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44 Cards in this Set

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5.8 kDa Protein homrone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas

protein is made of two polypeptide chains, the A chain (21 residues) and B chain (30 residues), held together by 2 disulfide bonds.
Insulin is initially translated by beta cells as a single polypeptide, preproinsulin.
The 19 residue signal sequence is then removed in the ER lumen, and preproinsulin is now proinsulin
Mature insulin
final processing in the Golgi cleaves of the 33 residue C peptide chain to give mature insulin, consisting of an A and B chain.
C peptide
33 residues

used to align the A and B chain for proper S-S bonding.

only result from endogenous insulin production. Administered insulin is pure and lacks the C peptide.
Effects of insulin

- stimulate glycogen synthesis in the muscle and liver (decrease [blood glucose])
- stimulate uptake of glucose by muscle cells, adipocytes, and other cells by increasing the number of GLUT4 transporters on the plasma membrane.
- Promotes update of branched amino acids, favoring the build up of muscle proteins.
- Stimulate protein synthesis, inhibits intracellular protein degradation.
3.5 kDa polypeptide hormone secreted by alpha cells of the pancreas

29 AA polypeptide

secreted in response to low blood glucose levels. increases the release of glucose into the bloodstream by the liver.
Glucagon targets
liver is the principal target, adipocytes are also targeted. For all practical purposes, it has no effect on skeletal muscle cells.
Effects of Glycagon

- stimulates glycogen breakdown in liver
- inhibits glycogen synthesis by triggering phosphorylation of phosphorylase and glycogen synthase
- inhibits fatty acid synthesis by diminishing the production of pyruvate and lowering the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase
- stimulate gluconeogenesis by lowering F2,6BP, thus inhibiting glycolysis
- activates lipase in the adipocytes to promote the mobilization of fatty acids

Norepinephrine (noradrenalin) and epinephrine (adrenalin) synthesized from:
secreted by:
stored in:
synthesized from tyrosine

secreted by the adenal medulla and sympathetic nerve endings

stored in granules to be released under the control of the sympathetic nervous system
catecholamines target:

released when:
target skeletal muscle cells, but the hepatocytes and adipocytes are also targeted

released under stress, physical exertion
effects of Catecholamines

1) mobilizes glycogen in muscle and liver and triacylglycerols in the adipocytes
2) stimulates secretion of glucagon and inhibits secretion of insulin
3) inhibits the uptake of glucose by muscle. As glycogen stores are depleted, fatty acids released by adipocytes are used predominantly as fuel.
4) increase the amount of glucose released into the blood by the liver. Decreases utilization of glucose by muscle.
GLUT2 specific for:
hexokinase IV
Phosphorylate glucose as it is taken up by the pancreatic beta cell.

specific for glucose, doesn't phosphorylate other carbs

glucose -> G6P
Glucose in the pancreatic beta cell:
- turn into G6P by hexokinase IV (glucokinase)
- glycolysis
- citric acid cycle
- oxidative phosphorylation
- becomes ATP
Differential permeability of pancreatic beta cell membrane:
K+ diffuse out more than Na+ diffuse in. + outside of cell, and - inside of cell.
Increase [ATP] in pancreatic beta cells:
- cause ATP-gated K+ channel on the plasma membrane to close.
- Membrane depolarizes and cause voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels to open.
- Ca2+ flows into the cell and causes insulin granules to fuse with the membrane, releasing insulin.
Insulin receptor

2 components

2 alpha units that's in the extracellular space
2 transmembrane beta subunits with kinase activity
How does the insulin receptor work?
alpha subunit binds the insulin, then the beta units undergo a conformational change. They auto-phosphorylate, and activate Tyr kinase.
Tyrosine Kinase
intracellular side of the insulin receptor

once insulin binds to the receptor, Tyr kinase is activated. It P itself first, thus activating it, then target a variety of target proteins, and P these proteins.
Diabetes II
insulin receptor is present in deficient amount, or require much more insulin to get the same physiological effect compared to a normal patient.
Insulin Receptor Substrate I

