsebaceous follicules
G. blue hyperpig macules ove rlumbosacral area
H. transient rash of small dry superficial vesicles over dark macular base
I. eosinophilic. erythematous macules on trunk but not on palms/soles
J. pink macular lesion on nape of neck, nasolabial region
K. vascular malformation of dilated capillary
L. vascular tumors
Sturge-Weber syndrome
nevus flammeurs in ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
intracranial vascular malformation
intracranial calcification
- etiology
caput succedaneum
diffuse edema of scalp tha tcrosses cranial sutures/midline
- subperiosteal hemorrhage secondary to birth trauma
- limited by cranial sutures
- parietla or occipital bones
premature fusion of cranial sutures
soft areas of skull with ping pong ball fell
Eyes: red reflex
- lack etiology
- retinoblastoma
- cataracts
- glaucoma
- chorioretinitis
Pierre Robin syndrome
- micrognathia
- celft palate
- glossoptosis
- obstruciton of upper airway
Clavicle Examination
A. lateral neck cyts
B. midline clefts
C. turner syndrome
A. branchial cleft cysts, cystic hydromas
B. thyroglossal duct, goiter
C. edema, webbing
Chest deformities
A bulging sternum
B. depressed sternum
C poland syndrome
A. pectus carinatum
B. pectus excavatum
C. chest asymmetry b/c of lack of ribs or pectoralis muscle
Respiratory distress signs
- tachypnea (>60)
- deep respiration
- cyanosis
- grunting
- intercosta, sternal retractions
- nl range
- diminished femoral pulses
- increased femoral pulses
A. 95 - 180 bpm
B. coarctation of aorta
C. patent ductus arteriosus
Abdominal exam
A. umbilicus
B. persistent urachus
C. meconium plug
D. meconium ileus
E. diastasis recti
A. if only 1 artery = congenital renal anomalies
B. fistula tw bladder and umblicus
C. obstruction of left colon and rectum by dehydrated meocnium
D. occlusion of distal ileum by insupissated
def of pancreatic enzymes
both sign of cystic fibrosis
E. separation of lef tand right of rectus
Abdominal mass differential
- hydronephrosis
multicystic kidney
ovarian cysts
Female genitalia
A. hypertrophied clitoris
A. androgen excess
B. imperforate hymen with retention of vaginal secretion
Male genitalia
A. hypospadia
B. epispadia
C. hydrocele
D. cryptochidism
A. urethral meatus on ventral surface
B. meatus on dorsal. assoc with baldder exttrophy
C. assoc w/ inginal hernia
D. undescented deste
Absence of radius (3)
- Fanconi anemia
- Holt-Oram syndrome
- thrombocytopenia absent radii
Edema of feet with pyoplastic nails
turner or nonran
Spina bifida
- hair tufts, dimple
Problems of pre-term babies
- necrotizing enterocolitis
- hypothermia, glycemia, calcemia
- retinopathy of prematurity
- bronchopulmonary dysplaisa
- anemia
- indirect hyperbilirubinemia
A. def
B. complications
A. >43 gestation
B. intrauterine asphyxia
meconium aspiration syndrome
Small-for-gestational age (SGA)
B. Causes
A. below 5th percentile as a result of IUGR
B. causes of IUGR:
TORCH, chromosomal anomalies, maternal drugs
placental insuf, tumors
maternal malnutrition, pregnancy induced hypertension
Large for gestational age
A. def. differentiate from high birth weight
B. Etiology
A. >90th percentil.
high birth weight is > 4,000g
B. maternal diabetes, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Parder-Willi synd
nesidioblastosis (diffuse, proliferation of pancreatic islet cells)
A. pathophysio
B. etiology
C. evaluation test
A. absolute conc of unoxy or reduce dhemoglobin
B. 5 T: truncus arteriosus, tetrology of Fallot, tricuspid atresia, transposition, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
hematologic disorder (polycythemia)
metabolic (hypoglycemia/calcemia/thyroidism)
C. 100% O2 test: if heart dz = PaO2 not > 150mmHg
if lung dz = > 150 mmHg
Respiratory Distress
- Lungs
- Airways
- Cardio
- Hematology
- Infection
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
A. pathophysio
B. assessment
C. risk factors
A. lack of surfactant made after 30-32 wks
B. amniocentesis: lecithin-to-sphingomyelin >2:1
presence of phosphatidylglycerol
C. prematurity, IDM, neonatal hypothermia/asphyxia
A. clinical tx
B. radiograph features
C. tx
D. complication
A. 1st 24-48 hrs: tachpnea, grunting, cyanosis
B. ground-glass, air bronchograms = small airways with air surrounded by increased ensity of pulmonary field
C. CPAP, oxygen, exogenous surfactant
D. air leaks, bronchopulmonary dysplasisa ( = chronic lung disease, retinopathy of prematurity)
Diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- mehcanical ventilation in 1st two weeks of life
- respiratory compromise beyond 28 days
- supplemental O2 beyond 28 days of life
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of Newborn (PPHN)
A. def
B. etiology
C. pathophsio
D. evaluation
E. tx
A. any condition other than congenital HD associated to low blood flow to lungs
B. MAS, perinatal asphyxia
C. incr pulmonary vascular R = R to L shunting = hypoxemia
D. CXR = pulmonary vascualr markings decreased
