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113 Cards in this Set

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What is a Group?

is an assemblage of persons (or objects) located or gathered together.

What is a Team?

is a group organized to work together.

What is a mission?

is a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task.

The __________ can not be completed

without people and those people play certain roles within the team to accomplish that mission.


According to Allen N. Fahden and Srinivasan Namakkal, developers of the Team Dimensions Concept and the Team Dimensions Profile, there are four roles that are typically found on teams and together spell out ______________

The four main team roles are





___________________focus on the interaction. They communicate new ideas and carry them forward.


_________________focus on the possibilities. They generate new ideas and fresh concepts.
_______________focus on the analysis. They challenge all concepts.

focus on the realization. They follow up on team objectives and implement ideas and solutions.

The roles of a team are played out and ideas come about, there is a process the idea naturally foes through: it is call the_____________

The P.E.P Cycle

is a Panic-Elation-Panic cycle that occurs whenever you are in a situation that requires you to come up with new ideas (team meetings, problem solving sessions, AFSO21 events, etc.).

The P.E.P Cycle

Ideas often bounce back and forth among the Creators, Advancers, and Refiners in what’s called the


"Z" Process

is an ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to move toward or away from achieving the desired objective.

Team Dynamics

_________is the essence of team dynamics.

Interaction of individuals

what are the five C's of a team?






What are the five common dysfunctions of a team?

Absence of Trust

Fear of Conflict

Lack of Commitment

Avoidance of Accountability

Inattention to Results

What are the stages of team development?

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning

During this stage of team development members will cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior.
This stage of team development is considered the most difficult stage for a team. Here is where members acknowledge what the intent of the team is and what the eventual goal is

During this stage of Team Development, members reconcile disputes, "agree to disagree," and abandon negative and unproductive energy, redirecting all efforts to achieve the team’s objective.

During this stage of team development teams disassemble and members separate from the team. Under favorable circumstances, adjournment is planned as a result of the team accomplishing its goal.
Adjourning and Transforming

By this stage of Team Development, there is heightened morale and loyalty to the team and its success. Members work together to diagnose problems by collectively brainstorming and collaboratively selecting solutions. df


What four instance cause regression of team development?

New Members

New Goals

Altering a teams schedule

Unresolved Conflict

____________ includes evaluating and using the knowledge, skills, experience, assessment and evaluation results, and resources you have in the most efficient ways possible to effectively complete the mission.

Measuring your team’s success

Avoid conflict as its negative connotation threatens trust, communication, morale, welfare, and mission accomplishment is what Dysfunction

Fear of Conflict

Doubt in others or mission will cause members to struggle to commit fully to ideas, decisions, or tasks made by other members of the organization is what Dysfunction

Lack of Commitment

Holding others accountable usually leads to confrontation. Members are likely to avoid these situations is what Dysfunction

Avoidance of Accountability

Unwillingness to confide in and share knowledge, feelings, and concerns with one another is what Dysfunction

Absence of Trust

When members place their individual needs and goals ahead of the team and the organization is what Dysfunction

Inattention to Results

___________ is one in the service of another; one that follows the opinions or teachings of another; one that imitates another.
What are the 5 essential qualities of Effective Followership?






________involves adjusting your behaviors and other resources to what you have diagnosed/observed in a way that helps close the gap between the current situation and what you want to achieve.


Creating a ________includes assessing the whole person and targeting specific areas that need improvement and/or need expanding in order to fulfill current or future job/roles and responsibilities.

deliberate development plan

Position power comes in what four types?

Coercive, connection, reward and legitimate.

_______________--provides you with the authority to make decisions and requests based on your position within the organization.

Position power

personal power includes what 3 types?

Referent, Expert, Information

a ____________power leader states: “If the task is not performed to standard, I will have everyone work the weekend to complete the task.”

coercive power

a ____________power leader states: “If you perform exceptionally well on the task I’ll ensure that your name is mentioned when I speak to the Commander.”

connection power

a ____________power leader states: “If you perform exceptionally well on the task I’ll compensate you with time off.”

Reward Power

a ____________power leader states: “Meet me in my office first thing in the morning in your service dress uniform.


_____________is the extent to which followers respect, feel good about, are committed to their leader; and see their own goals being satisfied by the goals of their leader.

Personal power

The following is an example of what type of personal power? SrA Armstrong is well liked among his peers and supervisors. He is often chosen to lead small teams and is very effective in earning their trust and encouraging the team to complete the tasks correctly within the time allotted.

