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34 Cards in this Set

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Preston Brooks
a represenative who beat Sumner unconscious in the senate chamber
happens when people favor the interests of one region over the interests of the country as a whole
Confederate States of America
the name of the new southern nation
Wilmot Proviso
stated that slavery shall not exist in any parts of the Mexican Cession (this never became law)
Daniel Webster
a Senator from Massachusetts who was opposed to the expansion of slavery
Dred Scott
a slave who sued for his freedom because he had lived on "free soil"
Compromise of 1850
1. California would enter as a free state
2. The issue of slavery in the rest of the Mexican Cession would be decided by popular sovereignty
3. Texas would give up its claim to all land east of the upper Rio Grande. In exchange the federal government would pay Texas's old debts
4. Called for an end to slave trade in Washington
5. Called for a new more effective fugitive slave law
popular sovereignty
allow voters in a territory to decide weather they wanted slavery or not
Roger B. Taney
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Dred Scott case
John Breckinridge
a canidate in the election of 1860 that supported slavery in the territories
John Bell
was selected as a presidental canidate by the Constitutional Union Party
Constitutional Union Party
a party that only supported the Constitution of the United States and the enforcement of it's laws
formally witdrawing from the union
Charles Sumner
gave a speech called "The Crime against Knasas" which criticized pro-slavery efforts
John C. Fremont
a Republican canidate for president who opposed the spread of slavery
Dred Scott decision
claimed that Dred Scott did not have the right to file suit in federal court
Kansas-Nebraska Act
popular sovereignty would decide the question of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska
Harriet Beecher Stowe
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Franklin Pierce
14th President of the United States
Anthony Burns
-a fugitive slave who was caught in Boston
-abolitionists killed a marshal while attempting to try to free him
James Buchanan
15th President of the United States
Fugitive Slave Act
made it a crime to help runaway slaves
Republican Party
Whigs, some Democrats, Free-Soilers, and abolitionists joined together to form this party that opposed slavery in the west
Pottawatomie Massacre
John Brown led a group of men that killed 5 pro-slavery men
Stephen Douglas
Introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act to Congress
Freeport Doctrine
put control of the slavery question back in the hands of American citizens
Uncle Tom's Cabin
a powerful anti-slavery novel
Licoln-Douglas debates
a series of debates that made Lincoln famous
Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the United States
Jefferson Davis
was elected president of the Confederate States of America
Henry Clay
nicknamed the Great Compromiser
Free-Soil Party
a party that supported the Wilmont Proviso
John Crittenden
-a senator who proposed a plan that he hoped would save the union from civil war
-his plan called for the extension of slavery to new territories south of the old Missouri Compromise Line
-federal money would be used to compensate slaveowners for slaves that ran away
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown and his men attacked the military storehouse to try to start a slave revolt