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19 Cards in this Set

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supercoiled DNA

DNA is further twisted to save space

Negative supercoiling

double helix is underwound

positive supercoiling

double helix is overwound

relaxed DNA

number of turns predicted by number of base pairs

DNA gyrase

catalyses DNA supercoiling


replicate separately from chromosome, double-stranded DNA and circular DNA

Transposable elements

segments of DNA that can move from 1 site to another on the same or different DNA molecules

Pribnow box

located 10 bases before the start transcription (prokaryotes)


a group of related genes costranscribed on a polycistronic mRNA, allows expression of multiple genes to be coordinated.

Homodimeric protein

composed of 2 identical polypeptides.

each bind to 1 inverted repeat.

negative transaction regulation

blocks transcription

positive transcription regulation

activates transcription

Global Control system

regulates multiple gene expression simultaneously

Catabolic repression

repressed in the presence of glucose.

lac operon under control.

Diauxic growth

2 exponential phases:

1. glucose growth

2. lactose growth

sensor kinase

detects environmental signals and autophosphorylates

Chemotaxis regulation

1. response to signal

(MCPs bind yo attraction and initiate flagella rotation)

2. controlling flagella rotation

(controlled by CheY protein)

3. Adaptation

(feedback loop)

Quorum Sensing

mechanism by which bacteria assess their population density


bind to specific activator proteins and trigger transcription