Referent power

The following is an example of what type of personal power?As the President of the Junior Enlisted Airman’s Committee (JEAC), SSgt Smith obtains information important to the junior enlisted on base

Informational power

The following is an example of what type of personal power? Because of his vast knowledge in the career field, TSgt Dunaway is often sought after for advice on how to perform operational tasks.Remember, power is the potential to

Expert Power

low task, high relationship leader: his leader uses predominantly reward power to maintain discipline and encourage the team to accomplish its goals.

country club leader

low task, low relationship:This person uses a “delegate and disappear” management style.

impoverished leader

high task, high relationship:This type of leader leads by positive example.

high task, high relationship

high task, low relationship:This kind of leader is very task oriented and hard on their workers (autocratic).

Authoritarian Leader

________________process involving two or more people or groups who have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values, or beliefs and who are striving to reach agreement on issues or courses of action.


_______________is the foundation of relationships with others and faith in a system


___________________is defined as “an alternative that, should negotiations fail, you are willing and able to execute without the other party’s participation or permission.”

Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (Banta)

__________________cultures are more people-oriented and prefer to establish trusting relationships with others prior to engaging in negotiations. These societal groups have close connections with one another that have existed for a long time.


______________cultures are primarily task-oriented and work toward negotiating a resolution as quickly as possible.


____________________is defined as the capacity of parties to decide it is in their best interest to negotiate an agreement rather than to continue a dispute.


____________ states that timing is critical to successful negotiations


Once all sides realize they cannot win and the status quo is unacceptably damaging the conflict is said to be "ripe" for resolution, also known as a

mutually hurting stalemate.

With _______________, parties turn to a neutral third party who uses interest-based problem solving techniques to assist in resolving a dispute.


_____________________is the careful and responsible management of resources under one’s control.

Resource stewardship

For the NCO, ________________ requires the efficient and effective use of assigned personnel, material, information and technology, energy, warfare and financial resources to ensure mission success.

Resource stewardship

_______________________is a term that means setting aside money for a specific purpose.


________is an act that results in exceeding limitations (misuse) of funds authorized and appropriated by Congress in support of contract obligations.

Anti deficiency act

The senior advisory committee chaired by the Commander or Deputy Commander and includes group commander level members and the Comptroller (at installations), Directors, and special staffs (at commands) make up the

Financial Management Board

The _____________Reviews program and cost factors, compares actual with prior year costs, reviews justifications, periodically evaluates performance against estimates, and submits a recommended financial plan to the FMB.

Financial Working Group

________________________is a two-part process that occurs twice within each budget cycle to identify and redistribute funds to meet unfunded requirements such as unforeseen or initially unanticipated mission-related expenses.

Budget Execution Review

_______________________refers to a product formally called the Financial Plan or Fin Plan. The FEP ensures an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year (budget year) consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives and is the main vehicle for distributing anticipated funding (direct & reimbursable) in an equitable manner.

Financial Execution Plan

This computer product details the organization structure (the number, skills, grade and security requirements of manpower authorizations), the position number for each authorization, and other pertinent data that commanders and managers need to manage manpower resources.

Unit Manning Document

The_____________ is a perpetual cycle of planning, programming, revising, adjusting, and spending. Each cycle lasts one fiscal year (FY), which begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September of the following year. Each FY is divided into quarters and specific actions take place within each quarter

Budget process

__________________ are morals, ethics, or habits established by an authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable behavior


Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. It is a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct.


refers to the enforced obedience to legal orders and regulations.

imposed discipline

________________ is a system of three Arenas that if used correctly can help maintain discipline in the Air Force. The three Arenas consist of Prevention, Correction, and Punishment and are intended to build upon one another and if taken seriously, each preceding Arena can serve to preclude the following Arena.

The Discipline Model

Of the three DM Arenas, _____________ is the first and most important. The goal of it is to “Prevent” or stop problems before they occur.


is designed to address inappropriate behavior, and seek to bring subordinates’ behavior back within acceptable boundaries using the least amount of force necessary. This is accomplished by using the Progressive Discipline Process or PDP which is critical to the Correction Arena


________________ is the third Arena in the Discipline Model. Their purpose is to correct and rehabilitate those who repeatedly or grievously violate standards. Only officers on G-series orders can punish enlisted members and only through Article 15 or courts-martial process.


The is just as its name indicates, progressive. You must not only understand its various facets and tiered nature, but also use it accordingly

Progressive Discipline Process

the three steps to the Progressive Discipline Process are?

Establish Standards


Apply the PDP

is defined as “the right to act and command.”5 One of the three legal sources of your NCO Authority is Article 91 of the UCMJ, “Insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer.” This article ensures others obey NCOs’ orders and protects NCOs from assault, insult, or disrespect.

