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139 Cards in this Set

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What is the common name for Paragonimus westermanii?

Oriental lung fluke

What is the common name for Schistosoma mansoni?

Manson's blood fluke

What is the common name for Schistosoma japonicum?

Blood fluke

What is the common name for Schistosoma haematobium?

Bladder fluke

Helminths consists of which groups?




What are nematodes?


What are cestodes?


What are trematodes?


What is the route of transmission for flukes?

Direct ingestion of eggs

Direct skin penetration

Ingestion of larvae

What are the intermediate hosts for flukes?




What is the infective stage of P. westermani?


What type of specimen is used to identify P. westermani?


What are the identifying features of the P. westermani egg?

Flattened operculum

Thick shell opposite operculum

What are the blood flukes?

S. japonicum

S. mansoni

S. haematobium

What is the infective stage of Schistosoma?


Which species is the causative agent of swimmer's itch?


What is swimmer's itch?

Dermatitis due to infecting cercariae

What are the symptoms of swimmer's itch?




How is Schistosoma transmitted?

Skin penetration from swimming in contaminated waters

What clinical manifestations are present from an infection of S. haematobium?

Painful urination



What is the diagnostic stage of Schistosoma?

Oval eggs with spines

Which Schistosoma species will be found in feces?

S. japonicum

S. mansoni

Which Schistosoma species will be found in urine?

S. haematobium

What are the identifying features of the S. mansoni egg?

Lateral spine

No operculum

What are the identifying features of the S. japonicum egg?

Small, curved spine

No operculum

What are the identifying features of the S. haematobium egg?

Terminal spine

No operculum

What is the common name for Diphyllobothrium latum?

Fish tapeworm

What is the common name for Taenia saginata?

Beef tapeworm

What is the common name for Taenia solium?

Pork tapeworm

What are proglottids?

Segments added to tapeworms for their growth

What structure of tapeworms produce eggs?


What is the infective stage of cestodes?


Tapeworm eggs have what features?

Hexcanth embryo with three pairs of hooks

What is the infective stage of D. latum?


Long-term infections with D. latum will result in what conditions?

Vitamin B12 deficiency leading to megaloblastic anemia

D. latum proglottids have what features?

Wide shape

Rosette-shaped uterus

What are the identifying features of the D. latum egg?

Indistinct operculum

Knob opposite of operculum

What are the identifying features of the Taenia egg?

Thick shell

Radial striations

What feature is used to speciate Taenia?


What is the common name for Enterobius vermicularis?


What is the common name for Trichuris trichiura?


What is the common name for Ascaris lumbricoides?

Large intestinal roundworm

What is the common name for Necator americanus?

New world hookworm

What is the common name for Stronglyoides stercoralis?


What is the route of transmission for nematodes?

Ingestion of egg

Direct penetration of skin

Insect vector

What is anal pruritus?

Migration of the female worm to the perianal area

Which parasite causes anal pruritus?

Enterobius vermicularis

How is E. vermicularis transmitted?

Inhalation or ingestion of eggs

Direct anal-oral transmission


What is the diagnostic method for E. vermicularis?

Cellophane tape prep

What are the identifying features of the E. vermicularis egg?

Flattened on one side

C- shaped larva

How is T. trichuria transmitted?


Ingestion of egg

Which parasite presents as a co-infection with A. lumbricoides?

Trichuris trichiura

Which parasite is capable of causing a hypochromic anemia in children?

Trichuris trichiura

What are the identifying features of the T. trichiura egg?

Barrel shaped, football shaped

Hyaline polar plugs at each end

How is A. lumbricoides transmitted?

Fecal-oral route

What are the identifying features of the fertile A. lumbricoides egg?

Thick hyaline surrounding one stage cell embryo

What are the identifying features of the infertile A. lumbricoides egg?

Elongated with mass of refractile granules

What are the symptoms of N. americanus infection?

Ground itch



What is the infective stage of N. americanus?

Filariform larvae

What is diagnostic for N. americanus?


Rhabditiform larvae

What are the identifying features of the N. americanus egg?

Thin shell

4-8 cell stage cleavage

Which parasite is capable of existing as a free-living worm?

Stronglyoides stercoralis

What part of the body does S. stercoralis inhabit?

Small intestine

What is the diagnostic stage of S. stercoralis?

Rhabditiform larva

How is Trichinella spiralis transmitted?

Ingestion of undercooked pork

What is the diagnostic stage of T. spiralis?

Encapsulated coiled larva in striated muscle

Which parasite develops into cysts in striated muscle?

Trichinella spiralis

What type of specimen is useful for identifying T. spiralis?

Tissue biopsy

What preservatives are commonly used for recovery of parasites from stool samples?

Polyvinyl alcohol

10% formalin

What methodologies are used for fecal samples preserved in 10% formalin?


