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1. sudden and unexpected:

** an abrupt change of plan

come to an abrupt end/halt etc:

** The bus came to an abrupt halt.

2. seeming rude and unfriendly, especially because you do not waste time in friendly conversation:

** Sorry, I didn't mean to be so abrupt.

(Adjective) تند، پرتگاه دار، سراشیبی، ناگهان، ناگهانی، بیخبر، درشت، جداکردن


relating to a dynasty of caliphs who ruled in Baghdad from 750 to 1258.

(Noun) خلفای عباسی


1. [countable] an area on the surface of your skin that has been injured by being rubbed against something hard:
** She was treated for cuts and abrasions.

2. [uncountable] the process of rubbing a surface very hard so that it becomes damaged or disappears:
** extra protection against abrasion

(Noun) خراش، سایش، ساییدگی


1. [uncountable and countable]when you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are away
in/during somebody's absence:
** Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence (=while I am away).
absence from:
** Her work involved repeated absences from home.

2. [singular] the lack of something or the fact that it does not exist [≠ presence]
absence of:
** a complete absence of any kind of planning
** In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Myers go.

3. absence makes the heart grow fonder: used to say that being away from someone makes you like them more

(Noun) نبودن، غیبت، غیاب، حالت غیاب، فقدان


something that is abundant exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough [≠ scarce]:
** an abundant supply of fresh water
** abundant opportunities for well qualified staff

(Adjective) بسیار، فراوان، وافر


1. [intransitive and transitive] if a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expect:
** measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth

2. if a vehicle or someone who is driving it accelerates, it starts to go faster [≠ decelerate]:
** The car accelerated smoothly away.

شتاباندن، تسریع کردن، تند کردن، شتاب دادن، برسرعت (چیزی) افزودن، تند شدن، تندتر شدن تسریع کردن، سرعت دادن، سرعت گرفتن


[ transitive]
1. to go somewhere with someone:
** Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
** Wherever her husband went, she would accompany him.! In spoken English, it is more usual to use go/come with He came with me to the airport.

2. to play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tune:
** Daniel wanted Liz to accompany him on violin.

3. [usually passive]to happen or exist at the same time as something else:
** The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever.

4. if a book, document etc accompanies something, it comes with it:
** Please see accompanying booklet for instructions.
** Your passport application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs.

همراهی کردن، همراه بودن(با)، سرگرم بودن (با)،مصاحبت کردن، ضمیمه کردن، جفت کردن، توام کردن،(موسیقی) دم گرفتن، همراهی کردن، صدا یا ساز راجفت کردن(با)


1. an accomplished writer, painter, singer etc is very skilful
highly/very accomplished:
** a highly accomplished designer

2. an accomplished fact: British English something that is known to be true and cannot be doubted

(Adjective) انجام شده، کامل شده، تربیت شده، فاضل


1. [transitive] to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time:
** It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.

2. [intransitive] to gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place:
** Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.

انباشتن انباشتن، جمع شده، جمع شونده، اندوختن، روی هم انباشتن



1. [uncountable and countable] a chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7. Strong acids can burn holes in material or damage your skin:

** Sulphuric acid

2. having a sharp sour taste [= bitter]:

a juicy apple with a slightly acid flavour

3. [uncountable] informal the drug LSD

ترش، حامض، سرکه مانند، دارای خاصیت اسید، جوهراسید، (مجازا) ترشرو، بداخلاق، بدجنسی، جوهر، محک


[ uncountable]
the area of a piece of land measured in acres

(Noun) وسعت زمین به جریب


1. from one side of something to the other:
** the first flight across the Atlantic
** They ran straight across the road (=without stopping).
** We'll have to swim across.
** We'd got halfway across before Philip realized he'd left his money at home.
** We gazed across the valley.

2. towards someone or something on the other side of an area:
** There's Brendan. Why don't you go across and say hello?
across to/at:
** The referee looked across at his linesman before awarding the penalty.
** He walked across to where I was sitting.

3. used to say that something exists or reaches from one side of an area to the other:
** a deep crack across the ceiling
** the only bridge across the river
** Do you think this shirt is too tight across the shoulders?
** Someone's parked right across the entrance to the driveway.

4. on the opposite side of something:
** My best friend lives across the road.
** He knew that just across the border lay freedom.
across (something) from somebody/something:
** Across the street from where we're standing, you can see the old churchyard.
** the woman sitting across from me (=opposite me) on the train

5. in every part of a country, organization etc:
** a TV series that became popular across five continents
** Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects right across the curriculum.

سرتاسر، ازاین سو بان سو، درمیان، ازعرض، ازمیان، ازوسط، ازاین طرف بان طرف


a room, building, piece of land etc that is adjacent to something is next to it:
** We stayed in adjacent rooms.
adjacent to:
** the building adjacent to the library

(نظ.) نزدیک، مجاور، همسایه، همجوار، دیوار بدیوار مجاور، نزدیک


[ uncountable]
a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone
in admiration:
** Daniel gazed at her in admiration.
admiration for:
** I'm full of admiration for the crew who handled this crisis.
admiration of:
** Her riding soon drew the admiration of the older girls.
grudging/sneaking admiration: (=that you do not really want to feel or express)
** Despite her annoyance, she couldn't help feeling a grudging admiration for him.

(Noun) تعجب، حیرت، شگفت، پسند، تحسین


1. a boat that is adrift is not fastened to anything or controlled by anyone:
** Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift.

2. someone who is adrift is confused about what to do in their life:
** a young woman adrift in London

3. come adrift: British English if something comes adrift, it is no longer fastened or attached to something:
** Her hair was forever coming adrift from the pins she used to keep it in place.

4. two points/five seconds etc adrift (of somebody): two points, five seconds etc behind someone in a competition, race etc

دستخوش طوفان، غوطه ور(روی اب)، (مجازا) اواره، بدون هدف، سرگردان، شناور


1. in advance (of something): before something happens or is expected to happen:
** I should warn you in advance that I'm not a very good dancer.
** Many thanks, in advance, for your help.
six months/a year etc in advance:
** Book tickets 21 days in advance.
** Could you distribute copies well in advance of the meeting?

2. be in advance of somebody/something: to be more developed or modern than someone or something else:
** Their aircraft were in advance of those used by the US.

3. development/improvement: [countable] a change, discovery, or invention that brings progress
technological/scientific/medical etc advance:
** one of the great technological advances of the 20th century
** a major advance
advance in:
** Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.
advance on:
** an advance on previous treatments
** the advances made in the understanding of mental handicap

4. forward movement: [countable] forward movement or progress of a group of people - used especially to talk about soldiers
advance on:
** the enemy's advance on St. Petersburg

5. money: [countable usually singular] money paid to someone before the usual time, especially someone's salary:
** a $500 advance
advance on:
** Krebs decided to ask for an advance on his salary.

جلو رفتن، جلو بردن، پیشرفت، مساعده، پیشروی، پیش بردن، ترقی دادن، ترفیع رتبه دادن، تسریع کردن، اقامه کردن، پیشنهاد کردن، طرح کردن، مساعده دادن از پیش فرستاده شده، قبلا تهیه شده، قبلا تجهیز شده


1. [uncountable and countable]something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this [≠ disadvantage]COLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
have an advantage:
give somebody an advantage:
big/great/major/distinct advantage:
unfair advantage:
enjoy an advantage : (=have an advantage)
be at an advantage : (=have an advantage)
be to your advantage/work to your advantage : (=something gives you an advantage)
advantage over:
** Her experience meant that she had a big advantage over her opponent.
** His height gives him an advantage over the other players.
** Companies that receive government subsidies have an unfair advantage.
** Western countries enjoyed considerable advantages in terms of technology.
** Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs.
** It might be to your advantage to take a computer course of some kind.

2. [uncountable and countable] a good or useful quality or condition that something has
advantage of:
** One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.
** The hotel is not very modern, but it does have the advantage of being close to the city centre.
advantage over:
** The printer has several advantages over conventional printers.
big/great/considerable advantage:
** The big advantage of this system is that it is fast.

3. take advantage of somebody: to treat someone unfairly in order to get what you want, especially someone who is generous or easily persuaded:
** Don't lend them the car - they're taking advantage of you!

4. take advantage of something (to do something): to use a particular situation to do or get what you want:
** I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.
** You'll want to take full advantage of the beachfront clubs.

5. use/turn something to your/good advantage: to use something that you have or that happens in order to achieve something:
** How could he turn the situation to his advantage?
** Burns used his family connections to good advantage.

(. n ): فایده، صرفه، سود، برتری، بهتری، مزیت، تفوق،(. vi &. vt ): مزیت دادن، سودمند بودن، مفید بودن


a tool similar to an axe, with an arched blade at right angles to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large pieces of wood.

(Noun) تیشه نجاری، تیشه زدن، با تیشه صاف کردن


[ only before noun]
1. from a plane:
** an aerial attack
** aerial photographs
** an aerial view of the Three Gorges Dam project

2. in or moving through the air

انتن هوایی رادیو، هوایی


connected with beauty and the study of beauty:
** From an esthetic point of view, it's a nice design.
** a work of great aesthetic appeal

وابسته به زیبایی، مربوط به علم (محسنات)، ظریف طبع


(of an insect, fish, or amphibian) spend a hot or dry period in a prolonged state of torpor or dormancy.

تابستان را گذراندن، (جانورشناسی) رخوت تابستانی داشتن، تابستان را بحال رخوت گذراندن


[ transitive]
1. to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone's situation:
** the areas affected by the hurricane
** a disease that affects the central nervous system
** decisions which affect our lives
** Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.

2. [usually passive] to make someone feel strong emotions:
** We were all deeply affected by her death.

3. [formal] to pretend to have a particular feeling, way of speaking etc:
** As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.
** He used to affect a foreign accent.

اثر، نتیجه، احساسات، برخورد، اثر کردن بر، تغییردادن، متاثر کردن، وانمود کردن، دوست داشتن، تمای ل داشتن(به)، تظاهر کردن به


1. [singular] a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something
affinity with/for/between:
** his remarkable affinity with animals

2. [uncountable and countable] a close relationship between two things because of qualities or features that they share
affinity with/between:
** the affinity between Christian and Chinese concepts of the spirit

(Noun) وابستگی، پیوستگی، قوم و خویش سببی، نزدیکی


[ transitive]
1. can/could afford: [usually negative]a) to have enough money to buy or pay for something
afford [to do] something:
** We can't afford to go on vacation this year.
** I couldn't afford the rent on my own.
** How can she afford to eat out every night?b) to have enough time to do something:
** Dad can't afford any more time off work.c) if you cannot afford to do something, you must not do it because it could cause serious problems for you
afford to do something:
** We can't afford to wait any longer or we'll miss the plane.! Afford can be followed by an infinitive with 'to', but not an -ing form: I can't afford to buy (NOT can't afford buying/can't afford buy) a car.

2. [formal] to provide something or allow something to happen:
** The room affords a beautiful view over the city.
afford (somebody) an opportunity/chance:
** It afforded her the opportunity to improve her tennis skills.
** The new law will afford protection to employees.

دادن، حاصل کردن، تهیه کردن، موجب شدن، ازعهده برآمدن، استطاعت داشتن


1. [countable] the total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together
aggregate of:
** The smaller minorities got an aggregate of 1,327 votes.
** In the aggregate (=as a group or in total), women outlive men by 7 or more years.
on aggregate: British English (=when the points from two football games are added together)
** Manchester United won 2-1 on aggregate.

2. [technical] sand or small stones that are used in making concrete

جمع شده، متراکم، متراکم ساختن جمع امده، متراکم، (ج.ش.- گ.ش.) بهم پیوسته، انبوه،توده، تراکم، جمع، مجموع، جمع کردن، جمع شدن، توده کردن


used to add information that reduces the force or importance of what you have just said [= although]:
** He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.
** Chris went with her, albeit reluctantly.

(Conjunction) اگرچه، ولواینکه


a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) توسه، راز دار، توسکا


[ uncountable]
a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water

گیاه بدون ساقه و برگ


the first letter of the Arabic alphabet

(Noun) الف (اولین حرف الفبای فارسی و عربی و عبری)


[ uncountable and countable]
a substance that forms a chemical salt when combined with an acid

(Noun) ( alkalis - alkalies . pl ) قلیا، ماده ای باخاصیت قلیایی مثل سودمحرق، فلزقلیایی

ally / allies

the Allies [plural] the countries that fought together against Germany during the First and Second World War

(Plural) (جنگ جهانی اول) متفقین (انگلیس و فرانسه و روسیه که بعدا امریکا و ایتالیا و ژاپن به آنها پیوستند)
(Plural) (جنگ جهانی دوم) متفقین (امریکا و انگلیس و شوروی به علاوهی چند کشور کوچکتر)


originating in or occupying different geographical areas.

نا هم بوم ، جداگانه اتفاق افتاده ، به تنهایی وقوع یافته


[ uncountable and countable]
something said or written that mentions a subject, person etc indirectly
allusion to:
** The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report.
literary/classical/cultural etc allusions:
** Eliot's poetry is full of biblical allusions.
** In his poetry we find many allusions to the human body.

(Noun) گریز، اشاره، کنایه، اغفال


[ usually before noun]
made of soil left by rivers, lakes, floods etc:
** alluvial flood plains

ابرفتی، رسوبی، ته نشینی، مربوط به رسوب و ته نشین


[ countable]
1. a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war:
** a meeting of the European allies

2. the Allies: the group of countries including Britain and the US that fought together in the First and Second World Wars

3. someone who helps and supports you when other people are trying to oppose you:
** Ridley was one of the Queen's closest allies.
** a staunch ally (=very close ally) of President Soares
** a network of political allies
** She knew she had found an ally in Ted.

4. something that helps you succeed in a difficult situation:
** Exercise is an important ally in your campaign to lose weight.

پیوستن، متحد کردن، هم پیمان، دوست، معین


1. next to the side of something:
** A car drew up alongside.
** Children's prices are shown alongside adult prices.

2. used to say that people or things do something or exist together at the same time:
** Charles spent a week working alongside the miners.
** Organized crime continued to flourish alongside the mainstream economy.

3. in comparison with something:
** His achievement may seem small alongside the great triumphs of 20th century technology.
** Athletics should rank alongside (=be equal to) soccer and cricket as a major sport.

درپهلو ، درکنار(کشتی)


[ only before noun]
relating to the Alps (=a mountain range in central Europe) or to mountains in general:
** breathtaking alpine scenery
** alpine flowers
** alpine skiing

(Adjective) وابسته بکوه الپ، الپی، واقع در ارتفاع زیاد

alpine tundra

is a type of natural region or biome that does not contain trees because it is at high altitude. The high altitude causes an adverse climate, which is too cold and windy to support tree growth

ناحیه بدون پوشش گیاهی کوه آلپ


1. [intransitive and transitive] to change, or to make someone or something change:
** Her face hadn't altered much over the years.
** The city centre has altered beyond recognition (=changed very much).
** Nothing can alter the fact that the refugees are our responsibility.

2. to make a piece of clothing longer, wider etc so that it fits
have/get something altered:
** She had the dress altered for the wedding.

دگرگون کردن، دگرگون شدن تغییردادن، عوض کردن، اصلاح کردن، تغییر یافتن، جرحو تعدیل کردن، دگرگون کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
a small change that makes someone or something slightly different, or the process of this change
alteration to:
** If you make alterations to the Windows setup, save the new settings before closing.
alteration in:
** Have you noticed any alteration in the patient's behaviour?
minor/major etc alterations:
** The King's Arms pub is to undergo extensive alterations.

(Noun) تغییر، تبدیل، دگرش، دگرگونی
(Noun) دگرگونی


1. [only before noun] an alternative idea, plan etc is different from the one you have and can be used instead
alternative ways/approach/methods etc:
** alternative approaches to learning
** Have you any alternative suggestions?
** An alternative route is along the Via Unione.

2. deliberately different from what is usual, expected, or traditional
alternative music/theatre etc:
** Tucson's alternative radio station
** sources of alternative energy (=energy produced by the sun, wind etc rather than by gas, coal etc)
** tolerance of alternative lifestyles
alternative medicine/therapies: (=medical treatment that is not based on the usual western methods)
** Acupuncture is widely used by practitioners of alternative medicine.

متناوب، تناوبی، دیگر شق، شق دیگر، پیشنهاد متناوب، چاره


[ transitive]
if you amass money, knowledge, information etc, you gradually collect a large amount of it:
** For 25 years, Darwin amassed evidence to support his theories.
** He amassed a fortune after the war.

(Verb - transitive) گرداوردن، توده کردن، متراکم کردن


1. ambient temperature/light etc:[technical] the temperature etc of the surrounding area

2. ambient music/sounds: a type of modern music or sound that is slow, peaceful, and does not have a formal structure

(Adjective) محدود، محاصره شده


a simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl (—COOH) and an amino (—NH2) group.

** "the amino-acid sequence of a protein"

(Noun) (ش.) حاوی ریشه امین، وابسته به عامل امین


[ uncountable]
the medical condition of not being able to remember anything

(پزشکی) ضعف حافظه بعلت ضعف یا بیماری مغزی، فراموشی، نسیان


relating to the amnion (the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo of a mammal, bird, or reptile.)

وابسته به مشیمه، پرده دورجنین


[ countable]
animals such as frogs that can live both on land and in water

دوزیستان، ذوحیات


[ countable]
a tall clay container for oil or wine, used in ancient times

(در یونان و روم باستان) کوزهی ته باریک (دارای دودسته)، آمفورا، سبو


1. more than enough [= sufficient; ≠ insufficient]
ample time/evidence/opportunity:
** You'll have ample time for questions later.
** There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing.
ample room/space etc:
** She found ample room for her things in the wardrobe.

2. [literary] large in a way that is attractive or pleasant:
** an ample bosom

(Adjective) فراخ، پهناور، وسیع، فراوان، مفصل، پر، بیش ازاندازه


1. an act, example, or product of amplifying.

2. a usually massive replication of genetic material and especially of a gene or DNA sequence (as in a polymerase chain reaction

(Noun) بسط، توسعه، افزایش، تقویت
(Noun) تقویت


of, belonging to, or inherited from an ancestor or ancestors.

(Adjective) نیایی، اجدادی


a plant of a large group that comprises those that have flowers and produce seeds enclosed within a carpel, including herbaceous plants, shrubs, grasses, and most trees.

(Noun) (گیاه شناسی) نهاندانه (گیاهانی که دانهی آنها در تخمدان قرار دارد) (رجوع شود به: gymnosperm)


1. thin and not having much flesh on your bones:
** a tall, angular young man

2. having sharp and definite corners:
** a cubist painting with angular shapes

(Adjective) زاویه ای، گوشه دار
(Adjective) گوشه دار، گوشه ای، (مجازا) لاغر، زاویه ای


1. the quality of being angular

2. plural : angular outlines or characteristics

(Noun) گوشه داری، زاویه داری، لاغری، تندی


1. happening once a year:
** The school trip has become an annual event.
annual report/meeting/conference:

2. based on or calculated over a period of one year
annual budget/income/cost etc:
** a household with an annual income of $60,000

سالیانه، یک ساله


[ uncountable and countable]
something that is noticeable because it is different from what is usual:
** In those days, a woman professor was still an anomaly.
anomaly in:
** various anomalies in the tax system

(Noun) خلاف قاعده، غیر متعارف، بی ترتیب


[ countable]
1. [formal] an event, organization, or thing that is similar to the one you have mentioned but existed earlier:
** historical antecedents

2. antecedents:[formal] the people in your family who lived a long time ago [= ancestors]

3. [technical] a word, phrase, or sentence that is represented by another word, for example apronoun

پیشین، پیشی، سابق، مقدم، مقدمه، سابقه، (د.) مرجع ضمیر، دودمان، تبار مقدم، پیشین


[ countable]
an animal with long horns that can run very fast and is very graceful

(Noun) ( antelopes ، antelope . pl ) بزکوهی


a blue, violet, or red flavonoid pigment found in plants.

** "the earliest carrots were purple, because they contained anthocyanin"

(Noun) (گیاه شناسی - جانور شناسی) گلرنگ (anthocyan هم میگویند)


a person who specializes in anthropology (the study of humankind, in particular).

انسان شناس


[ transitive]
1. to expect that something will happen and be ready for it:
** Sales are better than anticipated.
anticipate changes/developments:
** The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.
anticipate problems/difficulties:
** We don't anticipate any problems.
** A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience's needs and concerns.
anticipate (that):
** This year, we anticipate that our expenses will be 15% greater.
** It is anticipated that the research will have many different practical applications.
anticipate doing something:
** I didn't anticipate having to do the cooking myself!

2. to think about something that is going to happen, especially something pleasant:
** Daniel was eagerly anticipating her arrival.

3. to do something before someone else:
** Copernicus anticipated in part the discoveries of the 17th and 18th centuries.

پیش بینی کردن، انتظار داشتن، پیشدستی کردن،جلوانداختن، پیش گرفتن بر، سبقت جستن بر


[ countable]
one of the two horns of a male deer

(Noun) شاخ گوزن، شاخ فرعی، انشعاب شاخ


a small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness.

مور ، مورچه ، به معنی ضد ، مخالف


1. [uncountable and countable] the feeling of being very worried about something [= concern]
anxiety about/over:
** There is considerable anxiety among staff about job losses.
** There is growing public anxiety over levels of air pollution in our cities.
deep/acute/great anxiety:
** The fear of unemployment can be a source of deep anxiety to people.
** his feelings of anxiety
** A high level of anxiety was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory.
** It can help if you discuss your anxieties with someone.

2. [uncountable] a feeling of wanting to do something very much
anxiety to do something:
** I nearly fell in my anxiety to get downstairs quickly.

(Noun) ارنگ، تشویش، دل واپسی، اضطراب، اندیشه، اشتیاق، نگرانی


1. [uncountable] the set of tools and machines that you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose [= equipment]:
** Astronauts have special breathing apparatus.

2. [countable] the way in which a lot of people are organized to work together to do a job or control a company or country [= machinery]:
** The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus.
** The state apparatus has become corrupt.
** the apparatus of government

(Noun) ( apparatuses & apparatus . pl ) اسباب، الت، دستگاه،لوازم، ماشین، جه از


1. easy to notice [= obvious]
it is apparent (that):
** It soon became apparent that we had a major problem.
it is apparent from something that:
** It is apparent from scientific studies that the drug has some fairly nasty side effects.
it is apparent to somebody that:
** It was apparent to everyone that he was seriously ill.
** The difference in quality was immediately apparent.
** He left suddenly, for no apparent reason.

2. seeming to have a particular feeling or attitude, although this may not be true:
** He did well in his exams, despite his apparent lack of interest in his work.

(Adjective) پیدا، اشکار، ظاهر، معلوم، وار مسلم


1. [countable usually singular, uncountable] a desire for food:
** All that walking has given me an appetite for dinner.
** I seem to have lost my appetite lately.
** Symptoms include headaches, tiredness and loss of appetite
** Let's just say he's got a healthy appetite.
spoil/ruin your appetite:
** Don't eat that cake now; you'll spoil your appetite.

2. [countable] a desire or liking for a particular activity
appetite for:
** She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.
** People seem to have an insatiable appetite (=always wanting more of something) for news of any kind.
** a loss of sexual appetite

(Noun) میل و رغبت ذاتی، اشتها، ارزو، اشتیاق


1. living or growing in water:
** an aquatic plant

2. involving or happening in water:
** aquatic sports

وابسته به اب، جانور یا گیاه ابزی، ابزی


a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.

(Noun) (لایهای از شن یا سنگهای خلل و فرج دار که پر آب است و میتوان بر آن چاه زد) لایهی آبزا، سفره، آبخیز


** - digging too many wells dries an aquifer
** - کندن چاههای زیاد لایهی آب دار را خشک میکند


relating to growing crops:
** arable farming
** arable land (=land that is suitable for growing crops)

قابل کشتکاری، قابل زرع، زمین مزروعی


relating to trees, or living in trees

(Adjective) درختی، دارزی


[ countable]
1. a covered passage at the side of a row of buildings with pillars and arches supporting it on one side

2. a covered passage between two streets with shops on each side of it

3. a large building or part of a building where there are many shops

4. anamusement arcade:
** arcade games

(Noun) گذرگاه طاقدار ، طاقه ای پشت سرهم


or amoebocytes are amoeboid cells found in sponges. They are totipotent and have varied functions depending on the species.

سلول های امیب شکل موجود در اسفنج ها


[ countable]
a group of small islands

(Noun) ( archipelagos & archipelagoes . pl ) مجمعالجزایر


involving a lot of strength and effort
arduous task/work:
** the arduous task of loading all the boxes into the van
arduous journey/voyage:
** an arduous journey through the mountains

(Adjective) دشوار، پر زحمت، پرالتهاب، صعب الصعود


1. arid land or an arid climate is very dry because it has very little rain:
** Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions.

2. not having any new, interesting, or exciting features or qualities:
** My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.

(Adjective) خشک، بایر، لم یزرع، خالی، بیمزه، بیروح، بی لطافت


Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist born in the Macedonian city of Stagira, Chalkidice, on the northern periphery of Classical Greece.

(Noun) ارسطو، ارسطاطالیس


[ uncountable]
a very poisonous chemical substance that is sometimes used to kill rats, insects, and weeds. It is a chemical element: symbol As

اکسید ارسنیک به فرمول: AS 2 O 3


an invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean.

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) بندپای (راستهی Arthropoda)


[ countable]
someone who does skilled work, making things with their hands [= craftsman]

(Noun) صنعتگر، صنعتکار، افزارمند


1. relating to art or culture:
** artistic work
** Opinion about the artistic merit of his paintings has been mixed.

2. good at painting, drawing, or producing beautiful things:
** John is very artistic.

3. an artistic arrangement, design etc looks attractive and has been done with skill and imagination:
** food presented in an artistic way

(Adjective) هنرمندانه، باهنر، مانند هنرپیشه و هنرمند


on or towards the shore of a lake, river, sea etc [= onshore]
come/go ashore:
** Seals come ashore to breed.
** Several dead birds had been washed ashore.

درکنار، درساحل، بکنار، بطرف ساحل


1. [countable usually plural, uncountable] a strong desire to have or achieve something [= ambition]:
** a high level of political aspiration
aspiration of:
** the aspirations of the working classes
aspiration for:
** their hopes and aspirations for the future

2. [technical] the sound of air blowing out that happens when some consonants are pronounced, such as the /p/ in pin

(Noun) دم زنی، تنفس، استنشاق، اه، ارزو، عروج، تلفظ حرف H از حلق، شهیق


1. [intransitive and transitive] if you assemble a large number of people or things, or if they assemble, they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose:

** A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.

** He looked around at the assembled company (=all the people who had come there).

** She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs.

2. [transitive] to put all the parts of something together:

** The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France.

فراهم اوردن، انباشتن، گرداوردن، سوار کردن، جفت کردن، جمع شدن، گردآمدن، انجمن کردن، ملاقات کردن

هم گذاردن، سوار کردن


[ transitive]
1. to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it [= judge]
assess the impact/extent/effectiveness etc of something:
** a report to assess the impact of advertising on children
assess what/how etc:
** The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.
be assessed as something:
** Many of the adults were assessed as having learning difficulties.

2. to calculate the value or cost of something
be assessed at something:
** The value of the business was assessed at £1.25 million.

(Verb - transitive) (مزد، قیمت) تعیین کردن، (ملک) ارزیابی کردن، تقویم کردن، تعیین قیمت کردن، (مالیات، جریمه) بریدن، بستن، (خسارت) برآوردن کردن، تخمین زدن


** - they assessed the amount of taxes due
** - مبلغ مالیات قابل پرداخت را برآورد کردند
(Verb - transitive) (مجازی) ارزشیابی کردن، سنجیدن، سبک و سنگین کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make
assessment of:
** What's Michael's assessment of the situation?
** a reading assessment test

2. a calculation about the cost or value of something:
** a tax assessment

(Noun) ارزیابی، تقویم، برآورد، تخمین
(Noun) (قیمت، مزد) تعیین، (مالیات، جریمه) بریدن
(Noun) (مجازی) ارزشیابی، سنجش


1. [countable] an organization that consists of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work etc:
** the Association of Master Builders➔ housing association

2. [uncountable and countable] a relationship with a particular person, organization, group etc
association with:
** his close association with the Green Party

3. in association with somebody/something: made or done with another person, organization etc:
** concerts sponsored by the Arts Council in association with local businesses

4. [countable] a connection or relationship between two events, ideas, situations etc
association between:
** the strong association between the disease and middle-aged women

5. [countable] a feeling or memory that is related to a particular place, event, word etc:
** Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me.

(Noun) شرکت، انجمن، معاشرت، اتحاد، پیوستگی، تداعی معانی، تجمع، آمیزش
(Noun) انجمن، وابستگی، وابسته سازی


[ countable]
a mixture of different things or of various kinds of the same thing
assortment of:
** a wide assortment of friends
** an odd assortment of knives and forks

(Noun) ترتیب، مجموعه، دسته، دسته بندی، طبقه بندی


an instrument used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant.

(Noun) اسطرلاب


1. take aggressive military action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force.

** "in February the Germans attacked Verdun"

2. criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.

** "he attacked the government's defence policy"

افند، تک، تکش، تاخت، حمله کردن بر، مبادرت کردن به،تاخت کردن، با گفتار ونوشتجات بدیگری حملهکردن،حمله، تاخت و تاز، یورش، اصابت یا نزول ناخوشی


[ countable]
1. an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult
attempt to do something:
** All attempts to control inflation have failed.
** The protesters made no attempt to resist arrest.
** his first unsuccessful attempt to become an MP
** In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.
attempt at (doing) something:
** her feeble attempt at humour
at the first/second etc attempt:
** She passed her driving test at the first attempt.
assassination/suicide/murder attempt:

2. an attempt on somebody's life: an act of trying to kill someone, especially someone famous or important

کوشش کردن، قصد کردن، مبادرت کردن به، تقلا کردن،جستجو کردن، کوشش، قصد


[ transitive]
1. to make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something
attract somebody to something:
** What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.
attract attention/interest etc:
** The story has attracted a lot of interest from the media.

2. be attracted to somebody: to feel that you like someone and want to have a sexual relationship with them:
** I'm not usually attracted to blondes.

3. to make someone like or admire something or feel romantically interested in someone:
** I guess it was his eyes that attracted me first.

4. to make someone or something move towards another thing:
** Leftover food attracts flies.
** low rents designed to attract new businesses to the area

جلب کردن، جذب کردن، مجذوب ساختن


1. an autonomous place or organization is free to govern or control itself [= independent]
an autonomous region/state/republic etc:
** Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain.

2. [formal] having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself without any help from anyone else [= independent]

(Adjective) دارای حکومت مستقل، خودمختار، (زیست شناسی) دارای زندگی مستقل، (گیاه‌شناسی) خودکاربطور غیر ارادی، (ر.ش.)واحد کنترل داخلی
(Adjective) خودگردان


1. auxiliary workers provide additional help for another group of workers:
** an auxiliary nurse
** auxiliary staff

2. an auxiliary motor, piece of equipment etc is kept ready to be used if the main one stops working properly:
** an auxiliary power supply
** auxiliary equipment

کمکی معین، کمک دهنده، امدادی، کمکی


[ countable]
1. a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain:
** Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.

2. an avalanche of something: a very large number of things such as letters, messages etc that arrive suddenly at the same time:
** The school received an avalanche of applications.

(Noun) بهمن
(Noun) نزول ناگهانی و عظیم هر چیزی، بشکل بهمن فرود آمدن


1. only with great difficulty or effort [= only just]:
** She was very old and barely able to walk.
** Mary had barely enough money to live on.
barely audible/perceptible/visible/discernible etc:
** His voice was barely audible.
** She could barely understand English.

2. almost not [= hardly]:
** She was barely aware of his presence.
** Joe and his brother are barely on speaking terms.

3. used to emphasize that something happens immediately after a previous action [= only just British English]
** Graham had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned.

4. used before amounts or numbers to emphasize that they are surprisingly small [= only]:
** Nowadays the village has barely 100 inhabitants.

بطورعریان، با اشکال


[ uncountable]
a plant that produces a grain used for making food or alcohol

جو، شعیر


1. land or soil that is barren has no plants growing on it
** Thousands of years ago the surface was barren desert.

2. [old-fashioned] unable to produce children or baby animals - used of a woman or of female animals [= infertile; ≠ fertile]

3. a tree or plant that is barren does not produce fruit or seeds

4. used to describe something that does not look interesting or attractive:
** The sports hall was a rather barren concrete building.

5. used to describe a period of time during which you do not achieve anything or get any useful results:
** I scored five in the first seven games, but I've had a bit of a barren patch since then.

نازا، عقیم، لم یزرع، بی ثمر، بی حاصل، تهی، سترون


[ countable]
1. a rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can do:
** the removal of trade barriers (=something such as a tax that makes trade between countries difficult)
barrier to:
** Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work.
barrier between:
** barriers between doctors and patients
** The language barrier (=the inability to talk with someone because you speak a different language) makes debate impossible.

2. a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction:
** Crowds burst through the barriers and ran onto the pitch.

3. a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart
barrier between:
** The mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries.

4. the 10-second/40% etc barrier: a level or amount of 10 seconds, 40% etc, that is seen as a limit which it is difficult to get beyond:
** I'm hoping to crash the 20-second barrier in the final and get a bronze.

(Noun) نرده یامانع عبوردشمن، سد، حصار، راه کسی را بستن
(Noun) مانع


[ uncountable]
a type of dark green-black rock

(Noun) (م.ع.) نوعی سنگ چخماق یا اتش فشانی سیاه


[transitive usually passive] to have your main place of work, business etc in a particular place:
** The paper had intended to base itself in London.
be based in something:
** The new organization will be based in Dallas. ➔ based

to use something as the thing from which something else is developed:
** Their relationship was based upon mutual respect.
** an economy based on farming

پایه، مبنا، پایگاه ( bases . pl ) ته، پایه، زمینه، اساس، بنیاد، پایگاه،ته ستون، تکیه گاه، فرومایه، (موسیقی) صدای بم، بنیان نهادن، مبنا قراردادن، پست، شالوده


1. [not before noun] if you are based somewhere, that is the place where you work or where your main business is:
** It is a professional service based at our offices in Oxford.
London-based/New York-based etc:
** a London-based firm of accountants

2. oil-based/carbon-based/computer-based etc: used to describe the basic feature or part of something:
** computer-based teaching
** community-based services
** carbon-based fuels

3. broadly-based: based on many kinds of things or people:
** a broadly-based government of national reconciliation

مستقر، مبنی


[ countable]
1. fight: a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger war:
** the Battle of Trafalgar
in battle:
** Her son was killed in battle.
into battle:
** a knight riding into battle
battle between:
** battles between government forces and the rebels
** a pitched battle (=a long and serious battle) between police and drug gangs

2. competition/argument: a situation in which opposing groups or people compete or argue with each other when trying to achieve success or control:
** a long-running legal battle
battle for:
** a battle for custody of their children
battle between:
** a fierce ratings battle between rival TV stations
battle with:
** an on-going battle with my mother about eating properly

3. change bad situation: an attempt to solve a difficult problem or change an unpleasant situationCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
fight a battle:
win a battle:
lose a battle :
a losing battle : (=something you cannot achieve)
an uphill battle: (=something that is very difficult to do)
battle against:
** a battle against the racism of the school system
battle with:
** a long battle with lung cancer
battle for:
** Scientology has fought long battles for acceptance as a religion.
** Learning to read as an adult is tough work, but you can win this battle if you try.
** We've tried to mend the fence several times, but we're fighting a losing battle.
** Keeping the house tidy is an uphill battle .

4. be half the battle: to be a difficult or important part of what you have to do:
** Just getting an interview is half the battle.

5. a battle of wits: a situation in which opposing sides try to win by using their intelligence:
** A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader.

رزم، پیکار، جدال، مبارزه، ستیز، جنگ، نبرد، نزاع، زد و خورد، جنگ کردن


[ countable]
1. a) a line of light, energy etc that you cannot see:
** a laser beam

2. a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses, bridges etc

3. a wide happy smile:
** a beam of delight

4. off beam:[informal] incorrect or mistaken:
** Our guesses were way off beam.

5. a balance beam

شاهین ترازو، میله، شاهپر، تیرعمارت، نورافکندن،پرتوافکندن، پرتو، شعاع پرتو


1. an alcoholic drink made frommalt and hops:
** a pint of beer
** We sell draught beer (=beer served from a large container, not a bottle).

2. a glass, bottle, or can of beer:
** Do you fancy a beer?

(Noun) آبجو


[ countable]
an insect with a round hard back which is usually black

سوسک آویخته شدن، پوشیده شدن، پیش آمدن، سوسک وار


1. a loud deep shout:

** His voice rose to a bellow.

a bellow of rage/laughter etc:

Alex gave another bellow of laughter.

2. the deep sound that a bull makes

3. [plural]

a) an object used for blowing air into a fire to make it burn better

b) part of a musical instrument that pushes air through pipes to produce a sound, for example in an organ

(Noun) دم (در اهنگری)، ریه


[ transitive]
to complain or say that you are disappointed about something:
** He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much.
bemoan the lack/absence/loss of something:
** an article bemoaning the lack of sports facilities in the area

سوگواری کردن (برای)، گریه کردن (برای)، افسوس خوردن (برای)


1. advantage: [uncountable and countable] an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from somethingCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
be of benefit (to somebody) : (=be useful to someone)
have the benefit of something:
get/gain/derive benefit (from something):
reap the benefits (of something) : (=enjoy the advantages of something)
the full benefit (of something):
for somebody's benefit:
be to the benefit of somebody:
mutual benefit: (=useful to two or more people)
with/without the benefit (of something) : (=using/not using something)
economic/financial/social benefits:
health benefits:
something outweighs the benefits of something: (=something is more important than the benefits)
benefit of:
** the benefits of contact lenses
** The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.
** I never had the benefit of a university education.
** We want him to get maximum benefit from the course.
** We're just beginning to reap the benefits of all our hard work.
** You need to spend at least a week there to get the full benefit.
** Could you just explain again for Mark's benefit?
** I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the whole nation.
** My proposition, I assure you, would be to our mutual benefit.
** Most motorists manage without the benefit of four-wheel drive.
** the airport's economic benefit to the region
** the health benefits of moderate wine consumption
** How does one decide whether the economic costs of regulation will outweigh the economic benefits?

2. money provided by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little money [= welfare American English]
unemployment/housing/child etc benefit:
** You might be entitled to housing benefit.
on benefit:
** families on benefit
** those people eligible to claim benefit

3. extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have:
** We offer an excellent benefits package.
** medical benefits ➔ fringe benefit

4. give somebody the benefit of the doubt: to accept what someone tells you even though you think they may be wrong or lying, but you cannot be sure:
** The referee gave him the benefit of the doubt.

5. with the benefit of hindsight/experience: used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after something has happened or if you have a lot of experience:
** He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.

(Noun) سود، صرفه، منفعت، نفع، استفاده
(Noun) نیکی، احسان، خوبی


** - for somebody's benefit
** - به خاطر کمک به کسی، برای راهنمایی کسی
** - give somebody the benefit of the doubt
** - (در نبود شواهد کافی) کسی را بی‌گناه دانستن، حرف کسی را اجمالا درست فرض کردن
** - a benefit concert
** - کنسرت خیریه
** - a benefit match
** - مسابقه‌ی خیریه
** - benefits in kind
** - کمک‌های غیرنقدی، کمک‌های جنسی
** - unemployment benefit
** - بیمه‌ی بیکاری
(Noun) امتیاز، مزیت، حُسن
(Noun) (در بیماری، بیکاری و غیره) کمک هزینه، مزایا، بیمه
(Verb - transitive) فایده رساندن به، مفید بودن برای، سودمند بودن برای
(Verb - intransitive) فایده بردن، سود بردن، بهره بردن

binding materials

materials utilized in construction for making concretes and mortars, in bonding together individual elements of structural components, in waterproofing, ...

موادی که در ساختمان سازی برای ساخت ماسه و غیره به کار میرود


[ countable]
a type of environment that is described according to the typical weather conditions and plants that exist there

(Noun) بیوم، زی بوم، زیبومه


1. a tree with smooth bark (=outer covering) and thin branches, or the wood from this tree

2. the birch: British English the practice of hitting people with birch sticks as an official punishment

درخت فان، غان، توس، درخت غوشه


[ countable]
[technical] any sea animal that has two shells joined together:
** bivalve molluscs

( bivalved =) دارای دو کپه، دو پره ای، صدف دو کپه، دو لته


[ countable]
1. a sudden strong movement of wind or air
blast of:
** A blast of cold air swept through the hut.

2. explosion: an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes
in the blast:
** Thirty-six people died in the blast.
bomb/shotgun/nuclear etc blast:
** A bomb blast completely destroyed the building.