NCO Authority

The following are the _______________________

1. presumption of innocence2. protection from compulsory self-incrimination3. pretrial investigation4. representation by counsel5. fair and impartial trial6. right of appeal7. protection from double (former) jeopardy

Seven Basic Rights of the Accused

What are the four dimensions of wellness?





The ___________ dimension includes expanding your knowledge about your lifestyle and how food, good nutrition, and physical activity can be an integral part of your lifestyle. This dimension also includes any issues dealing with physical well-being such as diseases, alcohol and tobacco use, regular exercise, and a healthy diet.


The ________ dimension includes finding ways to encourage positive thinking and acceptance of yourself.


The ______________ of wellness addresses questions such as meaning, purpose, values, self-worth, dignity, and hope.

Spiritual dimension

The ____________ dimension includes having positive interactions with other individuals.


Task demands, Role demands, Interpersonal demands, Organizational structure and Organizational leadership are ________________ stress factors


_________ factors of stress are another category that makes up an individual’s personal life. Primarily, this focuses on family and personal economic problems


_______________________signs of stress include changes in productivity, absence, and turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.14


_______________stress occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior due to military operations other than war.


________________stress happens when there is a change in mental function or behavior because of combat. The changes can be positive by allowing an increase in confidence in both self and peers, or it can create symptoms of a combat/operational stress injury.


__________________ are a natural result of exposure to combat conditions.

Combat Stress Reactions (CSR)

is an anxiety disorder that may occur in an individual following exposure to a traumatic event. A traumatic event is anything the individual deems scary or horrible where they feel their or others’ lives are in danger. The person may feel they have no control over the outcome of the situation.


It is the relations between two or more people.

Human relations

____________________includes discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.

Unlawful Discrimination

is, in simple terms, abuse or misuse of power and is considered psychological violence. It includes actions, decisions, and behaviors such as unwarranted or invalid criticism or blame without factual justification, treating some members differently than others, and excluding certain members from events to isolate them socially. It also includes physical intimidation (proximal), shouting, swearing and taking actions that embarrass or humiliate the target.

Workplace bullying

________is a proactively coordinated and structured period of transition from situation A to situation B using a systematic approach that addresses planning for the change; implementing, monitoring, and controlling the change effort; and effecting the change by minimizing resistance through the involvement of key players and stakeholders…resulting in lasting change within an organization

Change Management

_______________are the people responsible for initiating change within an organization.

Change Sponsors

___________________are responsible for implementation of change in an organization

Change Agents

____________are those individuals or groups who actually undergo the change.

Change targets

________________________is change that’s implemented by an authority figure (i.e., commander, superintendent, or supervisor).

Directive change

Uniform changes, Dress and appearance standards, Career field reorganizations, Tri-Care for healthcare, APRs to EPRs and Use of seat belts are examples of _______________change


____________________is implemented when new knowledge is made available to the individual or group. The eventual success of the change is dependent upon the group’s positive attitude and commitment in the direction of the desired change.

Participative Change

New uniform styles, especially the AB, Re-accomplishing operating instructions, Adjusting shop/office policies, Improving communication lines, Any process improvement effort and Reorganization are examples of _________________ change.


What are the three phases in the change process?

Unfreezing (phase 1)

Changing (phase 2)

Refreezing (phase 3)

The _____________ is intended to motivate your subordinates and help get them ready for change.

unfreezing phase

The ____________ is the movement from the old way of doing things to the new way of doing business.

changing phase

The __________ is the locking in of the new procedures until they’re a permanent part of daily operations.

refreezing phase

is the strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way you perform tasks. CI employs a collection of methodologies including Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, and Business Process.

Continuous improvement

The two systems of thinking include

System 1 - Reactive Thinking and System 2 - Reflective Thinking.

___________________ relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, trial and error, and heuristic thinking (discovering solutions for self) to arrive quickly and confidently at judgments, particularly when situations are familiar and immediate action is required

Reactive Thinking (System 1)

____________________ is broad and informed problem-solving and deliberate decision making. It is useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration.

Reflective Thinking (System 2)

__________________________is a systematic procedure based on the thinking pattern that you use when making choices.

Decision analysis

_______________________provides NCOs with a systematic and deliberate method for looking at the current situation, determining what problems exists, and then deciding an appropriate and/or effective action.


_________________is a team-centered, systematic, common-sense problem solving approach aimed at increasing combat capability, making Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhancing and enabling the Warfighter.

Eight Step Problem Solving Process