endocardiogram to rule out congential heart disease
E. ventilation, oxygen, ECMO, nitric oxide for pulmonary dilation
Meconium Aspiration syndrome
A. def
B. pathophysio
C. evaluation
D. complication
A. meconium = first stools
B. meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) is green. if becomes hypoxic, grasp, aspirate meconium
C. CXR = incr lung volum with diffuse patchy area sfo atelectasis
D. PPHN, bacaterial pneumonia
long-term reactive airway disease
Apnea of Prematurity
A. def
B. types
A. resp pause w/o airflow >15-20 sec
B. central apnea
apnea secondary to airway obstruction (no airflow)
mixed apnea
C. GERD, anemia, hypo, seizures
Idiopathic apnea of prematurity
A. tx
respiratory stimulate meidcation: caffein, theophyllin
CPAP, mechanical ventilation
Physiologic jaundice
A. def
B. causes
C. sx
A. indirect hyperbilirubinemia and no tx required
B. incr bilirubin load on hepatocytes
delayed activity of glucuronyl transferase
C. in well-appearing infants and decr before 1st week
Nonphysiologic Jaundice
A. name 2 types
- indirect hyperbilirubinemia
- direct hyperbilirubinemia: always pathologic in neonates
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia
A. pathophysio causes (3)
B. breastfeeding jaundice
C. brest milk jaundice
A. excessive bilirubin
impaired clearance of bilirubin
defective conugation of bilirubin by liver
B. 1st week. poor milk intake = wt loss, dehydration, decr passage of stool = decr bilirubin excretion
C. after 1st week, related to milk's beta-glucuronidase and lipase
Differential indirect hyperbilirubinemia
Differential of direct hyperbilirubinemia
Evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia
A. indirect
B. direct
C. complications
A. CBC, reti count, smear (for hemolysis)
B. hepatic US, serologies for viral hepatitis, radioisotope for heptobiliary tree
C. kernicterus (basal ganglisa, hippocampuse)
choreoathetoid cerebral palsy
hearing loss
opisthotonus (HTN, spasticity), seizure
Infants of drug-abusing mothers
A. drugs
B. cx
A. alcohol, cocaine
amphetamines, narcotics
B. jitteriness, hyperreflexia, feeding intolerance, excessive wakefulness, tremulousness
Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophagela fistula
A. sx
B. Dx
A. polyhydramnios
incr liklihood of aspiration pneumonia (esp feeding)
VACTERL association
B. OG tube
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
A. pathophysio (which side)
B. sx
C. dx
D. tx
A. herniation impair growth ahd maturation of lungs, esp left side
B. polyhydramnios
scaphoid abdomen, respiratory insuf
C. CXR: no abdomen gas, no diaphragmatic dome
D. bag-and-mask ventilation should NOT be used
Abdominal wall defect
A. time line
B. omphalocele
C. gastroschisis
A. 10th week
B. centrally in abdomen
true hernia sac = covered by peritoneal sac
assoc with other congential anomalies (heart)
C. right paraumbilical area
no peritoneal sac covering
incr risk of ischemia/bowel damage
Intestinal obstruction
A. most common type
B. list 3 others
A. intestinal atresia
B. meconium ileus, intestinal malrotation, Hirschsprung disease
Meconium ileus
A. pathophysio
B. sx
C. dx
A. neonatal manifestation of cystic fibrosis. intestinal secretion adn def of pancreatic enzymes incr viscosity of meconium = occlusion
B. abdominal distension, lack of meconium passage, vomiting
C. CXR: soap-bubble appearance
no definit air-fluid interface = air trappe din meconium
Intestinal malrotation
A. causes
A. volvulus: loops of intestine twist if attached to narrow band of mesentery
Hirschsprung diease
A. pasophysio
B. sx
C. dx
D. tx
A. lack of caudal migration of ganglion cells from neural crest = contraction of distal segment with proximal dilatation
B. constipation, vomiting, abdominal distention
C. rectal biopsy
D. colostomy, resect affect segment
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
A. sx
B. dx
C. complication
A. residual gastric contents, bloody stools
abdominal erthema, abdominal distention
B. air-fluid levles
pneumatosis intestinalis (air in bowel wall)
C. intestinal obstruction
nutritional deficiencies
A. def
A. etiology
C. sx
A. <40 gm/dL
B. IDM (transient), nesidioblastosis (persistent)
limited hepatic glycogen stores
stressed, asphyxiated, sepsis
growth hormone def, panhypopituitarism
galactosemia, fructose intolerance
C. jitteriness, feeding probelms, tachycardia, hypotonia
Infants of diabetic mothers
A. pathophsio
B. sx
C. complication
A. hyperglyemia -> hyperinsulinemia --> incr hepatic glucose uptake + lipogenesis = macrosomia
B. incr body fat, visceromegaly, head/face dispropor small
C. congenital anomalies,
small left colon syndrome: abd distentsion, failure to pass meconium secondary to decr caliber of left colon
A. def
B. etiolgoy
C. sx
E. tx
A. > 65%
B. pacental insuf --> erythropoietin secretion + RBC production
C. NEC, poor perfusion, plethora
D. partial exchange transufsion: remove blod and replace with normal saline