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122 Cards in this Set

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The bony frame of the body is called


Muscles are made up of

tissue made up of contractile fibers that produce movement

The musculoskeletal system includes

Skeletal muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments

What is the function of the musculoskeletal system

to provide frameworks, protects delicate organs, from its movement, produces some blood cells

What is stored in the musculoskeletal system

Phosphorus and calcium

how many bones are in the human body


What are the four types of bones in the musculoskeletal system

Long, short, irregular, flat

What happens to bones that are not used

You lose calcium and become less functional

What do aging in changes to the musculoskeletal system include

Decreased strength, endurance, muscle tone, and reaction time. Loss of elasticity of muscles and decrease size in muscle mass

What are aging effects on the spine

Less stability less flexible and easily injured

Do muscles work in pairs or alone


What are aging effects on the joints

Deterioration of the joints results in limited movement and stiffness and pain

What are joints

where two bones meet

What is a ligament

A tough white fibrous cord that connects bone to bone

What is a tendon

Connects muscle to bone

What are bursa

Sac of synovial fluid located around joints that help reduce friction

What is bursitis

Inflammation of the bursa

What is arthritis

Inflammation of the joints

What are common forms of arthritis

Osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis

What does rheumatoid arthritis affect

This affects the lining of the joints and other body systems

Exacerbation mean

Worsening of a chronic medical condition

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition of

Remission and exacerbation

What is remission

Times in which a chronic disease seems stable

What does rheumatoid arthritis do to the joint

reduces joint function and causes deformities that are severe and disabling

what is OJD

Osteoarthritis joint disease

What is DJD

Degenerative joint disease

what do OJ D and DJ D effect

affect the ends of the bones that form the joints. The bones rub together and cause pain and deformity

which joints are affected with osteoarthritis joint disease and degenerative joint disease

Weight bearing joints

What is gout

Gout is a form of arthritis where uric acid crystallizes in the joint and is very painful

What is the cause of gout

uric acid build up in the blood.

What can gout lead to

Complete disability, hypertension, chronic renal disease

What is osteoporosis

A metabolic disorder in which bones become porous and spongy

What is the risk of osteoporosis in the affected bones


What is osteoporosis caused from

unknown, but possible years of poor calcium intake

The onset of osteoporosis sometimes begins with

Sometimes the onset of osteoporosis begins with a curvature of the spine and loss of heights

What is commonly heard as a patient moves as a first sign of osteoporosis

pop or snapping in a bone

What is the first sign of osteoporosis

Possibly a fracture

What happens during curvature of the spine

The back progressively weakens straining the neck hips and lower back

Spontaneous fractures may occur when

movement, or as a result of minor injury

What is fibromyalgia

A chronic pain syndrome

is there a cure for fibromyalgia


Who does fibromyalgia affect more


How do you become diagnosed with fibromyalgia

Must have pain above and below the waist on both sides of the body

how many body sites must pain be in to be diagnosed for fibromyalgia

11 out of 18

Where are the body sites of pain for fibromyalgia

Muscles make up how much of your body's weight

about half

What are the three types of muscles

skeletal (voluntary), smooth (involuntary), and cardiac

what does osteo mean


What is the treatment for bursitis

Rest, ice, compression, NSAID, steroid injection

What does NSAID stand for

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

What is a synovial membrane

A layer of connective tissue that lines the cavities of the joint


Proximal interphalangeal

Where, on the body, is gout most common

Feet and legs

Gout is marked by

Constant pain, tenderness and swelling in the joints

what part of the body is usually not affected by osteoarthritis

Wrist, elbows or shoulders

What are risk factors of osteoarthritis

Family history, contact sports, and obesity

People with osteoarthritis usually complain of

Pain in the knee, hip, hand or spine

What is the common sign of osteoarthritis

Cartilage destruction

Arthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia can cause mild

Discomfort, severe deformities, disability

patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia are at high risk for


how should you handle people with arthritis, osteoporosis, or fibromyalgia

Slowly, gently

What should be used to transfer patients with osteoporosis

Mechanical lift or transfer belt

How do you turn a patient with osteoporosis in bed

with sheets or turning devices

when a person has osteoporosis what should you avoid doing to the body

Pulling on the patient's body

What is a fracture

A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone

What is the most common cause of a fracture

A fall

How are fractures classified

By the type of break and if the skin is broken

A break across the entire cross section of the bone is this type of fracture


What are the risk factors of gout

Obesity and dopamine

What are risk factors of osteoporosis

Estrogen deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, corticosteroids, inactivity