3. a sudden very loud noise, especially one made by a whistle or horn
blast on:
** The station master gave a blast on his whistle and we were off.
long/short blast:
** a long trumpet blast

4. (at) full blast: as powerfully or loudly as possible:
** I had the gas fire going full blast.
** The radio was on at full blast.

5. [informal] an enjoyable and exciting experience:
** The concert was a blast.
** We had a blast at the fair.

وزش، سوز، باد، دم، جریان هوایا بخار، صدای شیپور،بادزدگی، (مع.) انفجار، (نظ.) صدای انفجار، صدای ترکیدن، ترکاندن، سوزاندن


[ countable]
a small mark, especially a mark on someone's skin or on the surface of an object, that spoils its appearance

خسارت واردکردن، اسیب زدن، لکه دار کردن، بدنام کردن، افترا زدن، نقص


[ uncountable]
perfect happiness or enjoyment
domestic/wedded/marital bliss:
** six months of wedded bliss
** I didn't have to get up till 11 - it was sheer bliss.

(Noun) خوشی، سعادت، برکت


1. a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush:

** pale pink blossoms

** The cherry tree was covered in blossom.

2. in (full) blossom with the flowers fully open

شکوفه، گل، میوه، گل دادن، دارای طراوت جوانی شدن


1. the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.

2. a hole in ice through which a sea mammal breathes or a person fishes.

(Noun) سوراخ بینی نهنگ (که در فرق سر آن قرار دارد)
(Noun) (به ویژه در گدازهی آتشفشانی) سوراخی که هوا و گاز از آن به خارج راه مییابد، مفر، دررو
(Noun) (در دریای یخزده) سوراخی در یخ که پستانداران (مثل نهنگ) برای تنفس گرد آن میآیند
(Noun) دیگ جن (شکافی در صخرههای ساحلی که هنگام خوردن موج به ساحل آب از آن فوران میکند)
(Noun) (در ریختهگری و فلزکاری) مک (حبابهای ریز هوا در سطح فلز)، حبابچه


[ intransitive]
to cry noisily, especially in a way that annoys people

کف، حباب، چربی بالن وسایرپستانداران دریایی، چاق شدن، چربی اوردن، های های گریستن، باصدا گریستن


a tall North American grass (Andropogon gerardii syn. A. furcatus) that has smooth bluish leaf sheaths

(Noun) (گیاهشناسی) گورگیاه (جنس Andropogon از علفهای پرپشت است که در امریکا به عنوان علوفه کشت میشود)


[intransitive and transitive] to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions:

** 'I wouldn't be afraid,' she boasted.

(. n ): خرده الماسی که برای شیشه بری بکار رود،

(. vi &. vt ):لاف، مباهات، بالیدن، خودستایی کردن، سخناغراق آمیز گفتن، به رخ کشیدن، رجز خواندن


1. the past tense of bide

2. bode well/ill (for somebody/something): to be a good or bad sign for the future:
** The opinion polls do not bode well for the Democrats.

پیشگویی کردن، نشانه بودن (از)، حاکی بودن از، دلالت داشتن (بر)، شگون داشتن


[ countable]
1. a metal bar that you slide across a door or window to fasten it

2. a screw with a flat head and no point, for fastening things together

3. a bolt from (out of) the blue: news that is sudden and unexpected:
** Was this money a bolt from the blue or did you know you were going to get it?

4. bolt of lightning: lightning that appears as a white line in the sky:
** There's not much left of his house after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. ➔ thunderbolt

5. make a bolt for it: British English to suddenly try to escape from somewhere:
** They attacked the driver and he straightaway made a bolt for it.

پیچ، توپ پارچه، از جا جستن، رها کردن راست، بطور عمودی، مستقیما، ناگهان


[ transitive]
1. to attack a place for a long time using large weapons, bombs etc:
** I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.

2. to do something too often or too much, for example criticizing or questioning someone, or giving too much information:
** The office was bombarded by telephone calls.
bombard somebody with something:
** They bombarded him with questions.
** Today we are bombarded with advice on what to eat and what to avoid.

بمباران کردن، بتوپ بستن


[ countable]
1. an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest:
** My father put all his money into stock market bonds.
** furious trading on the bond market

2. relationship: something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea [↪ tie]
bond between:
** the emotional bond between mother and child
bond with:
** the United States' special bond with Britain
bond of:
** lifelong bonds of friendship

3. bonds:[literary] something that limits your freedom and prevents you from doing what you want
bonds of :
** the bonds of fear and guilt

4. with glue: the way in which two surfaces become attached to each other using glue:
** Use a glue gun to form a strong bond on wood or china.

5. [technical] the chemical force that holds atoms together in amolecule:
** In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.

قید قید، بند، زنجیر، (مجازا) قرارداد الزاماور، عهدومیثاق، هرچیزی که شخص را مقیدسازد، معاهده، قرارداد،کفیل، رابطه، پیوستگی، ضمانت، (حقوق) تضمین نامه یا تعهدنامه دائر به پرداخت وجه، رهن کردن، تضمین کردن، اوراق قرضه


1. a quick increase of business activity [≠ slump]:
** The boom has created job opportunities.
boom in:
** a sudden boom in the housing market
consumer/investment/property etc boom:
** the post-war property boom
boom years/times:
** In boom times, airlines do well.
** the economic boom of the 1950s
** The economy went from boom to bust (=from increasing to decreasing) very quickly. ➔ boom town

2. when something is popular: [singular] an increase in how popular or successful something is, or in how often it happens:
** the disco boom of the 1970s
boom in:
** the boom in youth soccer in the U.S. ➔ baby boom

3. a deep loud sound that you can hear for several seconds after it begins, especially the sound of an explosion or a large gun ➔ sonic boom

4. a long pole on a boat that is attached to the bottom of a sail, and that you move to change the position of the sail

5. a long pole that has a camera or microphone on the end

غرش (توپ یاامواج)، صدای غرش، غریو، پیشرفت یا جنبش سریع وعظیم، توسعه عظیم(شهر)، غریدن، غریو کردن(مثل بوتیمار)، بسرعت درقیمت ترقی کردن، توسعه یافتن تیر کوچک


the past tense of bear

خسته کننده گمانه، سوراخ، سوراخ کردن، سنبیدن، سفتن، نقب زدن، بامته تونل زدن (با through )، خسته کردن، موی دماغ کسی شدن، خسته شدن، منفذ، سوراخ، مته، وسیله سوراخ کردن، کالیبر تفنگ زمان گذشته ساده فعل Bear


the past participle of bear

قسمت سوم فعل Bear


[ only before noun]
relating to plants or the scientific study of plants

وابسته به گیاه شناسی، ترکیب یا مشتقی از مواد گیاهی و داروهای گیاهی


[ countable]
someone whose job is to make scientific studies of wild plants

(Noun) گیاه شناس، متخصص گیاه شناسی


slightly annoying

(Adjective) پر دردسر، پرزحمت، مزاحم


1. [technical] relating to cows:
** bovine diseases

2. [written] slow and slightly stupid, like a cow - used to show disapproval:
** a bovine expression of contentment

گاوی، شبیه گاو، گاو خوی


brackish water is not pure because it is slightly salty

شورمزه، بدمزه


the central trunk of the mammalian brain, consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain, and continuing downwards to form the spinal cord.

ساقه مغز ، تنه مغز


[ uncountable]
1. water which contains a lot of salt and is used for preserving food:
** fish pickled in brine

2. sea water

شوراب، اب شور، اشک، اب نمک


a tree or plant with wide flat leaves.

پهن برگ


1. wide: a road, river, or part of someone's body etc that is broad is wide [≠ narrow; ↪ breadth]:
** We went along a broad passage.
** He was six feet tall, with broad shoulders.
six feet/three metres etc broad:
** The room is three metres long and two metres broad. ➔ see usage note wide1

2. including a lot: including many different kinds of things or people [≠ narrow; ↪ breadth]:
** The show aims to reach the broadest possible audience.
broad range/spectrum:
** Students here study a broad range of subjects.
broad category/field/area etc:
** Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.
** a party which lacks a broad base of political support
** The play is a comedy, in the broadest sense of the word.

3. general: concerning the main ideas or parts of something rather than all the details:
** The client should understand, in broad terms, the likely cost of the case.
broad consensus/agreement etc:
** The members were in broad agreement.
broad outline/framework:
** I'll give you a broad outline of the plan.

4. large area: covering a large area:
** a broad expanse of water

5. way of speaking: a broadaccent clearly shows where you come from [= strong]:
** a broad Scottish accent

پهن، عریض، گشاد، پهناور، زن هرزه


a tree or plant with wide flat leaves.

پهن برگ


1. the male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes.

2. another term for vaulting horse.

3. lowest of a particular rank.

جنس نر اهو وحیوانات دیگر، (امر) قوچ، بالاپریدن وقوز کردن(چون اسب)، ازروی خرک پریدن، مخالفتکردن با (دربازی فوتبال وغیره)، جفتک، جفتک انداختن



a compact knob-like growth on a plant which develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot.

جوانه، غنچه، شکوفه، تکمه، شکوفه کردن، جوانه زدن


[ countable]
1. protection: someone or something that protects one thing or person from being harmed by another
buffer against:
** Eastern Europe was important to Russia as a buffer against the West.
buffer between:
** She often had to act as a buffer between father and son.

2. one of the two special metal springs on the front or back of a train or at the end of a railway track to take the shock if the train hits something

3. buffer zone: an area between two armies, which is intended to separate them so that they do not fight

4. buffer state: a smaller country between two larger countries, which makes war between them less likely

5. a place in a computer's memory for storing information temporarily

میانگیر، سپر، ضربت خور، حائل، پرداخت کردن میانگیر، استفاده از میانگیر


[ countable]
1. a curved mass on the surface of something, usually caused by something under or inside it:
** The gun made a bulge under his jacket.

2. a sudden temporary increase in the amount or level of something:
** a bulge in the birthrate

برامدگی، شکم، تحدب، ورم، بالارفتگی، صعود، متورم شدن، باد کردن


1. [MEDICINE] a large blister containing serous fluid.

2. [ANATOMY] a rounded prominence.

(در مورد احکام صادره از طرف پاپ اعظم) مهر یا خاتم سربی پاپ، پلمب پاپ (پزشکی) تاول بزرگ، بولا


[ uncountable]
1. the ability of an object to float

2. the power of a liquid to make an object float:
** Salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water.

3. a feeling of happiness and a belief that you can deal with problems easily

4. the ability of prices, a business etc to quickly get back to a high level after a difficult period

(Noun) رانش، شناوری، سبکی، شادابی روح، خاصیت شناوری


1. happy and confident:
** Phil was in buoyant mood.

2. buoyant prices etc tend to rise:
** a buoyant economy

3. able to float or keep things floating:
** Cork is very buoyant.

(Adjective) شناور، سبک، سبکروح، خوشدل


[ countable]
someone who works in a bureaucracy and uses official rules very strictly

(Noun) مامور اداری، مامور دولتی، مقرراتی واهل کاغذ بازی، دیوان سالار


[ uncountable and countable]
1. the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave

2. the act of burying something in the ground
burial of:
** the burial of solid wastes

(Noun) دفن، بخاک سپاری، تدفدین


1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to make a hole or passage in the ground [= dig down]
burrow into/under/through etc:
** Mother turtles burrow into the sand to lay their eggs.

2. [intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition]to press your body close to someone or under something because you want to get warm or feel safe [= nestle]
burrow into/under/down etc:
** The child stirred and burrowed deeper into the bed.
burrow something into/against etc something:
** She burrowed her head into his shoulder.

3. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to search for something that is hidden in a container or under other things [= rummage]
burrow in/into/through etc:
** Helen burrowed in her bag for a handkerchief.

سوراخ زیرزمینی، نقب، پناهگاه، زیرزمین لانه کردن، (مجازا) پنهان شدن، نقب زدن


[ countable]
a desert plant with sharp points instead of leaves

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) انجیرهندی، کاکتوس، صباره خنجری


a white or colourless mineral consisting of calcium carbonate. It is a major constituent of sedimentary rocks such as limestone and is deposited in caves to form stalactites and stalagmites.

(Noun) (شیمی) کربنات کلسیم(CaCo3)، کلسیت


the American spelling of calibre

(Noun) ( calibre =) قطرگلوله، قطردهانه تفنگ یا توپ، کالیبر، (مجازا) گنجایش، استعداد


someone whose skill is decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering

(Noun) خوش نویس، خطاط


[ uncountable]
the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way

خوش نویسی، خطاطی


the past tense of come

زمان گذشته ساده فعل Come بتونه سربی (برای نگاه داری قاب شیشه)، میله سربی،بتونه سربی


[ countable]
1. a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement:
** Florida was a key state in his campaign for re-election.
** an anti-bullying campaign
** an advertising campaign
campaign for/against:
** a campaign for equal rights
** Jones ran a good campaign.
campaign funds/money/financing:
** He raised nearly $30 million in campaign funds.
launch/mount a campaign: (=plan, organize, and begin a campaign)
** Police have launched a campaign to crack down on drug dealers.

2. a series of battles, attacks etc intended to achieve a particular result in a war

زمین مسطح، جلگه، یک رشته عملیات جنگی، لشکرکشی، مبارزه انتخاباتی، مسافرت درداخل کشور


1. ability: to be able to do something or to know how to do something:
** You can swim, can't you?
** Even a small personal computer can store vast amounts of information.
** Gabriella can speak French fluently.
** I'm afraid Mr Harding can't see you now - he's busy.
** The police are doing all they can to find her.

2. [spoken] used to ask someone to do something or give you something:
** Can I have a cigarette, please?
** Can you help me lift this box?

3. allowed: to be allowed to do something or to have the right or power to do something:
** You can't park here - it's a no parking zone.
** 'Can we go home now, please?' 'No you can't.'
** Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver's license.

4. possibility: used to say that something is possible:
** I am confident a solution can be found.
** There can be no doubt that he is guilty.
** The boxes can be stored flat.
** Can he still be alive after all this time?

5. seeing/hearing etc: used with the verbs 'see', 'hear', 'feel', 'taste', and 'smell', and with verbs connected with thinking, to mean that someone sees something, hears something etc:
** Here they are - I can see their car.
** Can you smell something burning?
** I can't understand why you're so upset.
** He can't remember where he put the tickets.

قادر بودن، قدرت داشتن، امکان داشتن حلبی، قوطی، قوطی کنسرو،درقوطی ریختن، زندان کردن، اخراج کردن، ظرف


telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing [= frank]
candid about:
** She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
candid with:
** He was remarkably candid with me.
** It struck me as an unusually candid confession for a politician.

(Adjective) بی تزویر، منصفانه، صاف وساده


[ countable]
a deep valley with very steep sides of rock that usually has a river running through it

(Noun) دربند، تنگه، دره باریک وتنگ


1. capable of (doing) something: having the qualities or ability needed to do something:
** I don't think he's capable of murder.
** The company isn't capable of handling an order that large.
** I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you!

2. able to do things well:
** a strong, capable woman

3. capable hands: someone who is able to do something well:
** Helen was put in the capable hands of hair stylist Daniel Herson.

(Adjective) توانا، قابل، لایق، با استعداد، صلاحیت دار، مستعد


[ countable]
the smallest type ofblood vessel (=tube carrying blood) in the body

(Noun) (زیست‌شناسی) مویرگ
(Adjective) مویین، مویینه



1. person to catch a person and keep them as a prisoner:

** Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.

** 40 captured French soldiers

2. place/thing to get control of a place or object that previously belonged to an enemy, during a war:

** The town was captured after a siege lasting ten days.

** The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.

دستگیری، اسیر کردن، تسخیر، گرفتن


[ countable]
1. a vehicle that a car can pull and in which people can live and sleep when they are on holiday [= trailer American English]
caravan site/park: (=area of land where people can park their caravans)

2. a covered vehicle that is pulled by a horse, and in which people can live [= wagon American English]
** a gipsy caravan

3. a group of people with animals or vehicles who travel together for safety, especially through a desert



[ uncountable and countable]
the goods that are being carried in a ship or plane [= freight]
cargo of:
** A ship carrying a cargo of oil has run aground.
** a cargo plane

(Noun) ( cargos cargoes . pl ) بارکشتی، محموله دریایی، بار


[ countable]
1. an animal that eats flesh [↪ herbivore, omnivore]

2. [humorous] someone who eats meat [↪ vegetarian]

(Noun) گوشتخوار


[ countable]
1. a small steepwaterfall that is one of several together

2. something that hangs down in large quantities
cascade of:
** Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.

ابشار، ابشاری ابشیب، ابشار کوچک، بشکل ابشار ریختن


involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

** "a catastrophic earthquake"

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.

** "catastrophic mismanagement of the economy"

(Adjective) مصیبت بار، فاجعه انگیز

catchment basin

an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain, melting snow, or ice converges to a single point at a lower elevation, usually the exit of the basin, where the waters join another waterbody, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea, or ocean.

حوضه ی آبریز


a small creature like a worm with many legs that eats leaves and that develops into a butterfly or other flying insect

(Noun) کرم صدپا، تراکتور زنجیری، بشکل کرم صد پا حرکت کردن


[ plural]
cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk:
** herds of cattle
dairy/beef cattle:
20/100 etc head of cattle: (=20, 100 etc cattle)
** a cattle rancher

(Noun) احشام واغنام، گله گاو

cattle ranch

a large farm, especially in North America or Australia, where cattle or other animals are bred.

** "a beef cattle ranch"

مزرعه گاوداری


[ plural,uncountable]
1. the part of an army that fights on horses, especially in the past:
** The Black Prince led a cavalry charge against them.

2. the part of a modern army that uses tanks

(Noun) سواره نظام


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. [formal] to stop doing something or stop happening
cease to do something:
** He ceased to be a member of the association.
** The things people will do for charity never cease to amaze me (=I am always surprised by them).
cease doing something:
** the decision to cease using CFCs in packaging
** The rain ceased and the sky cleared.
cease trading/production/operations etc: (=stop operating a business)
** The company ceased production at their Norwich plant last year.
cease fire!: (=used to order soldiers to stop shooting)

2. cease and desist:[law] to stop doing something

ایستادن، موقوف شدن، دست کشیدن، گرفتن، وقفه، ایست، توقف


1. a large evergreen tree with leaves shaped like needles

2. the hard red wood of the cedar tree, which smells pleasant

سدر، سرو، سروآزاد، چوب سرو، رنگ قرمز مایل به زرد


[ uncountable]
1. on celluloid: on cinema film:
** Chaplin's comic genius is preserved on celluloid.

2. a plastic substance made mainly from cellulose that was used in the past to make photographic film and other objects

مانند سلول، (نام تجارتی) سلولوید


[ uncountable]
1. the material that the cell walls of plants are made of and that is used to make plastics, paper etc

2. [technical] a plastic that is used for many industrial purposes, especially making photographic film and explosives

(Noun) سلول غار،قسمت جامد گیاهان


[ countable]
1. an official process of counting a country's population and finding out about the people

2. an official process of counting something for government planning:
** a traffic census

(Noun) سرشماری، امار، احصائیه، ممیزی مالیاتی


[ countable]
[technical] the bottom part of your brain that controls your muscles

(Noun) ( cerebella ، cerebellums . pl ) (کالبد شناسی) مخچه، مخ کوچک، پس مخ


1. [medical] relating to or affecting your brain:
** a cerebral haemorrhage (=bleeding in the brain)

2. having or involving complicated ideas rather than strong emotions:
** a cerebral film

مخی، دماغی، مغزی، فکری


1. [countable] an important social or religious event, when a traditional set of actions is performed in a formal way [↪ ceremonial]:
** the wedding ceremony
** a graduation ceremony
** the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games

2. [uncountable] the special actions and formal words traditionally used on particular occasions:
** The queen was crowned with due ceremony.

3. without ceremony: in a very informal way, without politeness:
** He wished me good luck in the future and left without further ceremony.

(Noun) تشریفات، جشن، مراسم


[ uncountable and countable]
a pause or stop [↪ cease]
cessation of:
** a cessation of hostilities (=when the fighting stops in a war)

(Noun) ایست، توقف، انقطاع، پایان


[ countable]
[technical] amammal that lives in the sea, such as a whale

(جانور شناسی - در برخی روشهای ردهبندی) و السانها (راستهی Cetacea - پستانداران بیمو و آبزی)، بالنها (cetaceous هم میگویند)


[ countable usually plural]
a quality or feature of something or someone that is typical of them and easy to recognize
characteristic of:
** a baby discovering the physical characteristics of objects
defining/distinguishing characteristic: (=one that separates someone or something from others of the same type)
** Violent images are a defining characteristic of his work.

مشخصه منشی، خیمی، نهادی، نهادین، منش نما، نشان ویژه، صفت ممیزه، مشخصات


1. a black substance made of burned wood that can be used as fuel:
** cooking over a charcoal fire

2. [uncountable and countable] a stick of this substance used for drawing:
** a sketch drawn in charcoal

3. also charcoal grey[uncountable] a dark grey colour

زغال چوب


[ countable]
a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse, used in ancient times in battles and races

(Noun) ارابه


a small, soft round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red.

** "a bowl of cherries"



1. [BOTANY] loss of the normal green coloration of leaves of plants, caused by iron deficiency in lime-rich soils, disease, or lack of light.

2. [MEDICINE] anaemia caused by iron deficiency, especially in adolescent girls, causing a pale, faintly greenish complexion.

(Noun) (گیاه شناسی) بیماری گیاهان که در آن گیاه رنگ سبز خود را از دست میدهد
(Noun) (پزشکی - سبز شدن پوست بدن در اثر کمبود آهن خون) یرقان سبز


[ only before noun]
relating to a period of 24 hours, used especially when talking about changes in people's bodies:
** the body's circadian rhythm

(Adjective) شبانه روزی، (زیست شناسی) وابسته به بیست و چهار ساعت، روز و شبی (در مورد آهنگ کار غدهها و سوخت و ساز و ساعات خواب و بیداری و اثرات سفر با هواپیما و غیره به کار میرود) (مقایسه شود با: diurnal)


[ countable]
1. a shellfish you can eat that has a shell in two parts that open up:
** clam chowder (=a type of soup)

2. as happy as a clam:[informal] very happy

3. [informal] someone who does not say what they are thinking or feeling

حلزون دوکپه ای یا صدف خوراکی از جنس pecten ، گوشت صدف، بچنگال گرفتن، محکم گرفتن


[ uncountable]
a type of heavy sticky earth that can be used for making pots, bricks etc

خاک رس، رس، گل، خاک کوزه گری، سفال


[ intransitive]
1. [always + adverb/preposition] to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safe
cling to/on/at etc:
** He wailed and clung to his mother.
** Passengers clung desperately onto the lifeboats.

2. [always + adverb/preposition] to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround them
cling to/around etc:
** His wet shirt clung to his body.
** The smell of cigarette smoke clung to her clothes.

3. to stay close to someone all the time because you are too dependent on them or do not feel safe - used to show disapproval:
** Some children tend to cling on their first day at school.
** a less clinging wife

to continue trying to stay in power, in business etc:
** Other businesses cling on and hope.

1. to continue to believe or do something, even though it may not be true or useful any longer
cling to the hope/belief/idea etc (that):
** He clung to the hope that she would be cured.

صدای جرنگ (مثل صدای افتادن پول خرد)، چسبیدن، پیوستن، وفادار بودن


[ intransitive and transitive]
to block something or become blocked:
** tourists whose cars clog the roads each summer
clog with:
** Over many years, the pipes had got clogged up with grease.

زیادی پرکردن، لخته شدن (. n ): کنده، کلوخه، قید، پابند، ترمز، (. vi &. vt . n ): سنگین کردن، کندکردن، مسدودکردن، بستن(لوله)، متراکم وانباشته کردن، پابند


1. [countable] a group of trees, bushes, or other plants growing very close together
clump of:
** a thick clump of grass
in a clump:
** The roses were planted in clumps across the park.

2. [countable + of] a small mass of something such as earth or mud

3. [uncountable]the sound of someone walking with heavy steps:
** I heard the clump of Ralph's boots going up the stairs.

انبوه، دسته، خوشه، ضربه سنگین، مشت، انبوه کردن


1. a hard black mineral which is dug out of the ground and burnt to produce heat:
** Put some coal on the fire.
** the coal mining industry
** a lump of coal

2. a piece of coal, especially one that is burning:
** Red hot coals glowed in the grate.

3. [countable usually plural] American English a piece of wood or coal that is burning [↪ charcoal]:
** Grill over hot coals for two minutes.

4. carry/take coals to Newcastle: British English to take something to a place where there is already plenty of it available

5. haul/rake/drag somebody over the coals: to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong

زغال سنگ، زغال، زغال کردن


1. having a rough surface that feels slightly hard [= rough; ≠ smooth]:
** a jacket of coarse wool

2. consisting of threads or parts that are thick or large [≠ fine]:
** The coarse sand was hot and rough under her feet.
** tufts of coarse grass

3. talking in a rude and offensive way, especially about sex [= crude]:
** coarse jokes

(Adjective) زبر، خشن، زمخت، بی ادب
(Adjective) درشت، خشن، زبر


[ transitive]
to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening them
coerce somebody into (doing) something:
** The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.

(Verb - transitive) بزور وادار کردن، ناگزیر کردن


related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something:
** cognitive psychology

(Adjective) وابسته بدانش یااگاهی ،دانستنی ،شناسنده


[ uncountable]
1. if there is cohesion among a group of people, a set of ideas etc, all the parts or members of it are connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole:
** a sense of community and social cohesion

2. [technical] a close relationship, based on grammar or meaning, between two parts of a sentence or a larger piece of writing

(Noun) پیوستگی، چسبندگی، هم بستگی، جاذبه مولکولی


1. connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole:
** a cohesive community

2. uniting people or things:
** Historically, sport has been a cohesive force in international relations.

(Adjective) چسباننده، چسبناک


1. Coke:[trademark] the drink Coca-Cola, or a bottle, can, or glass of this drink

2. [informal] cocaine

3. a solid black substance produced from coal and burned to provide heat

زغال کوک، زغال سنگ سوخته، تبدیل به زغال کردن


as a group:
** All members of the cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.
** Rain, snow and hail are collectively known as precipitation.



[ uncountable and countable]
1. an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions [↪ collide]
collision with:
** The school bus was involved in a collision with a truck.
** Two people were killed in a head-on collision (=between two vehicles that are moving directly towards each other) on highway 218.

2. a strong disagreement between two people or groups
collision between:
** a collision between the two countries over fishing rights

3. be on a collision course:a) to be likely to have serious trouble because your aims are very different from someone else's:
** The two nations are on a collision course that could lead to war.b) to be moving in a direction in which you will hit something:
** an asteroid on a collision course with Earth

(Noun) تصادم، برخورد


having much or varied colour; bright.

** "a colourful array of fruit"

(Adjective) رنگارنگ


used to emphasize that something is extremely large:
** a colossal statue of the King
** The whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.

(Adjective) بسیاربزرگ ،عظیم الجثه


[ only before noun]
1. done, made, or achieved by several people or groups working together [= joint]
combined effort/action/operation:
** Dinner was a combined effort.

2. a combined total is the sum of two or more quantities or figures added together:
** Her records have sold a combined total of 14 million copies.
** We could only afford a small flat, even on our combined salaries.

ترکیب شده


an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.

(Noun) (زیست شناسی) همسفرگی، همپروردی


1. an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group.

** "one of his first commissions was to redesign the Great Exhibition building"

2. a group of people entrusted by a government or other official body with authority to do something.

** "a commission was appointed to investigate allegations of police violence"

(. n ):ماموریت، تصدی، حق العمل، فرمان، حکم، هیئت،مامورین، کمیسیون، انجام، (. vt ): گماشتن، ماموریتدادن


[ countable]
1. a product that is bought and sold:
** agricultural commodities
** Commodity prices fell sharply.

2. [formal] a useful quality or thing:
** Time is a precious commodity.

(Noun) وسیله مناسب، متاع، کالا، جنس


1. happening often: happening often and to many people or in many places [≠ rare]:
** Heart disease is one of the commonest causes of death.
common among:
** Bad dreams are fairly common among children.
it's common for somebody to do something:
** It's common for new fathers to feel jealous of the baby.! Do not say 'It is common that...': It is common for children to be afraid (NOT It is common that children are afraid) of the dark.

2. a lot: existing in large numbers [≠ rare]:
** Daisies are very common flowers.

3. same/similar: [usually before noun, no comparative] common aims, beliefs, ideas etc are shared by several people or groups:
** people working towards a common goal
** countries that share a common language
common to:
** a theme that is common to all her novels

4. common ground: facts, features, or beliefs that are shared by people or things that are very different
common ground between:
** There is a great deal of common ground between management and trade unions on this issue.

5. shared by everyone: [ no comparative] belonging to or shared by everyone in a society
common to:
** These problems are common to all societies.
** Joe was chosen as captain by common consent (=with everyone's agreement).

مشترک، اشتراکی، معمولی، عمومی، متعارفی، عادی، پیش پا افتاده، پست، عوامانه مردم عوام، عمومی، مشارکت کردن، مشاع بودن، مشترکا استفاده کردن


1. small, but arranged so that everything fits neatly into the space available - used to show approval:
** The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.
** The students' rooms were compact, with a desk, bed, and closet built in.

2. packed or put together firmly and closely:
** The bushes grew in a compact mass.

3. small, but solid and strong:
** a short compact-looking man

فشرده، فشرده کردن، جمع و جور، بهم پیوسته، پیمان، معاهده،متراکم بهم فشردن، بهم متصل کردن، ریز بافتن


1. similar to something else in size, number, quality etc, so that you can make a comparison [↪ compare, comparison]:
** A car of comparable size would cost far more abroad.
comparable figures/data/results:
** comparable figures for the same period of time last year
comparable with/to:
** The planet Pluto is comparable in size to the moon.

2. being equally important, good, bad etc:
** These two artists just aren't comparable.
comparable with/to:
** His poetry is hardly comparable with Shakespeare's.

(Adjective) سنجیدنی، سنجش‌پذیر، قابل مقایسه، قابل قیاس، مقایسه کردنی


1. [transitive] to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other [↪ comparison, comparative]:
** The report compares the different types of home computer available.
compare something/somebody with something/somebody:
** The police compared the suspect's fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.
compare something/somebody to something/somebody:
** Davies' style of writing has been compared to Dickens'.
compare and contrast: (=an expression used when telling students to write about the things that are similar or different in works of literature or art)
** Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.

2. compared to/with something: used when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar:
** a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year
** Compared to our small flat, Bill's house seemed like a palace.

3. [intransitive] to be better or worse than something else
compare (favourably/unfavourably) with something:
** The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.
** How does life in Britain compare with life in the States?
** The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably (=is as good) in quality.

4. something doesn't/can't compare (with something): if something does not compare with something else, it is not as good, large etc:
** The rides at the fair just can't compare with the rides at Disneyland.

5. compare notes (with somebody):[informal] to talk to someone in order to find out if their experience of something is the same as yours:
** Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.

(Verb - transitive) مقایسه کردن، سنجیدن، برابر نهادن، مقابله کردن، تطبیق کردن


** - (as) compared with
** - در مقایسه با، در سنجش با
(Verb - transitive) تشبیه کردن، ماننده کردن، قیاس کردن
(Verb - transitive) (دستور زبان)(صفت، قید) صیغه‌ی تفصیلی واژه‌ای را ساختن
(Verb - intransitive) مقایسه شدن، قابل مقایسه بودن، قابل قیاس بودن، برابری کردن

** - compare notes
** - تبادل نظر کردن
** - beyond/past/without compare
** - (Noun)(ادبی) فراتر از هر سنجشی، بی‌همتا، بی‌مانند، بی‌نظیر


1. compelling reason/argument/case etc: an argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it:
** Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.
** The court was presented with compelling evidence that she'd murdered her husband.

2. very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention:
** His life makes a compelling story.

3. compelling need/desire/urge (to do something): a strong need, desire etc to do something, making you feel that you must do it:
** He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.

(Adjective) وادار کننده، تحمیلگر، الزام آور


** - compelling circumstances
** - شرایط الزام آور
(Adjective) (بیشتر در مورد رمان و نمایش و غیره) گیرا، بسیار جالب، آنچه که سخت تحت تاثیر قرار دهد

** - a compelling story
** - داستانی گیرا
(Adjective) (در مورد استدلال و غیره) مجاب کننده، قانع کننده

** - compelling reasons
** - دلایل قانع کننده


1. [intransitive] to replace or balance the effect of something bad:
** Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.
compensate for:
** Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience.

2. to pay someone money because they have suffered injury, loss, or damage:
** the government's promise to compensate victims of the flood
compensate somebody for something:
** The firm will compensate workers for their loss of earnings.

تاوان دادن، پاداش دادن، عوض دادن، جبران کردن


[ countable]
1. someone or something that emphasizes the good qualities of another person or thing
complement to:
** This wine would be a nice complement to grilled dishes.

2. the number or quantity needed to make a group complete
complement of:
** Each new cell will carry its full complement of chromosomes.

3. [technical] a word or phrase that follows a verb and describes the subject of the verb. In 'John is cold' and 'John became chairman', 'cold' and 'chairman' are complements.

(Noun) مکمل، متمم، تکمله
(Noun) کلیه، تمامی، مجموعه، همگی، تمامی اعضا، کلیه‌ی خدمه
(Noun) (ریاضی) (زاویه) متمم
(Noun) (دستور) متمم، مسند
(Verb - transitive) کامل کردن، تکمیل کردن، متمم چیزی/کسی بودن


[ countable]
one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc [= constituent]:
** companies that make electronic components for computer products
component of:
** each component of their work
key/major/important etc component:
** Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle.

مولفه اجزا ، ترکیب کننده، ترکیب دهنده، جز


1. seeming calm and not upset or angry:
** He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under.

2. a composed salad is arranged carefully on a plate rather than being mixed together

(Adjective) ترکیب شده، مرکب، ارام، خونسرد


[ countable]
1. [technical] a substance containing atoms from two or moreelements:
** man-made organic compounds
compound of:
** Sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen.

2. a combination of two or more parts, substances, or qualities
compound of:
** Teaching is a compound of several different skills.
** Brush on a damp-proofing compound.

3. an area that contains a group of buildings and is surrounded by a fence or wall:
** a prison compound

4. [technical] a noun, adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. The noun 'flower shop' and the adjective 'self-made' are compounds

مرکب، چند جزئی، جسم مرکب، لفظ مرکب، بلور دوتایی محوطه، عرصه، حیاط، ترکیب، جسم مرکب ترکیب کردن، آمیختن


the action of compressing or being compressed.

the reduction in volume (causing an increase in pressure) of the fuel mixture in an internal-combustion engine before ignition.

(Noun) تراکم، متراکم سازی
(Noun) هم فشارش، بهم فشردگی، تراکم، اختصار


something that is compulsory must be done because it is the law or because someone in authority orders you to [= mandatory; ↪ voluntary]:
** the threat of compulsory redundancies
compulsory schooling/education:
** 11 years of compulsory education
** Car insurance is compulsory.

(Adjective) اجباری، قهری


dealing with ideas, or based on them:
** the conceptual framework of the play

(Adjective) وابسته به اندیش‌زایی، ذهنی، بینشی، مفهومی، نظری، فرایافتی، تعقلی، عقلانی


** - most people are unable to have a conceptual understanding of computers
** - بیشتر مردم از درک ذهنی کامپیوتر عاجزند
** - a child's conceptual growth
** - رشد بینشی کودک

concrete evidence

real evidence, existing in a material or physical form; not abstract.

مدرک واقعی، مدرک مستند


1. existing or happening at the same time:
** The exhibition reflected concurrent developments abroad.

2. [formal] in agreement
concurrent with:
** My opinions are concurrent with yours.

همزمان دریک وقت واقع شونده، موافق، متقارن، همرو


1. [uncountable] small drops of water that are formed when steam or warm air touches a cold surface:
** There was a lot of condensation on the windows.

2. when a gas becomes a liquid

3. [formal] the act of making something shorter

(Noun) چگالش، خلاصه، جمع شدگی، تکاثف، تغلیظ


1. made denser or more concise; compressed or concentrated.

** "a condensed version of the report"

2. changed from a gas or vapour to a liquid.

** "droplets of condensed moisture"

(Adjective) فشرده، خلاصه شده، تغلیظ شده، چگالیده


[ countable]
1. a piece of equipment that changes a gas into a liquid

2. a machine for storing electricity, especially in a car engine

(Noun) چگالگر، چگالساز (شخص یا دستگاهی که متراکم یا غلیظ یا همچگال میکند)، چگالنده
(Noun) دستگاه تقطیر، ژالهساز (ابزاری که گاز و بخار را تبدیل به آبگونه میکند)
(Noun) (نورشناسی) همگراگر (عدسی یا عدسیهایی که نور را متمرکز میکند)، همکانونساز
(Noun) (برق) خازن، اندوزه


the degree to which an object conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current which flows to the potential difference present. This is the reciprocal of the resistance, and is measured in siemens or mhos.

(Noun) میزان هدایت، میزان رسانایی
(Noun) رسانایی، ضریب هدایت، قدرت هدایت، هدایت، انتقال


[ countable]
a confederation

(Noun) هم پیمانی، اتفاق، اتحاد، پیوند، اتحادیه


1. [intransitive] to discuss something with other people, so that everyone can express their opinions and decide on something
confer with:
** Franklin leant over and conferred with his attorneys.

2. confer a title/degree/honour etc: to officially give someone a title etc, especially as a reward for something they have achieved
confer a title/degree/honour etc on/upon:
** An honorary degree was conferred on him by the University.

هم رایزنی کردن، اعطا کردن، مشورت کردن، مراجعه کردن


[ transitive]
1. limit: to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or subject [= restrict]
confine something to something:
** The police cadet's duties were confined to taking statements from the crowd.
** We confined our study to 10 cases.
confine yourself to (doing) something:
** Owen did not confine himself to writing only one type of poem.

2. keep somebody in a place: to keep someone in a place that they cannot leave, such as a prison
confine somebody to something:
** Any soldier who leaves his post will be confined to barracks (=made to stay in the barracks).
be confined in something:
** He was allegedly confined in a narrow, dark room for two months.

3. stop something spreading: to stop something bad from spreading to another place
confine something to something:
** Firefighters managed to confine the fire to the living room.

4. if you are confined to a place, you have to stay in that place, especially because you are ill:
** Vaughan is confined to a wheelchair.
** She's confined to bed with flu.

حد، محدوده، محدود کردن، منحصر کردن، محبوس کردن


[ transitive]
to combine two or more things to form a single new thing:
** He conflates two images from Kipling's short stories in the film.

(Verb - transitive) (دومتن یا تفسیر مختلف را) درهم آمیختن، تلفیق کردن


[ usually before noun]
1. a congenital medical condition or disease has affected someone since they were born:
** congenital abnormalities
** a congenital defect

2. a congenital quality is one that has always been part of your character and is unlikely to change:
** He's a congenital liar.
** her congenital inability to make decisions

(Adjective) مادر زادی، ارثی، موروثی، ذاتی، خلقتی


1. the act of getting control of a country by fighting:
** the Norman Conquest (=the conquest of England by the Normans)
conquest of:
** the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire

2. land that is won in a war:
** French conquests in Asia

3. [countable]someone that you have persuaded to love you or to have sex with you - often used humorously:
** He boasts about his many conquests.

4. when you gain control of or deal successfully with something that is difficult or dangerous
conquest of:
** the conquest of space

(Noun) غلبه، پیروزی، غلبه کردن


1. [countable] something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
consequence of:
** Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
consequence for:
** Our findings have far-reaching consequences for researchers.
dire/disastrous/serious etc consequences:
** Errors in forecasting can have dire consequences.
with ... consequences:
** He ate some poisonous mushrooms, with fatal consequences.
take/suffer/face the consequences (of something): (=accept the bad results of something you have done)
** He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.

2. as a consequence (of something)/in consequence (of something):[formal] as a result of something:
** Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
** She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.

3. of little/no/any etc consequence:[formal] not very important or valuable
of little/no/any etc consequence to:
** Your opinion is of little consequence to me.
** I don't suppose it is of any consequence now.

(Noun) نتیجه، نتیجه منطقی، اثر، برامد، دست اورد، پی امد


1. not liking changes or new ideas:
** a very conservative attitude to education
** conservative views

2. Conservative: belonging to or concerned with the Conservative Party in Britain:
** Conservative policies
** a Conservative MP

3. not very modern in style, taste etc [= traditional]:
** a dark conservative suit

4. a conservative estimate/guess: a guess which is deliberately lower than what the real amount probably is:
** At a conservative estimate, the holiday will cost about £1500.

محافظه کار، پیرو سنت قدیم


consist in something:

to be based on or depend on something:

** Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.

consist of something:

to be formed from two or more things or people:

** The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes.

عبارت بودن از، قائم بودن به، بسته بودن به، موکول بودن به، مبتنی بودن بر،منوط بودن به


1. make (something) physically stronger or more solid.

