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20 Cards in this Set

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Therapeutic modalities def

Are an external device of application the provides an optimal environment for healing and assist in rehab

Examples of "application" modalities




Traction/jnt mobilization



Cupping & acupuncture

Example of "devices" modalities



Hydrotherapy (tub/pool)

massage gun

Form roller

Heat lamp

Game readies/normatec

Steps if GAP

1. Foundation

2. Preapplicatoon

3. Application parameters

4. Post application task

5. Maintenance

Step 1 of GAP


Understand the modalities: their effects precaution, contraindications, indication, advantages, disadvantages,

Step 2 of GAP

Pre application task

1 Review previous tx and response to it,

2. explain precaution and effects, 3.check skin sensation,

4 tell them what they should and shouldn't feel

5.position paitent and equpiement, 6.INFORMED consent

Step 3 of GAP

Application parameters

Set and adjust parameters (check in frequently)

1. length

2. Frequency

3. Duration

4. Dosage

Step 4 GAP

Post application

1. Proper removal of modality ( and put away)

2. Clean up equipment and paitent

3. Write take home instruction

4. Schedule next tx

5. Record tx

6. Explain post app feeling and what they should and shouldn't do following tx

Step 5 of GAP


1. RRS (Regular cleaning: all the time & routine maintenance: frequently & Simple repairs: only when needed)

2. Check dosage settings are acutate

Two stage of injury process

1. Primary

2. Secondary

Primary injury

1. Tissue damage associated with injury/trauma

2. Reversible (unless CNS)

Secondary injury

-cell death due to O2 blockage (due to vessel damage)

- mitochondrial failure or present of enzyme that damage cells (leak out from broken cells)

Tx of secondary injury


Breaks damage cell (pain spasms & cell death cycle)

Hemostasis simple def

Process of stopping blood flow through locally damaged vessels

What occurs durning the hemostasis phase

1. vasoconstriction (limit damage) - vasodilation (bring in specific cells/products)

2. Platletes stimulate GF and fibrinogen to form fibrin plug

3. Chemotaxis/chemoattractant

Chemoattractant and chemotaxis

The accumulation of cells at a injury cell causes chemical to be release that causes more cell to migrate to injury site


Hormone that attracts leukocytes and increase permeability

-causes swelling


Cause vasoconstriction and increases permeability

Kinis hormone

Increases permeability


Increase permeability

Stimulates repairs (allows 2nd stage to begin)