Incomplete fracture

Involves only part of the cross section of the bone

Closed fracture

Also known as a simple fracture the skin is not broken

Open fracture

Also known as a compound fracture, occurs when the skin over the fracture is broken. The bone may or may not protrude

Pathologic fracture

Fracture in a diseased bone

Greenstick fracture

Only one side of the bone is broken

Comminuted fracture

Chattering and splintering of the bone into more than three fragments

Depressed fracture

only in skull and face

Compression fracture

Seen only in vertebrae of the spine

What is Chorea

abnormal movements that are the primary sign of HD


bruising in parts of the body that are very vascular

How are fractures treated

Immobilize the injured area until healing takes place

How long do injured bones take to heal

Several weeks to months

How will you assist a patient with a fracture

ROM exercises of non-injured extremities, coughing and deep breathing to prevent pneumonia

When caring for a patient with a fracture is fluid intake encouraged or discouraged


What does increased fluid intake do for the patient with a fracture

liquefies secretions that accumulate in the lungs

What can assist the patient with a fracture in bed

A trapeze

what two types of casts are there

Plaster of Paris and fiberglass

what should you avoid resting a wet cast on

hard flat surfaces or anything plastic under the wet cast

C.M.E.T stands for

color, motion, edema, temperature

What would you use for a patient in a cast that is out of bed

A sling, wheelchair with elevated leg rest for leg

When a patient is in a cast and is complaining of itching who do you tell

The nurse

What cast is used for children

A spica

When a child is in a spica cast, how do you turn the child

turn the child on non casted side

when a child is in a spica cast what are you to do when moving

Support the cast

what should you avoid when a child is in a spica cast

pulling on the bar in between the legs

When a child is in a spica cast why should you protect the cast edges

to protect genital area from rough edges

While a child is in a spica cast are you to monitor

Signs and symptoms of pain

What is traction

traction pulls to body areas slightly apart

What is the benefit of traction

It relieves pressure, relaxes muscles, and maintains alignment

What two types of traction are used

Skin and skeletal

What equipment does skeletal traction use

Tongs or pins and weights that are attached

What are the most common fractures in the elderly


A hip fracture can occur where

Anywhere in the upper third or head of the femur it's not limited to the hip joint

What is the most common treatment for a fractured hip


What does THP stand for

Total hip anthroplasty

What is THP

Insertion of a hip prosthesis

What is removed during a THP

The hip joint

When does compartment syndrome occur

When pressure within the muscle increases blocking the flow of blood and oxygen

During compartment syndrome where does bleeding and swelling take place

In the muscle tissue over time

What does CPM stand for

Continuous passive motion

In compartment syndrome what happens if the swelling is not relieved

Pressure will exceed blood pressure causing capillaries to collapse levels to the nerves and muscles stop

During compartment syndrome if the blood flow is not restored what happens

Tissue death begins and you need to notify the nurse

The most common symptom of acute compartment syndrome is

Severe pain especially when muscle is moved

What are some observations to make for compartment syndrome

the color of the extremity is pale cyanotic, or red. skin may feel warm. Toes and fingers to the cast may feel cool, edema, there is no pulse in the extremity

color is, the skin of the extremity is, fingers and toes to a cast extremity may feel, the pulse

The most common location of compartment syndrome in adults is where

The tibia

The most common location of compartment syndrome in children is where

The humerus

Where is pressure placed is a disc bulges or slips out of place

The spinal nerves

signs and symptoms of a slipped disk or a ruptured disk are

pain, numbness and tingling, weakness of one or two muscles

During spinal injury care you need to

Vital signs and provide routine post-operative care, and good alignment, log roll technique, bleeding or fluid leakage, offer fracture pan, void, void less than 24 mL in 8 hours

Monitor, keep the spine, use which technique when rolling patient, monitor dressing for, for elimination and voiding, inform the nurse when the patient is unable to

After cervical neck surgery care remember to

Do not remove the cervical collar, keep the head midline straight, support the head neck and shoulders.

After cervical neck surgery care observe for

abnormal drooping of the eye, constricted pupil, eye that appears to be sinking in the orbit, and lack of perspiration on the side of the face.

The pressure of tissue and fluid within the skull is called

Intracranial pressure