** "the first phase of the project is to consolidate the outside walls"

2. combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole.

** "all manufacturing activities have been consolidated in new premises"

محکم کردن، یکی کردن، یک رقم کردن


all the time, or very often:
** He talked constantly about his work.
** The English language is constantly changing.

پایدار، ثابت قدم، باثبات، استوار، وفادار، دائمی


[ transitive]
1. to use time, energy, goods etc [↪ consumption]:
** Only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled.
** A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel.

2. [formal] to eat or drink something [↪ consumer, consumption]:
** Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises.

3. [literary] if a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly, so that you cannot think about anything else:
** She was scared by the depression which threatened to consume her.
be consumed with something:
** He was consumed with guilt after the accident.

4. [formal] if fire consumes something, it destroys it completely

مصرف کردن، تحلیل رفتن، از پا درآمدن مصرف کردن


[ uncountable]
1. amount used: the amount of energy, oil, electricity etc that is used [↪ consume]
energy/fuel etc consumption:
** dramatic rises in fuel consumption
** Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

2. [formal] the act of eating or drinking [↪ consume]
consumption of:
** The consumption of alcohol on the premises is forbidden.
fit/unfit for human consumption: (=safe or not safe to eat)
** The meat was declared unfit for human consumption.b) the amount of a substance that people eat, drink, smoke etc
alcohol/tobacco/caffeine etc consumption:
** The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40%.

3. the act of buying and using products [↪ consume, consumer]:
** art intended for mass consumption (=to be bought, seen etc by lots of people)
** China's austerity program has cut domestic consumption (=when products are bought in the country where they were produced).
conspicuous consumption: (=when people buy expensive products to prove they are rich)

4. for general/public/private etc consumption: intended to be heard or read only by a particular group of people:
** figures that are not for public consumption

5. [old-fashioned] tuberculosis

(Noun) مصرف
(Noun) مصرف، سوختن، زوال، (پزشکی) مرض سل


1. have or hold (someone or something) within.

** "the cigarettes were thought to contain cannabis"

2. control or restrain (oneself or a feeling).

** "he must contain his hatred"

(Verb - transitive) محتوی بودن، دارا بودن، دربرداشتن، شامل بودن، خودداری کردن، بازداشتن


1. [intransitive] to compete against someone in order to gain something
contend for:
** Three armed groups are contending for power.
** Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups.

2. [transitive] to argue or state that something is true
contend (that):
** Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.

to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant:
** The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to contend with.

ستیزه کردن، مخالفت کرده با، رقابت کردن، ادعا کردن


1. contents: the things that are written in a letter, book etc
contents of:
** She kept the contents of the letter a secret.
** The program automatically creates a table of contents (=a list at the beginning of a document that shows the different parts into which it is divided).
** He cast his eye down the contents page.

2. the amount of a substance that is contained in something, especially food or drink
fat/protein/alcohol etc content:
** the fat content of cheese
** water with a low salt content

3. [singular, uncountable] the ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech, piece of writing, film, programme etc:
** The content of the media course includes scripting, editing and camera work.

4. [singular, uncountable] the information contained in a website, considered separately from the software that makes the website work:
** The graphics are brilliant. It's just a shame the content is so poor.

محتوی، مضمون گنجایش، حجم، مقدار، مندرجات، مفاد، خوشنود، راضی،راضی کردن، قانع کردن، خرسند، خرسند کردن


1. [formal] a strong opinion that someone expresses
somebody's contention that:
** Her main contention is that doctors should do more to encourage healthy eating.

2. [formal] argument and disagreement between people
source/area/point of contention:
** The issue of hunting is a source of contention. ➔ bone of contention: at bone1 (5)

3. in contention: having a chance of winning something:
** Owen's goal kept England in contention.

4. out of contention: no longer having a chance of winning something:
** Injury has put him out of contention for the title.

(Noun) درگیری
(Noun) ستیزه، مشاجره، نزاع، مجادله، مباحثه


[ uncountable and countable]
1. the situation, events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it
political/social/historical etc context:
** the political context of the election
place/put/see etc something in context:
** To appreciate what these changes will mean, it is necessary to look at them in context.
in the context of something:
** These incidents are best understood in the broader context of developments in rural society.

2. the words that come just before and after a word or sentence and that help you understand its meaning:
** The meaning of 'mad' depends on its context.

3. take/quote something out of context: to repeat part of what someone has said or written without describing the situation in which it was said, so that it means something quite different:
** His comments, taken out of context, seem harsh.

(Noun) (سخن) بافت، متن، سیاق عبارت، فحوای کلام


** - sometimes the context of a word reveals its meaning
** - برخی اوقات متن (هم‌بافت) واژه معنی آن را آشکار می‌کند
(Noun) (پدیده) موقعیت، زمینه، شرایط، قراین

** - out of context
** - بدون در نظر گرفتن همبافت یا متن، تحریف شده
** - he took my remarks out of context
** - او اظهارات مرا تحریف کرد.


a person or thing that continues something or maintains continuity.

** "the popes succeeded as the continuators of Byzantine rule"

a person who writes a continuation of another's work.

** "the narratives of Thucydides or his continuator Xenophon"

(Noun) دنبال کننده، ادامه دهنده، مستمر


[ only before noun]
continuing to happen or exist for a long time, or happening many times:
** threats to the continued existence of the species
** continued press speculation

پیوسته، دائم


[ uncountable]
1. the state of continuing for a period of time, without problems, interruptions, or changes:
** We should ensure continuity of care between hospital and home.

2. [technical] the organization of a film or television programme to make it seem that the action happens without pauses or interruptions

(Noun) پیوستگی، اتصال، استمرار، تسلسل، دوام
(Noun) پیوستگی، دوام


1. [countable] a difference between two statements, beliefs, or ideas about something that means they cannot both be true:
** apparent contradictions in the defendant's testimony
contradiction between:
** a contradiction between the government's ideas and its actual policy

2. [uncountable] the act of saying that someone else's opinion, statement etc is wrong or not true:
** You can say what you like without fear of contradiction.

3. a contradiction in terms: a combination of words that seem to be the opposite of each other, with the result that the phrase has no clear meaning:
** 'Permanent revolution' is a contradiction in terms.

4. in (direct) contradiction to something: in a way that is opposite to a belief or statement:
** Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.

(Noun) مخالف، تناقض، رد، ضد گویی، خلاف گویی
(Noun) تناقض، مغایرت


1. [intransitive and transitive] to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in
contribute to/towards:
** City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.
contribute something to/towards something:
** The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.

2. [intransitive] to help to make something happen:
** Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
contribute to:
** Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.
contribute substantially/significantly/greatly etc to something:
** Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.

3. to write articles, stories, poems etc for a newspaper or magazine [↪ contributor]
contribute to:
** one of several authors contributing to the book

اعانه دادن، شرکت کردن در، همکاری وکمک کردن، همبخشی کردن


[intransitive and transitive] to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in

contribute to/towards

** City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.

اعانه دادن، شرکت کردن در، همکاری وکمک کردن، همبخشی کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a long time:
** a political controversy
** the controversy surrounding Skinner's theories
cause/provoke/arouse controversy:
** The judges' decision provoked controversy.
controversy over/about:
** the controversy over campaign-finance issues
** Controversy arose (=began) over the use of the chemicals on crops.

(Noun) هم ستیزی، مباحثه، جدال، ستیزه، بحث


1. [countable] a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests:
** a teachers' convention
** the city's new convention center
** a convention for science fiction fans

2. a formal agreement, especially between countries, about particular rules or behaviour [= pact, treaty]
convention on:
** the European convention on human rights

3. [uncountable and countable]behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal and right [= custom]:
** Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.
** They defied the conventions of the time by living together without being married.
by convention:
** By convention, the bride's father gives her away at her wedding.

4. a method or style often used in literature, art, the theatre etc to achieve a particular effect:
** the conventions of the nineteenth century novel

(Noun) هم ایش، هم ایی، پیمان نامه، انجمن، مجمع، میثاق
(Noun) عرف، قرار داد


1. [only before noun] a conventional method, product, practice etc has been used for a long time and is considered the usual type:
** Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.
** Bake for 20 minutes in a conventional oven; 8 in a microwave.

2. always following the behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal, right, and socially acceptable, so that you seem slightly boring:
** a strong believer in conventional morals
conventional in:
** He is conventional in his approach to life.

3. (the) conventional wisdom: the opinion that most people consider to be normal and right, but that is sometimes shown to be wrong:
** As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was to widen the roads.

4. conventional weapons and wars do not use nuclear explosives or weapons:
** conventional forces

5. conventional medicine: the usual form of medicine practised in most European and North American countries [= western medicine]

مرسوم، مطابق ایین وقاعده، پیرو سنت ورسوم عرفی، قراردادی


[ intransitive]
to have a conversation with someone
converse with:
** She enjoyed the chance to converse with another French speaker.

به العکس، معکوس، واژگون، وارونه، مخالف، گفتگو صحبت کردن، مذاکره کردن،محاوره کردن، آمیزش، صحبت


1. a) [transitive] to change something into a different form of thing, or to change something so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way
convert something to/into something:
** They converted the spare bedroom into an office.
** The stocks can be easily converted to cash.
** a 19th century converted barn (=barn changed into a house)b) [intransitive] to change into a different form of thing, or change into something that can be used for a different purpose or in a different way
convert to/into:
** a sofa that converts into a bed
** In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.

2. a) [transitive] to persuade someone to change to a different religion
convert somebody to something:
** European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.b) [intransitive] to change to a different religion
convert to:
** She converted to Catholicism.

3. a) [intransitive] to change to a different set of ideas, principles, or ways of doing something
convert to:
** people who have recently converted to vegetarianismb) [transitive]to persuade someone to change to a different set of ideas, principles, or ways of doing something
convert somebody to something:
** She succeeded in converting me to her point of view.
newly/freshly converted:
** newly converted feminists

4. [intransitive and transitive] to make a conversion inrugby or American football

تبدیل کردن، معکوس کردن برگرداندن، وارونه کردن، معکوس کردن، بکیش دیگری اوردن، تازه کیش

cord grass

a coarse wiry coastal grass which is sometimes used to stabilize mudflats.

(Noun) (گیاهشناسی) علف ریسمانی (انواع علفهای مردابزی از جنس Spartina که بلندی برخی به سه مترمیرسد)


1. plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds:
** fields of corn
** an ear of corn (=the top part of this plant where the seeds grow)

2. the seeds of this plant ➔ sweetcorn

3. a painful area of thick hard skin on your foot

غله، دانه (امر.) ذرت، میخچه، دانه دانه کردن، نمک زدن


the production processes used to make yarn (الیاف) from cotton fibers.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) جام گلبرگ، جام گل، کاسه گل


a connection between two ideas, facts etc, especially when one may be the cause of the other
correlation between:
** a strong correlation between urban deprivation and poor health
strong/high/close/significant etc correlation:
** There is a direct correlation between the best-known brands and the best-selling brands.
correlation with:
** There's also some correlation with social class.

(Noun) ارتباط، ربط، همبستگی، بستگی دوچیز باهم
(Noun) همبستگی


[ uncountable]
1. the letters that someone sends and receives, especially official or business letters:
** A secretary came in twice a week to deal with his correspondence.

2. the process of sending and receiving letters:
** The magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
(be in) correspondence with somebody:
** He had been in correspondence with her for several years before they finally met.
** All correspondence between us must cease.

3. a relationship or connection between two or more ideas or facts
correspondence between:
** There was no correspondence between the historical facts and Johnson's account of them.

(Noun) ( correspondency =) ارتباط، مطابقت، تشابه، مراسلات
(Noun) تناظر، مکاتبه، مکاتبات


a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.

** "the minister held talks with his French counterpart"

نقطه مقابل، قرین، شریک

حقوق: المثنی


[ countable]
the outer layer of an organ in your body, especially your brain

(Noun) پوست، قشر، لایه رویی، روپوش، پوسته


1. a cosmopolitan place has people from many different parts of the world - use this to show approval:
** a vibrant, cosmopolitan city
** a lively hotel with a cosmopolitan atmosphere

2. a cosmopolitan person, belief, opinion etc shows a wide experience of different people and places:
** Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life.

وابسته به همه جهان، بین المللی


[ countable]
a small house in the country:
** a country cottage
** We're staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset.

(Noun) کلبه، خانه روستایی


a process (or spin) which prepares cotton roving into workable yarn or thread.

دستگاهی که کتان (پنبه) را به الیاف یا نخ تبدیل می کند


people who are skilled at making things by hand (used as a neutral alternative).

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) گربه وحشی پشمالو، یوزپلنگ آمریکایی


1. past ability: used as the past tense of 'can' to say what someone was able to do or was allowed to do in the past:
** By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin.
** In those days you could buy a box of cigars for a dollar.
** Could you hear what I was saying?
** I couldn't get tickets after all, they were sold out.
** I knew I couldn't afford the rent.
** The teacher said we could all go home.

2. possibility:a) used to say that something is possible or might happen:
** Most accidents in the home could be prevented.
** It could be weeks before we get a reply.
** If you're not careful, you could get into even worse trouble.
** A faulty connection could easily (=would be likely to) cause a fire.b) used to say that something was a possibility in the past, but did not actually happen:
** Somebody could have been killed.
** I could have warned you if I had known where you were.
** He could have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight.

3. [spoken] used to emphasize how happy, angry etc you are by saying how you want to express your feelings:
** He irritates me so much I could scream.
** I was so angry I could have killed her.
** I was so relieved I could have kissed them all.

4. [spoken] used to make a polite request:
** Could you help me with these boxes?
** Could I have a drink of water, please?
** How about Sam? Could he come along too?
** I wonder if I could just ask you to sign this.

5. suggesting: used to suggest doing something:
** You could ask your doctor for a check-up.
** You could always try phoning her at the office.
** Maybe we could get together sometime next week?
** Couldn't you get one of your friends to help you?

(زمان ماضی و اسم مفعول فعل can)، می‌توانست


a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.

** "the minister held talks with his French counterpart"

نقطه مقابل، قرین


1. of course:a) [informal][spoken][spoken] used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct:
** Of course he'll come!
well/but of course:
** Well of course I love you.

2. of course not:[spoken][informal] used to say very strongly that something is not true or correct:
** He asked his father if it was true. ' Of course not,' Jack said.
** 'You don't mind if I call her?' 'No, course not.'

3. a) a series of lessons in a particular subject [= class American English]
do a course: British English
take a course:
** Andy's doing a one-year journalism course.
course on/in:
** a course on architecture
** I'm taking a course in graphic design.
** 73 candidates enrolled on the course.
** For details, contact your course tutor.b) British English a period of study in a particular subject, especially at university [= program American English]
take/follow a course:
** Students following the Honours course are expected to study Islamic History.
degree/postgraduate etc course:
** entry qualifications for degree-level courses
taught course: (=one which has formal lectures, rather than one in which a student studies alone)! course is never followed by 'of': a course in English (NOT of English) ➔ correspondence course, crash course, refresher course, sandwich course

4. time: [singular] a period of time or process during which something happens
during/in/throughout/over the course of something:
** During the course of our conversation, it emerged that Bob had been in prison.
** Over the course of the next few years, the steel industry was reorganized.
in the course of doing something:
** In the course of researching customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance.

5. development: [singular] the usual or natural way that something changes, develops, or is done
course of:
** forces that shape the course of evolution
** Meeting Sally changed the whole course of his life.
in the normal/natural/ordinary course of events:
** In the normal course of events, a son would inherit from his father.
take/run its course: (=develop in the usual way and reach a natural end)
** Relax and let nature take its course.
** It seems the boom in World Music has run its course.
** Gorbachev changed the course of Soviet history.

(. n ): دوره، مسیر، روش، جهت، جریان، (با in ) درطی،درضمن، بخشی از غذا، اموزه، اموزگان، (. vi &. vt ):دنبال کردن، بسرعت حرکت دادن، چهار نعل رفتن


1. for deciding about a legal case: [uncountable and countable] the place where a trial is held, or the people there, especially the judge and the jury who examine the evidence and decide whether someone is guilty or not guiltyCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
court of law:
court case:
appear in court:
go to court:
take somebody to court: (=bring a legal case against someone)
bring a case to court:
a case comes to court:
settle something out of court: (=reach an agreement about a dispute without using the court)
be thrown out of court: (=a judge refuses to consider a case)
a case is heard in court: (=a case is dealt with by a court)
the court: (=the judge, the jury, and the other people in a court)
criminal court: (=a court where cases about crimes are heard)
civil court: (=a court where cases about civil disagreements are heard)
** A crowd of reporters had gathered outside the court.
** It could not be proved in a court of law.
** The court case lasted six weeks.
** Four people will appear in court today, charged with fraud.
** I'd rather resolve our differences without going to court.
** She threatened to take the magazine to court if they didn't publish an immediate apology.
** We hadn't enough evidence to bring the case to court.
** Victims are often not told when a case comes to court.
** The matter was settled out of court.
** The case was thrown out of court.
** The court ruled that no compensation was due.
** The court upheld the earlier decision (=decided that the earlier decision was correct).
** Dr Porter told the court that the post-mortem revealed signs of strangulation. ➔ county court, crown court, high court, kangaroo court, magistrates' court, small claims court, state court, Supreme Court, tribunal

2. an area made for playing games such as tennis [↪ field, pitch]
squash/tennis/basketball etc court:
** Can you book a squash court for tomorrow?
on court:
** The players are due on court in an hour.

3. the court: the king, queen, their family, and their friends, advisers etc:
** Several members of the court were under suspicion.
** There was a taste in court circles for romantic verse.
** Court officials denied the rumours.

4. hold court:[formal] to speak in an interesting, amusing, or forceful way so that people gather to listen
hold court to:
** Dylan was holding court upstairs to a group of fans.

5. pay court to somebody:[old-fashioned] to give someone a lot of attention to try and make them like you

بارگاه، حیاط، دربار، دادگاه، اظهار عشق، خواستگاری


1. [uncountable and countable] the period of time during which a man and woman have a romantic relationship before marrying

2. special behaviour used by animals to attract each other for sex:
** courtship rituals

(Noun) اظهار عشق، معاشقه


an activity involving skill in making things by hand.

** "the craft of cobbling"

کشتی یا قایق کوچک، شناوه کوچک، شناوک

پیشه، هنر، صنعت، مهارت، نیرنگ


people who are skilled at making things by hand (used as a neutral alternative).

هنرمندان، نویسندگان، هنرپیشه گان، صنعت گران


[ countable]
1. a large tall machine used by builders for lifting heavy things [↪ hoist]

2. a tall water bird with very long legs

ماهیخوار بزرگ وابی رنگ، جرثقیل، باجرثقیل بلندکردن یاتکان دادن، درازکردن (گردن)


[ countable]
1. a round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen on it or by an explosion:
** craters on the moon's surface

2. the round open top of a volcano

دهانه اتش فشان، دهانه کوه های ماه، دهانه یا حفره حاصله در اثر بمب وغیره


[ uncountable and countable]
a small animal like a lobster that lives in rivers and streams, or the meat from this animal

(Noun) خرچنگ ب شیرین ،خرچنگ خاردار


The hard outer portion or surface area of bread

(Adjective) معتبر، باور کردنی، موثق


[ countable]
1. a curved shape that is wider in the middle and pointed at the ends:
** a small crescent of pastry topped with cheese
** a crescent moon

2. the curved shape that is used as a sign of the Muslim religion

3. a street with a curved shape - often used in the names of streets

هلال ماه، هلالی شکل


[ countable]
a narrow crack in the surface of something, especially in rock:
** small creatures that hide in crevices in the rock

(Noun) درز، شکاف


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous [↪ emergency]COLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
economic/financial/political crisis:
deal with/handle a crisis:
energy/oil/housing crisis:
debt/budget crisis:
a crisis erupts/arises:
a major/severe crisis:
resolve/solve/defuse a crisis:
avert a crisis:
in/during a crisis:
be in crisis:
crisis management: (=dealing with a crisis)
** The country now faces an economic crisis.
** The Prime Minister was criticized for the way in which he handled the crisis.
** the current debt crisis
** a major political crisis
** I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis.
** Oil companies were heavily criticized when they made large profits during the oil crisis of the 1970s.
** The car industry is now in crisis.
** He doesn't seem to be very good at crisis management.

2. a time when a personal emotional problem or situation has reached its worst point:
** an emotional crisis
** In times of crisis, you find out who your real friends are.
** He seems to be going through a crisis.
** She has reached a crisis point in her career.
** Both parties experienced an identity crisis (=feeling of uncertainty about their purpose)at the end of the '90s.

3. crisis of confidence: a situation in which people no longer believe that a government or an economic system is working properly, and will no longer support it or work with it:
** There seems to be a crisis of confidence in the economy.

4. crisis of conscience: a situation in which someone feels worried or uncomfortable because they have done something which they think is wrong or immoral

(Noun) (بیماری، زندگی، تاریخ و غیره) بحران، مرحله‌ی بحرانی، موقع حساس، نقطه‌ی عطف


** - come to a crisis/reach a crisis
** - بحرانی شدن، به مرحله‌ی بحرانی رسیدن، به بحران نزدیک شدن
** - get a crisis on one's hands
** - دچار بحران شدن، با بحران دست به گریبان شدن


1. not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful [↪ approximate]:
** a crude estimate of the population available for work

2. not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill:
** a crude wooden bridge
** crude workmanship

3. offensive or rude, especially in a sexual way [= vulgar]:
** crude pictures
** His language was often crude.

4. [only before noun] crude oil, rubber etc is in its natural or raw condition before it is treated with chemicals

5. in crude terms: expressed in a simple way:
** Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law's business.

خام، ناپخته، زمخت


1. [intransitive] also crumble away if something, especially something made of stone or rock, is crumbling, small pieces are breaking off it:
** The old stonework was crumbling away.
** crumbling colonial buildings

2. [intransitive and transitive]to break apart into lots of little pieces, or make something do this:
** The fall leaves crumbled in my fingers.
** ¼ cup crumbled goat's cheese

3. to lose power, become weak, or fail:
** The Empire began to crumble during the 13th century.
** our crumbling economy

خرد شدن، فرو ریختن


a compact, low growing, mat forming plant that is found in alpine, subalpine, arctic, or subarctic environments around the world.

گیاه کوسن مانند، گیاه بالشتی


a photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapour.

(چاپ و کلیشه سازی قدیم) کلیشه ی داگر (چاپ و کلیشه سازی قدیم) (عکس را) با کلیشه ی داگر چاپ کردن


1. made of crystals

2. very clear or transparent, like crystal

(Adjective) بلورین، شفاف، متبلور، واضح


if a process culminates in or with a particular event, it ends with that event:
** A series of events for teachers and students will culminate in a Shakespeare festival next year.

به اوج رسیدن، بحد اکثر ارتفاع رسیدن، بحد اعلی رسیدن


1. an extreme religious group that is not part of an established religion

2. [countable] a fashionable belief, idea, or attitude that influences people's lives
cult of:
** Diet, exercise ... It's all part of this cult of self-improvement.

3. [singular] a group of people who are very interested in a particular thing:
** O'Brien has a cult of devoted readers.

4. a system of religious beliefs and practices

(Noun) ایین دینی، مکتب تفکر، هوس وجنون برای تقلید از رسم یا طرز فکری


[ uncountable]
1. the preparation and use of land for growing crops:
** soil cultivation
under cultivation:
** These fields have been under cultivation (=used for growing crops)for years.

2. the planting and growing of plants and crops:
** Terraces for rice cultivation covered the hillsides.
cultivation of:
** the cultivation of tobacco

3. the deliberate development of a particular quality or skill

(Noun) کشت، زراعت، تربیت، تهذیب، ترویج


increasing gradually as more of something is added or happens:

** Learning is a cumulative process.

cumulative effect (of something)

** Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.

(Adjective) جمع شونده
(Adjective) انباشته، یکجا

cushion plant

A cushion plant is a compact, low growing, mat forming plant that is found in alpine, subalpine, arctic, or subarctic environments around the world.

گیاه کوسن مانند، گشاه بالشتی


a photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapour.

(چاپ و کلیشهسازی قدیم) کلیشهی داگر (چاپ و کلیشهسازی قدیم) (عکس را) با کلیشهی داگر چاپ کردن


[ countable]
1. a special wall built across a river or stream to stop the water from flowing, especially in order to make a lake or produce electricity

2. [technical] the mother of a four-legged animal, especially a horse

سد، اب بند، بند، سد ساختن، مانع شدن یاایجاد مانع کردن، محدود کردن


1. slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way:
** Wipe the leather with a damp cloth.
** a cold, damp day

2. damp squib:[informal] something that is intended to be exciting, effective etc, but which is disappointing

نم، رطوبت، دلمرده کردن، حالت خفقان پیدا کردن، مرطوب ساختن


[ countable]
a wild plant with a bright yellow flower which later becomes a white ball of seeds that are blown away in the wind

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) قاصدک (گیاه خودرو و دارای گلهای زرد روشن)


[ uncountable]
1. the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc:
** She was hit by flying debris from the blast.

2. [technical] pieces of waste material, paper etc
plant/garden/industrial etc debris:
** Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.

(Noun) خرده، باقی مانده، اثار مخروبه، اشغال روی هم ریخته، اوار


1. a period of ten years.

** "he taught at the university for nearly a decade"

2. each of the five divisions of each chapter of the rosary.

** "a local priest led the mourners in a decade of the rosary"


ده، عدد ده، دوره ده ساله


1. [intransitive and transitive] to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this [↪ rot]:
** Her body was already starting to decay.
** Most archaeological finds are broken, damaged, or decayed.
** decaying organic matter

2. [intransitive] if buildings, structures, or areas decay, their condition gradually becomes worse:
** Hundreds of historic buildings are being allowed to decay.
** Britain's decaying inner cities

3. [intransitive] if traditional beliefs, standards etc decay, people do not believe in them or support them any more [= decline]:
** In Orthodox Europe, mass religion seems to have decayed less.

پوسیدگی، فساد، زوال، خرابی، تنزل، پوسیدن، فاسدشدن، تنزل کردن، منحط شدن، تباهی محو شدن، تباه شدن


deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter [≠ evergreen]

(Adjective) گیاهی که در زمستان برگ میریزد، برگریز


[ countable]
1. on a ship:a) the outside top level of a ship that you can walk or sit on:
** Let's go up on deck.
above/below deck:
** Peter stayed below deck.b) one of the different levels on a ship
main/passenger/car etc deck:
** a staircase leading to the passenger deck

2. on a bus, plane etc: one of the levels on a bus, plane etc
lower/upper etc deck:
** I managed to find a seat on the upper deck.
** Eddie returned to the flight deck (=the part of an aircraft where the pilot sits). ➔ double-decker (1), single-decker

3. a wooden floor built out from the back of a house, where you can sit and relax outdoors [↪ decking]:
** deck furniture

4. music: a piece of equipment used for playing music tapes, records etc
cassette/tape/record deck:

5. cards: a set of playing cards [= pack British English]
** Irene shuffled the deck.
** a deck of cards

دستینه، دسته (. n ): عرشه، عرشه کشتی، کف، سطح، (. vt &. n ): اراستن،زینت کردن، عرشه دار کردن، (م.م.) پوشاندن، (در ورق بازی) یکدسته ورق


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. to decay or make something decay:
** a partially decomposed body

2. [technical] to divide into smaller parts, or to make something do this

از هم پاشیدن، تجزیه کردن، متلاشی شدن


pretty or attractive, but not always necessary or useful:
** a decorative panel above the door

(Adjective) اذینی، زینتی


[ countable]
someone who paints houses and puts paper on the walls as their job;

(Noun) اذینگر، متخصص ارایش داخلی ساختمانها


extending far down from the top or surface.

"a deeper gorge"

گودتر، ژرف، عمیق تر


1. [intransitive and transitive] to do something in order to protect someone or something from being attacked:
** a struggle to defend our homeland
defend something against/from something:
** the need to defend democracy against fascism
defend yourself (against/from somebody/something):
** advice on how women can defend themselves from sex attackers
defend against:
** We need to defend against military aggression.

2. [transitive] to use arguments to protect something or someone from criticism, or to prove that something is right:
** She was always defending her husband in front of their daughter.
** Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.
defend somebody against/from somebody/something:
** He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.
defend yourself (against/from something):
** Cooper wrote to the journal immediately, defending himself.

3. [transitive] to do something in order to stop something from being taken away or in order to make it possible for something to continue:
** the workers' attempts to defend their interests
** We are defending the right to demonstrate.

4. to protect your own team's end of the field in a game such as football, in order to prevent your opponents from getting points:
** Bournemouth defended well throughout the game.

5. to take part in a competition that you won the last time it was held, and try to win it again:
** The world champion was defending his title.
** the defending champion
** He is defending a Labour majority of 5,000.

دفاع کردن از، حمایت کردن


[ countable]
1. one of the players in a game such as football who have to defend their team's goal from the opposing team:
** It's his fourth season as an Arsenal defender.

2. someone who defends a particular idea, belief, person etc:
** He presented himself as a defender of democracy.

(Noun) پدافندگر، مدافع


1. not containing or having enough of something:
** Women who are dieting can become iron deficient.
deficient in:
** patients who were deficient in vitamin C

2. not good enough:
** Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

(Adjective) دارای کمبود، ناکارا


1. [intransitive and transitive] if someone or something deflects something that is moving, or if it deflects, it turns in a different direction:
** He deflected the blow with his forearm.

2. [transitive] to do something to stop people paying attention to you, criticizing you etc
deflect something (away) from something:
** his attempts to deflect attention away from his private life
** The committee is seeking to deflect criticism by blaming me.

3. [transitive] to take someone's attention away from something
deflect somebody from (doing) something:
** Nothing can deflect me from reaching my goal.

کج کردن، منحرف کردن منکسر کردن، شکستن


[ countable]
a god or goddess:
** the deities of ancient Greece

(Noun) خدا


[ transitive]
1. to describe or draw something carefully so that people can understand it:
** The document delineates your rights and your obligations.

2. to make the borders between two areas very clear:
** The boundaries of these areas should be clearly delineated.

(Verb - transitive) مشخص کردن، ترسیم نمودن، معین کردن


[ uncountable]
1. [formal] the end of something that used to exist
demise of:
** the imminent demise (=happening soon) of the local newspaper

2. [formal][law] death:
** the mystery surrounding Elena's untimely demise (=when death happens sooner than is normal or expected)

مردن، وفات یافتن، انتقال دادن


1. demographics: [plural]information about a group such as the people who live in a particular area:
** the demographics of a newspaper's readership

2. [countable] a part of the population that is considered as a group, especially by advertisers who want to sell things to that group:
** the 21-40 demographic

(Adjective) وابسته به امارگیری نفوس


1. made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together [= thick]
dense undergrowth/forest/woodland/jungle etc:
** A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
** a dense rurally-based population

2. difficult to see through or breathe in
dense fog/smoke/cloud:
** dense black smoke

3. [informal] not able to understand things easily [= stupid]:
** Am I being dense? I don't quite understand.

4. a dense piece of writing is difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information or uses complicated language

5. [technical] a substance that is dense has a lot of mass in relation to its size:
** Water is eight hundred times denser than air.

(Adjective) متراکم، چگال
(Adjective) چگال، غلیظ، متراکم، انبوه، احمق، خنگ


[ uncountable]
1. the degree to which an area is filled with people or things
density of:
** the size and density of settlements
** areas of high population density

2. [technical] the relationship between the mass of something and its size

(Noun) چگالی، غلظت، انبوهی، تراکم
(Noun) تراکم، چگالی


[ transitive]
to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc:
** a book depicting life in pre-revolutionary Russia
depict somebody/something as something:
** The god is depicted as a bird with a human head.

(Verb - transitive) نمایش دادن (بوسیله نقشه و مانند ان)، نقش کردن،مجسم کردن، رسم کردن، شرح دادن

descendent / descendant

a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor.

(Verb - transitive) تهی کردن، خالی کردن، به ته رسانیدن


[ countable]
1. a part of the cost of something you are buying that you pay some time before you pay the rest of it
deposit of:
** A deposit of 10% is required.
put down a deposit (on something): (=pay a deposit)
** We put down a deposit on a house.

2. money that you pay when you rent something such as an apartment or car, which will be given back if you do not damage it
deposit of:
** We ask for one month's rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.

3. an amount of money that is paid into a bank account [≠ withdrawal]
deposit into:
** I'd like to make a deposit (=pay some money) into my savings account.

4. a layer of a mineral, metal etc that is left in soil or rocks through a natural process
deposit of:
** rich deposits of gold in the hills

5. an amount or layer of a substance that gradually develops in a particular place:
** fatty deposits on the heart

ته نشین کردن، گذاشتن، کنار گذاشتن، ذخیره سپردن، به حساب بانک گذاشتن سپرده، ته نشست، سپردن، پول، بیعانه، گرو، ته نشین


[ transitive]
to strongly disapprove of or criticize something

(Verb - transitive) بد دانستن، قبیح دانستن، ناراضی بودن از


the lack of something that you need in order to be healthy, comfortable, or happy
** Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.

social/economic/emotional etc deprivation
Low birth weight is related to economic deprivation.deprivation of
** the deprivations of prison life

(Noun) محرومیت، حرمان، فقدان، انعزال


[ countable]
1. something that has developed or been produced from something else
derivative of:
** Heroin is a derivative of morphine.

2. a type of financial investment:
** the derivatives market

(Adjective) برگرفته، مأخوذ، گرفته شده، (زبان‌شناسی، شیمی، ریاضی) مشتق، (کارهای ادبی) اقتباس شده، اقتباسی
(Noun) (زبان‌شناسی، شیمی، ریاضی) مشتق، (ادبی) اقتباس


** - a derivative of a function
** - واحد تابع، مشتق تابع
(Noun) (شیمی) (ماده‌ای که از راه تغییرات شیمیایی از ماده‌ی دیگری مشتق شده است) فرآمده


1. not reacting to or becoming involved in something in an emotional way [≠ involved]:
** Try to take a more detached view.
detached from:
** He appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes.
detached way/manner:
** She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner.

2. especially British English a detached house or garage is not joined to another building

(Adjective) جدا، غیر ذیعلاقه


[ intransitive]
1. to become worse:
** Ethel's health has deteriorated.
** America's deteriorating economy

2. deteriorate into something: to develop into a bad or worse situation:
** The argument deteriorated into a fight.

بدتر کردن، خراب کردن، روبزوال گذاشتن


1. having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you:
** Gwen is a very determined woman.
determined to do something:
** She was determined to win.
determined (that):
** He was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated.

2. showing determination, especially in a difficult situation
determined attempt/effort:
** She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.
** The library was closed down despite determined opposition.

(Adjective) مصمم


to make something seem less good:
** One mistake is not going to detract from your achievement.

کاستن، کاهیدن، کم کردن، کسر کردن، گرفتن


[ uncountable]
pieces of waste that remain after something has been broken up or used

(Noun) چیزی که در نتیجه خرابی بدست اید، ریزه


[ transitive]
1. to make someone feel extremely shocked and sad:
** Rob was devastated by the news of her death.

2. to damage something very badly or completely:
** The city centre was devastated by the bomb.

(Verb - transitive) ویران کردن، خراب کردن، تاراج کردن


1. grow: [intransitive and transitive] to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this [↪ advance]:
** Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.
** Corsica has developed its economy around the tourist industry.
develop into:
** Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s.
develop from:
** It's hard to believe that a tree can develop from a small seed.
** exercises to develop muscle strength

2. new idea/product: [transitive] to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time:
** Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis.
** She should have developed her own style instead of copying him.
** Researchers are developing technology for the US military.

3. feeling: [transitive] to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger:
** He had developed a certain affection for me.
develop a sense/awareness/knowledge of something:
** The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility.
** It was in college that he developed a taste for (=started to like) rugby football.

4. skill/ability: [intransitive and transitive] if you develop a skill or ability, or if it develops, it becomes stronger or more advanced:
** The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills.

5. disease: [intransitive and transitive] if you develop a disease or illness, or if it develops, you start to have it:
** Some alcoholics develop liver disease.
** Pneumonia can develop very quickly.

توسعه دادن، بسط دادن، پرورش دادن توسعه دادن، ایجاد کردن


[ intransitive]
to change what you are doing so that you are not following an expected plan, idea, or type of behaviour
deviate from:
** The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path.

منحرف، کجرو شدن، انحراف ورزیدن، غیر سالم منحرف شدن


1. [uncountable and countable] a noticeable difference from what is expected or acceptable
deviation from:
** deviation from the normal procedure

2. [technical] the difference between a number or measurement in a set and the average of all the numbers or measurements in that set

(Noun) انحراف
(Noun) انحراف، انحراف جنسی


be devoid of something: to be completely lacking in something:
** His face was devoid of any warmth or humour.

(Adjective) تهی، عاری، خالی از (معمولا با of )


1. [uncountable] the strong love that you show when you pay a lot of attention to someone or something
devotion to:
** Alanna has always shown intense devotion to her children.

2. [uncountable] the loyalty that you show towards a person, job etc, especially by working hard [↪ dedication]
devotion to:
** the soldier's courage and devotion to duty
** his integrity and devotion to his patients

3. strong religious feeling

4. devotions: prayers and other religious acts

(Noun) وقف، تخصیص، صمیمیت، هواخواهی، طرفداری، دعا، پرستش، از خود گذشتگی، جانسپار


[ transitive]
1. to eat something quickly because you are very hungry:
** The boys devoured their pancakes.

2. to read something quickly and eagerly, or watch something with great interest:
** He devoured science fiction books.

3. be devoured by something: to be filled with a strong feeling that seems to control you:
** Cindy felt devoured by jealousy.

4. [literary] to destroy someone or something:
** Her body had been almost entirely devoured by the disease.

5. to use up all of something:
** a job that devours all my energy

(Verb - transitive) بلعیدن، فرو بردن، حریصانه خوردن


1. [intransitive and transitive] to make heat, light, liquid etc spread through something, or to spread like this
diffuse through/into/across:
** The pollutants diffuse into the soil.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to spread ideas or information among a lot of people, or to spread like this:
** Their ideas diffused quickly across Europe.

3. [transitive] to make a bad feeling or situation less strong or serious:
** an attempt to diffuse his anger

منتشر شده، پراکنده، پخش شده، افشانده، افشاندن، پخش کردن، (مجازا) منتشر کردن پخش کردن


another spelling of dyke

( dyke =) خاکریز، سد، بند، نهر، ابگذر، مانع


[ countable]
a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad:
** a moral dilemma
in a dilemma:
** I'm in a dilemma about this job offer.
** This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma.
** Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments.

(Noun) مسئله غامض، معمای غیر قابل حل، وضع دشوار


1. [intransitive and transitive] to become or make something become smaller or less [= reduce]:
** The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.
** These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.

2. [transitive] to deliberately make someone or something appear less important or valuable than they really are:
** Don't let him diminish your achievements.
** But that's not to diminish the importance of his discoveries.

3. diminishing returns: when the profits or advantages you are getting from something stop increasing in relation to the effort you are making

کم شدن، نقصان یافتن، تقلیل یافتن


[uncountable and countable]something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective [≠ advantage]

زیان، بی فایدگی، وضع نامساعد، اشکال


a state or feeling of being dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control.

** "there is growing disaffection with large corporations"

(Noun) بی میلی، عدم علاقه


[ uncountable and countable]
a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same
discrepancy in:
** Police found discrepancies in the two men's reports.
discrepancy between:
** There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality.

(Noun) اختلاف
(Noun) اختلاف، تفاوت، مورداختلاف


clearly separate:
** The change happens in a series of discrete steps.

(Adjective) جدا، مجزا، مجرد، مجزاکردن
(Adjective) گسسته


1. [intransitive] to treat a person or group differently from another in an unfair way
discriminate against:
** Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.
discriminate on the grounds/basis of something:
** It was found that the company still discriminated on the basis of race in promotions.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to recognize a difference between things [= differentiate]
discriminate between:
** Newborn babies can discriminate between a man's and a woman's voice.
discriminate something from something:
** the process of learning to discriminate fact from opinion

تبعیض قائل شدن، با علائم مشخصه ممتاز کردن


[ uncountable]
a complete lack of respect that you show for someone or something because you think they are not important or good enough
with disdain:
** She watched me with disdain.
** a look of complete disdain
disdain for:
** his disdain for capitalism

اهانت، استغنا، عار (دانی)، تحقیر، خوار شمردن


1. [intransitive and transitive] to break up, or make something break up, into very small pieces:
** The plane just disintegrated in mid-air.

2. [intransitive] to become weaker or less united and be gradually destroyed:
** a society disintegrating under economic pressures

خرد کردن، تجزیه شدن، فرو ریختن، از هم پاشیدن، (مجازا) فاسد شدن، متلاشی شدن یاکردن


the quality of not being loyal to a person, country, or organization; unfaithfulness.

