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26 Cards in this Set

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Epicranius- frontal belly

Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis

Insertion: skin of eyebrows

Action: raises eye brows

Orbicularis oculi

Origin: Frontal and maxillary bones

Insertion: encircles orbit; inserts into tissue of eyelid

Action: closes eye

Orbicularis Oris

Origin: Muscles around mouth

Insertion: encircles mouth, inserts into corners of mouth

Action: closes lips


Origin: Zygomatic arch and maxilla

Insertion: angle of ramus and mandible

Action: closes jaw


Origin: Temporal fossa

Insertion: coronoid process of mandible

Action: closes jaw; retracts mandible


Origin: manubrium of sternum and medial


Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone

Action: neck flexion; rotates head towards

shoulder to opposite side

Pectoralis Major

Origin: clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs

Insertion: intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Action: felxes and adducts shoulder; medially

rotates humerous

Serratus anterior

Origin: lateral aspect of ribs

Insertion: vertebral border of anterior scapula

Action: protracts and rotates scapula


Origin: lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerous

Action: shoulder abductions

Pectoralis Minor

Origin: anterior surface of ribs

Insertion: coracoid process of scapula

Action: draws scapula forward and inferiorly

External intercostals

Origin: Inferior border of rib above

Insertion: superior border of rib below

Action: elevates rib cage during inspiration

Internal intercostals

Origin: superior border of rib below

Insertion: inferior border of rib below

Action: depresses rib cage during forced



Origin: Inferior border of rib and sternum,

cartilage of last 6 ribs and lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: central tendon

Action: flattens to increase thoracic volume for inspirtation

Rectus Abdominis

Origin: pubic crest symphysis

Insertion: Xiphoid process and costal cartilage of ribs

Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column

External Oblique

Origin: Anterior surface of last 8 ribs

Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest, illiac crest

Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen

Internal oblique

Origin: lumbar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament

Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest, cartilage of last 3 ribs

Action: compresses abdomen and rotates vertebral column

Transverse Abdominis

Origin: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, caritlage of last 6 ribs

Insertion: linea alba and pubic crest

Action: compresses abdomen


Origin: occiptal bone, spine of C7

Insertion: acromion and spine of scapula

Action: raises, rotates, retracts and stabilizes scapula

Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: spinous processes

Insertion: interubercular sulcus of humerous

Action: extrends, adducts and medially rotates humerous


Origin: infraspineous fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerous

Action: lateral rotation of humerous

Teres minor

Origin: Lateral margin of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerous

Action: lateral rotation of humerous

Teres Major

Origin: posterior inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: intertubercular suclus of humerous

Action: extends, medially rotates and adducts humerous


Origin: subscapular fossa of scapula

Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerous

Action: medially rotates humerous


Origin: supraspineous fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerous

Action: abduct humerous, stabalizes shoulder

Rhomboid minor

Origin: spineous processes of C7 and T1

Insertion: medial border of scapula

Action: retracts and stablizes scapula

Rhomboid major

Origin: spineous processes of T2 - T5

Insertion: medial border of scapula

Action: retracts and stabilizes scapula