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49 Cards in this Set

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Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (Action)
Constricts pharynx
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (Origin)
mandible; (sphenoid); hyoid
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (Insertion)
posterior pharynx
Sternocleidomastoid (Action)
flexes head
Sternocleidomastoid (Origin)
Manubrium; medial clavicle
Sternocleidomastoid (Insertion)
Mastoid process of temporal bone; superior nucha line of occipital bone
Trapezius (Action)
stabilizes, raises, retracts, rotates scapula
Trapezius (Origin)
Occipital bone; ligamentum nuchae; spines of C(7)-T(12)
Trapezius (Insertion)
Acromion, spine of scapula, lateral (1/3) clavicle
Levator scapulae ventralis (Action)
elevates scapula
Levator scapulae ventralis (Origin)
Transverse processes C1-4
Levator scapulae ventralis (Insertion)
medial border of scapula
Deltoid (Action)
abducts arm
Deltoid (Origin)
Acromion, spine of scapula; lateral (1/3) clavicle
Deltoid (Insertion)
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Long head of triceps brachii (Action)
extends forearm
Long head of triceps brachii (Origin)
Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Long head of triceps brachii (Insertion)
Olecranon process of ulna
Lateral head of triceps brachii (Action)
extends forearm
Lateral head of triceps brachii (Origin)
posterior shaft of humerus
Lateral head of triceps brachii (Insertion)
Olecranon process of ulna
Extensor digitorum (Action)
extends fingers
Extensor digitorum (Origin)
Common extensor tendon
Extensor digitorum (Insertion)
distal phalanges 2-5
Extensor carpi ulnaris (Action)
extends wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris (Origin)
Common extensor tendon
Extensor carpi ulnaris (Insertion)
base of medial # metacarpal
Medial pterygoid (Action)
elevates and protrudes mandible
Medial pterygoid (Origin)
Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
Medial pterygoid (Insertion)
medial surface of mandible near angle
Lateral pterygoid (Action)
protrudes mandible
Lateral pterygoid (Origin)
Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
Lateral pterygoid (Insertion)
Mandibular condyle
Buccinator (Action)
draws corner of mouth laterally
Buccinator (Origin)
maxilla and mandible
Buccinator (Insertion)
Orbicularis oris
Genioglossus (Action)
protrudes tongue
Genioglossus (Origin)
internal surfaces of mandibular symphysis
Genioglossus (Insertion)
inferior tongue; body of hyoid
Hyoglossus (Action)
depresses tongue
Hyoglossus (Origin)
hyoid bone
Hyoglossus (Insertion)
inferolateral tongue
Styloglossus (Action)
retracts tongue
Styloglossus (Insertion)
infero(lateral) tongue
Styloglossus (Origin)
Styloid process of temporal bone
Occipitalis (Action)
pulls scalp posteriorly
Geniohyoid (Insertion)
hyoid bone
Geniohyoid (Origin)
mandibular symphysis
Geniohyoid (Action)
pulls hyoid bone superiorly