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16 Cards in this Set

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define motion study

the study of the body motions employed in performing a job to develop the most efficient work method

Why motion study? (4)

to develop the most efficient work method

- eliminate unnecessary motions

- simplify necessary motions

- facilitate and speed-up effective motions

- adopt most favorable motion sequence

What is the researchers' motion study method? (2)

establish motion elements (Therbligs)

develop the principles of motion economy

What is the engineers' motion study method? (3)

analyze motion elements in a job

apply the principles

optimize the work method

List the 17 Therbligs (motion elements)

search, select, grasp, reach, move, hold, release, position, pre-position, inspect, assemble, disassemble, use, unavoidable delay, avoidable delay, plan, rest to overcome fatigue

define time study

a method for determining the "standard time" required by an "average" "fully-qualified" and "well-trained" operator working at a "normal pace" to complete a task

Why do time study? (5)

- establish fair days work

- production planning

- labor planning

- comparison of machine and method effectiveness

- health and safety reasons

What is the general procedure of a time study?

Communicate with management

Analysis of work methods and materials

Break down the job into Therbligs

Observe the process

Evaluate performance ratings (skill, effort, conditions, consistency)

Performance rating = ________ + ________

Performance rating = 1 + sum of offsets

normal time (average worker) = _______ * ___________

normal time = mean observed time * performance rating

standard time = ___________ * (1 + ________)

standard time = normal time * (1 + allowance factor)

1 TMU = ___________

1 TMU = .036 s

describe methods-time measurement (MTM) (2)

- decompose tasks into elemental motions

- use pre-determined timing data of the elemental motions to estimate total task time

Move TMU = (______ * ______) + _______

Move TMU = (table value) * (weight factor) + constant

TMU code crap

Move symbol + distance + case

Move symbol + case

Why MTM?

to predict task time/overcome a limitation of time study