P by the insulin receptor, when binds, it will P protein kinase b (PKB).
Protein Kinase B (PKB)

2 effects

1st one:
- stimulate glycogen synthesis by activating glycogen synthase. Glycogen will be synthesized in large amounts in this muscle cell
- Glycogen synthase is active as a kinase when it's nonP

- PKB P GSK3 from its active form to inactive form.
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3

- active as a kinase when it's nonP

when it's inactive, there is no longer a kinase converting the glycogen synthase to its inactive form.
GLUT4 transporters
transporters of glucose on the plasma membranes of muscle cells and adipocytes

normally, there are not so many of these GLUT4. A lot of it is sequestered in intracellular vesicles.
Protein Kinase B (PKB)

2 effects

2nd one:
- When activated, it cause the GLUT4 vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane, and increase the number of GLUT4 transporters.
- stimulate glucose uptake by muscle and fat cells, thus reduces blood glucose
Catecholamines inhibit secretion of insulin... what happens to PKB?
PKB is inhibited
Exercise and diabetes
when exercising, another kinase become activated, which promotes this process without insulin. Exercise can stimulate the increase in GLUT4 transporters without insulin.
adenylate cyclase
- activated by glucagon and catecholamines

- take ATP and stimulate its conversion to cAMP.
- cyclic form of adenosine monophosphate
- very important second messenger
- P linked at the 5' and 3' position

This is the signal that's going to activate protein kinase A
adenylate cyclase activated by:
- catecholamines bind to beta-adrenergic receptors
- glucagon bind to G protein receptor
alpha-adrenergic receptor
- another receptor for catecholamines
- second messenger that's different from cAMP, and it's target protein is PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate)
PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate)
lipid moiety that's embedded in the membrane.
when alpha-adrenergic receptor binds:
- phospholipase c is activated
Phospholipase C
catalyzes PIP3 -> DG (1,2-Diacylglycerol) + IP3 Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate)

- it severs the polar head group from the membrane component and leaves behind the DG, and release IP3 into the cytosol in soluble form.
1,2-Diacylglycerol (DG)
serves as a second messenger
Protein Kinase A (PKA)
- will P glycogen synthase

- inactive in the absence of cAMP
- cAMP bind to regulatory subunits that inhibit the catalytic subunits of PKA.

Cate binds and activates adelyl cyclase, makes cAMP, binds to the inactive PKA, release catalytic subunits = active PKA
what happens after PKA is active?
it can stimulate the P of glycogen, and P phosphorylase b kinase into its active form, phosphorylate a kinase. This active kinase can then convert the less active glycogen phosphorylase b to its active glycogen phosphorylase a form.
This will then: glycogen -> G1P and release blood glucose.
PKA inhibit:
the action of an enzyme that dephosphorylates Glycogen Phosphorylase, which would inactivate it.

This enzyme, Protein Phosphatase-1 (PP1), has an inhibitor that is actiavted by phosphorylation from PKA.

- also phosphorylate GS to inactivate it.
Effect of alpha-adrenergic receptor?
activate phospholipase C activity when bound by the catecholmaines. This enzyme targets the plasma ipid PIP2 and convertrs it into two potent second messengers, DG and IP3.
How is protein kinase C activated?
PKC needs Ca2+ and needs to be bound to DG for its activation. IPS needs to bind to a Ca2+ channel in ER. That opens up the channel, elevates Ca2+ level in the cytosol. Provides the cation needed.

DG and IP3 are generated by alpha-adrenergic receptors activating phospholipase C
hormone sensitive lipase
mobilize fatty acids in adipocytes

cAMP produced in adipocytes in response to catecholamines or glucagon phosphorylate and activate this enzyme.
Hormones that regulate the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the liever:
Glucagon, catecholamines, and insulin

determine when there will be fatty acid synthesis.