Direct wet mount

What methodologies are used for fecal samples preserved in polyvinyl alcohol?

Stained smear


Liquid stool will most likely contain which form of parasites?

Trophozoite stage

Formed stools will most likely contain which form of parasites?


Soft stools will sometimes contain which form of parasites?


When should liquid and soft stool samples be examined?

Within 30 minutes

When should formed stool samples be examined?

Within 2-3 hours

What are the concentration techniques?



What is the principle of concentration techniques?

Based on the difference in specific gravity between the parasites and edge concentrating solution

Why are concentration techniques performed?

To concentrate parasites present in small volumes for easy detection

Which parasites will not be recovered using concentration techniques?

Protozoan trophozoites

Concentration techniques will detect what organisms?

Protozoan cysts

Helminth larvae

Helminth eggs

What happens during sedimentation methods?

The organisms are concentrated in sediment at the bottom of the tube

What happens during floatation methods?

The organisms are suspended at the top of a high-density fluid

What is the usual floatation procedure?

Zinc sulfate method

Permanently stained smears are made to detect?

Protozoan trophozoites and cysts

What are the most commonly used permanent stains?

Trichrome stain

Iron hematoxylin stain

What stains blue-green with a tinge of purple using the trichrome stain?

Cytoplasm of protozoan cysts and trophozoites

What stains red or purple-red using the trichrome stain?

Nuclear chromatin

Ingested red blood cells

Eggs and larva

What stains gray to black using the iron hematoxylin stain?


What stains black using the iron hematoxylin stain?

Nuclear material

What is encystation?

Transformation of cyst form to trophozoite form

What is the causative agent of amoebic dysentery?

Entamoeba histolytica

What extraintestinal disease does E. histolytica cause?

Liver abscesses

What feature is diagnostic for E. histolytica?

Ingested red blood cells

What is the causative agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis?

Naegleria fowleri

How is Naegleria fowleri transmitted?

Swimming in contaminated waters

What body site does N. fowleri infect?

Nasal mucosa

What is diagnostic for N. fowleri?

Abundant neutrophils

No bacteria

Trophozoite in CSF

What type of specimen is used for identifying N. fowleri?


What is the causative agent of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis?


How does Acanthamoeba cause keratitis?

Swimming with contact lenses

What is the causative agent of giardiasis?

Giardia lamblia

What is giardiasis?

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa

What is the most frequent parasite associated with gastroenteritis in the US?

Giardia lamblia

Which parasite does not have a cyst form?

Trichomonas vaginalis

What are the characteristics of T. vaginalis?

Pear shaped

Jerky motility

What is the causative agent of cystoisosporiasis?

Cystoisospora belli

How is C. belli transmitted?

Ingestion of infective oocyst in contaminated food and water

How are hemoflagellates transmitted?

Insect vectors

What are the diagnostic stages of hemoflagellates that are found in humans?



What is a trypomastigote?

Flagellated parasite found in blood, lymph or CSF

What is an amastigote?

Obligate intracellular parasite found macrophages

What are hemoflagellates?

Parasites that inhabit blood and tissues of humans

How is Leishmania transmitted?

Sand flies

What is diagnostic for Leishmania?

Amastigote inside macrophages and monocytes

How is Trypanosoma transmitted?

Tsetse fly

Reduviid bugs

What is the causative agent of chagas disease?

Trypanosoma cruzi

What is diagnostic of Trypanosoma?

Trypomastigote in blood and CSF

What is the ideal sample for malarial smears?

Capillary blood

What stain will provide the best morphologic detail for blood parasites?

Giemsa stain

What percentage of P. falciparum cases are diagnosed in the US?


How is Plasmodium transmitted?

Anopheles mosquito

Which Plasmodium species causes the most severe cases?

P. falciparum

What is the causative agent of Blackwater fever?

Plasmodium falciparum

What is sexual reproduction of Plasmodium called?


What is asexual reproduction of Plasmodium called?


What happens during sporogony?

Formation of oocysts containing sporozoites

What happens during schizogony?

Merozoites produced by multiple fission

What is the earliest stage of Plasmodium in human infections?

Ring-form trophozoite

Blood smears for Plasmodium will detect?




What is the RBC morphology of P. vivax?


Schuffner's stippling

What is the RBC morphology of P. ovale?


Fringed edge

What is characteristic of the schizont for P. malariae?

Daisy petal-like arrangement

Which Plasmodium species has the highest level of parasitemia?

Plasmodium falciparum

What parasitic stages are seen in the peripheral blood for P. falciparum?

Ring-form trophozoite


What is characteristic of the gametocyte for P. falciparum?

Banana or crescent shape

How is Babesia transmitted?

Tick bites of Ixodes species

What is the diagnostic for Babesia microti?

Small, delicate ring-form trophozoite

What is characteristic of the trophozoite for B. microti?

Maltese cross