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6 Cards in this Set

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Trait and Factor theory (E.G.Williamson)

-based on the knowledge of Frank Parsons

-relies on tests and assessments to match traits, aptitude, and interest with given occupation

John Holland’s 6 personalities and 6 Work environments

1) investigative (like to learn, observe, investigate, problem solve)

2) Artistic (self-expressive ideas)

3)Social (like to work with people, help, train, etc.)

4) Enterprising (enjoy leadership positions)

5) Conventional (like to work with data)

6) Realistic (hands on, like to work things)

Donald Super’s life Rainbow

* Helps you think about the various roles you play at different times in your life

Life roles: child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, parent, spouse, homemaker

Life stages: growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, decline

Anne Roe

-early childhood needs-theory approach

-believed vocational choice is related to personality development at a young age and interactions with parents

-needs play a major role in determining an occupation

Anne Roe’s Fields and Levels

-Fields (occupations)

Service, business, contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture and art/entertainment


(1)independent responsibility (2)less independence (3)moderate responsibility for others (4) training is required (5)on the job training or special schooling (6)little special training is required

John Krumboltz (learning theory of Career Counseling LTCC)

• 4 factors to simplify

ming Theory of career carur development pro

(1) Genetic endowment and unique abilitie

(2) Environmental Conditions


(3) learning experienus

(4) task approach skills (problem solving, cog

and emotional patterns