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17 Cards in this Set

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What is a unicellular organism?

Plant or animal consisting of one cell.

Which type of plants and animals consist of many cells?

Multicellular organisms.

What can stem cells do when they divide?

Either produce more or undergo physical and chemical changes until their size, shape and chemical machinery are perfectly suited for a particular role in a specific tissue.

Why do stem cells differentiate?

To make cells that are tailored for a specific function.

What is the function of a red blood cell and what specialised structural features does it have?

Function: uptake and transport of oxygen to living cells.

SSF: small, biconcave shape, large surface area and a rich supply of hAeMoGlObIn (a disgusting word).

White blood cell function and specialised structural feature?

Function: destruction of invading microbes.

Specialised Structural Feature: able to change shape and has sacs of microbe digesting enzymes.

Motor Neurone function and specialised structural feature?

Function: transmittion of nerve impulses.

Specialised Structural Feature: Has an axon - a long, insulated extension of the cytoplasm.

Sperm Cell function and specialised structural feature.

Function: swim to egg and achieve fertilisation.

Specialised Structural Feature: streamlined head with tail to swim.

Cheek Cell

Function: protects mouth lining.

Specialised Structural Feature: flat, irregular shape allowing cells to form a covering layer that's constantly replaced during wear and tear.

Plant Root Hair Cell function and specialised structural feature.

Function: absorbs water and mineral salts.

Specialised Structural Feature: long extension of an epidermal cell presenting a large, surface area in contact with soil solution.

Palisade Mesophyll Cell function and specialised structural feature.

Function: primary region of light absorption and photosynthesis.

Specialised Structural Feature: chloroplasts present, columnor shape allows densely packed green layer to be presented to light.

Xylem function and specialised structural feature.

Function: is support and transports water up the plant.

Specialised Structural Feature: hollow tube walls are strengthened by lignin.

Phloem function and specialised structural feature.

Function: carries sugars from leaves to other cells and tissues.

Specialised Structural Feature: have companion cells (control cell functions) and a sieve plate (allows sugars to be transported between cells).

What are tissues?

A group of similar cells with similar functions working together.

Eg. Phloem tissue is made of sieve tubes and companion cells.

What are organs?

A group of different tissues working together to perform a function.

Eg. The heart, composed of muscle, connective, nervous and fat tissue, pumps blood around the body.

What does systems mean?

A group of related organs and tissues.

Eg. Blood, heart, arteries, capillaries and veins make up the circulatory system.

Hierarchy of organisation?