** "an accusation of disloyalty and betrayal"

(Noun) بی وفایی، ناسپاسی، خیانت، نمک بحرامی


[ transitive]
1. to take a machine or piece of equipment apart so that it is in separate pieces:
** Chris dismantled the bike in five minutes.

2. to gradually get rid of a system or organization:
** an election promise to dismantle the existing tax legislation

(Verb - transitive) بی مصرف کردن، پیاده کردن(ماشین الات)عاری از سلاح یااثاثه کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
the process of spreading things over a wide area or in different directions:
** the role of birds in the dispersal of seeds

(Noun) پراکندگی


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if a group of people disperse or are dispersed, they go away in different directions:
** Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

2. if something disperses or is dispersed, it spreads in different directions over a wide area:
** The clouds dispersed as quickly as they had gathered.

پراکنده کردن، متفرق کردن پراکنده کردن، متفرق ساختن


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a serious argument or disagreementCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
be involved in a dispute:
get into a dispute:(=become involved)
settle/resolve a dispute:
bitter dispute:
long-running dispute: (=one that lasts a long time)
political/legal dispute:
pay dispute:
industrial dispute : British English
labor dispute : American English (=between workers and employers)
territorial dispute : (=about land)
domestic dispute : (=between a couple who live together)
be in dispute with somebody : (=be involved in a dispute)
a dispute arises: (=it starts)
dispute with:
** The firm is involved in a legal dispute with a rival company.
dispute over:
** He got into a dispute over a taxi fare.
** Every effort was made to settle the dispute, but without success.
dispute between:
** the bitter border dispute between the countries
** A long-running pay dispute is disrupting rail services.
** The coal industry was plagued by industrial disputes.
** The police don't usually like to intervene in domestic disputes.
** The miners were in dispute with their employers over pay.
** A dispute arose over who was to be the next king.

2. be beyond dispute: if something is beyond dispute, everyone agrees that it is true or that it really happened:
** It is beyond dispute that advances in medicine have enabled people to live longer.

3. be open to dispute: if something is open to dispute, it is not completely certain and not everyone agrees about it:
** His interpretation of the poem is open to dispute.

4. be in dispute: if something is in dispute, people are arguing about it:
** The facts of the case are still in dispute.

ستیزه، چونوچرا، مشاجره، نزاع، جدال کردن، مباحثه کردن، انکارکردن


[transitive] to say that something such as a fact or idea is not correct or true:

** The main facts of the book have never been disputed.

ستیزه، چونوچرا، مشاجره، نزاع، جدال کردن، مباحثه کردن، انکارکردن


became or caused to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.

** "glucose dissolves easily in water"

منفسخ، منحل، منحله


1. purified (a liquid) by heating it so that it vaporizes, then cooling and condensing the vapour and collecting the resulting liquid.

** "they distilled a small quantity of water"

2. extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of.

** "my travel notes were distilled into a book"

(Adjective) تقطیر شده، چکانیده، مقطر


** - distilled water
** - آب مقطر


having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize:
** a rock band with a distinctive sound

(Adjective) مشخص، ممتاز، منش نما


1. [formal] a situation in which people behave violently in public:
** There were disturbances in the crowd as fans left the stadium.
create/cause a disturbance:
** army training on controlling civil disturbance

2. [uncountable and countable] something that interrupts what you are doing, or the act of making this happen:
** We arrange the work so there's as little disturbance as possible.
disturbance to:
** When a helicopter lands, it can cause a disturbance to local residents.

3. a medical condition in which someone is mentally ill and does not behave normally:
** a history of mental disturbance

(Noun) اشوب، ناراحتی، مزاحمت، (حقوق) تعرض
(Noun) اختلال، مزاحمت


the process or state of diverging.

** "the divergence between primates and other groups"

(Noun) واگرایی
(Noun) تباین، انشعاب


A risk management technique that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio.

(Noun) گوناکونی


1. [uncountable] the fact of including many different types of people or things
cultural/ethnic/linguistic etc diversity:
** The curriculum will take account of the ethnic diversity of the population.

2. [singular] a range of different people, things, or ideas [= variety]
diversity of:
** a diversity of opinions

(Noun) گوناگونی
(Noun) تنوع، گوناگونی، تفاوت


[ transitive]
1. to change the use of something such as time or money
divert something into/to/(away) from etc something:
** The company should divert more resources into research.
** Officials diverted revenue from arms sales to the rebels.

2. to change the direction in which something travels
divert a river/footpath/road etc:
** Canals divert water from the Truckee River into the lake.
** The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted.

3. if you divert your telephone calls, you arrange for them to go directly to another number, for example because you are not able to answer them yourself for some time:
** Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office.

4. to deliberately take someone's attention from something by making them think about or notice other things
divert (somebody's) attention (away from somebody/something):
** The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social problems.
** He'd been trying to divert suspicion away from himself.

5. to amuse or entertain someone

منحرف کردن، متوجه کردن، معطوف داشتن


1. separating: [uncountable and countable] the act of separating something into two or more different parts, or the way these parts are separated or shared
division of something between/among/into something:
** the division of words into syllables
** the traditional division of labour (=the way that particular tasks are shared) between husband and wife

2. disagreement: [uncountable and countable] disagreement among the members of a group that makes them form smaller opposing groups
division between/within/among something:
** Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?
racial/class/gender etc division:
** The old class divisions had begun to break down.
** The Army was plagued by internal divisions.

3. the process of finding out how many times one number is contained in another [↪ multiplication, long division]

4. a group that does a particular job within a large organization:
** the Computer Services Division

5. a large military group:
** a tank division

(Noun) تقسیم، بخش، قسمت، دسته بندی، طبقه بندی، (نظ.)لشکر، (مجازا)اختلاف، تفرقه
(Noun) تقسیم، بخش، قسمت


a shrub or small tree of north temperate regions, which yields hard timber and is grown for its decorative foliage, red stems, or colourful berries.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) سیاه ال، زغال اخته، سیاه توسه، درخت سرخک( cornus )


[ countable]
1. a round roof on a building

2. a shape or building like a ball cut in half

گنبد، قبه، قلعه گرد، گنبد زدن، منزلگاه، شلجمی


1. relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries
domestic market/economy/demand etc:
** the booming domestic economy
** US foreign and domestic policy
** our nation's domestic affairs
** Domestic flights (=flights that stay inside a particular country) go from Terminal 1.

2. relating to family relationships and life at home:
** Unfortunately his domestic life wasn't very happy.
domestic tasks/chores/responsibilities etc:
** Nowadays there is more sharing of domestic chores.
** families that can afford domestic help (=help with cleaning, washing etc)
** an organization that supports women facing domestic violence (=violence in a family, especially from a husband to his wife)

3. used in people's homes:
** a new tax on domestic fuel
** domestic appliances such as washing machines

4. someone who is domestic enjoys spending time at home and is good at cooking, cleaning etc:
** No, I'm not very domestic.

5. [only before noun] a domestic animal lives on a farm or in someone's home:
** domestic pets

خانگی، خانوادگی، اهلی، رام، بومی، خانه دار، مستخدم یا خادمه


[ transitive]
to make an animal able to work for people or live with them as a pet [↪ tame]

(Verb - transitive) اهلی کردن، رام کردن


[ uncountable]
the fact of being more powerful, more important, or more noticeable than other people or things [↪ dominate]
dominance of:
** the continuing dominance of the army in Uganda
political/economic/cultural etc dominance:
** the economic and political dominance of Western countries
dominance over:
** television's dominance over other media

(Noun) تسلط، نفوذ، غلبه


1. more powerful, important, or noticeable than other people or things [↪ dominate]:
** The dominant male gorilla is the largest in the group.
** Japan became dominant in the mass market during the 1980s.
** its dominant position within the group

2. controlling or trying to control other people or things - used to show disapproval [= domineering]:
** a dominant personality

3. [technical] a dominant gene causes a child to have a particular physical feature or illness, even if it has been passed on from only one parent [↪ recessive]:
** The disease is under the control of a single dominant gene.

چیره، مسلط، حکمفرما، نافذ، غالب، برجسته، نمایان،عمده، مشرف، متعادل، مقتدر، مافوق، برتر


not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later [≠ active]
lie/remain dormant:
** The seeds remain dormant until the spring.
** a huge dormant volcano

(Adjective) خوابیده، ساکت، درحال کمون


towards a lower place or level.

** "he was lying face downward"

رو به پایین, پایین, سرازیر, زیرین, متمایل بپایین, سراشیب


1. if something drains, the liquid that is in it or on it flows away and it becomes dry:
** Open ditches drain very efficiently.
** She washed up and left the dishes to drain.
well-drained/poorly-drained soil: (=soil from which water flows away quickly or slowly)
** This plant needs rich, well-drained soil.

2. make somebody tired: [transitive] to make someone feel very tired and without any energy:
** Working with children all day really drains you.

3. use too much: [transitive] to use too much of something, especially money, so that there is not enough left:
** Huge imports were draining the country's currency reserves.

4. the colour/blood drains from somebody's face/cheeks: used to say that someone's face becomes very pale, because they are frightened or shocked:
** When the verdict was read out, all the colour drained from Zelda's cheeks.

5. drain a glass/cup etc:[written] to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup etc:
** Hannah drained her mug in one gulp.

زهکش، ابگذر، زهکش فاضل اب، اب کشیدن از، زهکشی کردن، کشیدن (با off یا away )، زیر اب زدن، زیر اب


[ uncountable]
the process or system by which water or waste liquid flows away:
** A handful of pebbles in the bottom of a flowerpot will help drainage.
** a plan to improve the town's drainage system

(Noun) زهکشی، زیر اب زنی

drain away

If energy, colour, excitement, etc. drains away, it disappears completely, and if something drains it away, it completely removes it:

** Stretching out her tired limbs, she felt the tensions of the day drain away.

به طور کامل حذف کردن، به طور کامل از بین برن

به طور کامل محو شده، به طور کامل از بین رفته


very tired and without any energy:
** Suddenly, she felt totally drained.
** I felt depressed and completely drained of energy.

خشک ، زهکش شده، بدون انرژی، خسته


extreme and sudden
drastic action/measures:
** NATO threatened drastic action if its terms were not met.
** drastic cuts in government spending
** Drastic changes are needed if environmental catastrophe is to be avoided.

(Adjective) موثر، قوی، جدی، عنیف، کاری، شدید


the past participle of draw

قسمت سوم فعل Draw روده یا چشم و غیره پرندگان را در آوردن (فقط در بخش تخصصی مرغداری استفاده می شود)


1. to remove mud or sand from the bottom of a river, harbour etc, or to search for something by doing this:
** They dredged for oysters.

2. to cover food lightly with flour, sugar etc

1. to start talking again about something that happened a long time ago, especially something unpleasant:
** Newsweek magazine dredged up some remarks which he made last year.

2. to manage to remember something, or to feel or express an emotion, with difficulty:
** Robertson tried to dredge up an image of her in his mind.
** From somewhere she dredged up a brilliant smile.

3. to pull something up from the bottom of a river, lake etc

لاروب، الت تنقیه قنات ومانند ان، لاروبی کردن


[ transitive]
to make something or someone extremely wet:
** In the early morning they had got drenched in the grass.

خیساندن، نوشانیدن، اب دادن


dried substances, such as food or flowers, have had the water removed:
** dried herbs

خشک شد،خشک کرد،ساده ،ساده ،خنک ،بسود،بی فایده ،تشنه ،خون سرد


[ intransitive]
1. move slowly: to move slowly on water or in the air
drift out/towards etc:
** The rubber raft drifted out to sea.
** Smoke drifted up from the jungle ahead of us.

2. without plan: to move, change, or do something without any plan or purpose
drift around/along etc:
** Jenni spent the year drifting around Europe.
drift into:
** I just drifted into teaching, really.
drift away:
** The others drifted away. Melanie stayed.
drift from something to something:
** The conversation drifted from one topic to another.
let your gaze/eyes/thoughts/mind etc drift:
** Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk.

3. change: to gradually change from being in one condition, situation etc into another without realizing it
drift into:
** She was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off.
** He drifted in and out of consciousness.

4. money/prices: if values, prices, shares etc drift, they gradually change:
** The dollar drifted lower against the yen today.

5. snow/sand: if snow, sand etc drifts, the wind blows it into large piles

توده باد آورده، جسم شناور، برف بادآورده، معنی،مقصود، جریان اهسته، جمع شدن، توده شدن، بی اراده کار کردن، بی مقصد رفتن، دستخوش پیشامد بودن، یخرفت راندگی


1. a tool or machine used for making holes in something:
** an electric drill
** a whine like a dentist's drill ➔ pneumatic drill

2. a method of teaching students, sports players etc something by making them repeat the same lesson, exercise etc many times:
** a pronunciation drill

3. fire/emergency drill: an occasion when people practise what they should do in a dangerous situation such as a fire

4. military training in which soldiers practise marching, using weapons etc:
** rifle drill

5. the drill:[old-fashioned] the usual way that something is done:
** 'You know the drill?' 'Not really. Tell me again what to do.'

تمرین، مشق نظامی، مته زدن، مته، تعلیم دادن، تمرین کردن

drill out

To complete one or more boreholes (a deep, narrow hole made in the ground, especially to locate water or oil).

To penetrate or remove a borehole obstruction.

dry out

overcome alcoholism.

** "he intends to dry out and get his life back together again"

غلبه بر اعتیاد به الکل

کاملا خشک کردن

the past tense and past participle of dig:

break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.

** "the boar had been digging for roots"

حفر، کاوش، حفاری، کاوش کردن، فرو کردن


1. staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot [= hardwearing]:
** Wood is a durable material.

2. continuing for a long time:
** His poetry has proved durable.

(Adjective) باودام، پایا، دیرپای


[ countable]
1. an imaginary creature that looks like a small man:
** Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

2. a person who is a dwarf has not continued to grow to the normal height because of a medical condition. Many people think that this use is offensive.

کوتوله، قدکوتاه، کوتوله شدن، کوتاه جلوه دادن


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a substance you use to change the colour of your clothes, hair etc:
** hair dye

2. dye job: someone who has had a dye job has used a substance to change the colour of their hair

رنگ، رنگ زنی، رنگ کردن


[ countable]
1. a family of kings or other rulers whose parents, grandparents etc have ruled the country for many years:
** The Habsburg dynasty ruled in Austria from 1278 to 1918.

2. a period of time when a particular family ruled a country or area

3. [informal] a group or family that controls a particular business or organization for a long time:
** the Rothschild banking dynasty

(Noun) سلسله، دودمان، خاندان پادشاهان، ال


a scientist who studies ecology: the way in which plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment, or the scientific study of this

بوم شناس


[ singular, uncountable]
the way in which plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment, or the scientific study of this [↪ environment]:
** the natural ecology of the Earth
** plant ecology

(Noun) بوم‌شناسی، شناخت محیط زیست، علم عادت و طرز زندگی موجودات و نسبت آنها با محیط


[ countable]
a building, especially a large one:
** Their head office was an imposing edifice.

عمارت، ساختمان بزرگ مانند کلیسا


working in the way you intended [= effective]:
** an equally efficacious method of treatment

(Adjective) موثر


1. [uncountable] the quality of doing something well and effectively, without wasting time, money, or energy [≠ inefficient]
efficiency of:
** the efficiency of the train service
** considerable advancements in energy efficiency

2. efficiencies: [plural] the amounts of money, supplies etc that are saved by finding a better or cheaper way of doing something:
** operating efficiencies

(Noun) بازده، بهره وری، راندمان
(Noun) کفایت، عرضه، میزان لیاقت، تولید، کارایی، فعالیت مفید


based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have equal rights:
** an egalitarian society

( equalitarian ) طرفدار تساوی انسان، تساوی گرای


an old kind of wheat with small bearded ears and spikelets that each contain one slender grain, used as fodder in prehistoric times but now rarely grown.

یک نوع قدیمی گندم


1. having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way:
** pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns

2. carefully planned and organized in great detail:
** a very elaborate telecommunications network

استادانه درست شده، بزحمت درست شده، به زحمت ساختن، دارای جزئیات، بادقت شرح دادن


elaborateness, enlargement, refinement, amplification, working out, complexity

(Noun) پیچیدگی، جزئیات


a large spiral-horned African antelope which lives in open woodland and grassland.

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) گاو کوهی افریقایی


[ transitive]
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult:
** When her knock elicited no response, she opened the door and peeped in.
elicit something from somebody:
** The test uses pictures to elicit words from the child.

(Verb - transitive) بیرون کشیدن، استخراج کردن، استنباط کردن


[ countable]
1. British English a very large brown North American, European, and Asian animal with wide flat horns [= moose American English]

2. American English a large North American deer

گوزن شمالی


1. having the shape of an ellipse:
** Kepler published his discovery of the elliptical orbits of planets in 1609.

2. elliptical speech or writing is difficult to understand because more is meant than is actually said:
** The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.

(Adjective) بیضی ،افتاده ،محذوف ،مقدر،مستتر،کوتاه


1. an elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen:
** She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.

2. an elusive result is difficult to achieve:
** She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.

3. an elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or understand:
** For me, the poem has an elusive quality.

(Adjective) گریزان، فراری، کسی که از دیگران دوری میکند، طفره زن


1. [intransitive,transitive usually passive] to put something firmly and deeply into something else, or to be put into something in this way
be embedded in something:
** A piece of glass was embedded in her hand.

2. [transitive usually passive] if ideas, attitudes, or feelings etc are embedded, you believe or feel them very strongly:
** Feelings of guilt are deeply embedded in her personality.

3. [transitive] to put something such as agraphic into a computer program or page on the Internet

جاسازی کردن نشاندن، فرو کردن، خواباندن، محاط کردن، دور گرفتن، جادادن، در درون کار کردن


[ countable]
1. a picture, shape, or object that is used to represent a country, organization etc [↪ logo]
emblem of:
** The national emblem of Canada is a maple leaf.

2. something that represents an idea, principle, or situation
emblem of:
** Expensive cars are seen as an emblem of success.

(Noun) نشان، نشانه، علامت، شعار، (ک.) تمثیل، با علایم نشان دادن


[ countable]
1. an animal or human that has not yet been born, and has just begun to develop [↪ foetus]

2. in embryo: at a very early stage of development:
** The system already exists in embryo.

(Noun) جنین، رویان، گیاهک تخم، مرحله بدوی


[ intransitive]
1. to appear or come out from somewhere:
** The flowers emerge in the spring.
emerge from:
** The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

2. if facts emerge, they become known after being hidden or secret [↪ come out]:
** Eventually the truth emerged.
** Later it emerged that the judge had employed an illegal immigrant.

3. to come out of a difficult experience
emerge from:
** She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.

4. to begin to be known or noticed:
** a religious sect that emerged in the 1830s
emerge as:
** Local government has recently emerged as a major issue.

پدیدار شدن، بیرون آمدن

emerge out

move out of or away from something and become completely visible.

کاملا پدیدار شدن


[ only before noun]
based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas [≠ theoretical, hypothetical]:
** empirical evidence

(Adjective) تجربی


working, in work, in employment, holding down a job, earning, wage-earning, waged,breadwinning

مشغول ، سر کار


[ countable]
a female ruler of anempire, or the wife of an emperor

(Noun) زن امپراتور، ملکه، امپراتریس، شهبانو


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a mixture of liquids that do not completely combine, such as oil and water

2. the substance on the surface of photographic film or paper that makes it react to light

3. British English also emulsion paint a type of paint used inside buildings on walls or ceilings that is not shiny when it dries [↪ gloss, eggshell]

(Noun) شیرابه، تعلیق جسمی بصورت ذرات ریز وپایدار درمحلولی (مانند ذرات چربی در شیر)، ذرات چربی دراب


[ transitive]
1. to express or show something in a short way [= sum up]:
** The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood of the country at that time.
encapsulate something in something:
** Her whole philosophy can be encapsulated in this one sentence.

2. to completely cover something with something else, especially in order to prevent a substance getting out
encapsulate something in something:
** The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead.

بصورت کپسول دراوردن، در کپسول گذاردن، در محفظهای قرار دادن


[ transitive]
1. to put something inside an envelope as well as a letter:
** Please enclose a cheque with your order.
please find enclosed: (=used in business letters to say that you are sending something with a letter)
** Please find enclosed an agenda for the meeting.

2. to surround something, especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate:
** The pool area is enclosed by a six-foot wall.
** an enclosed area

(Verb - transitive) درمیان گذاشتن، در جوف قرار دادن، به پیوست فرستادن، حصار یا چینه کشیدن دور


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
1. to gradually take more of someone's time, possessions, rights etc than you should
encroach on/upon:
** Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual.

2. to gradually cover more and more land
encroach into:
** The fighting encroached further east.

دست اندازی کردن، دست درازی کردن، تخطی کردن، تجاوزکردن


[ transitive]
to give a college, hospital etc a large sum of money that provides it with an income

1. to make someone or something have a particular quality, or to believe that they have it:
** Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.

2. be endowed with something: to naturally have a good feature or quality:
** She was endowed with good looks.

3. to give someone something

(Verb - transitive) (با with ) بخشیدن (به)، اعطا کردن(به)، (به صیغه اسم مفعول) دارا، چیزی راوقف کردن، وقف کردن، موهبت بخشیدن به


[ transitive]
[formal] to be the cause of a situation or feeling:
** the changes in society engendered by the war
engender something in somebody:
** relationships that engender trust in children

(Verb - transitive) تولید نسل کردن، ابستن شدن (زن)، ایجاد کردن، بوجودآمدن


[ countable]
1. the part of a vehicle that produces power to make it move [↪ motor]
start/switch on an engine:
** The engine won't start.
stop/turn off/switch off an engine:
** He switched off the car's engine and waited.
** Is the engine running smoothly?
diesel/petrol etc engine:
** an old steam engine
** We were stranded with engine trouble on a deserted highway.

2. a vehicle that pulls a railway train

3. [formal] something powerful that causes great changes in society
engine of change/growth etc:
** The Marshall Plan was the engine of postwar economic growth.
** Rome's deadly war engine

(Noun) ماشین، ماشین بخار، موتور، اسباب، الت، ذکاوت، تدبیرکردن، نقشه کشیدن
(Noun) موتور، ماشین


[ transitive]
1. to cut words or designs on metal, wood, glass etc
engrave something on something:
** Their names are engraved on a stone tablet.
engrave something with something:
** a pendant engraved with a simple design

2. be engraved in/on your memory/mind/heart:[literary] to be impossible to forget

(Verb - transitive) قلم زدن، کنده کاری کردن در، حکاکی کردن، گراورکردن، نقش کردن، منقوش کردن


1. a picture made by cutting a design into metal, putting ink on the metal, and then printing it

2. the skill of engraving things

(Noun) حکاکی


[ transitive]
1. if an unpleasant feeling engulfs you, you feel it very strongly:
** despair so great it threatened to engulf him

2. to completely surround or cover something:
** The building was engulfed in flames.

(Verb - transitive) غرق کردن در، غوطه ورساختن، توی چیزی فروبردن، فراگرفتن، خروشان کردن


[ transitive]
to improve something:
** Good lighting will enhance any room.
** The publicity has enhanced his reputation.

(Verb - transitive) بالابردن، افزودن، زیادکردن، بلندکردن


mysterious and difficult to understand
enigmatic smile/expression etc:

(Adjective) معمایی، مبهم


very big in size or in amount [= huge]:
** an enormous bunch of flowers
** an enormous amount of money
** The team made an enormous effort.

(Adjective) بزرگ، عظیم، هنگفت


[ intransitive]
to happen after or as a result of something
ensue from:
** problems that ensue from food and medical shortages

از پس آمدن، ازدنبال آمدن، بعدآمدن


[ transitive]
1. to involve something as a necessary part or result:
** A new computer system entails a lot of re-training.
** Some foreign travel is entailed in the job.
entail doing something:
** The journey will entail changing trains twice.

2. [old use] if you entail property, you arrange for it to be given to a specific person, usually your oldest son, when you die

مستلزم بودن، شامل بودن، فراهم کردن، متضمن بودن،دربرداشتن، حمل کردن بر، حبس یاوقف کردن، موجب شدن


[ countable]
[formal] something that exists as a single and complete unit [↪ being]:
** The mind exists as a separate entity.
** Good design brings a house and garden together as a single entity.

(Noun) نهاد، وجود


[ countable]
someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks

(Noun) کارگشا، مقدم کمپانی، موسس شرکت، پیش قدم درتاسیس


[ transitive]
to imagine something that you think might happen in the future, especially something that you think will be good [= envisage]:
** I envisioned a future of educational excellence.

(Verb - transitive) خیال بافی کردن، رویایی بودن، دررویا دیدن


existing or popular for only a short time:
** Fashion is by nature ephemeral.

( ephemerous =) یکروزه، بیدوام، یومیه زود گذر


[ countable]
a book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events:
** a Hollywood epic

(Adjective) (ادبیات) حماسی، پهلوانی


** - Ferdowsi is one of the world's greatest epic poets
** - فردوسی یکی از بزرگترین شاعران حماسی جهان است
** - the epic period in Greek history
** - دوران پهلوانی در تاریخ یونان
(Adjective) (مجازی، محاوره) حماسه‌وار، قهرمانانه، قهرمانی
(Noun) (ادبیات) حماسه، شعر پهلوانی
(Noun) (محاوره) اثر برجسته، کار حماسه‌وار


[ countable]
a period of history [= era]:
** the Victorian epoch
** The king's death marked the end of an epoch.
** the beginning of a new epoch

(Noun) مبدا تاریخ، اغاز فصل جدید، عصر، دوره، عصرتاریخی، حادثه تاریخی


1. near the equator:
** equatorial rainforests

2. equatorial weather is very hot and wet:
** an equatorial climate



[ singular, uncountable]
1. a balance between different people, groups, or forces that compete with each other, so that none is stronger than the others and a situation is not likely to change suddenly:
** The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.

2. a state in which you are calm and not angry or upset:
** She struggled to recover her equilibrium.

(Noun) موازنه، تعادل، ارامش، سکون


[ countable]
one of the two times in a year when night and day are of equal length:
** the spring equinox

(Noun) اعتدال شب وروز، نقطه اعتدالین


1. [uncountable] the tools, machines, clothes etc that you need to do a particular job or activity
** a shop selling camping equipment
** some brand new computer equipment
piece/bit of equipment:
** a very useful piece of equipment

2. [singular] the process of equipping someone or something
equipment of:
** A lot of money was spent on the equipment of the new hospital.

(Noun) تجهیز
(Noun) تجهیزات، ساز وبرگ


having the same value, purpose, job etc as a person or thing of a different kind
equivalent to:
** a qualification which is equivalent to a degree
** I had no dollars, but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.

معادل، هم بها، برابر، مشابه، هم قیمت، مترادف، هم معنی، هم چند، هم ارز هم ارز، معادل


[ transitive]
to completely get rid of something such as a disease or a social problem
eradicate something from something:
** We can eradicate this disease from the world.
** an attempt to eradicate inflation
** This problem has now been completely eradicated.

ازریشه کندن ،ازبیخ کندن ،ازبیخ براوردن


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if the weather erodes rock or soil, or if rock or soil erodes, its surface is gradually destroyed:
** The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.
** The rocks have gradually eroded away.

2. to gradually reduce something such as someone's power or confidence:
** Our personal freedom is being gradually eroded away.
** Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.

فرساییدن، خوردن، ساییدن، فاسدکردن، ساییده شدن


[ uncountable]
1. the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea:
** the problem of soil erosion
** the erosion of the coastline

2. the process by which something is gradually reduced or destroyed
erosion of:
** the gradual erosion of our civil liberties

(Noun) فرسایش، سایش، فساد تدریجی، تحلیل، ساییدگی


Causing erosion: the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.

** "the problem of soil erosion"

(Adjective) سایش دهنده، فرسایشگر


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse
escalate into:
** Her fear was escalating into panic.
** The fighting on the border is escalating.
** We do not want to escalate the war.

2. to become higher or increase, or to make something do this:
** The costs were escalating alarmingly.
** policies that escalate their own costs
** escalating crime

(با پله برقی) بالارفتن یا بردن (جنگ و آتش سوزی و غیره) بالا گرفتن، فزونی یافتن، تشدید کردن، شدید کردن یا شدن، (هر چیز ناخوشایند) زیاد شدن، رسیدن (به مرحلهی بدتر)، از مهار خارج شدن، از دست رفتن


** - their conflicts escalated and ended up in a destructive war
** - اختلافات آنها بالا گرفت و به جنگ ویرانگری منتهی شد
** - price escalation
** - بالا رفتن (یا بالا بردن) قیمتها
** - by doing so, you escalate the problem!
** - با این کار مسئله را تشدید میکنی!
** - the two tribe's hostility escalated into war
** - کار دشمنی آن دو قبیله به جنگ کشید


[ only before noun]
1. already in use or existing for a long period of time:
** Competition from established businesses can be formidable.
** well-established teaching methods
** By 1969 the civil rights movement was already an established fact.
** Every once in a while, the established order (=people who rule) is overthrown.

2. known to do a particular job well, because you have done it for a long time:
** an established professor of French literature

3. established church/religion: especially British English the official church or religion in a particular country

(Adjective) (کلیسا، مذهب) رسمی
(Adjective) تثبیت شده، پابرجا، ریشه‌دار، دیرینه، دائمی


[ countable]
the wide part of a river where it goes into the sea:
** the Thames estuary

(Noun) دهانه رودخانه بزرگی که شتکیل خلیج کوچکی دهد، مدخل


[ countable]
a picture made by printing from an etched metal plate

(Noun) قلم زنی


an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus. Eukaryotes include all living organisms other than the eubacteria and archaea.

(Noun) (زیست شناسی) یوکاریوت، هوهسته (در برابر: پیش هسته prokaryote)


shorter and shorter

همیشه کوتاه


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if an animal or plant evolves, it changes gradually over a long period of time
evolve from:
** Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.
** Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators.

2. to develop and change gradually over a long period of time:
** The school has evolved its own style of teaching.
** Businesses need to evolve rapidly.
evolve out of:
** The idea evolved out of work done by British scientists.
evolve into:
** The group gradually evolved into a political party.

بازکردن، گشادن، بیرون دادن، دراوردن، استنتاج کردن، نموکردن


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if a scientist or archaeologist excavates an area of land, they dig carefully to find ancient objects, bones etc:
** Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy.

2. [formal] to make a hole in the ground by digging up soil etc

کاویدن، حفرکردن، ازخاک دراوردن، حفاری کردن


the action of excavating (making hole) something, especially an archaeological site.

** "the methods of excavation have to be extremely rigorous"

(Noun) کاوش، حفاری


[ intransitive and transitive]
to get rid of waste material from your body through your bowels, your skin etc[↪ secrete]

دفع کردن، بیرون انداختن، پس دادن


having an external cause or origin.

** "technological changes exogenous to the oil industry"

(Adjective) برونی
(Adjective) (گیاه‌شناسی) برون روینده، دولپه، پیدازا، برون زاد


a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods.

(Noun) پوشش محافظه خارجی حیوان، استخوان بندی خارجی، ناخن، مو و غیره


1. [uncountable and countable]when something increases in size, range, amount etc [= growth; ↪ expand]
expansion of:
** The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
expansion in:
** an expansion in student numbers

2. [uncountable and countable] when a company, business etc becomes larger by opening new shops, factories etc [↪ expand]:
** The industry underwent a period of rapid expansion.

3. [countable] an idea, story etc that is based on one that is simpler or more general:
** The novel is an expansion of a short story he wrote about forty years ago.

(Noun) بسط، انبساط
(Noun) توسعه، بسط، انبساط


[ countable]
1. a scientific test done to find out how something reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true
experiment with/in/on:
** experiments with alcohol-fuelled cars
** experiments on sleep deprivation
experiment to test/see/demonstrate etc something:
** The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.
** an experiment to assess the effect of stress on athletes
carry out/perform/do/conduct an experiment:
** Teachers are shown how to carry out many simple experiments.
by experiment:
** Many small birds guide themselves by the stars, as has been verified by experiment.

2. a process in which you test a new idea or method to see if it is useful or effective
experiment with/in/on:
** an experiment in state socialism

ازمایش، تجربه ازمایش، تجربه، امتحان، عمل، تدبیر، تجربه کردن، ازمایش کردن


[ uncountable]
special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
technical/financial/medical etc expertise:
** What he's bringing to the company is financial expertise.
** trainee engineers with varying degrees of computer expertise
expertise in:
** expertise in the management of hotels

(Noun) کاردانی، کارشناسی، خبرگی، مهارت، سررشته (ی کار)


** - his expertise is in the literature of the English Renaissance
** - تبحر او در ادبیات دورهی رنسانس انگلیس است
(Noun) گزارش اهل فن، نظر صائب


1. expressed in a way that is very clear and direct [↪ implicit]:
** The contrast could not have been made more explicit.
** explicit knowledge of grammar
** The kidnappers gave us explicit instructions not to involve the police.
** Be explicit when you talk about money with your family.
explicit about:
** He made the rules without being explicit about them.

2. language or pictures that are explicit describe or show sex or violence very clearly:
** The film contains some very explicit love scenes.
** sexually explicit language

(Adjective) صریح
(Adjective) صریح، روشن، واضح، اشکار، صاف، ساده


[ transitive]
1. to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return - used to show disapproval:
** Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.

2. to try to get as much as you can out of a situation, sometimes unfairly:
** The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.

3. to use something fully and effectively:
** The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission.

4. to develop and use minerals, forests, oil etc for business or industry:
** the urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish Sea

(. n ): رفتار، کردار، عمل، کاربرجسته، شاهکار،(. vt ): بکار انداختن، استخراج کردن، بهره برداری کردن از، استثمار کردن


[ uncountable]
1. a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return - used to show disapproval
exploitation of:
** The film industry thrives on the sexual exploitation of women.

2. the development and use of minerals, forests, oil etc for business or industry
exploitation of:
** the controlled exploitation of resources
commercial/economic exploitation:

3. the full and effective use of something
exploitation of:
** greater exploitation of these data

4. an attempt to get as much as you can out of a situation, sometimes unfairly
exploitation of:
** the exploitation of religion for political ends

(Noun) بهره برداری، انتفاع، استخراج، استثمار


goods or services sentto another country for sale.

صادر شده، استخراج شده


[ transitive]
1. show: to show something that is usually covered or hidden:
** He lifted his T-shirt to expose a jagged scar across his chest.
expose something to something:
** Potatoes turn green when exposed to light.

2. to something dangerous: to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant
expose somebody to something:
** The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.
expose yourself to ridicule/criticism etc: (=say or do something that may make people laugh at you, criticize you etc)

3. tell the truth: to show the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad:
** The film exposes the utter horror of war.
** The report exposes the weaknesses of modern medical practice.
expose somebody as something:
** The baron was exposed as a liar and a cheat.

4. see/experience: to make it possible for someone to experience new ideas, ways of life etc
expose somebody to something:
** Some children are never exposed to classical music.

5. expose yourself: if a man exposes himself, he shows his sexual organs to someone he does not know in a public place, usually because he is mentally ill

(Verb - transitive) بی پناه گذاشتن، بی حفاظ گذاردن، درمعرض گذاشتن، نمایش دادن، افشا کردن


1. to danger: [uncountable] when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant
exposure to:
** Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

2. truth: [uncountable] the action of showing the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad
exposure of:
** the exposure of his underground political activity
exposure as:
** her fear of exposure as a spy

3. the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc [= publicity]:
** The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.

4. experience: [singular, uncountable] the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life etc
exposure to:
** The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language.
** her brief exposure to pop stardom

5. the harmful effects on your body of being outside in very cold weather without protection:
** We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.

(Noun) درمعرض گذاری، اشکاری، افشا ، نمایش، ارائه


1. strong feelings/thoughts: [uncountable and countable] something you say, write, or do that shows what you think or feel
expression of:
** I decided to go to the meeting as an expression of support.
expression of sympathy/thanks/regret etc:
** The letter was a genuine expression of sympathy.
** Student leaders are demanding greater freedom of expression (=the right to say what you think without being punished).
give (political/religious/artistic) expression to something:
** The Socialist Party was founded to give political expression to the working classes.
** Another writer who seeks to give expression to popular oral culture is Jose Maria Arguedos.

2. on somebody's face: [uncountable and countable] a look on someone's face that shows what they are thinking or feeling
expression of:
** an expression of surprise
** There was a blank expression on her face (=no expression on her face).
** In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression (=having no expression on his face).
** A pained (=worried) expression crossed her face.

3. a word or group of words with a particular meaning:
** The old-fashioned expression 'in the family way' means 'pregnant'.
pardon/forgive/excuse the expression: (=used when you think may offend someone by using particular words)
** After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.

4. when you put feeling or emotion into the music that you are making or into your acting

5. a sign or group of signs that represent a mathematical idea or quantity

(Noun) بیان، تجلی، ابراز، کلمه بندی، سیما، قیافه، به زبان آوری


** - these words are the expressions of my deepest feelings
** - این سخنان بیانگر ژرف ترین احساسات من است
(Noun) آب و تاب، روش بیان، شور، حال

** - to sing with expression
** - با حرارت و اشتیاق آواز خواندن
(Noun) اصطلاح، عبارت، صورت، زبانزد، هشته

** - idiomatic expressions
** - اصطلاحات عامیانه
** - don't use slang expressions in front of strangers
** - جلو غریبه‌ها اصطلاحات خودمانی به کار نبر
(Noun) بیانگر، نشانه، گویا، نشانگر

** - laughter is an expression of joy
** - خنده نشانه‌ی شادی است
(Noun) (قیافه یا حرکات و غیره که حالت یا معنی چیزی را برساند) قیافه، حالت، وجنه (وجنات)

** - the quizzical expression on his face
** - حالت استفهام آمیز چهره‌ی او
(Noun) (ریاضی) صورت، عبارت، جمله


1. showing very clearly what someone thinks or feels [≠ expressionless]:
** her wonderfully expressive eyes

2. be expressive of something:[formal] showing a particular feeling or influence:
** Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind.

(Adjective) رسا، پرمعنی، حاکی، اشاره کننده، مشعر


1. to ... extent: used to say how true something is or how great an effect or change is
to a certain extent/to some extent/to an extent: (=partly)
** We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the bad.
** I do agree with him to an extent.
to a great/large extent:
** Its success will depend to a large extent on local attitudes.
to a lesser/greater extent: (=less or more)
** It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France.
** They examined the extent to which (=how much) age affected language-learning ability.
** To what extent (=how much) did she influence his decision?
to such an extent that/to the extent that: (=so much that)
** Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their homes.

2. [uncountable] how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury
extent of:
** Considering the extent of his injuries, he's lucky to be alive.
** It's too early to assess the full extent of the damage.

3. [uncountable] the length or size of something:
** They opened out the nets to their full extent.
in extent:
** The region is over 10,000 square kilometres in extent.

(Noun) وسعت، فراخی، اندازه، حد، مقدار، حوزه
(Noun) وسعت، اندازه


[ transitive]
to kill large numbers of people or animals of a particular type so that they no longer exist:
** Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.

(Verb - transitive) برانداختن، بکلی نابودکردن، منهدم کردن، منقرض کردن، دفع افات کردن


removed or taken out, especially by effort or force.

استخراج شده، مقتبس، خلاصه شده


[BOTANY] (of a nectary) situated outside a flower, especially on a leaf or stem.

شهد قرار گرفته بر روی برگ یا ساقه گل


showing a prudent awareness of future possibilities.

** "far-sighted ideas on education"

دور اندیش


[ uncountable and countable]
all the animals living in a particular area or period in history

(Noun) کلیه جانوران یک سرزمین یایک زمان، حیوانات یک اقلیم، جانور نامه، جانداران، زیا


a plan, idea, or method that is feasible is possible and is likely to work:
** a feasible solution
economically/technically/politically etc feasible:
** It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.

(Adjective) شدنی، عملی، امکان پذیر، میسر، ممکن، محتمل
(Adjective) امکان پذیر، شدنی


able to produce many children, young animals, or crops [= fertile]

(Adjective) بارور، برومند، پرثمر، حاصلخیز، پراثر


an area of flat land in eastern England which used to be partly covered by the sea and now produces good crops

(Noun) مرداب، زمین ابگیر، سیل گیر، سیاه اب


also fertilise British English [transitive]

1. to make new animal or plant life develop:

** After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about six weeks.

2. to put fertilizer on the soil to make plants grow

(Verb - transitive) بارور کردن، حاصلخیز کردن، لقاح کردن، کود دادن


the usual American spelling of foetus

(Noun) ( foetus ) جنین، رویان

fiddler crab

a small amphibious crab, the males of which have one greatly enlarged claw which they wave in territorial display and courtship.

