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15 Cards in this Set

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What type of people are in the First Estate?

In the Second Estate?

In the Third Estate?

- The wealthiest: archbishops, bishops, abbots.

- The high offices of the church: paid no taxes.

- Everyone else: bourgeoisie, urban lower classes, peasant farmers

Why was King Louis XVI a weak ruler?

Why did he tax the nobles, and what happened after?

What's the mistake of calling the Estates General?

- He was indecisive and allowed matters to drift. Also he borrowed money to help the American Revolution, which led to the government going into great debt.

- He taxed the nobles because he needed money, but they were angry by the decision, so he called the Estates General.

- He practically just rallied all of the Third Estate together to discuss against the king.

Who was the Abbe Sieyes, and what did he do?

What did he propose to do with the Third Estate?

- Sieyes was the leading spokesman for the Third Estate, and he read what the Third Estate is during the Tennis Court Oath.

- He addressed the gathering of the bourgeois deputies and changed the name of the Third Estate to the National Assembly.

What led to the Storming of the Bastille?

Why is the fall of the Bastille symbolic?

- What leads to the Storming of the Bastille is that Paris mobs realized that there are mercenary troops heavily guarding Paris, that they were trying to break up the National Assembly.

- The fall of the Bastille is symbolic, because it was the the Bastille was a symbol of royal power, since the Bastille was a prison for political reasons. The fall is a symbol of the power of the king diminishing, and the power of the people rising.

What happens during the Great Fear?

What happens is that there's a rumor of a plot against the common people. People begin to get really scared and hide away, but when they notice that no one is attacking them, they begin to attack and raid nobles' manor houses. Also, Parisian women attack Versailles, and corner both Louis and Marie Antoinette, demanding that they leave Versailles and go to Paris.

What were four of the reforms the Assembly adopted?

When the National Assembly step down from power, what did they become?

1) The Rights of Man: it said that men are born equal, equal justice, freedom of speech, and religion.

2) A limited monarchy: they made a limited constitutional monarchy similar to the British government.

3) French departments: they abolished the traditional provinces, and had departments administered by officials.

4) A state-controlled church: priests were to be elected by property owners, but this led devout French to rally with priests.

- The National Assembly steps down and becomes the Legislative Assembly

What is on the right? What is on the extreme right?

What is on the left? What is on the extreme left?

What is on the middle?

- The conservatives are on the right. On the extreme right are the emigres, which are the nobles who fled during the peasant up-rise.

- The liberals are on the left. On the extreme left are the radicals/sans-culottes, which are the people who set up the Paris Commune.

- The moderates are in the middle. They wanted further reforms, but not as much as radicals.

Why did the Legislative Assembly want to go to war against Austria?

What caused the Legislative Assembly to give up a limited monarchy?

What did the Legislative Assembly change to?

- They were delighted to go to war, because they believed that if they did, they would be able to spread their revolution.

- When they were under the threat of the Parisian radicals.

- The Legislative Assembly changed to a new governing body called the National Convention.

What was the Jacobin Club?

Who was Georges Danton?

Who was Jean Paul Marat?

What happens to King Louis XVI after he gets deposed of his position?

- The Jacobin Club was the most radical of all the political clubs during the French Revolution.

- Georges Danton was a leader of the Paris Commune, and he was devoted to the rights of the Paris's poor.

- Jean Paul Marat was another leader who wrote fiery editorials that acted as propaganda against the king.

- He gets executed by the guillotine.

What did Robespierre form to judge the enemy of the republic?

What is the period called during Robespierre's rule?

Other than foreign armies, who else was getting executed during Robespierre's reign?

Why was Robespierre executed?

- He formed the Committee of Public Safety (CoPS)

- The Reign of Terror

- The people of Paris were also getting executed. Any revolutionary who challenged his leadership was mercilessly executed by the guillotine.

- He was executed, because the National Convention knew that they weren't safe from Robespierre. They turned on him and he died by the guillotine.

What political group ruled in the Directory?

The moderates ruled. They drafted a new constitution and put the power at the hands of the bourgeoisie.

How did Napoleon rise through the army?

How did Napoleon seize power in France?

- Napoleon protected the palace meeting of the National Convention. Then he was elected by the Directory to command a French army against Austria and the kingdom of Sardinia.

- Napoleon skillfully held a plebiscite to elect him as emperor. Then he held another one to see if they will elect him as emperor for life. The people of France agreed to it.

What were some ways Napoleon restored order in France?

- He managed to slow inflation, and set up a national bank. He wants capitalism by getting rid of guilds.

- He lets nobles come back. but they're stripped of their privileges.

- He restored the clergy and the Catholic Church's position in France. Everyone was allowed to worship as he or she pleased.

- He allowed anyone to vote in France, but only if they were a man.

What battle does Napoleon lose that made him give the invasion of the British?

What idea stems from Napoleon's wars that affects the people in a country?

Why does Napoleon's empire collapse?

- The Battle of Trafalgar.

- Nationalism, having pride in the nation one lives in

- Napoleon set up the Continental System, which fails and affects France negatively more than Britain. Also, guerrillas fought against the French in Spain, because Napoleon wanted to make his brother the king of Spain. Also, he invades Russia, because they resist to Napoleon's order of not selling grain to Britain.

What battle does Napoleon lose that leads to the crumble of his empire?

Where is Napoleon exiled and what does he do when he escapes?

- The Battle of Leipzig

- Napoleon is exiled to Elba, and he has to surrender his throne. When he escapes and gets back to France, he tries to rally the French to his cause, and they all volunteered to help. The Grand Alliance quickly assembles and defeats Napoleon. The British then ship him to St. Helena in South Atlantic. He dies there after 6 years from stomach cancer.