نوعی خرچنگ نقب زن


1. done with a lot of energy and strong feelings, and sometimes violent:
** fierce fighting in the city
fierce attack/opposition/criticism etc:
** The government's policies came under fierce attack.
** a fierce debate
** fierce competition between the companies

2. a fierce person or animal is angry or ready to attack, and looks very frightening:
** fierce guard dogs
** She turned round, looking fierce.

3. fierce emotions are very strong and often angry:
** These people take fierce pride in their independence.

4. fierce cold, heat, or weather is much colder, hotter etc than usual:
** a fierce wind

5. something fierce:[spoken] more loudly, strongly etc than usual:
** It was snowing something fierce.

(Adjective) ژیان، درنده، شرزه، حریص، سبع، تندخو، خشم الود


[ countable]
a small model of a person or animal used as a decoration

(Noun) پیکر کوچک، مجسمه سفالین رنگی


[ countable]
a tree with leaves shaped like needles that do not fall off in winter:
** a fir tree

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) صنوبر، شاه درخت


[ countable]
a tall pole on which a flag hangs [= flagstaff]

(Noun) تیر پرچم، میله پرچم


[ countable]
1. a small thin piece that breaks away easily from something else
flake of:
** flakes of snow
** chocolate flakes ➔ snowflake

2. [informal] someone who seems strange or who often forgets things [= space cadet]

تکه کوچک (برف وغیره)، ورقه، پوسته، فلس، جرقه،پوسته پوسته شدن، ورد آمدن(با out یا up )، برفک زدن تلویزیون


[ intransitive and transitive]
to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger:
** His attackers turned and fled.
** Masaari spent six months in prison before fleeing the country.
flee to/from/into:
** Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of World War II.

گریختن، فرار کردن، به سرعت رفتن


[ intransitive]
1. to burn or shine with an unsteady light that goes on and off quickly:
** The overhead lights flickered momentarily.

2. [always + adverb/preposition] if an emotion or expression flickers on someone's face or through their mind, it exists or is shown for only a short time
flicker across/through/on etc:
** A puzzled smile flickered across the woman's face.

3. to quickly make a sudden small movement or series of movements:
** Polly's eyelids flickered, then she slept.

لرزیدن، سوسوزدن، پرپرزدن، جنبش، سوسو، در اهتزازبودن


made of flowers or decorated with flowers or pictures of flowers:
** a scarf with a bold floral pattern
** a pretty floral dress
** a light floral fragrance
** There were floral tributes (=flowers sent as a sign of respect after someone has died) from his colleagues.



1. [intransitive] to develop well and be successful [= thrive]:
** The economy is booming and small businesses are flourishing.

2. [intransitive] to grow well and be very healthy [↪ thrive]:
** Most plants will flourish in the rich deep soils here.

3. [transitive] to wave something in your hand in order to make people notice it:
** She walked quickly to the desk, flourishing her cheque book.

تزئینات نگارشی، جلوه، رشد کردن، نشو ونما کردن،پیشرفت کردن، زینت کاری کردن، شکفتن، برومند شدن، اباد شدن، گل کردن


1. liquid/gas/electricity: [countable usually singular] a smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity
flow of:
** He struggled to swim against the flow of the water.
** I tied a towel round his leg to try to stem the flow of blood.

2. traffic: [countable usually singular, uncountable] the steady movement of traffic:
** a new road system to improve traffic flow through the city centre

3. goods/people/information: [countable usually singular] the movement of goods, people, or information from one place to another
flow of:
** the flow of funds from the US to Europe
** There has been a steady flow of people leaving the area.
** They have accused the government of trying to block the free flow of information.
** an attempt to stem the flow of refugees across the border

4. speech/writing: [uncountable] the continuous stream of words or ideas when someone is speaking, writing, or thinking about something:
** I didn't want to interrupt her flow, so I said nothing.

5. the regular movement of the sea towards the land:
** the ebb and flow of the tide

گردش، روند جریان، روانی، مد (برابر جزر)، سلاست، جاری بودن،روان شدن، سلیس بودن، بده، شریدن


[ intransitive]
if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and lower [= vary]
fluctuate between:
** Prices were volatile, fluctuating between $20 and $40.
fluctuate around:
** The number of children in the school fluctuates around 100.
** Insect populations fluctuate wildly from year to year.

با و پایین رفتن، نوسان کردن نوسان داشتن، روی امواج بالا وپایین رفتن، ثابت نبودن، موج زدن، بی ثبات بودن


[ uncountable and countable]
a change in a price, amount, level etc [= variation]
fluctuation in:
** the fluctuation in interest rates
** Prices are subject to fluctuation.

(Noun) نوسان، تغییر
(Noun) ترقی و تنزیل، نوسان


[ countable]
something good that happens because of luck:
** He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.

قلاب لنگر، زمین گیر، انتهای دم نهنگ، یکنوع ماهی پهن،دارای دو انتهای نوک تیز، اصابت اتفاق، اتفاق، طالع


1. if a bird or insect flutters, or if it flutters its wings, it flies by moving its wings lightly up and down:
** A small bird fluttered past the window.

2. [intransitive] to make small gentle movements in the air:
** Dead leaves fluttered slowly to the ground.
** The flag fluttered in the light breeze.

3. [intransitive] if your heart or your stomach flutters, you feel very excited or nervous

4. [intransitive] if your eyelids flutter, they move slightly when you are asleep:
** Her eyelids fluttered but did not open.

5. flutter your eyelashes (at somebody): if a woman flutters her eyelashes at a man, she looks at him and moves her eyes to make herself attractive to him

بال زنی دسته جمعی، لرزش، اهتزاز، بال و پر زنی،حرکت سراسیمه، بال بال زدن(بدون پریدن)، لرزیدن، دراهتزاز بودن، سراسیمه بودن، لرزاندن


[ uncountable]
1. food for farm animals

2. something or someone that is useful only for a particular purpose - used in order to show disapproval
fodder for:
** The murders made prime fodder for newspapers.

علوفه، علیق، علوفه دادن، غذا دادن


[ countable]
an enemy:
** Britain's friends and foes

(Noun) دشمن، عدو، مخالف، ضد، منافی، مضر، حریف


[ intransitive]
1. to go around searching for food or other supplies
forage for:
** People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.
** In the summer, the goats forage freely (=in any place they want to go).

2. to search for something with your hands in a bag, drawer etc [= ferret around]
forage around/through/among etc:
** She foraged around in her purse and produced her ticket.

علیق، علوفه، علف، تلاش وجستجو برای علیق، غارت کردن، پی علف گشتن، کاوش کردن


1. to go around searching for food or other supplies

forage for:

** People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.

** In the summer, the goats forage freely (=in any place they want to go).

2. to search for something with your hands in a bag, drawer etc [= ferret around]

forage around/through/among etc

** She foraged around in her purse and produced her ticket.

3. [uncountable] food supplies for horses and cattle

4. [singular] British English an act of searching for something

علیق، علوفه، علف، تلاش وجستجو برای علیق، غارت کردن، پی علف گشتن، کاوش کردن


1. behaving too confidently and speaking too loudly - used to show disapproval:

** brash journalists

2. a brash building, place, or object attracts attention by being very colourful, large, exciting etc:

** The painting was bold, brash, and modern.

عجول و بی پروا، مته ور، گستاخ، بی حیا، بی شرم


[ uncountable]
the ability to imagine what is likely to happen and to consider this when planning for the future [↪ forethought]:
** It was an example of the authorities' lack of foresight.
foresight to do something:
** Luckily I'd had the foresight to get in plenty of food.

(Noun) پیش بینی، دور اندیشی، مال اندیشی، بصیرت


[countable]a large area of land that is covered with trees [↪ wood]

جنگل، بیشه، تبدیل به جنگل کردن، درختکاری کردن


having one end divided into two or more parts:
** Snakes have forked tongues.

(Adjective) شاخه دار، چنگال مانند، شکافته، مبهم


1. [uncountable] the process of making something stronger or more effective

2. fortifications: [plural] towers, walls etc built around a place in order to protect it or defend it:
** a site of ancient fortifications dating from about 500 B.C.

(Noun) استحکام (استحکامات)، سنگر بندی، بارو، تقویت


1. [transitive] to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of time [= encourage, promote]:
** The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to take someone else's child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parent [↪ adopt]:
** The couple wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering.

غذا، نسل، بچه سر راهی، پرستار، دایه، غذا دادن، شیر دادن، پرورش دادن


the past tense and past participle offight

زمان گذشته ساده فعل Fight قسمت سوم فعل Fight


able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.

** "I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free"

صفت تفضیلی: free (آزادتر) آزاد کننده، رهاگر


1. goods that are carried by ship, train, or aircraft, and the system of moving these goods:
** freight services
** We'll send your personal belongings by air freight and your furniture by sea freight.

2. a freight train

کرایه، کرایه کشتی، بار، بار کشتی، باربری، گرانبارکردن، حمل کردن، غنی ساختن


happening or doing something often [≠ infrequent]
more/less frequent:
** Her headaches are becoming less frequent.
** Trains rushed past at frequent intervals.
** She was a frequent visitor to the house.

تکرار شونده، زود زود، مکرر، رفت وامد زیاد کردن در، تکرار کردن


1. [uncountable and countable]disagreement, angry feelings, or unfriendliness between people [= tension]
cause/create friction:
** Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.
friction between:
** the usual frictions between parents and their teenage children
friction with:
** His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.

2. [technical] the natural force that prevents one surface from sliding easily over another surface:
** Putting oil on both surfaces reduces friction.

3. [uncountable] when one surface rubs against another:
** Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.

(Noun) سایش، اصطکاک، مالش، اختلاف، حساسیت
(Noun) اصطکاک، مالش


[ countable]
1. if you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead [= bangs American English]
** a tall girl with straight brown hair and a fringe

2. a decorative edge of hanging threads on a curtain, piece of clothing etc

3. on the fringes (of something):a) not completely belonging to or accepted by a group of people who share the same job, activities etc:
** a small group on the fringes of the art worldb) also on the fringe at the part of something that is farthest from the centre [= on the edge of something]:
** Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.

حاشیه، سجاف، کناره، حاشیه دار کردن، ریشه گذاشتنبه، چتر زلف، چین، لبه


1. sculpture : a schematic composition of the front view that is complete without lateral movement.

2. painting : the depiction of an object, figure, or scene in a plane parallel to the plane of the picture surface.

پیشانی، وابسته به پیشانی


1. the border of a country
frontier between/with:
** Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.
on/at the frontier:
** Troops established a road block on the frontier.
frontier town/area/post etc: (=a town etc on a frontier)

2. the frontier: an area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century:
** a novel about a family's struggle on the American frontier
** space, the final frontier

3. the frontiers of knowledge/physics etc: the limits of what is known about something
push back the frontiers: (=discover new things)

(Noun) مرز، سرحد، خط فاصل، مرزی، صف جلو لشکر


1. something that grows on a plant, tree, or bush, can be eaten as a food, contains seeds or a stone, and is usually sweet:
** Try to eat plenty of fresh fruit.
** fruit and vegetables
** a glass of fruit juice
** a large garden with fruit trees ➔ dried fruit, soft fruit

2. the part of a plant, bush, or tree that contains the seeds

3. the fruit(s) of something: the good results that you have from something, after you have worked very hard:
** I'm looking forward to retirement and having time to enjoy the fruits of my labour (=the results of my hard work).

4. in fruit: trees, plants etc that are in fruit are producing their fruit

5. the fruits of the earth: all the natural things that the earth produces, such as fruit, vegetables, or minerals

میوه،ثمر، سود، فایده، بر، میوه دادن


1. [uncountable and countable] the purpose that something has, or the job that someone or something does
perform/fulfil a function:
** In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.
** The church fulfils a valuable social function.
** The nervous system regulates our bodily functions (=eating, breathing, going to the toilet etc).
** Bauhaus architects thought that function was more important than form.

2. [countable] a large party or official event:
** This room may be hired for weddings and other functions.

3. [technical] a quantity or quality whose value changes according to another quantity or quality that is related to it:
** The degree of drought is largely a function of temperature and drainage.

4. one of the basic operations performed by a computer

(Noun) عمل، کار، وظیفه، نقش، کارکرد، عملکرد، خویشکاری


** - the function of education in our society
** - عملکرد آموزش و پرورش در جامعه‌ی ما
** - the digestive function of the stomach
** - کار گوارشی معده
** - this computer program can perform several functions
** - این برنامه‌ی کامپیوتری چندین کار انجام می‌دهد
(Noun) (ریاضی، کامپیوتر) تابع، پردازه، عملیات
(Noun) پذیرایی رسمی، آیین رسمی، (جمع) مراسم رسمی، جشن، ضیافت، گردهمایی

** - the monthly function of the club includes dinner and also dance
** - جشن ماهیانه‌ی باشگاه شامل شام و رقص هم می‌شود
(Verb - intransitive) کار کردن، عمل کردن، به وظیفه خود عمل کردن

** - when the brain stops functioning
** - وقتی که مغز از کار می‌افتد
(Noun) (زبان‌شناسی) نقش
(Verb - intransitive) (با as) به عنوان (چیزی) عمل کردن، کاربرد داشتن، (به جای چیزی) به کار خوردن

** - function as
** - کار چیزی را کردن، نقش چیزی را ایفا کردن، در نقش چیزی به کار رفتن
** - this bench also functions as my bed
** - این نیمکت برایم کار تختخواب را هم می‌کند
** - this radio is not functioning
** - این رادیو درست کار نمی‌کند


plural form of fungus:

a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on plants or other surfaces. mushrooms and Mould are both fungi.

(Noun) گیاه قارچی ،قارچ ،سماروغ ،گوشت زیادی


[ countable]
1. a large container for a very hot fire, used to produce power, heat, or liquid metal

2. a piece of equipment used to heat a building

(Noun) کوره، تنور، تون حمام و غیره، دیگ، پاتیل، (مجازا)بوته ازمایش، گرم کردن، مشتعل کردن


[ countable]
1. a short thin piece of wire inside electrical equipment which prevents damage by melting and stopping the electricity when there is too much power:
** two 13 amp fuses
** I taught him how to change a fuse.
blow a fuse: (=make it melt by putting too much electricity through it)

2. a thing that delays a bomb, firework etc from exploding until you are a safe distance away, or makes it explode at a particular time

3. a short fuse: if someone has a short fuse, they get angry very easily

فیوز، گداختن، امیختن (نظ.) فتیله مواد منفجره، فیوز، فتیله گذاشتن در،سیم گذاشتن، فیوزدارکردن، امیختن، ترکیب کردن یاشدن، ذوب شدن


[ countable]
1. a kitchen on a ship:
** The fire extinguishers are stored in the galley.

2. a long low Greek or Roman ship with sails which was rowed by slaves in the past

3. a sheet of paper on which a new book is printed, so that mistakes can be put right before it is divided into pages

(Noun) کشتی پارویی یا بادبانی قرون وسطی، (در چاپخانه)نمونه ستونی و صفحه بندی نشده مطالب چاپی، رانکا، رامکا، (در کشتی) اشپزخانه


the chemical element of atomic number 31, a soft silvery-white metal which melts at about 30°C, just above room temperature.

(Noun) (ش.) گالیوم، علامت Ga میباشد


[ countable]
1. a group of soldiers living in a town or fort and defending it:
** The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.
** a garrison town

2. the buildings where a garrison of soldiers live

پادگان، ساخلو، مقیم کردن، مستقر کردن


like gas or in the form of gas

(Adjective) گازی، بخاری، لطیف، گازدار، دو اتشه


[ countable]
a type of small deer, which jumps very gracefully and has large beautiful eyes

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) بز کوهی، اهوی کوهی، غزال


[ countable]
a part of a cell in a living thing that controls what it looks like, how it grows, and how it develops. People get their genes from their parents:
** human genes
** the genes that regulate cell division

(Noun) (زیست شناسی) ژن، عامل موجود در کروموزوم که ناقل صفات ارثی است


relating to or coming from the heat inside the earth:
** a geothermal energy plant

(Adjective) ( geothermic ) وابسته به حرارت مرکزی زمین


1. if a seed germinates, or if it is germinated, it begins to grow [= sprout]

2. [intransitive] if an idea, feeling etc germinates, it begins to develop:
** The idea of setting up his own company began to germinate in his mind.

جوانه زدن، شروع به رشد کردن، سبز شدن


1. [intransitive and transitive] if a seed germinates, or if it is germinated, it begins to grow [= sprout]

2. [intransitive] if an idea, feeling etc germinates, it begins to develop:

** The idea of setting up his own company began to germinate in his mind.

جوانه زدن، شروع به رشد کردن، سبز شدن


a small animal like a monkey, with long arms and no tail, that lives in trees in Asia

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) میمون دراز دست


[ countable]
1. one of the organs on the sides of a fish through which it breathes

2. full/packed/stuffed etc to the gills:[informal] completely full:
** The bar was packed to the gills on Monday.

(. vi . vt . n ) دستگاه تنفس ماهی، جویبار، نهر کوچک،گوشت ماهی، پیمانه ای برای شراب، نصف پینت pint ،دخترجوان، ابجو، تمیزکردن ماهی، روده (ماهی را) دراوردن، استطاله زیرگلوی مرغ، ( gill ): sweetheart ، girl =


the gist: the main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written
the gist of:
** The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.
** Don't worry about all the details as long as you get the gist (=understand the main meaning) of it.

(Noun) جان کلام، ملخص، لب کلام، نکته مهم، مطلب عمده، مراد


1. relating to ice and glaciers, or formed by glaciers:
** a glacial valley
** glacial deposits

2. a glacial look or expression is extremely unfriendly [= icy]

3. extremely slow:
** Change was coming, but at a glacial pace.

4. extremely cold [= icy]:
** a glacial wind

(Adjective) یخبندان



یخ بستن، منجمد شدن، منجمد کردن، یخ زدن، با برف یایخ پوشاندن


Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, and the third largest in the United Kingdom.

الن گلاسگو (رمان نویس آمریکایی) بندر گلاسکو (در اسکاتلند)


[ countable]
1. a quick look at someone or something that does not allow you to see them clearly
glimpse of:
** They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.
brief/fleeting/quick glimpse: (=a very short look)
** We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

2. a short experience of something that helps you begin to understand it
glimpse of/into/at:
** a glimpse of what life might be like in the future

نگاه کم، نگاه انی، نظر اجمالی، نگاه سریع، اجمالادیدن، بیک نظر دیدن، اتفاقا دیدن


1. [uncountable] the importance, honour, and praise that people give someone they admire a lot:
** She dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion.
** Goran's moment of glory came when he defeated Rafter.
** He began the season in a blaze of glory, scoring seven goals in as many games.

2. [countable] an achievement that is greatly admired or respected, or makes you very proud
glory of:
** one of the finest artistic glories of Florence
** monuments to past glories
** Becoming a Supreme Court judge was the crowning glory (=most successful part) of her career.

3. [uncountable]when something is beautiful and impressive in appearance:
** They spent $10 million restoring the theatre to its former glory.
in all its/their etc glory:
** The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.

4. bask/bathe in somebody's/something's (reflected) glory: to share some of the importance and praise that belongs to someone close to you

5. glory days: a time in the past when someone was admired:
** the team's glory days in the late '80s

جلال، افتخار، فخر، شکوه، نور، بالیدن، فخر کردن، شادمانی کردن، درخشیدن


[ countable]
1. [spoken old use] a woman who often has sex with different men:
** She's a bit of a goer.

2. also -goer used after words such as party, church, and theatre to form nouns that refer to people who regularly go to parties, church etc:
** cinema-goers

(Noun) رونده، پا، قدم، عازم


[ uncountable]
1. [literary] a very light thin material

2. the light silky thread which spiders leave on grass and bushes

(Noun) بند شیطان، لعاب خورشید، لعاب عنکبوت، پارچه بسیارنازک، تنزیب، نازک، لطیف، سبک


1. way of moving: [uncountable] a smooth way of moving that looks natural, relaxed, and attractive [= gracefulness]:
** Lena moved with the grace of a dancer.

2. behaviour:a) [uncountable] polite and pleasant behaviour:
** The hotel maintains traditional standards of elegance, style, and grace.
have the grace to do something:
** He didn't even have the grace to apologize (=he was not polite enough to apologize).b) graces: [plural] the skills needed to behave in a way that is considered polite and socially acceptable:
** Max definitely lacked social graces.

3. more time: [uncountable] also grace period American English more time that is allowed to someone to finish a piece of work, pay a debt etc
a day's/week's etc grace:
** I got a few days' grace to finish my essay.

4. with (a) good/bad grace: in a willing and pleasant way, or an unwilling and angry way:
** Kevin smiled and accepted his defeat with good grace.
** With typical bad grace, they refused to come to the party.

5. God's kindness that is shown to people:
** We are saved by God's grace.

تایید، مرحمت، براز، زیبایی، خوبی، خوش اندامی،ظرافت، فریبندگی، دعای فیض و برکت (قبل یا بعدازغذا)، خوش نیتی، بخشایندگی، بخشش، بخت، اقبال، قرعه،جذابیت، افسونگری، موردلطف قراردادن، اراستن، زینت بخشیدن، فیض الهی بخشیدن، تشویق کردن، لذت بخشیدن، مشعوف ساختن


1. a single seed of corn, wheat etc:
** grains of rice

2. lines in wood etc: [singular] the natural lines you can see in a substance such as wood, which are the result of its structure
along the grain: (=in the same direction as the grain)
** Cut along the grain of the wood.
across the grain: (=at 90 degrees to the grain)

3. small piece: [countable] a single very small piece of a substance such as sand or salt
grain of:
** a grain of sand
** There were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.

4. a grain of something: a very small amount of something:
** The story wouldn't have fooled anyone with a grain of sense.
** There is a grain of truth in all folklore and legend.

5. against the grain: if something goes against the grain, it is not what you would naturally or normally do:
** Mary is always honest and it went against the grain to tell lies.

دانه، جو، حبه، حبوبات، دان، تفاله حبوبات، یک گندم(مقیاس وزن) معادل ۰/۰۶۴۸ گرم، خرده، ذره، رنگ،رگه، (مجازا) مشرب، خوی، حالت، بازو، شاخه، چنگال،دانه دانه کردن، جوانه زدن، دانه زدن، تراشیدن،پشم کندن، (در سنگ) رگه، طبقه


a) [uncountable] the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves:

** big sacks of grainLast year's grain harvest was the biggest ever.

b) [countable] a single seed of corn, wheat etc:

** grains of rice

دانه، جو، حبه، حبوبات، دان، تفاله حبوبات، یک گندم(مقیاس وزن) معادل ۰/۰۶۴۸ گرم، خرده، ذره، رنگ،رگه، (مجازا) مشرب، خوی،حالت، بازو، شاخه، چنگال،دانه دانه کردن، جوانه زدن، دانه زدن، تراشیدن،پشم کندن، (در سنگ) رگه، طبقه


grandiose plans sound very important or impressive, but are not practical
grandiose scheme/plan/idea etc:
** grandiose schemes of urban renewal

(Adjective) بزرگ نما، عالی نما، پر اب و تاب، بلند


consisting of granules

(Adjective) دانه دانه، دارای دانه های ریز


[ intransitive]
to fight or struggle with someone, holding them tightly [= wrestle]
grapple with:
** Two men grappled with a guard at the door.

to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult:
** The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment.
** Molly's upstairs grappling with her maths homework.

چنگ، قلاب، گلاویزی، دست بگریبانی، دست بگریبان شدن، گلاویز شدن


[ countable]
an insect that has long back legs for jumping and that makes short loud noises

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) ملخ، اتش بازی کوچک


[ uncountable]
small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc:
** a gravel path
gravel pit: (=a place where gravel is dug out of the ground)

شن، ریگ، ماسه، سنگ مثانه، سنگریزه، شنی، شن دار،متوقف کردن، درشن دفن کردن، شن پاشیدن


grassland suitable for pasturage.

** "large areas of rough grazing"

(Noun) چرا،علف چری ،علف چرانی ،چراگاه

grid pattern

a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares

الگوی شبکه ای . الگویی که خط های افقی و عمودی همدیگر را قطع می کنند


1. to cut food, especially raw meat, into very small pieces by putting it through a machine [= mince British English]
** ground beef

2. to make something smooth or sharp by rubbing it on a hard surface or by using a machine:
** a stone for grinding knives and scissors
** The lenses are ground to a high standard of precision.

3. press:a) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to press something onto a surface and rub it with a strong twisting movement
grind something into something:
** He dropped a cigar butt and ground it into the carpet with his heel.
** He ground out his cigarette on the window ledge.b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to press hard against something
grind against/together:
** as these plates (=large areas of land) grind against each other

4. grind your teeth: to rub your upper and lower teeth together, making a noise

5. grind to a halt:a) if a vehicle grinds to a halt, it stops gradually:
** Traffic ground to a halt as it approached the accident site.b) if a country, organization, or process grinds to a halt, its activity or the process gradually stops:
** After two days the talks had ground to a halt.

کوبیدن، عمل خرد کردن یا آسیاب کردن، سایش، کار یکنواخت، آسیاب کردن، خرد کردن، تیز کردن، ساییدن، اذیت کردن، آسیاب شدن، سخت کار کردن


a mill for grinding corn.

اسیاب غلات


[ countable]
an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests:
** the Women's Guild

(Noun) رسته، صنف، انجمن، اتحادیه، محل اجتماع اصناف


[ countable]
a large common black and white sea bird that lives near the sea [= seagull]

(جانورشناسی) یاعو، مرغ نوروزی، نوعی رنگ خاکستری کمرنگ،(سابقا) حریصانه خوردن، بلعیدن، حفر کردن، ادم ساده لوح و زود باور، گول، گول زدن، مغبون کردن، گودکردن


[ countable]
1. a small narrow valley, usually formed by a lot of rain flowing down the side of a hill

2. a deep ditch

ابکند، ابگذر، کاریز، مجرا، راه اب، زهکش، دره کوچک،کارد، کندن، درست کردن


[ countable]
a place in the ground where oil or water comes out very forcefully, so that a pump is not needed

(Noun) آدمیکه در بیان احساسات غلو میکند
(Noun) (در مورد چاه نفت) فورانگر


[ uncountable]
a soft white substance that is used to make plaster of Paris

(Noun) سنگ گچ


[ transitive]
to make it difficult for someone to do something:
** She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.
** An attempt to rescue the men has been hampered by bad weather.

از کار بازداشتن، مانع شدن، مختل کردن، قید


[ uncountable]
the style of someone's writing:
** I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.
** My handwriting has never been very neat.

(Noun) دستخط، خط


[ countable]
an animal like a rabbit but larger, which can run very quickly

خرگوش، خرگوش صحرایی، گوشت خرگوش، مسافر بی بلیط، بستوه اوردن، رم دادن


1. notes of music combined together in a pleasant way
in harmony:
** a choir singing in perfect harmony
** the gorgeous vocal harmonies on 'Mexicali Rose'
** three-part harmonies

2. [uncountable]when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other:
** I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
peace and harmony:
** an era of peace and harmony
live/work etc in harmony:

3. be in harmony with something:[formal] to agree with another idea, feeling etc, or look good with other things:
** Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.

4. [uncountable] the pleasant effect made by different things that form an attractive whole:
** the harmony of sea and sky

(Noun) هارمونی، تطبیق، توازن، هم اهنگی، همسازی


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a set of leather bands used to control a horse or to attach it to a vehicle it is pulling

2. a set of bands used to hold someone in a place or to stop them from falling:
** a safety harness

3. in harness: British English doing your usual work:
** I felt glad to be back in harness.

4. in harness (with somebody): British English working closely with another person or group

افسار، دهنه، تارکش، اشیا ، تهیه کردن، افسار زدن،زین وبرگ کردن، مهارکردن، مطیع کردن، تحت کنترل دراوردن

harness the power

to bring under conditions for effective use:

** harness water power; to harness the energy of the sun

مهار قدرت ، استفاده از قدرت منابع طبیعی با ایجاد مهار مانند سد


[ uncountable]
fine lines drawn on or cut into a surface

سایه زنی، هاشور زنی


a young animal that has recently emerged from its egg.

(جانورشناسی) جانور تازه متولد، نوزاد، جوجه سراز تخم درآورده


[ transitive]
1. to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement
haul something off/onto/out of etc something:
** She hauled her backpack onto her back.
** the steam locomotive which hauled the train
** I hauled the door shut behind me.

2. haul yourself up/out of something etc:a) to move somewhere with a lot of effort, especially because you are injured or tired:
** Patrick hauled himself painfully up the stairs.b) to succeed in achieving a higher position in society, in a competition etc:
** He is confident that the club can haul themselves further up the league.

3. haul somebody over the coals: British English to criticize someone severely because they have done something wrong [= rake somebody over the coals American English]

4. haul off and hit/punch/kick somebody:[informal] to try to hit someone very hard

5. haul ass:[spoken][not polite] to hurry

کشیدن، هل دادن، حمل کردن، کشش، همه ماهیهایی که دریک وهله بدام کشیده میشوند، حمل ونقل


[ countable]
1. a large bird that hunts and eats small birds and animals

2. a politician who believes in using military force [≠ dove]

3. watch somebody like a hawk: to watch someone very carefully

4. have eyes like a hawk: to be quick to notice things, especially small details

باز، قوش، شاهین، بابازشکار کردن، دوره گردی کردن،طوافی کردن، جار زدن و جنسفروختن، فروختن


[uncountable and countable]

a small tree with small white flowers, red berries, and sharp points

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) خفچه، کیالک، درخت کویچ، ولیک


[ uncountable]
1. long grass that has been cut and dried, used as food for cattle

2. make hay (while the sun shines): to take the opportunity to do something now, because you may not be able to do it later

3. hit the hay:[informal] to go to bed

علف خشک، گیاه خشک کرده، یونجه خشک، حشک کردن(یونجه ومانند ان)، تختخواب، پاداش


1. heavy-duty materials are strong and thick and not easily damaged:
** heavy-duty canvas

2. heavy-duty machines or equipment are designed to be used for very hard work

3. [informal] especially American English very complicated, serious, or extreme:
** Today, she was going to do some heavy-duty cleaning.

(Adjective) پردوام، محکم، ویژهی کارهای سنگین یا هوای بد


** - a heavy-duty carpet
** - فرش پاخور
** - heavy-duty shoes
** - کفش کار


[ countable]
1. a half of the earth, especially one of the halves above and below the equator:
** the Northern hemisphere

2. one of the two halves of your brain

3. half of a sphere(=an object which is round like a ball)

(Noun) نیمکره، نیم گوی، اقلیم


[ uncountable and countable]
a very poisonous plant, or the poison that is made from it

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) شوکران، شوکران کبیر


1. [sentence adverb] for this reason:
** The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration.

2. ten days hence/five months hence etc: ten days from now, five months from now etc

از اینرو، بنابر این، از این جهت، پس از این


[ countable]
a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicine:
** Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.

(Noun) گیاه، علف، رستنی، شاخ وبرگ گیاهان، بوته


[ uncountable and countable]
a substance used to kill unwanted plants

(Noun) عاملی که برای از بین بردن علف ها وگیاهان بکارمیرود، علف کش


[ countable]
an animal that only eats plants [↪ carnivore, omnivore]

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) گیاه خوار


A herbivore is an animal anatomically and physiologically adapted to eating plant material, for example foliage, for the main component of its diet.

(Adjective) گیاه خواری


1. a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together [↪ flock]
herd of:
** a herd of cattle
** herds of elephants

2. the herd: people generally, especially when thought of as being easily influenced by others:
** You have to be an individual; it's no use running with the herd.
** the herd instinct (=the need to behave in the same way as everyone else does)

رمه، گله، گروه، جمعیت، گرد آمدن، جمع شدن، متحدکردن، گروه

herds of game

groups of wild animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food, especially as a sport:

** game birds

گروهی از حیوانات وحشی که برای مقاصد خوراکی شکار می شوند


1. a quality or illness that is hereditary is passed from a parent to a child before the child is born [↪ genetic]

2. a hereditary position, rank, or title can be passed from an older to a younger person in the same family, usually when the older one dies:
** a hereditary peer

(Adjective) ارثی


Like a polygon with six edges and six vertices.

(Adjective) شش گوشه ،شش بر


if a system, organization etc is hierarchical, people or things are divided into levels of importance
hierarchical structure/organization/system etc:
** a hierarchical society

(Adjective) وابسته به پیشوای مذهبی، پیشوایانه
(Adjective) ترتیبی، سلسله مراتبی، بانفوذ، پایگانی (hierarchic هم میگویند)


1. a system of organization in which people or things are divided into levels of importance:
** a rigid social hierarchy
** She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president.

2. the most important and powerful members of an organization:
** the church hierarchy

(Noun) گروه فرشتگان نه گانه، سلسله سران روحانی وشیوخ، سلسله مراتب


having a lot of hills
hilly region/area/terrain etc:

پر از تپه

hind leg

the back limb of a quadruped


1. animal:a) [countable]the hard pointed thing that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of animals such as cows and goats [↪ antlers]b) [uncountable] the substance that animals' horns are made of:
** a knife with a horn handlec) [countable] a part of an animal's head that sticks out like a horn, for example on a snail

2. the thing in a vehicle that you use to make a loud sound as a signal or warning
sound/toot/honk/blow your horn: (=make a noise with your horn)

3. a musical instrument made from an animal's horn➔ English horn

4. drinking horn/powder horn etc: a container in the shape of an animal's horn, used in the past for drinking from, carrying gunpowder etc

5. draw/pull in your horns: to reduce the amount of money you spend

شاخ، بوق، کرنا، شیپور، پیاله، نوک


[ countable]
a tropical bird with a very large beak

(Noun) (جانور شناسی) مرغ شاخنوک (تیرهی Bucerotidae - بومی نواحی حارهی آسیا)


[ uncountable]
the practice or science of growing flowers, fruit and vegetables [↪ gardening, agriculture]

(Noun) گل برزی، باغبانی علمی، علم رویانیدن گیاه ها


1. angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone and ready to argue with them:
** Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception.
** Carr wouldn't meet Feng's stare, which was openly hostile.
** his hostile attitude
hostile to/towards:
** The boy feels hostile towards his father.

2. opposing a plan or idea very strongly
hostile to/towards:
** Senator Lydon was hostile to our proposals.

3. belonging to an enemy:
** hostile territory

4. used to describe conditions that are difficult to live in, or that make it difficult to achieve something
hostile environment/climate/terrain etc:
** a guide to surviving in even the most hostile terrain
** Sales increased last year despite the hostile economic environment.

5. hostile takeover/bid: a situation in which a company tries to buy another company which does not want to be bought

(Adjective) دشمن، خصومت آمیز، متخاصم، ضد


[ countable]
a small dark-blue North American fruit that grows on a bush

(گیاه‌شناسی) درخت زغال اخته امریکایی، زغال اخته امریکایی


1. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people's [≠ proud; ↪ humility]:
** a modest and humble man

2. having a low social class or position:
** He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.
humble background/origins etc:
** Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.

3. in my humble opinion:[spoken] used humorously to give your opinion about something

4. my humble apologies:[spoken] used humorously to say you are sorry

5. [only before noun] simple and ordinary, but useful or effective:
** The humble potato may be the key to feeding the world's population.

زبون، فروتن، متواضع، محقر، پست، بدون ارتفاع، پست کردن، فروتنی کردن، شکسته نفسی کردن


1. an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not yet been proved to be true [= theory]:
** One hypothesis is that the victim fell asleep while driving.
prove/test/support etc a hypothesis:
** We hope that further research will confirm our hypothesis.
hypothesis about:
** The authors reject the hypothesis about unemployment contributing to crime.

2. [uncountable] ideas or guesses rather than facts [= speculation]:
** All this is mere hypothesis.

(Noun) فرض، فرضیه، قضیه فرضی، نهشته، برانگاشت


[ countable]
a wild goat that lives in the mountains of Europe, Asia, and North Africa

(Noun) بز کوهی، مرال، بشکل بز کوهی


son of (used in Arabic personal names)

عربی: پسر

ice pellets

are a form of precipitation consisting of small, translucent balls of ice.

یخ های کوچک توپی شکل


Illinois is a state in the Midwestern United States. It is the 5th most populous state and 25th largest state in terms of land area, and is often noted as a microcosm of the entire country

استان >ایلی نویز< در ایالت متحده آمریکا


1. [countable] a picture in a book, article etc, especially one that helps you to understand it:

** The book contains 62 pages of illustrations.

2. [uncountable and countable] a story, event, action etc that shows the truth or existence of something very clearly

(Noun) مثال، تصویر


1. [uncountable and countable]when you copy someone else's actions
by imitation:
** Many people think that children learn language by imitation.
** The remake of 'Casablanca' was a pale imitation (=something that is much less good than the thing it imitates) of the original movie.

2. [countable]when you copy the way someone speaks or behaves, especially in order to be funny [= impression]:
** She acted, she danced, she did imitations.
imitation of:
** his imitation of an American accent

3. [countable] a copy of something
imitation of:
** She wore an imitation of a sailor's hat.
imitation fur/pearls/silk/leather etc: (=something that looks like an expensive material but is a copy of it)
** an imitation fur coat

(Noun) تقلید، پیروی، چیز تقلیدی، بدلی، ساختگی، جعلی


copying someone or something, especially in a way that shows you do not have any ideas of your own:
** Young people might be provoked into imitative crime by the exploits they see on TV.

(Adjective) تقلیدی، بدلی


extremely large [= enormous]:
** People who travel by rail still read an immense amount.
** Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.

(Adjective) بی اندازه، گزاف، بیکران، پهناور، وسیع، کلان، بسیارخوب، ممتاز، عالی


1. [uncountable and countable]used to emphasize the great size of something, especially something that cannot be measured
immensity of:
** the immensity of outer space

2. [uncountable] used to emphasize the great size and seriousness of something such as a problem you have to deal with or a job you have to do
immensity of:
** the immensity of the problem

(Noun) زیادی، بیکرانی


dipped or submerged in a liquid.

** "immerse the paper in water for twenty minutes"

involve oneself deeply in a particular activity.

** "she immersed herself in her work"

(Adjective) فرورفته (در آبگونه)، در زیر آب
(Adjective) غسل ارتماسی شده
(Adjective) (زیستشناسی - جایگزین یا درونگیر شده در اندام دیگر) درونگیره
(Adjective) (گیاهشناسی - وابسته به گیاهی که کاملا در زیر آب قرار دارد و زیست میکند) زیرآبی، زیرآبزی


1. [uncountable] the action of immersing something in liquid, or the state of being immersed
immersion in:
** his near-fatal immersion in the icy Atlantic ocean

2. [uncountable] the fact of being completely involved in something you are doing
immersion in:
** my immersion in black music and culture

3. [technical] the language teaching method in which people are put in situations where they have to use the new language

4. an immersion heater

(Noun) غسل، غوطه وری


1. not moving at all [= motionless]:
** She could see a figure sitting immobile, facing the sea.

2. unable to move or walk normally:
** Kim's illness had rendered her completely immobile.

(Adjective) بی جنبش، بی حرکت، ثابت، جنبش ناپذیر


1. [countable] the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something
impact on/upon:
** We need to assess the impact on climate change.
major/significant/profound etc impact:
** Higher mortgage rates have already had a major impact on spending.
impact of:
** an international meeting to consider the environmental impacts of global warming! Do not say 'cause an impact' on something. Say have an impact on something.

2. [uncountable and countable] the force of one object hitting another:
** The force of the impact knocked the breath out of her.

3. on impact: at the moment when one thing hits another:
** The plane's wing was damaged on impact.

بهم فشردن، پیچیدن، زیر فشار قرار دادن، با شدت ادا کردن، با شدت اصابت کردن، ضربت، فشار، تماس، اصابت، اثر شدید، ضربه


[ countable]
1. a physical problem that makes speaking, hearing, or moving difficult:
** a speech impediment

2. a situation or event that makes it difficult or impossible for someone or something to succeed or make progress
impediment to:
** War is one of the greatest impediments to human progress.

(Noun) مانع، عایق، رادع، محظور، اشکال، گیر


1. impossible to get through, see through, or get into:
** The trees formed a dark and impenetrable barrier.
** the impenetrable blackness of the night

2. very difficult or impossible to understand:
** impenetrable legal jargon

(Adjective) غیر قابل رسوخ، سوراخ نشدنی، داخل نشدنی، نفوذ نکردنی، درک نکردنی، پوشیده


1. extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately:
** It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators.
it is imperative (for somebody) to do something:
** It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.

2. an imperative verb is one that expresses an order, such as 'stand up'

امری، دستوری، حتمی، الزام اور، ضروری


almost impossible to see or notice:
** Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.

(Adjective) دیده نشدنی، غیر قابل مشاهده، جزئی، غیر محسوس،تدریجی، نفهمیدنی، درک نکردنی


[ transitive]
1. to pretend to be someone else by copying their appearance, voice, and behaviour, especially in order to deceive people:
** Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer?

2. to copy someone's voice and behaviour, especially in order to make people laugh:
** In the film he amusingly impersonates a woman.

(Verb - transitive) جعل هویت کردن، خود رابجای دیگری جا زدن


[ uncountable]
1. an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly
impetus for:
** The report may provide further impetus for reform.
** The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.

2. [technical] the force that makes an object start moving, or keeps it moving

(Noun) نیروی جنبش، عزم، انگیزه


[ transitive]
to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen
implement a policy/plan/decision etc:
** We have decided to implement the committee's recommendations in full.

الت، افزار، ابزار، اسباب، اجرا ، انجام، انجام دادن، ایفا کردن، اجرا کردن تکمیل کردن


[ transitive]
1. to show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or dishonest act:
** The allegations implicated Abe to such an extent he was forced to resign.
implicate somebody in something:
** Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up.

2. [formal] if something is implicated in something bad or harmful, it is shown to be its cause
be implicated in something:
** Viruses are known to be implicated in the development of some cancers.

(Verb - transitive) دلالت کردن بر، گرفتار کردن، مشمول کردن، بهم پیچیدن، مستلزم بودن


1. [countable usually plural] a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc
implication of:
** What are the implications of these proposals?
** This election has profound implications for the future of U.S. democracy.
consider/discuss/examine the implications:
** His talk will examine the wider implications of the Internet revolution.
practical/financial/political etc implications:

2. [uncountable] a situation in which it is shown or suggested that someone or something is involved in a crime or a dishonest act [↪ implicate]
the implication of somebody (in something):
** the implication of the former Chief of Staff in a major scandal

3. [uncountable and countable] a suggestion that is not made directly but that people are expected to understand or accept [↪ imply]:
** They are called 'Supertrams', the implication being that (=which is meant to suggest that) they are more advanced than earlier models.
by implication:
** The law bans organized protests and, by implication, any form of opposition.

(Noun) دلالت، معنی، مستلزم بودن، مفهوم


1. suggested or understood without being stated directly [≠ explicit]
implicit criticism/threat/assumption:
** Her words contained an implicit threat.
** His statement is being seen as implicit criticism of the work of research laboratories.

2. [formal] forming a central part of something, but without being openly stated
implicit in:
** Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor.

3. complete and containing no doubts
implicit faith/trust/belief:
** They had implicit faith in his powers.

(Adjective) التزامی، مجازی، اشاره شده، مفهوم، تلویحا فهمانده شده، مطلق، بی شرط


1. not pure or clean, and often consisting of a mixture of things instead of just one [≠ pure]:
** drug dealers selling impure heroin

2. [old-fashioned] impure thoughts, feelings etc are morally bad because they are about sex - sometimes used humorously:
** He tried, without success, to rid his mind of any impure thoughts about Julia.

(Adjective) ژیژ، ناپاک، چرک، کثیف، ناصاف، ناخالص، نادرست


1. not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc for a particular purpose [≠ adequate]:
** inadequate resources
inadequate for:
** The parking facilities are inadequate for a busy shopping centre.
totally/wholly/woefully/hopelessly etc inadequate:
** The building's electrical system was completely inadequate.
** The new air conditioning system proved inadequate.

2. someone who feels inadequate thinks other people are better, more skilful, more intelligent etc than they are:
** The teacher made us feel inadequate and stupid if we made mistakes.

(Adjective) غیر کافی، نابسنده


not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.

** "an inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment"

(Adjective) سهو، غیر عمدی


marked or decorated (an object or surface) with a cut or cuts.

** "a button incised with a skull"

cut (a mark or decoration) into a surface.

** "figures incised on upright stones"

(Adjective) حک شده، کنده کاری شده


** - an incised design
** - طرح کندهکاری شده
(Adjective) (دارای لبهی چاکدار مانند برخی برگها) بریده بریده، چاکدار


(of a company or other organization) formed into a legal corporation.


[↪ limited]

(Adjective) همبسته، همبند شده، یک کاسه، یکپارچه، متحد شده، ملحق شده، ضمیمه شده
(Adjective) (شرکت و غیره) رسما به ثبت رسیده


** - an incorporated association
** - انجمن به ثبت رسیده


[ countable]
1. a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid:
** a salary of £18,000, with annual increments of 2.5%

2. [formal] the amount by which a number, value, or amount increases

(Noun) افزایش، ترقی، سود، توسعه


1. [transitive] to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true
indicate (that):
** Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.
** Long skid marks on the pavement indicated the driver had attempted to brake.
** The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.

2. [transitive] to say or do something to make your wishes, intentions etc clear:
** The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.
** Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year.
indicate (that):
** Ralph patted the sofa to indicate that she should join him.
** Please indicate your preference on the booking form.

3. [transitive]to direct someone's attention to something or someone, for example by pointing:
** 'That's her,' said Toby, indicating a girl on the other side of the room.

4. [transitive] to represent something:
** Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.

5. to show the direction in which you intend to turn in a vehicle, using lights or your hands [= signal]:
** Don't forget to indicate before you pull out.

(Verb - transitive) نشان دادن، نمایان ساختن، اشاره کردن


** - the students laughter indicated their happiness
** - خنده‌ی شاگردان شادی آنها را نشان می‌داد
** - the map indicates the location of his tomb
** - نقشه، محل قبر او را نشان می‌دهد
(Verb - transitive) نشانگر (چیزی) بودن، نشان دهنده (چیزی) بودن، دلالت بر (چیزی) داشتن، حاکی از (چیزی) بودن

** - his silence indicates consent
** - سکوت او علامت رضایت است
** - fever indicates illness
** - تب نشانه‌ی بیماری است
(Verb - transitive) ایجاب کردن، ضروری ساختن

** - the scientists' conflicting findings indicate further research
** - یافته‌های متغایر دانشمندان، ضرورت پژوهش بیشتر را نشان می‌دهد
** - a fabric for which dry cleaning is indicated
** - پارچه‌ای که باید خشک شویی شود
(Verb - transitive) (پزشکی) تجویز کردن

** - bed rest is indicated
** - استراحت در بستر تجویز می‌شود
(Verb - transitive) به طور مجمل بیان کردن، خاطر نشان کردن

** - to indicate guidelines for action
** - رهنمودهای کار را بیان کردن
(Verb - intransitive) (اتومبیل) راهنما زدن، با دست علامت دادن

** - he is indicating right
** - او دارد راهنمای راست را می‌زند


indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else [= native]
indigenous to:
** Blueberries are indigenous to America.
** the many indigenous cultures which existed in Siberia

(Adjective) بومی، طبیعی، ذاتی، مکنون، فطری


someone or something that is indispensable is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them [= essential]
indispensable to:
** This book is indispensable to anyone interested in space exploration.
indispensable for/in (doing) something:
** Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet.
** Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.

واجب، حتمی، چاره نا پذیر، ضروری، ناگزیر، صرف نظر نکردنی، لازم الاجرا


The Indus River is one of the longest rivers in Asia. It flows through Pakistan, the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir and Gujarat, and western Tibet.

(نجوم) استارگان (مجمع الکواکب)

هندی رود سند (در هندوستان و سپس پاکستان جاری است)


[ uncountable]
when a country or place develops a lot of industry

(Noun) صنعتی سازی


develop industries in (a country or region) on a wide scale.

** "the industrialized nations"

(of a country or region) build up a system of industries.

** "the country needs to industrialize to create both exports and jobs"

صنعتی کردن، بنگاه های صنعتی تاسیس کردن


1. [uncountable]a) the large-scale production of goods or of substances such as coal and steel:
** a decline in manufacturing industry
heavy/light industry: (=the production of large or small goods)
** Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.
** This type of software is widely used in industry.b) the people who work in industry:
** an agreement that will be welcomed by both sides of industry (=employers and workers)

2. [countable] businesses that produce a particular type of thing or provide a particular service
coal/car/textile etc industry:
** I work in the oil industry.
tourist/travel/leisure/catering etc industry:
** Italy's thriving tourist industry
** new jobs in service industries (=businesses such as banking and tourism)

3. [formal] the fact of working hard:
** Gould is a man of great industry.

4. an area of work which has grown too large - used to show disapproval:
** another book from the Shakespeare industry

(Noun) صنعت، صناعت، پیشه و هنر، ابتکار، مجاهدت


not using time, money, energy etc in the best way [≠ efficient]:
** an inefficient use of resources
** Local government was inefficient.

(Adjective) بی کفایت


1. certain to happen and impossible to avoid:
** A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.
it is inevitable (that):
** It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake.
inevitable consequence/result:
** Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions.

2. the inevitable: a situation that is certain to happen:
** One day the inevitable happened and I got a speeding ticket.

نا چار، نا گزیر، اجتناب نا پذیر، چاره نا پذیر،غیر قابل امتناع، حتما، حتمی الوقوع، بدیهی


1. [formal] a baby or very young child:
** An infant's skin is very sensitive. ➔ Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

2. infants: children in school in Britain between the ages of four and eight

کودک، بچه، طفل، بچه کمتر از هفت سال


1. infantile behaviour seems silly in an adult because it is typical of a child [= childish]:
** infantile jokes

2. relating to or affecting babies and very young children:
** infantile development

(Adjective) بچگانه، ابتدایی، بچگی، مربوط بدوران کودکی


[ transitive]
to do something that is against a law or someone's legal rights:
** A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright.

to limit someone's freedom in some way:
** Some students argued that the rule infringed on their right to free speech.

تخلف کردن از، تجاوز کردن از، تعدی


1. [uncountable and countable] the act of putting a new feeling or quality into something
infusion of:
** Further education badly needs the infusion of more resources.

2. [medical] the act of putting medicine slowly into someone's body, or the medicines themselves:
** intravenous infusions of cardiac drugs

3. a drink made with herbs in hot water that is usually taken as a medicine

(Noun) دم کرده، ریزش، ریختن، پاشیدن، القا ، تزریق، الهام


1. an ingenious plan, idea, or object works well and is the result of clever thinking and new ideas:
** Many fish have ingenious ways of protecting their eggs from predators.
** an ingenious device

2. someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas

(Adjective) دارای قوه ابتکار، مبتکر، دارای هوش ابتکاری، با هوش، ناشی از زیرکی، مخترع


[ uncountable]
skill at inventing things and thinking of new ideas

(Noun) قوه ابتکار، نبوغ، هوش (اختراعی)، امادگی برای اختراع، مهارت، استعداد، صفا


1. to receive money, property etc from someone after they have died
inherit something from somebody:
** He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.
** inherited wealth

2. [transitive] if you inherit a situation, especially one in which problems have been caused by other people, you have to deal with it:
** The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy.

3. [transitive] to have the same character or appearance as your parents
inherit something from somebody:
** Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father.
** I inherited my mother's curly hair.

4. [transitive]to get something that someone else does not want any more
inherit something from somebody:
** We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants.

به میرا بردن، وار شدن، از دیگری گرفتن، مالک شدن، جانشین شدن


1. an inhospitable place is difficult to live or stay in because the weather conditions are unpleasant or there is no shelter:
** an inhospitable climate
** He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world.

2. an inhospitable person does not welcome visitors in a friendly way
inhospitable to:
** Some governments are inhospitable to aid workers.

(Adjective) مهمان ننواز، غریب ننواز، نامهربان


[ only before noun]
happening at the beginning [= first]:
** an initial investment of £5000
initial stage/phase/period:
** the initial stages of the disease
** The initial response has been encouraging.

در اغاز قرار دادن، نخستین حروف نام و نام خانوادگی را نوشتن، پاراف کردن، اغاز کردن نخستبن، اول، اولین، اصلی، اغازی، ابتدایی، بدوی،واقع در اغاز، اولین قسمت، پاراف


[ transitive]
1. to hurt yourself or someone else, for example in an accident or an attack [↪ wound]:
** Angus injured his leg playing rugby.
be badly/seriously/critically injured:
** Two people have been critically injured in an accident.

2. injure somebody's pride/feelings etc: to say unfair or unpleasant things that hurt someone's pride, feelings etc! injure, wound, hurt, or damage ➔ see usage note damage2

(Verb - transitive) اسیب زدن (به)، ازار رساندن(به)


1. a coloured liquid that you use for writing, printing or drawing:
** Please write in black ink.

2. [uncountable] the black liquid in sea creatures such as octopuses and squid

مرکب، جوهر، مرکب زدن


1. [countable] a new idea, method, or invention
innovation in:
** recent innovations in English teaching

2. [uncountable] the introduction of new ideas or methods:
** We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive.
innovation in:
** We need to encourage innovation in industry.
** Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation.

(Noun) بدعت، ابداع، تغییر، چیز تازه، نو آوری


very many, or too many to be counted [= countless]:
** She's served on innumerable committees.

(Adjective) بی شمار، غیرقابل شمارش، بیحد و حصر


[ countable]
a piece of writing inscribed on a stone, in the front of a book etc:
** a Latin inscription on the memorial stone

(Noun) نوشته، کتیبه، ثبت، نقش، نوشته خطی


[ countable]
a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings:
** an insect bite
** flying insects
** Don't forget to bring insect repellant (=a chemical to keep insects away).

(Noun) حشره، کرم خوراک (مثل کرم پنیر و ...)، کرم ریز، جنبنده ریز


[ transitive]
1. to make a process start, especially one relating to law or politics:
** Charles instigated a programme of reforms.

2. to persuade someone do something bad or violent:
** He accused union leaders of instigating the disturbances.

(Verb - transitive) برانگیختن، تحریک کردن، وادار کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned [↪ intuition]
instinct for:
** Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
instinct to do something:
** the human instinct to form relationships
by instinct:
** Birds build nests by instinct.
sexual/maternal/survival instinct:
** Her instinct told her that something was wrong.
somebody's first instinct: (=what someone feels like doing first when something happens)
** His first instinct was to rush back to Isobel.

(Noun) غریزه، شعور حیوانی، هوش طبیعی جانوران


based on instinct and not involving thought:
** a mother's instinctive love

(Adjective) غریزی،فطری،طبیعی،غیر ارادی،خودبخود


[ countable]
1. a small tool used in work such as science or medicine:
** surgical instruments

2. an object used for producing music, such as a piano or violin [= musical instrument; ↪ instrumental, instrumentalist]:
** electronic instruments
brass/wind/percussion/stringed etc instrument:

3. a piece of equipment for measuring and showing distance, speed, temperature etc:
** a failure of the flight instruments
** sensitive earthquake-detecting instruments

4. method: [usually singular] something or someone that is used to get a particular result
instrument of:
** Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy.
instrument for (doing) something:
** Good management should be an instrument for innovation.

5. for hurting: something that is used to hit or hurt someone:
** Death was due to a blow on the head with a blunt instrument.
instrument of torture: (=an object used to make people suffer pain until they give information)

الت، اسباب، ادوات، وسیله، سند


[ uncountable]
1. when something is insulated or someone insulates something:
** Good insulation can save you money on heating bills.

2. material used to insulate something, especially a building:
** glass-fibre insulation

(Noun) عایق گذاری، روپوش کشی، عایق کردن


[ not before noun]
not broken, damaged, or spoiled:
** Only the medieval tower had remained intact.
** His reputation survived intact.

(Adjective) دست نخورده، بی عیب، سالم، کامل، صدمه ندیده


1. forming a necessary part of something:
** Vegetables are an integral part of our diet.
integral to:
** Statistics are integral to medical research.

2. [usually before noun] provided as part of something, rather than being separate:
** a TV and integral video recorder

درست، صحیح، بی کسر، کامل، تمام، انتگرال


[ uncountable]
1. the combining of two or more things so that they work together effectively
integration of:
** the integration of data from other surveys

2. when people become part of a group or society and are accepted by them
integration into:
** The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.

3. the process of getting people of different races to live and work together instead of separately:
** problems of racial integration

(Noun) ائتلاف، انضمام، یکپارچگی، اتحاد عناصر مختلف اجتماع


1. the quality of being felt very strongly or having a strong effect:
** The intensity of the hurricane was frightening.

2. the quality of being serious and having very strong feelings or opinions:
** He spoke with great intensity.

3. the strength of something such as light or sound:
** an instrument which measures light intensity

(Noun) ( intension ) سختی، شدت، فزونی، نیرومندی، قوت، کثرت


[ intransitive + with, transitive]
to produce young animals from parents of different breeds or groups [↪ crossbreed, inbreeding]

نژادهای مختلف را با هم پیوند کردن، اصلاح نژاد کردن


[ intransitive]
1. if two systems, places etc are interconnected, or if they interconnect, they are joined together:
** a series of interconnected lakes
** interconnecting rooms
** Our operating system can now interconnect with other networks.

2. if two facts, ideas, events etc are interconnected, or if they interconnect, they are related and one is affected by or caused by the other:
** In Freud's theory, the two areas of sexuality and violence are interconnected.
** a number of separate but interconnected issues

بهم پیوستن، بهم وصل کردن


[ uncountable]
1. an act of interfering
interference in :
** I resent his interference in my work.
** Industrial relations should be free from state interference.

2. unwanted noise on the radio, television, or on the telephone, or faults in the television picture

3. the act of blocking or touching another player in a sports game, for example by standing in front of them or holding on to them, when you are not supposed to [= obstruction British English]

4. run interference: to protect a player who has the ball in American football by blocking players from the opposing teamb) to help someone to achieve something by dealing with people or problems that might cause them trouble

(Noun) دخالت، فضولی


[ intransitive and transitive]
if two or more things interlock, or if they are interlocked, they fit firmly together:
** a puzzle with 500 interlocking pieces

بهم پیوستن، در هم گیر کردن، بهم ارتباط داشتن، بهم قفل کردن، درهم بافتن، بهم پیچیدن


existing or arising between species

( interspecific ) واقع در بین دسته های خاصی، دارای خصوصیاتی بین خود


[ only before noun]
happening or existing between the stars

(Adjective) واقع در میان ستارگان، بین ستارهای


of or denoting the area of a seashore which is covered at high tide and uncovered at low tide.

** "intertidal zones"

(Adjective) جزر و مدی


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if two situations, ideas etc are intertwined, they are closely related to each other
be closely/inextricably intertwined:
** The problems of crime and unemployment are closely intertwined.

2. if two things intertwine, or if they are intertwined, they are twisted together
intertwine with:
** a necklace of rubies intertwined with pearls

درهم پیچیدن، درهم بافتن، درهم بافته شدن، تقاطع کردن، بهم تابیدن


[ countable]
1. the period of time between two events, activities etc:
** He left the room, returning after a short interval with a message.
interval between:
** The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months.

2. sunny/bright intervals: short periods of fine weather between cloudy, rainy weather etc

3. at weekly/20 minute etc intervals: every week, 20 minutes etc:
** The trains run at half-hourly intervals.

4. at regular intervals:a) something that happens at regular intervals happens often:
** The phone rang at regular intervals all afternoon.b) objects that are placed at regular intervals have all been placed at the same distance from each other:
** Trees had been planted at regular intervals.

5. British English a short period of time between the parts of a play, concert etc [= intermission American English]
** We can get some drinks in the interval.

(Noun) فاصله، مدت، فرجه، ایست، وقفه، فترت، خلال


[ uncountable and countable]
the act of becoming involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens:
** government intervention to regulate prices

(Noun) مداخله، شفاعت


1. [transitive] if something intrigues you, it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious:
** Other people's houses always intrigued her.

2. [formal] to make secret plans to harm someone or make them lose their position of power
intrigue against:
** While King Richard was abroad, the barons had been intriguing against him.

دسیسه کردن، توطئه چیدن، فریفتن


being part of the nature or character of someone or something:
** the intrinsic interest of the subject
intrinsic nature/quality/value/property of something:
** There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
intrinsic to:
** Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.

(Adjective) ذاتی، اصلی، باطنی، طبیعی، ذهنی، روحی، حقیقی، مرتب، شایسته


1. someone who illegally enters a building or area, usually in order to steal something:

** The police think the intruder got in through an unlocked window.

2. someone who is in a place where they are not wanted:

** At first I felt like an intruder in their family.

(Noun) کسیکه سرزده یا بدون اجازه وارد شود، مزاحم، مخل


1. to enter a country, town, or area using military force, in order to take control of it:
** The Romans invaded Britain 2000 years ago.

2. [transitive] to go into a place in large numbers, especially when you are not wanted:
** Every summer the town is invaded by tourists.
** Fans invaded the pitch at half-time.

3. [transitive] to get involved in something in an unwanted and annoying way:
** What right does he have to invade my privacy?
** Patients are given the feeling that they mustn't try to invade medical territory (=try to deal with things that are not their responsibility).

تاخت و تاز کردن در، هجوم کردن، تهاجم کردن، حمله کردن بر، تجاوز کردن


1. when the army of one country enters another country by force, in order to take control of it
invasion of:
** the invasion of Normandy

2. [countable] the arrival in a place of a lot of people or things, often where they are not wanted:
** the annual invasion of teenagers for the Glastonbury Festival

3. invasion of privacy: a situation in which someone tries to find out details about another person's private affairs in a way that is upsetting and often illegal

(Noun) تاخت و تاز، هجوم، تهاجم، استیلا، تعرض


[ countable]
a living creature that does not have a backbone

بدون استخوان پشت، بدون ستون فقرات، بی مهره، غیرذیفقار، (مجازا) نااستوار، بی عزم


[ only before noun]
1. inveterate liar/smoker/womanizer etc: someone who lies a lot, smokes a lot etc and cannot stop

2. inveterate fondness/distrust/hatred etc: an attitude or feeling that you have had for a long time and cannot change

(Adjective) دیرنه، ریشه کرده، معتاد، سر سخت، کینه آمیز


[ transitive]
1. if you invoke a law, rule etc, you say that you are doing something because the law allows or forces you to:
** The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.

2. to make a particular idea, image, or feeling appear in people's minds by describing an event or situation, or by talking about a person [↪ evoke]:
** a painting that invokes images of the Rocky Mountains
** During his speech, he invoked the memory of Harry Truman.

3. to use a law, principle, or theory to support your views

4. to operate a computer program

5. to ask for help from someone more powerful than you, especially a god:
** St. Genevieve is often invoked against plagues.

(Verb - transitive) دعا کردن به، طلب کردن، بالتماس خواستن


showing colours that seem to change in different lights:
** small iridescent blue flies

(Adjective) قوس قزحی، رنگین کمانی


[ transitive]
1. to supply land or crops with water:
** The water in Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area.
irrigated land/farms/crops:

2. to wash a wound with a flow of liquid

ابیاری کردن، اب دادن (به)


the artificial application of water to the land or soil.

(Noun) ابیاری


[ countable]
a narrow piece of land with water on both sides, that connects two larger areas of land:
** the Isthmus of Panama

(Noun) (جغرافی: باریکه زمینی که دو خشکی را به هم وصل می‌کند) برزخ، باریکه (میان دو دریا)، باریک زمین


** - the isthmus of Panama joins North and South America
** - برزخ پاناما امریکای شمالی را به امریکای جنوبی وصل می‌کند
(Noun) (کالبدشناسی - جانورشناسی : باریکه‌ای از بافت که دو بخش بزرگتر اندام را به هم وصل می‌کند - مجرای باریک میان دو حفره‌ی بزرگتر) تنگه، تنگراه، پل راه

** - the isthmus of the thyroid
** - پل راه غده‌ی تیروئید
** - the isthmus of the fallopian tubes
** - تنگراه لوله‌های فالوپ

jet lag

extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across different time zones.

** "she was suffering from jet lag and needed to rest"

خستگی و حالت کوفته فیزیکی بعد از پرواز بین مناطق زمانی مختلف


[ countable]
1. a picture cut up into many pieces that you try to fit together

2. [usually singular] a very complicated situation, especially one that you are trying to understand:
** As he explained, another piece of the jigsaw fell into place.

3. a tool for cutting out shapes in thin pieces of wood

(Noun) اره منبت کاری اره مویی


1. a yacht built with a permanent keel rather than a centreboard.

2. a large, flat freight boat used on American rivers.

(Noun) [امر] قایق پهن رودخانه، (انگلیس) قایق تفریحی لنگردار


[ countable]
a special oven for baking clay pots, bricks etc

کوره، اجاق، درکوره پختن


relating to movement:
** kinetic energy

(Adjective) جنبشی، وابسته بحرکت، وابسته به نیروی محرکه


an early motion-picture device in which the images were viewed through a peephole.

دستگاهی برای نمایش عکس ها به صورت پی در پی به عنوان فیلم در قدیم - شهر فرنگ


1. a family relationship:
** the ties of kinship

2. [singular, uncountable] a strong connection between people [↪ rapport]
kinship between:
** The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.
** He felt a kinship with the only other American on the base.

(Noun) خویشی، خویشاوندی، قوم وخویشی، بستگی، نسبت


the crest of a hill.

(. vi &. vt ): ضربه محکم و ناگهانی، ضربه زدن،شکستن(. n ): نوک، قله، بالای تپه، پشته

krebs cycle

the sequence of reactions by which most living cells generate energy during the process of aerobic respiration. It takes place in the mitochondria, using up oxygen and producing carbon dioxide and water as waste products, and ADP is converted to energy-rich ATP.

(زیست شیمی) چرخه ی کربس


[ countable]
the standard unit of money in Sweden and Iceland

(Noun) مسکوک ایسلند و سوئد معادل ۰/۲۰۲۶ دلار


1. [literary] heavily loaded with something, or containing a lot of something
laden with:
** The tables were laden with food.
fully/heavily laden:
** The lorry was fully laden.
** snow-laden branches

2. having a lot of a particular quality, thing etc
laden with:
** She was laden with doubts about the affair.
** trucks laden with equipment
** a debt-laden company

مملو، بارگیری شده، سنگین، پر ( por )، سنگین بار


1. [intransitive and transitive] to move or develop more slowly than others
lag behind:
** She stopped to wait for Ian who was lagging behind.
** Britain is lagging behind the rest of Europe.

2. to cover water pipes etc with a special material to prevent the water inside them from freezing or the heat from being lost:
** We've had the hot-water tank lagged.

کندی، لنگی، واماندگی، عقب ماندگی، عقب ماندن، لنگیدن، تاخیر کردن پس افت، تاخیر

lapis lazuli

a bright blue metamorphic rock consisting largely of lazurite, used for decoration and in jewellery.

(Noun Phrase) سنگ ارمنی، (مع.) لاجورد کاشی، سنگ لاجورد، لاجورد اصل


plural larvae [countable]

a young insect with a soft tube-shaped body, which will later become an insect with wings [= grub]

(Noun) کرم، کرم حشره، نوزاد حشره، لیسه


late-lying land is far above the level of the sea:

بالاتر از ارتفاع دریا


a triangular sail on a long yard at an angle of 45° to the mast.

(Adjective) بادبان مثلث شکل و تک، بادبان سه گوش
(Adjective) قایق دارای بادبان سه گوش (lateener هم میگویند)


[ uncountable]
hot liquid rock that flows from a volcano, or this rock when it has become solid

(Noun) گدازه، توده گداخته اتشفشانی، مواد مذاب اتشفشانی

law like

being like the law (as in methods, principles, or terminology)

مانند قانون


the past tense of lie1

خواباندن، دفن کردن، گذاردن، تخم گذاردن، داستان منظوم، آهنگ ملودی، الحان، غیر متخصص، نا ویژه کار، خارج از سلک روحانیت، غیر روحانی زمان گذشته ساده فعل Lie


1. one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its stem or branches:
** a flowering bush with large shiny leaves
leaf of:
** Add a few leaves of fresh basil to the salad.
be in leaf/come into leaf: (=have or start growing leaves, at a particular time of year)
** The forest was just coming into leaf.

2. take a leaf out of somebody's book: to copy the way someone else behaves because you want to be like them or be as successful as they are:
** They are committing $3m to research. We could take a leaf out of their book.

3. turn over a new leaf: to change the way you behave and become a better person:
** I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.

4. a page of a book:
** He slipped the letter between the leaves of his notebook. ➔ loose-leaf, overleaf

5. a part of the top of a table that can be taken out to make the table smaller

برگ، ورق، لایه، صفحه، لنگه، ورقه، دندانه، برگی شکل، برگ دادن، جوانه زدن، ورق زدن برگ


1. fair or reasonable:
** That's a perfectly legitimate question.
** Most scientists believe it is legitimate to use animals in medical research.

2. acceptable or allowed by law:
** Their business operations are perfectly legitimate.

3. a legitimate child is born to parents who are legally married to each other [≠ illegitimate]

حلال زاده، درست، برحق، قانونی، مشروع


[ countable]
a plant such as a bean plant that has seeds in a pod (=a long thin case)

(Noun) (گیاه شناسی) بنشن (گیاهان راسته‌ی Fabales که دو لپه‌ای هستند مانند نخود و لوبیا)، از تیره‌ی بقولات، (دانه‌ی این گیاهان) لوبیا، عدس، نخود (و غیره)


1. causing death, or able to cause death [↪ fatal]:
** a lethal dose of heroin
** a lethal weapon
** death by lethal injection
** a lethal cocktail of drink and pills
lethal to:
** These chemicals are lethal to fish.

2. [informal] likely to be powerful or dangerous - often used humorously:
** They were all drinking lethal amounts of tequila!
** Higher taxes and higher inflation were a lethal combination.

(Adjective) وابسته به مرگ کشنده، مهلک، مرگ اور


[ uncountable]
a grey, green, or yellow plant that spreads over the surface of stones and trees [↪ moss]

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) گلسنگ، باگلسنگ پوشاندن

lift out

to move something or someone upwards into the air:

lift somebody/something onto/into/out of etc something:

** They lifted Andrew onto the bed.

بلند کردن، سرقت کردن، بالا رفتن، مرتفع بنظرآمدن،بلندی، بالابری، یک وهله بلند کردن بار، دزدی،سرقت،ترقی، پیشرفت، ترفیع، اسانسور، بالارو، جر ثقیل، بالابر


a complex organic polymer deposited in the cell walls of many plants, making them rigid and woody.

(Noun) (گیاه شناسی) لیگنین (مادهی سلولز مانند و آلی که لیفهای سلولز را بههم وصل میکند)


[ uncountable]
a type of rock that contains calcium

(Noun) سنگ اهک


[ intransitive and transitive]
to become liquid, or make something become liquid

( liquify )ابگون کردن، گداختن، تبدیل به مایع کردن


[ uncountable]
the state of being able to read and write [≠ illiteracy; ↪ numeracy]:
** a new adult literacy campaign ➔ computer literacy

(Noun) سواد، با سوادی، سواد خواندن ونوشتن


[ plural, uncountable]
animals such as cows and sheep that are kept on a farm

(Noun) چارپایان اهلی، مواشی وگاو وگوسفندی که برای کشتاریافروش پرورش شود، احشام

loose pebbles

rocks with a size of 2 to 64 millimeters which can be found under the surface of a river and sometimes are used for decorative purposes

سنگ های تزئینی کف رودخانه ای


low-lying country.

** "economic power gravitated towards the lowlands"

زمین گود، زمین پست، زمین فرو افتاده، پست زمین وابسته به پست زمین دشت (در مقایسه با کوهستان)


** - the Lowlands
** - جلگه های زیرین (اسکاتلند)


[ countable]
a large wild cat that has no tail and lives in forests [= bobcat American English]

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) سیاه گوش، وشق، صورت فلکی شمالی


[ uncountable]
1. machines, especially large ones
agricultural/industrial/factory etc machinery:
** The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site.
** a piece of machinery

2. a system or set of processes for doing something
machinery of:
** the machinery of government
machinery for (doing) something:
** The company has no effective machinery for resolving disputes.

3. the parts inside a machine that make it work:
** Be careful not to get anything caught in the machinery.

ماشین الات ماشین ها، دستگاه، تشکیلات و سازمان


used to mention the main part or cause of something, the main reason for something etc:
** Her illness was caused mainly by stress.
** The workforce is mainly made up of women.
** I don't go out much, mainly because I have to look after the kids.
** Increased sales during the summer were mainly due to tourism.
** We talked about various things - work, mainly.

بیشتر ،اساسا ،اصلا،در اصل،بطور عمده


the mainstay of something:a) an important part of something that makes it possible for it to work properly or continue to exist:
** Agriculture is still the mainstay of the country's economy.b) someone who does most of the important work for a group or organization:
** She was the mainstay of the team.

(Noun) (دریا نوردی) مهار اصلی که از نوک شاه دگل تا پایدگل جلو امت داد دارد، تکیه گاه اصلی، وابستگی عمده، نقطه اتکا


[ countable]
1. also mandarin orange a kind of small orange with skin that is easy to remove

2. an important government official who people think has too much power:
** Civil Service mandarins

3. an important government official in the former Chinese empire

(Noun) (درچین قدیم) مامورین عالیرتبه


[ uncountable]
a grey-white metal that breaks easily and is used to make steel and glass. It is a chemicalelement: symbol Mn

(Noun) منگنز


[ transitive]
1. to show a feeling, attitude etc:
** The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.
manifest something in/as/through something:
** A dog's protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.

2. manifest itself: to appear or to become easy to see:
** His illness began to manifest itself at around this time.

بازنمود کردن، بارز، اشکار، اشکار ساختن، معلوم کردن، فاش کردن، اشاره، خبر، اعلامیه، بیانیه، نامه


1. take on/assume/wear the mantle of something:[formal] to accept or have an important duty or job:
** It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues.

2. a mantle of snow/darkness etc:[literary] something such as snow or darkness that covers a surface or area:
** A mantle of snow lay on the trees.

3. a loose piece of outer clothing without sleeves, worn especially in former times

4. a cover that is put over the flame of a gas or oil lamp to make it shine more brightly

5. the part of the Earth around the central core

شنل زنانه، بالاپوش، ردا، پوشش، کلاه توری


1. a book or piece of writing before it is printed

in manuscript:

** I read his novel in manuscript.

** Unfortunately, parts of the original manuscript have been lost.

2. a book or document written by hand before printing was invented:

** a fine collection of medieval manuscripts

(Noun) دستخط، کتاب خطی، نسخه خطی، نوشته

(Noun) دست خط، نسخه خطی


1. a tree which grows mainly in northern countries such as Canada. Its leaves have five points and turn red or gold in autumn.

2. the wood from a maple

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) افرا، اچ، چوب افرا


[ countable]
1. the empty space at the side of a page:
** Someone had scribbled a note in the margin.
** Use double spacing and wide margins to leave room for comments.

2. the difference in the number of votes, points etc that exists between the winners and the losers of a competition or election
by a wide/narrow/significant etc margin:
** They're a world-class team and it was no surprise that they won by such a wide margin.
by a margin of 10 points/100 votes etc:
** The bill was approved by a margin of 55 votes.

3. the difference between what it costs a business to buy or produce something and what they sell it for:
** Margins are low and many companies are struggling.
** Within 10 years they had a gross profit margin of 50%.

4. [usually singular] an additional amount of something such as time, money, or space that you include in order to make sure that you are successful in achieving something:
** It'll take about 30 minutes to dry but I'd allow a safety margin of, say, another 10 minutes.

5. margin of error: the degree to which a calculation might or can be wrong:
** The survey has a margin of error of 2.1%.

(Noun) (کاغذ، نوشته) حاشیه


** - leave a margin
** - حاشیه گذاشتن
** - in the margin
** - در حاشیه
(Noun) (رودخانه، دریاچه و غیره) حاشیه، کنار، کناره، کرانه، لب، لبه
(Noun) اختلاف، تفاوت، فاصله

** - by a wide / narrow margin
** - با تفاوت زیاد / کم، با اختلاف زیاد / کم
** - the escaped danger by a narrow margin
** - خطر از بیخ گوشش رد شد
(Noun) مازاد، مقدار اضافی، ذخیره
(Noun) حد، سرحد، مرز، کنار، حاشیه
(Noun) (بازرگانی) سود ناخالص، مابه‌التفاوت، محل، جا


[ only before noun]
1. relating to the sea and the creatures that live there:
** the enormous variety of marine life
** the effects of oil pollution on marine mammals
** marine biology

2. relating to ships or the navy [= maritime]

دریایی، بحری، وابسته به دریانوردی، تفنگدار دریایی


[ only before noun]
1. relating to the sea or ships [= marine]:
** San Francisco has lost nearly all of its maritime industry.

2. near the sea:
** the Canadian maritime provinces

(Adjective) بحری، دریایی، وابسته به بازرگانی دریایی، وابسته بدریانوردی، استان بحری یاساحلی


[ uncountable]
a dark brownish red colour

(گیاه‌شناسی) شاه بلوط اروپایی، در جزیره دور افتاده یا جاهای مشابهی رها شدن یا گیر افتادن رنگ زرشکی ، رنگ خرمایی مایل بقرمز


Marrakesh, a former imperial city in western Morocco, is a major economic center and home to mosques, palaces and gardens.



1. the soft fatty substance in the hollow centre of bones [= bone marrow]:
** a bone marrow transplant

2. a large long dark green vegetable that grows on the ground

3. chilled/frozen/shocked etc to the marrow:[literary] very cold, shocked etc

(Noun) مغز استخوان، مخ، مغز، قسمت عمده، جوهر


[ uncountable and countable]
an area of low flat ground that is always wet and soft [↪ bog, swamp]

(Noun) مرداب، سیاه اب، لجن زار، باتلاق


[ countable]
1. an officer of the highest rank in the army or air force of some countries:
** Marshal Zhukov
** the Marshal of the Royal Airforce

2. an official in charge of an important public event or ceremony:
** Heston has been named grand marshal of the parade.

3. a person who controls crowds, traffic etc at a sports event or other public event:
** I could see a marshal on the finish line waving a yellow flag.

4. federal/US marshal: a police officer employed by the national government to make sure people do what a court order says they must do

5. American English the officer in charge of a fire department

مارشال، ارتشبد، کلانتر، سردسته، به ترتیب نشان دادن، راهنمایی کردن با(تشریفات)، مرتب کردن


characteristic of or resembling a marsh; waterlogged.

** "the marshy ground towards the sea"

(Adjective) باتلاقی


[ intransitive and transitive]
to feel or express great surprise or admiration at something, especially someone's behaviour:
** 'The man is a genius,' marvelled Claire.
marvel at/over:
** I marvelled at my mother's ability to remain calm in a crisis.
** Visitors to Rome marvel over the beauty of the city.
marvel that:
** I marvelled that anyone could be so stupid.

چیز شگفت، شگفتی، تعجب، اعجاز، حیرت زده شدن، شگفت داشتن


[ countable]
1. a tall pole on which the sails or flags on a ship are hung

2. a tall metal tower that sends out radio and television signals:
** a radio mast

3. a tall pole on which a flag is hung

تیر، دکل یکپارچه، دیرک، بادکل مجهز کردن


1. cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc [= fabric]:
** curtain material
** scraps of material
** a cape made of a soft material

2. a solid substance such as wood, plastic, or metal:
** materials like wood or stone
organic/plant material:
** Animals depend on plant material for food.
** harmful radioactive material
** a paper company which imports raw materials (=substances which have not been treated) from North America.
** recycled material

3. the things that are used for making or doing something
reading/writing etc material(s):
** Videos often make good teaching material.
** a supply of building materials
** artists' materials

4. [uncountable]information or ideas used in books, films etc:
** His act contains a lot of new material.
material for:
** Anita is collecting material for a novel.
** the raw material (=information that has not been carefully examined) for an article

5. officer/executive etc material: someone who is good enough for a particular job or position:
** He's a good soldier, but not really officer material.

جنس، ماده، مصالح، مادی مادی، جسمانی، مهم، عمده، کلی، جسمی، اساسی، اصولی،مناسب، مقتضی، مربوط، جسم، ماده


[ countable]
1. an arrangement of numbers, letters, or signs in rows and columns that you consider to be one amount, and that you use in solving mathematical problems:
** a matrix table

2. a situation from which a person or society can grow and develop:
** the cultural matrix

3. a living part in which something is formed or develops, such as the substance from which your fingernails grow

4. amould (=hollow container) into which melted metal, plastic, etc is poured to form a shape

5. the rock in which hard stones or jewels have formed

(Noun) زهدان، رحم، بچه دان، موطن، جای پیدایش
(Noun) ماتریس


someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave [≠ immature]:

** Laura is very mature for her age.

** We're mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other.

بحد بلوغ یا رشد رساندن، کامل کردن بالغ، رشد کردن، کامل، سررسیده شده


[ countable]
1. a complicated and confusing arrangement of streets, roads etc
maze of streets/paths/tunnels etc:
** the maze of narrow streets
** I was led through a maze of corridors.

2. a large number of rules, instructions etc which are complicated and difficult to understand
maze of rules/regulations etc:
** a maze of new laws

3. a specially designed system of paths, often in a park or public garden, which is difficult to find your way through:
** We got completely lost in the maze.
** the famous Hampton Court maze

4. a children's game on paper in which you try to draw a line through a complicated group of lines without crossing any of them

جای پرپیچ وخم، پیچ وخم، پلکان مارپیچ، سرسام، هذیان


[ countable]
a field with wild grass and flowers

(Noun) چمن، چمن زار، مرغزار، راغ، علفزار


the past tense and past participle ofmean

زمان گذشته ساده فعل Mean قسمت سوم فعل Mean


1. affecting or involving a machine:
** The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure.
** The plane had to make an emergency landing because of mechanical problems.

2. using power from an engine or machine to do a particular kind of work:
** a mechanical digger
** a mechanical device

3. a mechanical action, reply etc is done without thinking, and has been done many times before:
** He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.

4. someone who is mechanical understands how machines work

5. relating to or produced by physical forces:
** the mechanical properties of solids

مکانیکی، ماشینی، غیر فکری


1. connected with the Middle Ages(=the period between about AD 1100 and 1500):
** These spices were first brought to Italy from the East in medieval times.
** a medieval castle

2. very old or old-fashioned - used in a humorous or disapproving way:
** The plumbing in this house is positively medieval!

(Adjective) ( mediaeval ) قرون وسطی، قرون وسطایی


[ only before noun]
concerned with trade [= commercial]:
** mercantile law

(Adjective) تجارتی، بازرگانی

mesonychids / mesonychia

Mesonychia is an extinct taxon of small- to large-sized carnivorous digitigrade ungulates related to the cetartiodactyls.

میان‌ پنجه‌ سانان


[ uncountable and countable]
an American tree or bush, or the wood from it that is used to give food a special taste when cooking on a barbecue

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) کهور


[ transitive]
to change food in your body into energy and new cells, using chemical processes

دگرگون کردن از طریق متابولیزم


[ uncountable]
the scientific study of metals and their uses

(Noun) فن استخراج وذوب فلزات، فلزگری، فلز کاری


1. [GEOLOGY] denoting or relating to rock that has undergone transformation by heat, pressure, or other natural agencies, e.g. in the folding of strata or the nearby intrusion of igneous rocks.

** "metamorphic gneisses"

2. of or marked by metamorphosis.

** "the supermodels' metamorphic ability to bend their looks"

(Adjective) دگردیس

meteoric water

the water derived from precipitation (snow and rain). This includes water from lakes, rivers, and icemelts, which all originate from precipitation indirectly.

آب هایی مانند آب باران و برف که حاصل بارش از آسمان هستند.


[ countable]
a piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth

(Noun) سنگ اسمانی، شخانه


a habitat which is of small or limited extent and which differs in character from some surrounding more extensive habitat

زیستگاهی که در اندازه کوچک تر و محدودتر از سایر زیستگاه ها است


Region of the United States is a physiographic province that extends from northern Texas and covers portions of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma.

ناحیه ای در قاره آمریکا از تگزاس شمالی تا نبراسکا و کانزاس


involved in or relating to migration:
** migratory birds

وابسته به مهاجرت، مهاجرت کننده، جابجا شونده


[ uncountable]
a common North American plant that produces a bitter white substance when its stem is broken

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) پادزهر رسمی، استبرق


[ countable]
1. grain: a building containing a large machine for crushing grain into flour

2. cotton/cloth/steel: a factory that produces materials such as cotton, cloth, or steel
cotton/steel/paper etc mill:
** an old Victorian cotton mill

3. coffee/pepper mill: a small machine for crushing coffee or pepper

4. go through the mill: to go through a time when you experience a lot of difficulties and problems:
** He's really been through the mill recently.

5. put somebody through the mill: to make someone answer a lot of difficult questions or do a lot of difficult things in order to test them:
** It was a three day course and they really put us through the mill.

اسیاب، ماشین، کارخانه، اسیاب کردن، کنگره دار کردن


[ countable]
1. a period of 1000 years:
** people who have inhabited this land for millennia

2. the time when a new 1000-year period begins:
** the beginning of a new millennium
** events which took place at the turn of the last millennium

(Noun) هزار سال، هزارمین سال، هزاره


[ uncountable]
the small seeds of a plant similar to grass, used as food

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) ارزن، گندمیان ( gramineae )



1. grain a building containing a large machine for crushing grain into flour

2. cotton/cloth/steel: a factory that produces materials such as cotton, cloth, or steel

اسیاب، ماشین، کارخانه، اسیاب کردن، کنگره دار کردن


a deep hole or holes in the ground that people dig so that they can remove coal, gold, tin etc

کان، معدن، منبع، راه زیر زمینیمعدن حفر کردن، معدن کندن، استخراج کردن یا شدن


[ countable]
1. a singer or musician in the Middle Ages

2. one of a group of white singers and dancers who pretended to be black while performing in popular shows in the 1920s

خنیاگر، نوازنده سیار، شاعر، نقال


1. a light cloud low over the ground that makes it difficult for you to see very far [↪ fog]:
** We could just see the outline of the house through the mist.
** Next morning, the whole town was shrouded in mist (=covered in mist).

2. lost in the mists of time: if something such as a fact or secret is lost in the mists of time, no one remembers it because it happened so long ago:
** The real reasons for the war are now lost in the mists of time.

3. see something through a mist of tears:[literary] to see something while you are crying

مه، غبار، تاری چشم، ابهام، مه گرفتن


1. [transitive] to encourage people to support something in an active way:
** an attempt to mobilize popular opinion
** a campaign to mobilize support for the strike

2. [transitive] to start to use the things or people you have available in order to achieve something:
** They failed to mobilize their resources effectively.

3. if a country mobilizes or mobilizes its army, it prepares to fight a war [↪ demobilize]

4. [transitive] to help something to move more easily:
** The physiotherapist mobilizes the patient's shoulder.

بسیج کردن، تجهیز کردن، متحرک کردن


[ uncountable]
small amounts of water that are present in the air, in a substance, or on a surface:
** Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.
** Your skin's moisture content varies according to weather conditions.

(Noun) رطوبت، نم


the American spelling of mould

قارچ انگلی گیاهان، کپک قارچی، کپرک، کپرک زدن،قالب، کالبد، با قالب بشکل دراوردن


a type of sea or land animal that has a soft body covered by a hard shell:

** snails and other molluscs

( mollusc ) جانور نرم تن، حلزون

molten rock

molten rock, metal, or glass has been heated to a very high temperature and has become a hot thick liquid.

سنگ گداخته شده


1. the system in which a country is ruled by a king or queen:
** the abolition of the monarchy

2. a country that is ruled by a king or queen [↪ republic]

3. the monarchy: the king or queen of a country, and his or her family:
** People are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more.

(Noun) سلطنت، پادشاهی، حکومت سلطنتی، حکومت پادشاهی، رژیم سلطنتی
(Noun) خانواده‌ی سلطنتی


[ only before noun]
relating to money, especially all the money in a particular country:
** the government's tight monetary policy
** objects of little monetary value

(Adjective) پولی


1. a monolithic building is very large, solid, and impressive

2. a monolithic organization, political system etc is very large and powerful and difficult to change:
** a monolithic movie company

یک پارچه


[ transitive]
1. to have complete control over something so that other people cannot share it or take part in it:
** The company has monopolized the soft drinks market.
** He monopolized the conversation all evening.

2. to use a lot of someone's time or attention:
** Virtually all her time and energy is now monopolized by the children.

(Verb - transitive) بخود انحصار دادن، امتیاز انحصاری گرفتن


[ countable]
a mass of earth or pieces of rock moved along by a glacier and left in a line at the bottom of it

(Noun) (ز.ش.) سنگ وخاکی که در اثر توده یخ غلتان جابجا و انباشته شود، یخ سفت، یخ رفت


[ uncountable]
fine soft leather used especially for covering books

(Noun) مراکش، کشور مغرب


[ uncountable and countable]
a very small green plant that grows in a thick soft furry mass on wet soil, trees, or rocks

(Noun) خزه، باخزه پوشاندن


[ countable]
1. an idea, subject, or image that is regularly repeated and developed in a book, film, work of art etc:
** The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.

2. a small picture or pattern used to decorate something plain:
** a white T-shirt with a blue fish motif

3. an arrangement of notes that is often repeated in a musical work

(Noun) موتیف، موضوع، اصل، مایه اصلی، شکل عمده


a decorative image or design, especially a repeated one forming a pattern.

** "the colourful hand-painted motifs which adorn narrowboats"

a dominant or recurring idea in an artistic work.

** "superstition is a recurring motif in the book"

(Noun) موتیف، موضوع، اصل، مایه اصلی، شکل عمده


[ countable]
1. a pile of earth or stones that looks like a small hill:
** an ancient burial mound
mound of:
** a small mound of dirt

2. a large pile of something
mound of:
** There's a mound of papers on my desk.
** The waiter appeared with a huge mound of spaghetti.

3. the small hill that the pitcher stands on in the game of baseball

تپه، پشته، برامدگی، خرپشته، ماهور، با خاک ریزمحصور کردن، خاک ریزساختن

mountain flank

A lateral part or side of a mountain

پهلو یا سمت یک کوه


[ countable usually plural]
1. an area of muddy land that is covered by the sea when it comes up at high tide and uncovered when it goes down at low tide

2. the muddy bottom of a dry lake

زمین صاف گلی که هنگام برکشند زیر آب میرود


[ uncountable]
1. a yellow sauce with a strong taste, eaten especially with meat

2. a plant with yellow flowers and seeds that are used to make mustard sauce

3. a yellow-brown colour

4. cut the mustard:[informal] to be good enough to do something:
** Other magazines have tried to copy ZAPP, but have never quite cut the mustard.

(Noun) خردل، درخت خردل


The Mutoscope was an early motion picture device, patented by Herman Casler on November 21, 1894. Like Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope it did not project on a screen, and provided viewing to only one person at a time.

دستگاهی ابتدایی برای نمایش عکس ها پشت سر هم مانند فیلم


1. the doctrine that mutual dependence is necessary to social well-being.

2. [BIOLOGY] symbiosis which is beneficial to both organisms involved.

اصول همکاری، همزیستی دوموجود


[ uncountable and countable]
1. an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true [= fallacy]
myth of:
** the myth of male superiority
myth that:
** the myth that wisdom accompanies old age
** Contrary to popular myth, the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness.
explode/dispel a myth: (=show that it is not true)
** It was important to dispel the myth that Aids was a gay disease.

2. an ancient story, especially one invented in order to explain natural or historical events
myth of:
** the myth of Orpheus
** the giants of myth and fairytale

(Noun) افسانه، اسطوره


** - Greek and Roman myths
** - اسطوره‌های یونان و روم
** - the myth of Rustam and Sohrab
** - اسطوره‌ی رستم و سهراب
(Noun) چیز موهوم، چیز خیالی، خیال، وهم، باور نادرست


a benign tumour of connective tissue containing mucus or gelatinous material.

(پزشکی - غده ی بافتهای همبند که حاوی مواد لزج است) میگزوم


[ countable]
1. the person who tells the story in a book or a play

2. the person who describes or explains what is happening in a film or television programme but who is not seen

(Noun) گوینده، راوی، گوینده داستان


1. [only before noun] your native country, town etc is the place where you were born [↪ home]:
** They never saw their native land again.
** He spent most of his professional life outside his native Poland.

2. native New Yorker/population/inhabitants etc: a person or people who come from or have always lived in a particular place

3. native language/tongue: the language you spoke when you first learned to speak [= first language]:
** English is not the native language for almost half of our overseas visitors.

4. growing, living, produced etc in one particular place [= indigenous]:
** Singapore has many native species of palm.
native to:
** These fish are native to North America.

5. [only before noun] native customs, traditions etc are related to people who lived in a particular country before European people arrived there:
** the native traditions of Peru
** stalls selling native jewelry
** native folklore

بومی، اهلی، محلی


[ countable]
1. a mass of gas and dust among the stars, which often appears as a bright cloud in the sky at night

2. a galaxy (=mass of stars) which appears as a bright cloud in the sky at night

(Noun) (ستاره‌شناسی) سحابی (توده‌های عظیم گاز و گرد مابین فواصل ستارگان جاده شیری)
(Noun) (چشم پزشکی) تاری مختصر قرنیه
(Noun) افشانه، داروی افشاندنی


[ transitive]
to make it necessary for you to do something:
** Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.
necessitate doing something:
** This would necessitate interviewing all the staff.

(Verb - transitive) ایجاب کردن، مستلزم بودن
ناگزیر ساختن، بایسته کردن، بایستن، واجب کردن، مجبورکردن


the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply.

(Noun) مردن نسوج زنده، فساد، بافت مردگی، مردگی


[ uncountable]
1. the sweet liquid that bees collect from flowers

2. thick juice made from particular fruit:
** mango nectar

3. the drink of the gods, in the stories of ancient Greece

(Noun) شراب لذیذ خدایان یونان، شهد، شربت، نوش


a nectar-secreting glandular organ in a flower (floral) or on a leaf or stem (extrafloral).

اندام شهد ساز (به ویژه گل)، نوش ساز


too slight or unimportant to have any effect [= insignificant]:
** The damage done to his property was negligible.

(Adjective) ناچیز، جزئی، بی اهمیت، قابل فراموشی


1. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics
negotiate with:
** The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
negotiate an agreement/contract etc:
** Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.
** His first aim is to get the warring parties back to the negotiating table (=discussing something).

2. to succeed in getting past or over a difficult place on a path, road etc:
** Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner.

گفتگو کردن، مذاکره کردن، به پول نقد تبدیل کردن(چک و برات)، طی کردن


a newborn child (or other mammal).

an infant less than four weeks old.

(Noun) نوزاد (به ویژه تا یک ماهگی)


[ countable]
1. birds: a place made or chosen by a bird to lay its eggs in and to live in:
** a bird's nest
** In May the females build a nest and lay their eggs.
** Young eagles leave the nest after only two months.

2. insects/animals: a place where insects or small animals live:
** a field mouse's nest

3. leave/fly the nest: to leave your parents' home and start living somewhere else when you are an adult:
** Both daughters were ready to fly the nest.

4. nest of spies/thieves/intrigue etc: a place where people are secretly doing a lot of illegal or dishonest things

5. nest of tables/boxes etc: a set of tables etc that fit inside each other

اشیانه، لانه، اشیانه ای کردن اشیانه، لانه، اسایشگاه، پاتوق، لانه ساختن، اشیان کردن، اشیان گرفتن، درمحل محفوظی جای گرفتن، پیچیدن


in spite of a fact that you have just mentioned [= nonetheless]:
** What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.

(Conjunction) با وجود این،با اینهمه،با این وصف،معهذا


1. [countable] if you find your niche, you find a job or activity that is very suitable for you:
** Amanda soon found her niche at the club.
** He's managed to create a niche for himself in local politics.

2. an opportunity to sell a product or service to a particular group of people who have similar needs, interests etc
niche in:
** He spotted a niche in the market.

3. a hollow place in a wall, often made to hold a statue

تو رفتگی در دیوار، طاقچه، توی دیوار گذاشتن


1. bite or pinch sharply.

** "one of the dogs nipped him on the leg"

2. go quickly.

** "I'm just nipping down to the Post Office"

(Adjective) سرد، گزنده، تند


[ countable]
a member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals

(Noun) کوچ گر، بدوی، چادر نشین، ایلیاتی، خانه بدوش،صحرانشین


1. nomadic people are nomads:
** nomadic herdsmen

2. if someone leads a nomadic life, they travel from place to place and do not live in any one place for very long:
** The son of an airforce pilot, he had a somewhat nomadic childhood.

(Adjective) چادر نشین، وابسته به کوچ گری


describing or establishing a set of rules or standards of behaviour:
** normative guidelines for senators

هنجاری، قاعدهای، اصولی، معیاری، قانونی، اصلی


[ uncountable and countable]
a system of written marks or signs used to represent something such as music, mathematics, or scientific ideas

(Noun) نماد سازی، یاد داشت، ثبت، توجه، بخاطر سپاری،حاشیه نویسی
(Noun) نشان گذاری


famous or well-known for something bad [= infamous]:
** a notorious computer hacker
** notorious cases of human rights abuses
notorious for:
** a judge notorious for his cruelty and corruption

(Adjective) بدنام رسوا


1. [uncountable] the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting
novelty of:
** the novelty of the ideas
** Many toys have no attraction beyond their novelty value.
** It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off (=it became boring).

2. [countable] something new and unusual which attracts people's attention and interest:
** Then the Internet was still something of a novelty.

3. an unusual, small, cheap object, often given as a present:
** a selection of novelties and t-shirts
** a novelty key-ring

(Noun) تازگی، نوظهوری، چیز تازه، چیز نو


[ countable]
1. a place where young children are taken care of during the day while their parents are at work

2. a place where plants and trees are grown and sold

3. nursery education/unit/teacher etc: education etc for young children from three to five years old ➔ nursery school

4. a room in a hospital where babies that have just been born are looked after

5. a baby's bedroom or a room in a house where young children play

(Noun) محل نگاه داری اطفال شیر خوار، پرورشگاه، شیرخوارگاه، قلمستان، گلخانه، نوزادگاه


[ uncountable and countable]
a large tree that is common in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree:
** an oak door

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) بلوط، چوب بلوط


a long pole with a wide flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat [↪ paddle]

پارو، پارو زدن


[ countable]
someone who rows a boat, especially in races [↪ rower]

(Noun) پارو زن، پارو زن مسابقات قایقرانی


[ transitive]
to treat a person or idea as a physical object:
** a culture that objectifies women

خاصیت و ماهیت چیزی رامعین کردن، بنظر اوردن، بصورت مادی و خارجی مجسم کردن


[ transitive]
1. to destroy something completely so that nothing remains:
** Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.

2. to remove a thought, feeling, or memory from someone's mind:
** Nothing could obliterate the memory of those tragic events.

3. to cover something completely so that it cannot be seen:
** Then the fog came down, obliterating everything.

ستردن، محو کردن، زدودن، پاک کردن، معدوم کردن


1. not well known and usually not very important:
** an obscure poet
** The details of his life remain obscure.

2. difficult to understand:
** obscure legal phrases
** For some obscure reason, the group is very popular.

تیره، تار، محو، مبهم، نامفهوم، گمنام، تیره کردن،تاریک کردن، مبهم کردن، گمنام کردن


1. [uncountable and countable] the process of watching something or someone carefully for a period of timeCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
be under observation : (=being watched carefully)
keep somebody under observation:
somebody's powers of observation : (=someone's ability to notice things)
close/careful/detailed observation:
direct observation:
personal observation:
observation of:
** Bloomfield's approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language.
** He spent two nights under close observation in hospital.
** His orders were to keep the men under observation.
** Art classes help develop children's powers of observation.
** Careful observation suggests that this is not the case.
** Detailed observations were carried out on the behaviour of the students.
** From their direct observations, children absorb a model of marriage.

2. [countable] something that you notice when watching something or someone:
** Some interesting observations emerged from this research.

3. [countable] a spoken or written remark about something you have noticed
observation on:
** Darwin's observations on the habits of certain birds
observation about:
** Paz makes some observations about the role of the critic.

4. [uncountable] the act of obeying a law etc [= observance]

(Noun) مشاهده، ملاحظه، نظر


[ uncountable]
a type of rock that looks like black glass

(Noun) (سنگ شناسی- سنگ آتشفشانی سیاه و شیشه مانند) ابسدین


no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented [↪ out-of-date]:
** obsolete weapons
** computer hardware that quickly became obsolete
** Will computers render (=make) books obsolete?

(Adjective) منسوخ، مهجور، متروکه، کهنه، از کار افتاده
(Adjective) مهجور، غیرمتداول، متروک


1. [not before noun] busy doing something
occupied with:
** His time was occupied with the children.
** She's fully occupied with work.
** The museum has enough exhibits to keep anyone occupied for an hour or two.
** I kept myself occupied by watching television.

2. [not before noun] a bed, chair, room etc that is occupied is being used:
** Sorry, this seat is occupied.

3. an occupied place is controlled by an army from another country:
** occupied territories

مشغول، سر کار


1. [countable] something that happens [↪ occurrence]
frequent/rare/common occurrence:
** Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.
** Flooding in the area is a common occurrence.

2. [singular] the fact of something happening
occurrence of:
** The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.

(Noun) رویداد، خطور
(Noun) رخداد، وقوع، اتفاق، تصادف، رویداد، پیشامد، واقعه


1. in or under the sea and not far from the coast [↪ inshore, onshore]:
** offshore oil fields
** an offshore island

2. offshore banks/companies/investments etc: banks etc that are based abroad in a country where you pay less tax than in your home country:
** offshore financial centres

3. offshore wind/current etc: a wind etc that is blowing or moving away from the land [≠ onshore]

از جانب ساحل، دور از ساحل، قسمت ساحلی دریا


[ countable]
1. someone's child or children - often used humorously:
** a young mother trying to control her offspring

2. an animal's baby or babies:
** a lion and its offspring

(Noun) زادو ولد، فرزند، اولاد، مبدا، منشا


[ only before noun]
connected with the sense of smell:
** the olfactory cells in the nose

وابسته بحس بویایی


[ uncountable]
a peaceful feeling of being part of a whole
oneness with:
** a sense of oneness with nature

(Noun) یکتایی، یگانگی، برابری، وحدت، یکی بودن


[ singular]
a strong fast movement forward, or the sudden development of something
onrush of:
** the first onrush of the epidemic

(Noun) حمله، پیشروی، یورش


the onset of something: the beginning of something, especially something bad:
** the onset of winter

(Noun) تاخت و تاز، حمله، هجوم، اصابت، وهله، شروع


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]
1. if a thick liquid oozes from something or if something oozes a thick liquid, that liquid flows from it very slowly
ooze from/out of/through:
** The ice cream was melting and oozing out of its wrapper.
** A cut on his cheek was still oozing blood.

2. to show a lot of a particular quality or feeling:
** Andrew laughed gently, oozing charm.

شیره، شهد، چکیده، جریان، جاری، رسوخ، لجنزار، بستردریا، تراوش کردن، اهسته جریان یافتن، بیرون دادن،لای


1. to use and control a machine or equipment:
** The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.
** Clive was experienced in operating the computers.b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a machine operates in a particular way, it works in that way
operate in/at:
** Check that the equipment is operating in a safe manner.
** The bus is designed to operate in all weather conditions.
** Most freezers operate at below -18°C.

2. business/organization:a) [intransitive] if a business or organization operates in a particular place or way, it works in that place or way
operate in/within/from:
** a design company operating from offices in Seattle.
** A playgroup operates on the campus.
** They were trying to reduce operating costs.b) [transitive] to control a business or organization:
** Nuns are operating an emergency hospital.

3. system/process/service: [intransitive and transitive] if a system, process, or service operates, or if you operate it, it works:
** The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.
** The new law doesn't operate in our favour.
** The car parks operate a pay-as-you-leave system.
** The bus company operates a Monday to Saturday service.

4. to cut into someone's body in order to repair or remove a part that is damaged:
** Doctors had to operate to remove the bullet.
operate on:
** the surgeon who operated on Taylor's knee! A surgeon does not 'operate' a part of a person's body. He or she operates on it: They need to operate on her stomach (NOT operate her stomach).

5. work: [intransitive] to do your job or try to achieve things in a particular way:
** Most people just can't operate in noisy, crowded conditions.
** Older children often like to operate independently.

بفعالیت واداشتن، بکار انداختن، گرداندن، اداره کردن، راه انداختن، دایر بودن، عمل جراحی کردن عمل کردن، بکار انداختن، بهره برداری کردن


(of a person) controling the functioning of (a machine, process, or system).

عامل، عملیاتی


[ uncountable and countable]
rock or earth from which metal can be obtained:
** iron ore
** veins of rich ore

سنگ معدن، سنگ دارای فلز


1. be oriented to/towards/around something/somebody: to give a lot of attention to one type of activity or one type of person:
** a course that is oriented towards the needs of businessmen
** A lot of the training is orientated around communications skills.
** The organization is strongly oriented towards research

2. orient yourself:a) to find exactly where you are by looking around you or using a map [↪ disorient, disorientated]:
** She looked at the street names, trying to orient herself.b) to become familiar with a new situation
orient yourself to:
** It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life.

خاور، کشورهای خاوری، درخشندگی بسیار، مشرق زمین،شرق، بطرف خاور رفتن، جهت یابی کردن، بجهت معینی راهنمایی کردن، میزان کردن


1. [uncountable and countable] the type of activity or subject that a person or organization seems most interested in and gives most attention to
orientation towards/to:
** The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.
** How can we get students to adopt a serious orientation to learning?
orientation of:
** He was unhappy with the commercial orientation of the organization.

2. [uncountable and countable] the political opinions or religious beliefs that someone has
political/religious orientation:
** The meeting is open to everyone, whatever their political or religious orientation.
** The party has a broadly socialist orientation.

3. sexual orientation: the fact that someone is heterosexual or homosexual:
** Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.

4. a period of time during which people are trained and prepared for a new job or course of study:
** This is orientation week for all the new students.

5. [countable] the angle or position of an object, or the direction in which it is facing

(Noun) اشنایی، راهنمایی، جهت یابی
(Noun) گرایش، جهت، جهت یابی


1. a small object that you keep in your house because it is beautiful rather than useful:
** a shelf covered with books and ornaments
** china ornaments

2. decoration that is added to something:
** The building style is plain, with very little ornament.
for ornament:
** The coins were only ever used for ornament, not as currency.

پیرایه، زیور، زینت، اراستن، ارایش، تزئین کردن


1. something that is ostentatious looks very expensive and is designed to make people think that its owner must be very rich:
** She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring.
** an ostentatious display of wealth

2. someone who is ostentatious likes to show everyone how rich they are:
** He was vain and ostentatious.

متظاهر، خودنما، خودفروش


[ transitive]
if a group of people ostracize someone, they refuse to accept them as a member of the group:
** She was afraid that if she spoke up her colleagues would ostracize her.
** He was ostracized by the other students.

(Verb - transitive) با ارا عمومی تبعید کردن، از حقوق اجتماعی و سیاسی محروم کردن، از وجهه عمومی انداختن


[ countable]
1. a large African bird with long legs, that runs very quickly but cannot fly

2. [informal] someone who does not deal with difficult problems but tries to pretend that they do not exist

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) شتر مرغ


[ countable]
an animal with smooth brown fur that swims in rivers and eats fish

(جانورشناسی) سمور دریایی، جانور ماهیخوار


[ countable]
a rock or group of rocks above the surface of the ground:
** Below us as a pool surrounded by rocky outcrops.

سر بیرون کردن، رخ دادن، نمودارشدن، برون زد


material carried away from a glacier by meltwater and deposited beyond the moraine.

** "outwash deposit"

(Noun) (زمین شناسی - شن و ریگ که توسط یخاب در جلو یخرود انباشته شده است) برون شست، یخاب رفت


the part of a female that produces eggs

(Noun) تخمدان


to irrigate (the artificial application of water to the land or soil) more than enough

آبیاری بیش از حد


draw a conclusion or make a statement about (something) that is more general than is justified.

** "children overgeneralize simple rules"

تعمیم افراطی


plural form of a ox (domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat; a cow or bull.)

(Plural) جمع واژه‌ی ox

گاومیش. اوکوز ها :D

ox sol

oxygen music (I think of course :-?? )


[ countable]
1. a type ofshellfish that can be eaten cooked or uncooked, and that produces a jewel called a pearl

2. the world is your oyster: used to tell someone that they can achieve whatever they want

(جانورشناسی) صدف خوراکی


1. [uncountable and countable] a type of play for children that is performed in Britain around Christmas, in which traditional stories are performed with jokes, music, and songs

2. [uncountable and countable] a method of performing using only actions and not words, or a play performed using this method [= mime]

3. [countable] British English a situation or behaviour that is silly

نمایش صامت مخصوصا با ماسک، تقلید در اوردن


[ countable]
1. [technical] a model or example that shows how something works or is produced
paradigm of:
** the basic paradigm of the family tree

2. [formal] a very clear or typical example of something
paradigm of:
** Pius XII remained the paradigm of what a pope should be.

(Noun) ایه کتاب مقدس که مثالی را متضمن است، نمونه


1. [countable] a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different:
** It's a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.

2. [countable] a statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas that are both true:
** The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.

3. [uncountable] the use of statements that are a paradox in writing or speech

(Noun) قولِ تناقض آمیز، جمع اضداد، ضد و نقیض، تناقض گویی، تعارض، شطحیه، لغزواره، فراباور


** - it's a paradox that...
** - عجیب است که...، این چه معمایی است که...، این چه رازی است که...
(Noun) آدم معمایی، جمع اضداد، وضع معماگونه، وضع نابه‌روال


a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.

(Noun) انگلی، زندگی طفیلی، سور چرانی، کاسه لیسی، مزاحمت


1. a material used in the past for writing on, made from the skin of a sheep or a goat

2. thick yellow-white writing paper, sometimes used for official documents

3. a document written on parchment

(Noun) کاغذ پوست، نسخه خطی روی پوست اهو


[ countable]
1. the area that a priest in some Christian churches is responsible for:
** Father Doyle moved to a new parish.

2. a small area, especially a village, that has its own local government
** elections to the parish council

(Noun) بخش یا ناحیه قلمرو کشیش کلیسا، بخش، شهر، محله،شهرستان، قصبه، اهل محله


[ countable]
the American spelling ofparlour

(Noun) ( parlour ) اطاق نشیمن، اطاق پذیرایی


1. [only before noun] a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not any other [↪ certain, specific]:
** In this particular case, no one else was involved.
** Most students choose one particular area for research.
** a particular type of food

2. special or great:
** You should pay particular attention to spelling.
** For no particular reason, he quit the job.
of particular interest/concern/importance etc:
** Of particular concern is the rising cost of transportation.
anything/nothing/something particular:
** I had nothing particular planned.

3. very careful about choosing exactly what you like and not easily satisfied [= fussy]
particular about:
** Marty's very particular about his food.

مخصوص، ویژه، خاص، بخصوص، مخمص، دقیق، نکته بین،خصوصیات، تک، منحصر بفرد سختگیر


1. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to stick something to something else using glue:

** A notice had been pasted to the door.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to make words that you have removed or copied appear in a new place on a computer screen

خمیر، چسب، سریش، گل یا خمیر، نوعی شیرینی، چسباندن، چسب زدن به، خمیر زدن


the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock.

(Noun) روش نامه نویسی اسقفی، چوپانی، سبک شعر روستایی

pasture land

a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock

( pasturage ) چراگاه، مرتع، گیاه وعلق قصیل، چرانیدن، چریدن در، تغذیه کردن


1. happening or existing in some areas but not in others:
** patchy fog

2. not complete enough to be useful:
** His knowledge of French remained pretty patchy.
** There is only patchy evidence of the animal's existence.

3. especially British English good in some parts but bad in others:
** I thought the performance was patchy.

(Adjective) تکه تکه، وصله وصله، جور بجور، وصله دار


a special document that gives you the right to make or sell a new invention or product that no one else is allowed to copy
patent on/for:
** He applied for a patent for a new method of removing paint.
** He wants to take out a patent on his new type of dustbin.
** The drugs are protected by patent.

اشکار، دارای حق امتیاز، امتیازی، بوسیله حق امتیازمحفوظ مانده، دارای حق انحصاری، گشاده، مفتوح، آزاد،محسوس، حق ثبت اختراع، امتیاز نامه، امتیاز یاحق انحصاری بکسی دادن، اعطا کردن (امتیاز)


to obtain a special document giving you the right to make or sell a newinvention or product

اشکار، دارای حق امتیاز، امتیازی، بوسیله حق امتیازمحفوظ مانده، دارای حق انحصاری، گشاده، مفتوح،آزاد،محسوس، حق ثبت اختراع، امتیاز نامه، امتیاز یاحق انحصاری بکسی دادن، اعطا کردن (امتیاز)


[ countable]
1. someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by giving money:
** a wealthy patron
patron of:
** a patron of the arts

2. a famous person who is officially involved with an organization, such as acharity, and whose name is used to help advertise it

3. someone who uses a particular shop, restaurant, or hotel:
** facilities for disabled patrons

(Noun) حافظ، حامی، نگه دار، پشتیبان، ولی نعمت، مشتری


[ singular]
less than is needed of something [= lack]
paucity of:
** a paucity of information

(Noun) عدد کم، معدود، اندک، قلت، کمی، کمیابی، ندرت


[ countable]
a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or on the bottom of a river:
** The beach was covered with smooth white pebbles.

ریگ، سنگریزه، شیشه عینک، نوعی عقیق، باسنگریزه فرش کردن، باریگ حمله کردن، (چرم سازی) نقش ونگار ریگی دادن به


1. strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprising:
** There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.
** Something peculiar is going on.
** It seems very peculiar that no one noticed Kay had gone.

2. be peculiar to somebody/something: if something is peculiar to a particular person, place, or situation, it is a feature that only belongs to that person or only exists in that place or situation:
** The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country.

3. behaving in a strange and slightly crazy way:
** He's been a little peculiar lately.
** She's a very peculiar child.

4. feel peculiar/come over all peculiar: to feel slightly ill

عجیب وغریب، دارای اخلاق غریب، ویژه


1. [countable] something that is a feature of only one particular place, person, situation etc
peculiarity of:
** The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the British political system.

2. [countable] a strange or unusual habit, quality etc:
** Margaret regarded her mother's peculiarities with a fond tolerance.

3. [uncountable] the quality of being strange or unfamiliar
peculiarity of:
** She was well aware of the peculiarity of her own situation.

(Noun) صفت عجیب وغریب، حالت ویژگی، غرابت

peep show

[ countable]
1. a type of show in which a man pays for a woman to take her clothes off while he watches through a window

2. a box containing moving pictures that you look at through a small hole

(Noun Phrase) شهر فرنگ


[ countable]
1. a short piece of wood, metal, or plastic that is attached to a wall or fits into a hole, used especially to hang things on or to fasten things together:
** Sarah hung her coat on the peg.
** a table fitted together with pegs
** a pattern made with coloured pegs on a board

2. hanging wet clothes: British English a small plastic or wooden object used to fasten wet clothes to a thin rope to dry [= clothespeg; = clothespin AmE]

3. a pointed piece of wood or metal that you push into the ground in order to keep a tent in the correct position

4. take/bring somebody down a peg (or two): to make someone realize that they are not as important or skilled as they think they are:
** Evans is an arrogant bully who needs taking down a peg or two.

5. a wooden screw used to make the strings of a violin, guitar etc tighter or looser [= tuning peg]

میخ، میخ چوبی، چنگک، عذر، بهانه، میخزدن، میخکوب کردن محکم کردن، زحمت کشیدن، کوشش کردن،درجه، دندانه، پا در بالا پهن و در پایین نازک (شبیه میخ)


the fur, hair, or wool of a mammal.

(Noun) (جانور شناسی - پستانداران) پوشش بدنی، خز، پشم، مو


a/somebody's penchant for something: if you have a penchant for something, you like that thing very much and try to do it or have it often:
** a penchant for fast cars

(Noun) میل شدید، علاقه، ذوق، میل وافر، امادگی


hanging down loosely and swinging freely:
** pendulous breasts

(Adjective) نوسانی


[ countable]
a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land:
** the Korean peninsula

(Noun) (جغ.) شبه جزیره، پیشرفتگی خاک در اب


a European weed with flat round pods, which has become naturalized in North America.

یک گیاه اروپایی با پوسته گرد صاف که در نواحی آمریکای شمالی یافت می شود

pension sth off

to stop using something, usually a machine, because it is old and has been used too much:

** After flying for 38 years, their Wessex helicopter is about to be pensioned off.

از رده خارج کردن به دلیل کهنگی و کهولت


Capable of being perceived; discernible.

دریافتنی، درک کردنی، محسوس


relating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses.

** "a patient with perceptual problems who cannot judge distances"

(Adjective) ادراکی، دریافتی


1. [intransitive] if an idea, feeling, or piece of information percolates through a group, it gradually spreads
percolate through/down:
** The message has begun to percolate through the organization.
** These ideas were slow to percolate.

2. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if liquid, light, or air percolates somewhere, it passes slowly through a material that has very small holes in it
percolate through/down/into:
** Rainwater percolates down through the rock.

3. if coffee percolates, or if you percolate it, you make it in a special pot in which hot water goes up through a tube and then passes down through crushed coffee beans

تراوش کردن، نفوذ کردن، رد شدن، صاف کردن


1. continuing or existing for a long time, or happening again and again:
** Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning.
** Teddy bears are a perennial favorite with children.

2. a plant that is perennial lives for more than two years [↪ annual]

همیشگی، دائمی، ابدی، جاودانی، پایا، همه ساله


make (something) completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible.

** "he's busy perfecting his bowling technique"

تکمیل کردن، عالی ساختن


1. [formal] not as important as other things or people in a particular activity, idea, or situation:
** a diplomat who had a peripheral role in the negotiations
** Her involvement in the case was peripheral.
peripheral to:
** The romance is peripheral to the main plot of the movie.

2. [formal] in the outer area of something, or relating to this area:
** the city's peripheral suburbs
** the peripheral nervous system

3. peripheral vision: your ability to see things to the side of you when you look straight ahead

4. [technical] peripheral equipment can be connected to a computer and used with it

(Adjective) جنبی، پیرامونی
(Adjective) پیرامونی، دوره ای، وابسته به محیط، (مجازا) خارجی،ثانوی


1. to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way:
** Hundreds perished when the ship went down.

2. [intransitive and transitive]especially British English if rubber or leather perishes, it decays

3. perish the thought!:[spoken][old-fashioned] used to say that you hope what someone has suggested will never happen:
** If we lose, perish the thought, Watford will take first place.

مردن، هلاک شدن، تلف شدن، نابود کردن


[ uncountable]
a layer of soil that is always frozen in countries where it is very cold

(Noun) لایه منجمد دائمی اعماق زمین (درمنطقه منجمده)


1. the state or quality of being permeable.

** "the size of hole needed depends on the permeability of the soil"

2. [PHYSICS] a quantity measuring the influence of a substance on the magnetic flux in the region it occupies.

(Noun) نفوذ پذیری مغناطیسی
(Noun) نشت پذیری، قابلیت نفوذ، تراوایی، نفوذ پذیری


[ transitive]
if something perplexes you, it makes you feel confused and worried because it is difficult to understand [= puzzle]:
** Shea's symptoms perplexed the doctors.

(Verb - transitive) بهت زده کردن، گیج کردن، سردرگم کردن، سرگشته کردن


confused and worried by something that you do not understand [= puzzled]:
** The student looked at him, perplexed.
** Perplexed investors tried to work out what the deal meant.

(Adjective) سرگشته،حیران،خیران،مبهوت،پیچیده،درهم


1. [usually before noun]continuing to exist or happen, especially for longer than is usual or desirable:
** persistent rumours
** persistent headaches
** a persistent problem
** persistent rain

2. continuing to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it:
** If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.
** persistent efforts
** Persistent offenders (=people who often break the law) face a prison sentence.

(Adjective) مصر، پایا، مداوم، ایستادگی کننده، سمج
(Adjective) ماندگار، مزمن، مصر


[ countable]
1. a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies [↪ vermin]:
** a chemical used in pest control

2. [informal] an annoying person, especially a child

(Noun) طاعون، بلا، افت، مایه ازار واسیب


1. [BOTANY] the stalk that joins a leaf to a stem.

2. [ZOOLOGY] a slender stalk between two structures, especially that between the abdomen and thorax of a wasp or ant.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) برگدم، ساقه برگ، برگچه


1. the process by which organic matter exposed to minerals over a long period is turned into a stony substance.

** "the processes of petrification"

2. a state of such extreme fear that one is unable to move.

** "his heavy footfalls served to spur Paul out of his petrification"

(Noun) ( petrification ) تحجر، سنگ شدگی


[ countable usually plural]
a chemical that is produced by people's and animals' bodies and is thought to influence the behaviour of other people or animals

(Noun) (زیست شناسی) واگیزن، فرومون


1. a picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way:
** a quiet fishing village with a picturesque harbour

2. picturesque language uses unusual, interesting, or sometimes rude words to describe something:
** a picturesque account of his trip to New York

(Adjective) شایان تصویر، زیبا، بدیع، خوش منظره


a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ on her lap or in her arms.

(در اثار هنری) نقاشی یا مجسمه مریم مادر عیسی


[ countable]
1. a farm animal with short legs, a fat body, and a curved tail. Pigs are kept for their meat, which includes pork, bacon and ham [= hog American English]
** He kept pigs and poultry.

2. [spoken]a) someone who eats too much or eats more than their share:
** You greedy pig, you ate all the candy!
** I made a bit of a pig of myself (=ate too much) at dinner.b) someone who is unpleasant in some way, for example unkind or very untidy:
** They live like pigs in that house over the road.
** You can tell him from me he's an ignorant pig.
(male) chauvinist pig: (=a man who thinks women are not equal to men)

3. an offensive word for a police officer. Do not use this word.

4. a pig (of a something):[spoken] something that is very difficult or unpleasant to do:
** They're improving, and they're a pig of a team to beat.

5. make a pig's ear of something:[spoken] to do something very badly:
** Someone's made a right pig's ear of these repairs.

(Noun) خوک، گراز


** - pig in the middle
** - (بازی) دست رشته، بلاگردان معرکه
** - pigs might fly!
** - خوش خیال باشی!/ خواب دیدی خیر است!/ اگر پشت گوشت را دیدی!/ به حق چیزهای نشنیده!
** - make a pig of oneself
** - (محاوره) مثل گاو خوردن، شکمی از عزا درآوردن/ پور خوری کردن/ پر خوردن/ تا خرخره خوردن
** - pig oneself
** - (محاوره) مثل گاو خوردن، پر خوردن، خود را خفه کردن، تا خرخره خوردن
** - pig it; pig together
** - مثل خوک زندگی کردن
** - pig out
** - (در آمریکا، عامیانه) مثل گاو خوردن، حسابی خوردن
(Noun) گوشت خوک، گوشت گراز
(Noun) (محاوره، به طعنه) آدم کثیف، آدم پست
(Noun) (محاوره، به طعنه) کار سخت، کار شاق، کار گل، کار کشنده

** - make a pig's ear (our) of something
** - (محاوره) (کار، طرح) خراب کردن، ضایع کردن، افتضاح کردن در...
** - it was a pig of a day
** - روز سختی بود/ روز کشنده‌ای بود
(Noun) (فلزکاری) شوشه
(Noun) چدن خام، خشک آهن
(Noun) (عامیانه، قدیمی) آژان


[ uncountable and countable]
a natural substance that makes skin, hair, plants etc a particular colour:
** Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes.
** The artist Sandy Lee uses natural pigments in her work.

(Noun) رنگیزه، رنگ دانه، ماده رنگی، ماده ملونه، باماده رنگی رنگ کردن


[ uncountable]
the natural colour of living things:
** The dark pigmentation gives protection from the sun's rays.

(Noun) رنگ، رنگی شدن، تجمع رنگدانه ها در بافتها


[ countable]
1. someone who is important in the early development of something, and whose work or ideas are later developed by other people
pioneer of:
** John Whitney was a pioneer of computer animation.
** He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.

2. one of the first people to travel to a new country or area and begin living there, farming etc:
** the early pioneers of the Dakota territory

پیشگام، پیشقدم، پیشقدم شدن


1. a large hole in the ground.

2. an area reserved or enclosed for a specific purpose, in particular:

3. set someone or something in conflict or competition with.

چال، چال دار کردن، گودال، حفره، چاله، سیاهچال،هسته البالو و گیلاس و غیره، به رقابت واداشتن، هسته میوهرا دراوردن، در گود مبارزه قرار دادن


1. a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people:
** drops in population levels due to plagues and famines

2. a very infectious disease that produces high fever and swollen places on the body, and often leads to death, especially bubonic plague [↪ Black Death]:
** The plague caused 100,000 deaths in London alone in the 1600s.

3. a plague of rats/locusts etc: an uncontrolled and harmful increase in the numbers of a particular animal or insect:
** A plague of squirrels is threatening our forests.

افت، بلا، سرایت مرض، طاعون، بستوه اوردن، ازاررساندن، دچار طاعون کردن


1. reasonable and likely to be true or successful [≠ implausible]:
** His story certainly sounds plausible.
** a plausible explanation

2. someone who is plausible is good at talking in a way that sounds reasonable and truthful, although they may in fact be lying:
** a plausible liar

(Adjective) باورکردنی، پذیرفتنی، قابل استماع، محتمل


[ usually singular]
a very bad situation that someone is in
plight of:
** the desperate plight of the flood victims
** the country's economic plight

متعهد شدن، تعهد دادن، گرفتاری، مخمصه


the usual American spelling of plough

خیش، گاو اهن، شخم، ماشین برف پاک کن، شخم کردن،شیار کردن، شخم زدن، باسختی جلو رفتن، برف روفتن( plough )


1. a small round juicy fruit which is dark red, purple, or yellow and has a single hard seed, or the tree that produces this fruit:
** juicy ripe plums

2. a dark purple-red colour

3. something very good that other people wish they had, such as a good job or a part in a play:
** The first job I had was a real plum.

(گیاه‌شناسی) آلو، گوجه، آلوی برقانی، کار یا چیز دلچسب


[ uncountable]
the feathers covering a bird's body:
** the parrot's brilliant blue plumage

(Noun) پرهای زینتی، پر وبال، پرشاهین


[ countable]
1. a cloud of smoke, dust etc which rises up into the air
plume of smoke/dust/gas/spray etc:
** A black plume of smoke rose above the city.

2. a large feather or bunch of feathers, especially one that is used as a decoration on a hat

پر، پر ارایشی، پر کلاه زنان، تل، باپر اراستن،ارایش دادن


[ intransitive]
1. to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount [= plunge]
plummet from something to something:
** Profits plummeted from £49 million to £11 million.
** House prices have plummeted down.

2. to fall suddenly and quickly from a very high place [= plunge]:
** The plane plummeted towards the earth.

گلوله سربی، وزنه شاقول، شاقول، ژرف پیما،سرازیرشدن، نازل شدن، سرنگون وارافتادن


[ uncountable]
1. poems in general, or the art of writing them [↪ poem, poet]:
** He reads a lot of poetry.
** a poetry magazine
modern/lyric/love etc poetry:
** a selection of religious poetry

2. a quality of beauty, gracefulness, and deep feeling
pure/sheer poetry:
** The way she moves on the court is sheer poetry.
** His golf swing is poetry in motion.

(Noun) چامه سرایی، شعر، اشعار، نظم، لطف شاعرانه، فن شاعری


[ uncountable]
a fine powder produced by flowers, which is carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers of the same type, making them produce seeds

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) گرده، گرده افشانی کردن، دانه گرده


[ transitive]
to give a flower or plant pollen so that it can produce seeds:
** flowers pollinated by bees

(Verb - transitive) (گیاه‌شناسی) گرده افشانی کردن


the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther (male part) to the stigma (female part) of the plant, thereby enabling fertilization and reproduction.

(Noun) گرده افشانی


an agent (as an insect) that pollinates flowers

(Noun) ( polliniferous ) گرده افشان


[ countable]
a substance that makes air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty, and is caused by cars, factories etc
air/environmental/water etc pollutants:
** New regulations will reduce hazardous air pollutants.
** a dumping ground for toxic pollutants
chemical/industrial etc pollutants:
** industrial pollutants in the lake

(Noun) الوده کننده


[ countable]
1. a small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made

2. across the pond:[informal] on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in the US or in Britain:
** my cousins from across the pond

(Noun) تالاب، دریاچه، حوض درست کردن


1. a tall, fast-growing tree of north temperate regions, widely grown in shelter belts and for timber and pulp.

2. North American term for tulip tree.



1. [countable] the number of people living in a particular area, country etc
population of:
** India has a population of more than 1 billion.
population explosion/boom: (=a quick increase in the population of an area)

2. [countable usually singular]all of the people who live in a particular area:
** Most of the world's population doesn't get enough to eat.
white/French/urban etc population: (=part of the group of people who live in a particular area who are white, French etc)
** South Florida has a large Jewish population.

3. centre of population/population centre: a city, town etc:
** Cromer is the main centre of population in this area.

(Noun) جمعیت، نفوس، تعداد مردم، مردم، سکنه


a populous area has a large population in relation to its size:
** Hong Kong is one of the most populous areas in the world.

(Adjective) پرجمعیت، کثیرالجمعیت، بیشمار، زیاد، پر


[ countable]
one of the small holes in your skin that liquid, especially sweat, can pass through, or a similar hole in the surface of a plant

سوراخ ریز، منفذ، روزنه، خلل وفرج، در دریای تفکرغوطه ور شدن، (با over )بمطالعه دقیق پرداختن، با دقتدیدن


the quality of being porous, or full of tiny holes. Liquids go right through things that have porosity.

(Noun) پرمنفذی، تخلخل


1. allowing liquid, air etc to pass slowly through many very small holes:
** porous material

2. easy to pass through or get into something:
** the porous border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic

(Adjective) ( porose =) خلل وفرج دار، متخلل، پر منفذ


[ countable]
a sea animal that looks similar to a dolphin and breathes air

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) بالن یانهنگ دندان دار، گراز دریایی، گرازماهی، خوک دریایی، مثل پورپوس شنا کردن


able to be easily carried or moved, especially because being of a lighter and smaller version than usual.

** "a portable television"

قابل حمل، قابل انتقال


[ uncountable]
the art of painting or drawing pictures of people

(Noun) نقاشی از صورت، پیکر نگاری، تعریف، تصویر کردن


[ transitive]
[formal] to suggest that something might have happened or be true
postulate that:
** It has been postulated that the condition is inherited.

انگاره، پذیره، مسلم فرض کردن تقاضا، درخواست، ادعا، قیاس منطقی، بدیهی شمرده،لازم دانستن، قیاس منطقی کردن، فرض نمودن


a broken piece of ceramic material, especially one found on an archaeological site.

(Noun) تکه سفال شکسته


1. objects made out of baked clay:
** Native American pottery

2. [uncountable] clay that has been shaped and baked in order to make pots, dishes etc:
** a pottery bowl

3. the activity of making pots, dishes etc out of clay:
** a pottery class

4. a factory where pottery objects are made

(Noun) سفالگری، کوزه گری، کوزه گرخانه، ظروف سفالین


having a false or deceptive appearance, especially one presented for the purpose of propaganda.

داشتن یک ظاهر غلط یا گمراه کننده


[ countable]
1. someone who works as a doctor or a lawyer
medical/legal practitioner:
** a practitioner of alternative medicine ➔ general practitioner

2. someone who regularly does a particular activity:
** one of golf's most experienced practitioners
practitioner of:
** a practitioner of Taoist philosophy

(Noun) شاغل، شاغل مقام طبابت یاوکالت


[ countable]
a wide open area of fairly flat land in North America which is covered in grass or wheat

(Noun) چمن، چمنزار، مرغزار، فلات چمن زار


1. [formal] to make something serious happen suddenly or more quickly than was expected [= hasten]:
** The riot was precipitated when four black men were arrested.

2. to separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separated in this way

to force someone or something into a particular state or condition:
** The drug treatment precipitated him into a depression.

بشدت پرتاپ کردن، شتاباندن، بسرعت عمل کردن، تسریع کردن، سر اشیب تند داشتن، ناگهان سقوط کردن، غیرمحلول وته نشین شونده، جسم تعلیق شونده یا متراسب،خیلی سریع، بسیار عجول، ناگهانی، رسوب شیمیایی


1. rain, snow etc that falls on the ground, or the amount of rain, snow etc that falls

2. a chemical process in which a solid substance is separated from a liquid

3. [formal] the act of doing something too quickly in a way that is not sensible

(Noun) شتاب، دستپاچگی، تسریع، بارش، ته نشینی


[ uncountable]
[technical] when an animal kills and eats another animal

(Noun) غارت، چپاولگری، غارتگری
(Noun) (جانور) شکارگری، درندگی


[ countable]
1. an animal that kills and eats other animals [↪ prey]

2. someone who tries to use another person's weakness to get advantages:
** a sexual predator

(Noun) ( predatorial ، predatory =)درنده، غارتگر، یغماگر،تغذیه کننده از شکار


[ transitive]
1. to make someone more likely to suffer from a particular health problem
predispose somebody to something:
** Diabetes predisposes patients to infections.

2. to make someone more likely to behave or think in a particular way
predispose somebody to something:
** Parents who smoke predispose children to smoking.

(Verb - transitive) مستعد کردن، زمینه را مه یا ساختن


[ intransitive]
1. if one type of person or thing predominates in a group or area, there are more of this type than any other:
** Pine trees predominate in this area of forest.

2. to have the most importance or influence, or to be most easily noticed:
** In this type of case, the rights of the parent predominate.

(نج.) دارای نفوذ نجومی، قاطع بودن، نفوذ قاطع داشتن، مسلط بودن، چربیدن


[ only before noun]
preferential treatment, rates etc are deliberately different in order to give an advantage to particular people:
** preferential credit terms for reliable borrowers

(Adjective) امتیازی، امتیاز دهنده، مقدم، ترجیحی، ممتاز


a process of fossilization in which mineral deposits form internal casts of organisms. Carried by water, these minerals fill the spaces within organic tissue.

یک فرایند تشکیل فسیل که در آن مواد معدنی از قالب داخلی موجودات زنده ته نشین می شوند. این مواد توسط آب جابجا شده و فضاهای موجود در بافت های آلی را پر می کنند.


completely unreasonable or silly [= absurd]:
** The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous!

(Adjective) نامعقول، غیر طبیعی، مهمل، مضحک


[ countable]
[formal] something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done
prerequisite for/of/to:
** A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.

پیش نیاز، پیش بایست، لازمه، شرط لازم، شرط قبلی،لازمه امری


[ transitive]
[formal] to be a sign that something is going to happen, especially something bad:
** The large number of moderate earthquakes that have occurred recently could presage a larger quake soon.

نشانه، نشان، علامت، فال نما، شگون، گواهی دادن بر،خبردادن از، پیشگویی کردن


used to say that you think something is probably true:
** It's raining, which presumably means that your football match will be cancelled. [sentence adverb]
** He's dead now, presumably?



[ intransitive not in progressive]
1. if a belief, custom, situation etc prevails, it exists among a group of people at a certain time
prevail in/among etc:
** the economic conditions which prevail in England and Wales
** I admired the creativity which prevailed among the young writers.

2. if a person, idea, or principle prevails in a fight, argument etc, they are successful in the end:
** Justice will prevail.
common sense prevails/reason prevails: (=a sensible decision is made)
** He considered lying, but then common sense prevailed.
prevail over/against:
** Your inner strength will enable you to prevail over life's obstacles.

to persuade someone
prevail on/upon somebody to do something:
** She prevailed upon her father to say nothing.

چربیدن، غالب آمدن، مستولی شدن، شایع شدن


[ only before noun]
1. existing or accepted in a particular place or at a particular time [= current]:
** The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.
** the prevailing economic conditions in Northern Ireland

2. prevailing wind: a wind that blows over a particular area most of the time

(Adjective) رایج، متداول، حاکم، موجود، باب


** - at the then prevailing price
** - به قیمتی که در آن وقت حاکم باشد
** - the prevailing rural customs
** - رسوم روستایی متداول
(Adjective) غالب، چیره، قوی، (باد) بیشوز

** - the prevailing winds here are from the north
** - در اینجا بادهای غالب از سمت شمال میوزند


common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people
prevalent in/among etc:
** Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.
** the prevalent belief in astrology

(Adjective) رایج، شایع، متداول، فائق، مرسوم، برتر


1. an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal [= predator]:
** a tiger stalking its prey

2. bird/beast of prey: a bird or animal which lives by killing and eating other animals

3. be/fall prey to somebody/something: if someone falls prey to someone or something bad, they are harmed or affected by them:
** Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
** They are prey to nameless fears.

4. easy prey:a) someone who can easily be deceived or harmed:
** He was easy prey for the two conmen who called at his house.b) an animal which is easily caught by another:
** Fish at the surface of the water are easy prey for eagles.

شکار، نخجیر، صید، طعمه، قربانی، دستخوش، صید کردن،دستخوش ساختن، طعمه کردن


feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.

** "a very prim and proper lady"

purse (the mouth or lips) into a prim expression.

برگ نو، یاسم، خیلی محتاط، خود را گرفتن


[ countable]
a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys

پیشوا، راسته پستانداران نخستین پایه، کشیش ارشد


1. belonging to a simple way of life that existed in the past and does not have modern industries and machines [≠ advanced, modern]:
** a primitive society
** a primitive nomadic tribe
** the tools used by primitive man
** primitive art

2. not modern: something that is primitive is very simple and does not have the extra modern parts that would make it faster, better, more comfortable etc [≠ advanced, modern]:
** The first station buildings were quite primitive.
** The local hospital care is primitive and unreliable.
** Conditions at the camp are very primitive.
** a primitive steam engine

3. a primitive animal or plant has a simple structure or body:
** primitive life-forms that live deep in the ocean
** a primitive single-celled creature

4. feelings: primitive feelings are not based on reason, and seem to come from a part of people's character that is ancient and animal-like:
** the primitive instinct of survival
** primitive desires

پیشین، قدیم، بدوی، انسان اولیه بدوی، اولیه، اصلی


[ countable]
1. the son of a king, queen, or prince [↪ princess]:
** Prince William

2. a male ruler of a small country or state:
** Prince Rainier of Monaco

3. the prince of something/a prince among something:[literary] the man who is best at something:
** the prince of sculptors

(Noun) شاهزاده، ولیعهد، فرمانروای مطلق، شاهزاده بودن،مثل شاهزاده رفتار کردن، سروری کردن


[ only before noun]
most important [= main]:
** His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family.
** Teaching is her principal source of income.
** the principal character in the book

اصلی، عمده، مایه، مدیر عمده، اصلی، مهم، رئیس، مدیر مدرسه، مطلب مهم،سرمایه اصلی، مجرم اصلی


1. extremely fresh or clean:
** a pristine white shirt

2. something that is pristine is in the same condition as when it was first made:
** The car has been restored to pristine condition.

3. not spoiled or damaged in any way:
** pristine African rainforest

(Adjective) پیشین، اولی، طبیعی ودست نخورده، تر وتازه


[ transitive]
1. to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to get
procure something for somebody:
** He was accused of procuring weapons for terrorists.

2. to provide aprostitute for someone

(Verb - transitive) بدست اوردن، تحصیل کردن، جاکشی کردن


producing a profit or a useful result [≠ unprofitable]:
** The advertising campaign proved very profitable.
** a highly profitable business
** a profitable afternoon

(Adjective) سودبخش، مفید، سوداور


1. prohibitive costs are so high that they prevent people from buying or doing something:
** The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive.

2. a prohibitive rule prevents people from doing things:
** prohibitive regulations

(Adjective) ( prohibitory ) منعی، گران، جلوگیری کننده


1. [singular,uncountable] a sudden increase in the amount or number of something
proliferation of:
** the proliferation of global media networks

2. the very fast growth of new parts of a living thing, such as cells

(Noun) تکثیر، ازدیاد


1. a prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books etc:
** Handel's prolific output of opera

2. a prolific sports player produces a lot of runs, goals etc:
** the most prolific goalscorer this decade

3. an animal or plant that is prolific produces many babies or many other plants

4. existing in large numbers:
** the prolific bird life

(Adjective) پرزا، حاصلخیز، بارور، نیرومند، پرکار، فراوان


[ transitive]
1. to deliberately make something such as a feeling or activity last longer [= lengthen]:
** I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.

2. prolong the agony:[informal] to make an unpleasant or anxious time last longer, especially when people are waiting for news:
** There's no point in prolonging the agony any longer.

(Verb - transitive) ( prolongate =) طولانی کردن، امتداد دادن، دراز کردن،امت داد یافتن، بتاخیر انداختن، طفره رفتن، بطول انجامیدن


1. [LAW] conveying or implying a promise.

** "statements that are promissory in nature"

2. indicative of something to come; full of promise.

** "the glow of evening is promissory of the splendid days to come"

وابسته به تعهد یا قول


1. likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful
prone to:
** Some plants are very prone to disease.
prone to do something:
** Kids are all prone to eat junk food.
accident-prone/injury-prone etc:
** He's always been accident-prone.

2. [formal] lying down with the front of your body facing down [= prostrate]:
** His eyes shifted to the prone body on the floor.

(Adjective) متمایل، مستعد، مهیا، درازکش، دمر


1. [formal] to spread an idea, belief etc to many people:
** The group launched a website to propagate its ideas.

2. if you propagate plants, or if they propagate, they start to grow from a parent plant to produce new plants:
** Propagate your plants in fresh soil.

3. if an animal, insect, etc propagates itself or is propagated, it increases in number [= reproduce]

گستردن، (بوسیله تولید مثل) تکثیر کردن، زیاد کردن،پروردن، قلمه زدن، منتشرکردن، انتشار دادن پخش کردن، پخش شدن، رواج دادن


[ transitive]
1. to move, drive, or push something forward [↪ propulsion]:
** a boat propelled by a small motor
** One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.
propel yourself along/through etc:
** She used the sticks to propel herself along.

2. [written] to make someone move in a particular direction, especially by pushing them:
** He took her arm and propelled her towards the door.

3. to move someone into a new situation or make them do something
propel somebody to/into something:
** The film propelled her to stardom.
** Company directors were propelled into action.

بجلو راندن، سوق دادن، بردن، حرکت دادن


a vegetative structure that can become detached from a plant and give rise to a new plant, e.g. a bud, sucker, or spore.

In biology, a propagule is any material that is used for the purpose of propagating an organism to the next stage in their life cycle, such as by dispersal.

گرده، دانه گیاه


used to talk about how correct, attractive, suitable etc something is in its size or shape
well/badly/beautifully etc proportioned:
** Arnold's perfectly proportioned body
** a beautifully proportioned room



1. lying on your front with your face towards the ground:
** They found him lying prostrate on the floor.
prostrate body/figure/form:

2. too shocked, upset, weak etc to be able to do anything
prostrate with:
** Julie was prostrate with grief after her father's death.

بخاک افتاده (درحال عبادت یا خضوع)، روی زمینخوابیده، دمر خوابیده، افتادن، درمانده وبیچاره شدن


Government actions and policies that restrict or restrain international trade, often done with the intent of protecting local businesses and jobs from foreign competition.

(Noun) طرفدار حمایت از مصنوعات داخلی


[ transitive]
1. to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one [↪ provocation]
provoke a protest/an outcry/criticism etc:
** The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
** The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.
provoke debate/discussion:
** The novel has provoked fierce debate in the US.
provoke somebody into (doing) something:
** She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.
provoke somebody to do something:
** Emma, though still at school, was provoked to help too.

2. to make someone angry, especially deliberately:
** The dog would not have attacked if it hadn't been provoked.
provoke somebody into (doing) something:
** Paul tried to provoke Fletch into a fight.

(Verb - transitive) تحریک کردن، دامن زدن، برانگیختن، برافروختن،خشمگین کردن


[ uncountable]
[formal] great skill at doing something:
** his physical prowess
** military prowess

(Noun) دلاوری


[ uncountable]
[formal] nearness in distance or time
proximity to:
** We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
proximity of:
** the proximity of the Bahamas to the States
** Here the rich and the poor live in close proximity (=very near to each other).

(Noun) نزدیکی، مجاورت


a small pool of liquid, especially rain water:

** Children splashed through the puddles.

puddle of

** He had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.

گودال، چاله فاضل اب، دست انداز، مخلوط کردن، گل گرفتن، گل الود کردن


[ countable]
a small town, especially in the south west U.S.

(Noun) دهکده سرخ پوستان


1. to breathe quickly and with difficulty after the effort of running, carrying something heavy etc:
** George puffed and panted and he tried to keep up.
puff along/up etc:
** An old man puffed up to them.
** He caught up with Gary, puffing for breath. ➔ huff and puff: at huff1 (1)

2. [intransitive and transitive] also puff away to breathe in and out while smoking a cigarette or pipe
puff at/on:
** Kinane sat in silence, puffing thoughtfully at his pipe.

3. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] if smoke, steam etc puffs from somewhere, or if something puffs it, it comes out in little clouds:
** Steam puffed out of the chimney.
** The boiler was puffing thick black smoke.
** Don't puff smoke into my face.

4. to move in a particular direction, sending out little clouds of steam or smoke:
** The train puffed steadily across the bridge.

puff out your cheeks/chest: to make your cheeks or chest bigger by filling them with air:
** Henry puffed out his chest proudly.

فوت، پف، دود ویا بخار، قسمت پف کرده جامه زنانه،غذای پف دار، مشروب گازدار، پفک، پک زدن، چپق یاسیگار کشیدن، بلوف زدن، لاف زدن، پف کردن، منفجرکردن، منفجر شدن، وزش باد، وزیدن


1. soft substance: [singular,uncountable] a very soft substance that is almost liquid, made by crushing plants, wood, vegetables etc:
** Mash the bananas to a pulp.
** timber grown for wood pulp (=used for making paper)
** a soft pulp of leaves and mud

2. fruit/vegetable: [uncountable] the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable:
** Halve the melon and scoop out the pulp.

3. books/film etc: [uncountable] American English books, magazines, films etc that are badly written and that contain lots of sex, violence etc:
** an ad in a pulp magazine
** pulp fiction

4. beat somebody to a pulp:[informal] to seriously injure someone by hitting them many times

5. tooth: [uncountable] part of the inside of a tooth

مغز ساقه، مغز نیشکر، خمیر کاغذ، حالت خمیری، جسم خمیر مانند، بصورت تفاله دراوردن، گوشتالو شدن


[ transitive usually passive]
1. to crush something into a powder:
** The seeds can be used whole or pulverized into flour.

2. [informal] to completely defeat someone:
** Stewart completely pulverized the opposition.

ساییدن، نرم کردن، پودر کردن، نرم کوبیدن


1. a machine for forcing liquid or gas into or out of something
water/air/beer etc pump: (=for moving water, air etc)
hand/foot pump: (=operated by your hand or foot)
petrol pump/gas pump: (=for putting petrol into cars)
stomach pump: (=for removing the contents of someone's stomach)

2. [countable usually plural]a) British English a flat light shoe for dancing, exercise, sport etcb) American English a woman's plain shoe with no laces, buckles etc:
** a pair of leather pumps

3. [countable] an act of pumping

تلمبه، تلمبه زنی، صدای تلمبه، تپش، تپ تپ، باتلمبه خالی کردن، باتلمبه بادکردن، تلمبه زدن


[ uncountable]
a hard mineral substance that is used in making electronic watches and clocks:
** quartz crystals
** a quartz watch

(Noun) الماس کوهی، کوارتز
(Noun) (مع.) کوارتز، در کوهی، سنگ چینی



based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have equal rights:

** an egalitarian society


like something else or trying to be something else:

** a quasi-scientific approach

** a quasi-governmental organization

شبه برابری طلب


1. a small North American animal with black fur around its eyes and black and grey rings on its tail

2. the skin and thick fur of a raccoon:
** a raccoon coat

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) راکون


1. [intransitive and transitive] if someone radiates a feeling, or if it radiates from them, it is very easy to see that this is how they feel:
** He radiated calm confidence.
radiate from:
** Kindness radiated from her.

2. if something radiates light or heat, or if light or heat radiates from something, the light or heat is sent out in all directions:
** The log fire radiated a warm cosy glow.
radiate from:
** Heat radiated from the glowing coals.

3. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if things radiate from a central point, they spread out in different directions from that point
radiate out/from:
** There were tiny lines radiating from the corners of her eyes.

تابیدن، پرتو افکندن، شعاع افکندن، متشعشع شدن


1. a radical change or difference is very big and important:

** There are radical differences between the two organizations.

2. radical ideas are very new and different, and are against what most people think or believe

** I was shocked by her radical views.

radically adverb:

** a radically different method of production

** a radically new approach to the problem

(Adverb) به طور ریشه ای یا بنیادی یا بنیانی، اساسا، اصلا، به طور اساسی، اصولا، از ریشه، از بیخ


** - the Romance languages are radically from Latin
** - ریشه ی زبانهای رمانس از لاتین است
** - a civilization radically different form our own
** - تمدنی که اساسا با تمدن ما فرق دارد
** - I am radically opposed to your ideas but will defend your freedom of expression
** - من اساسا با عقاید شما مخالفم ولی از آزادی بیان شما دفاع خواهم کرد
(Adverb) بنیادگرایانه


[ countable]
someone who owns or works on a ranch

(Noun) ( ranchero ) (جنوب امر.) دام دار، گله دار، چوپان


1. not cooked:
** raw meat
** grated raw carrots
** Cabbage can be eaten raw.

2. raw substances are in a natural state and not treated or prepared for use [↪ refined]:
** raw silk
** In its raw state, cocoa is very bitter.
** Raw sewage had been dumped in the river.
** The cost of our raw materials has risen significantly.

3. raw information is collected but not organized, examined, or developed:
** software to convert raw data into usable information
** His time here provided the raw material for his novel.
** Warhol used everyday items as the raw ingredients of his art.

4. emotions: raw feelings are strong and natural, but not fully controlled:
** raw passion
** Linda didn't want to see Roy while her emotions were still raw.
** It took raw courage to admit she was wrong.

5. if a part of your body is raw, the skin there is red and painful:
** The skin on my feet was rubbed raw.

نارس، کال، خام، نپخته، بی تجربه، جریحه دار، سرد،جریحه دار کردن


retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of.

** "you can reclaim £25 of the £435 deducted"

bring (waste land or land formerly under water) under cultivation.

** "much of the Camargue has now been reclaimed"

(Verb - transitive) بازپس خواستن، دوباره ادعا کردن، مطالبهی مجدد کردن، (دوباره) خواهان شدن، بازخواه کردن


** - Ali came back from the war and reclaimed his former job at the factory
** - علی از جنگ برگشت و خواهان شغل سابق خود در کارخانه شد
** - people were reclaiming their lost civil rights from the government
** - مردم حقوق مدنی از دست رفتهی خود را از دولت مطالبه میکردند


[ countable]
1. [written] a general area of knowledge, activity, or thought:
** the spiritual realm
realm of:
** an idea that belongs in the realm of science fiction

2. within the realms of possibility: also not beyond the realm(s) of possibility used, often humorously, to say that something is possible even though you think it is not very likely:
** I suppose it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

3. a country ruled by a king or queen

(Noun) قلمرو سلطان، متصرفات، مملکت، ناحیه


[ uncountable and countable]
1. an organized attempt to change the government or leader of a country, using violence [↪ coup, revolution]:
** an armed rebellion
rebellion against:
** a rebellion against the military regime
in rebellion:
** The Bretons rose in rebellion against the King.
suppress/crush a rebellion: (=use violence to stop it)

2. when someone opposes or fights against people in authority or ideas which they do not agree with:
** a rebellion by right-wing members of the party
rebellion against:
** rebellion against traditional values

(Noun) طغیان، سرکشی، شورش، تمرد


1. [formal] to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you:
** When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with some remark of my own.

2. [transitive] to feel the same about someone as they feel about you:
** It was a hopeless love that could not possibly be reciprocated.

دادن و گرفتن، تلافی کردن، عمل متقابل کردن، معامله بمثل کردن، جبران کردن


the act of returning something to a former, better state.

Land reclamation might involve razing a strip mall and planting crops.

Reclamation is the noun form of the verb to reclaim.

(Noun) استرداد، اباد سازی، احیا اراضی، احیا


1. to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc:
** We're having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.
** Many government officials were recruited from private industry.

2. to get people to join the army, navy etc [↪ conscript]:
** Most of the men in the village were recruited that day.

3. [transitive] to persuade someone to do something for you
recruit somebody to do something:
** I recruited three of my friends to help me move.

تازه سرباز، کارمند تازه، نو اموز استخدام کردن،نیروی تازه گرفتن، حال آمدن


happening or appearing several times:
** recurrent minor illnesses
** Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley's books.

(Adjective) برگردنده، عود کننده
(Adjective) عود کننده، راجعه، بازگشت کننده، باز رخدادگر


1. [uncountable and countable] a type of tall plant like grass that grows in wet places:
** Reeds grew in clumps all along the river bank.

2. [countable] a thin piece of wood that is attached to a musical instrument such as an oboe or clarinet, and that produces a sound when you blow over it

(گیاه‌شناسی) نی، نی شنی، قصب، ساخته شده ازنی، (موسیقی) التموسیقی بادی


1. a substance that is refined has been made pure by an industrial process [↪ raw, crude; ≠ unrefined]
refined sugar/oil/petroleum:

2. someone who is refined is polite and seems to be well-educated or to belong to a high social class - sometimes used humorously:
** a refined way of speaking

3. a method or process that is refined has been improved to make it more effective [↪ sophisticated]:
** Laser surgery has become much more refined over the last decade.

(Adjective) مهذب، پالوده


1. [uncountable] shelter or protection from someone or something
take/seek refuge (in something):
** During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.

2. [countable] a place that provides shelter, or protection from danger:
** a wildlife refuge
refuge from:
** A huge oak tree provided a refuge from the storm.
refuge for:
** a refuge for battered wives

پناه، پناهگاه، ملجا، پناهندگی، تحصن، پناه دادن،پناه بردن


made (something) regular.

منظم ، مرتب


[ transitive]
1. to control an activity or process, especially by rules:
** strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food

2. to make a machine or your body work at a particular speed, temperature etc:
** People sweat to regulate their body heat.

(Verb - transitive) تنظیم کردن، میزان کردن، درست کردن


[ countable]
1. the period when someone is king, queen, or emperor
reign of:
** changes that took place during Charlemagne's reign
** the reign of James I

2. the period when someone is in charge of an organization, team etc:
** during his reign at the Education Department

3. a period during which something is the most powerful or most important feature of a place
reign of:
** the reign of Stalinism in Russia

4. reign of terror: a period when a ruler or a government kills many of their political opponents

سلطنت، حکمرانی، حکومت، حکمفرمایی، سلطنت یاحکمرانی کردن، حکمفرما بودن


[ countable]
1. an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time:
** Roman relics found in a field
relic of:
** the books and photos, relics of Rob's university days
** Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.

2. a part of the body or clothing of a holy person which is kept after their death because it is thought to be holy

(Noun) اثر، اثار مقدس، عتیقه، یادگار، باستانی


[ singular, uncountable]
1. when an activity, situation, or process begins again after a period when it had stopped
renewal of:
** a renewal of the recent conflict
** Spring is a time of renewal.

2. when you make an agreement or official document continue for a further period of time after it ends
renewal of:
** the renewal of our annual licence
** Mark's contract comes up for renewal at the end of this year.

3. inner city/urban renewal: when the poor areas of towns are improved by making new jobs, industries, homes etc

(Noun) تجدید، تکرار، بازنوکنی


1. a type of theatre work in which actors perform different plays on different days, instead of doing the same play for a long time:
** a repertory company

2. [formal] a repertoire

(Noun) فهرست، مجموعه، انبار، مخزن، کاتالوگ


[ transitive]
[formal] to put new supplies into something, or to fill something again:
** More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.

(Verb - transitive) دوباره پر کردن، ذخیره تازه دادن، باز پر کردن


1. relating to or characteristic of reptiles.

** "the reptilian ancestors of mammals"

2. (of a person) deeply disliked and despised; repulsive.

** "a reptilian villain with no redeeming features"



[ countable]
1. a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people's houses

2. a large amount of something that is available and has not yet been used
reservoir of:
** She found she had reservoirs of unexpected strength.

3. a part of a machine or engine where a liquid is kept before it is used

(Noun) مخزن، اب انبار، ذخیره، مخزن اب


[ only before noun]
[formal] remaining after a process, event etc is finished:
** the residual effects of drug treatment
residual income: (=the money left from what you earn after you have paid your taxes)

رسوبی، وابسته به رسوب یا باقیمانده پس مانده، ته نشین، باقیمانده


[ uncountable]
1. the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event [↪ toughness]
resilience of:
** the resilience of youth
** People showed remarkable resilience during the war.

2. the ability of a substance such as rubber to return to its original shape after it has been pressed or bent

(Noun) ( resiliency ) جهندگی، حالت ارتجاعی


1. a thick sticky liquid that comes out of some trees [↪ sap]

2. a type of plastic

( resinate ) صمغ کاج، انگم کاج، راتیانه، رزین، صمغ،با صمغ پوشاندن


[ transitive]
1. to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty [= solve; ↪ settle]
resolve a dispute/conflict/problem etc:
** The crisis was resolved by negotiations.
** Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems.

2. [formal] to make a definite decision to do something
resolve to do something:
** After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.
resolve that:
** Mary resolved that she would stop smoking.

3. to make a formal decision, especially by voting
resolve to do something:
** The Senate resolved to accept the President's proposals.

4. [technical] to separate something into its different parts:
** DNA samples were extracted and resolved.

1. to separate into parts, or to separate something:
** This mixture will resolve into two separate compounds.

رفع کردن، مقرر داشتن، تصمیم گرفتن، رای دادن


[ uncountable]
the process of breathing

(Noun) تنفس، دم زنی


relating to breathing or your lungs:
** respiratory disease



something that is restrictive stops people doing what they want to do [= limiting]:
** Many members thought the rules were too restrictive.
** a restrictive policy on admission to the college

(Adjective) (پزشکی) داروی پیش گیر، جمله یا عبارت حصری یا محدودکننده، محدود سازنده


[ usually before noun]
growing and becoming more popular, after a period of quietness:
** resurgent fascism

(Adjective) طغیان کننده، بازخیزگر


[ transitive]
1. [formal] to find something and bring it back [↪ recover]:
** She bent down to retrieve her earring.
retrieve something from something:
** It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.

2. to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer:
** The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.

3. retrieve a situation: British English to make a situation satisfactory again after there has been a serious mistake or problem:
** The general made one last desperate effort to retrieve the situation.

باز یافتن بازیافتن، دوباره بدست اوردن، پس گرفتن، جبران کردن، اصلاح یا تهذیب کردن، حصول مجدد


1. change: [countable] a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc
revolution in:
** In the last ten years there has been a revolution in education.
social/cultural/sexual etc revolution:
** the biggest social revolution we have had in this country
** the sexual revolution of the 1960s ➔ industrial revolution

2. a time when people change a ruler or political system by using force or violence [↪ revolt, rebellion]:
** the French Revolution of 1789
** The role of women has changed since the revolution.
** The country seems to be heading towards revolution. ➔ counter-revolution

3. circular movement:a) [uncountable and countable] a circular movement around something [↪ revolve]
revolution around:
** the planets' revolution around the sunb) [countable] one complete circular spinning movement, made by something such as a wheel attached to a central point [↪ revolve]:
** a speed of 100 revolutions per minute

(Noun) دور، دوران کامل، انقلاب
(Noun) واگشت، شورش، اشوب، انقلاب، حرکت انقلابی، چرخش


[ countable]
a large heavy African or Asian animal with thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose [↪ hippopotamus]

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) کرگردن، رده کرگدن ها


a bird of paradise, the male of which has mainly velvety-black plumage and a display call that sounds like a whistling bullet.

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) مرغ بهشت


1. rigid methods, systems etc are very strict and difficult to change [≠ flexible]:
** rigid and authoritarian methods of education

2. someone who behaves in a rigid way is very unwilling to change their ideas or behaviour [≠ flexible]:
** rigid adherence to old-fashioned ideas
** She maintained rigid control over her emotional and sexual life.

3. stiff and not moving or bending [≠ flexible]:
** rigid plastic

4. used to describe someone who cannot move, especially because they are very frightened, shocked, or angry
rigid with:
** I heard a noise and woke up rigid with terror.

(Adjective) سخت، سفت و محکم، نرم نشو، جدی، جامد، صلب


the American spelling of rigour

(Noun) ( rigour ) سختی، سختگیری، خشونت، تندی، دقت زیاد


1. careful, thorough, and exact:
** a rigorous analysis of defence needs
** the rigorous standards required by the college

2. very severe or strict:
** rigorous army training

(Adjective) شدید، سخت


1. [intransitive and transitive] to move in small waves, or to make something move in this way:
** fields of grain rippling in the soft wind
** I could see the muscles rippling under his shirt.

2. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to pass from one person to another like a wave
ripple through:
** Panic rippled through Hollywood as the murders were discovered.
ripple around:
** Enthusiastic applause rippled around the tables.

3. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a feeling ripples through you, you feel it strongly
ripple through:
** Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body shook.

4. to make a noise like water that is flowing gently:
** The water rippled over the stones.
** a rippling brook

موج دار شدن، دارای سطح ناهموار، بطور موجی حرکت کردن، مانند اب مواج شدن


[ countable]
1. a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, usually for religious purposes [↪ ritual]:
** funeral rites
** ancient fertility rites
** These traditional rites are performed only by the women of the village.

2. rite of passage: a special ceremony or action that is a sign of a new stage in someone's life, especially when a boy starts to become a man [↪ coming of age]

3. last rites: final prayers or religious ceremonies for someone who is dying:
** A priest came to give him the last rites.

(Noun) فرمان اساسی، مراسم، تشریفات مذهبی، اداب


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion [↪ rite]:
** ancient pagan rituals
** the importance of religion and ritual in our lives
** The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles.

2. something that you do regularly and in the same way each time [↪ routine]
ritual of:
** the daily ritual of mealtimes
** He went through the ritual of lighting his cigar.

تشریفات مذهبی، ایین پرستش، تشریفات


[ countable]
1. a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc [= competitor]:
** This gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals.
rival for:
** his chief rival for the job
** He finished 39 seconds ahead of his main rival.
** She was 2 minutes faster than her nearest rival.
** a game against their old rivals, Manchester United
** They still remain bitter rivals (=hate each other).
** Their sales have now overtaken those of their arch-rival (=main or strongest rival).
rival company/firm/team etc:
** Sheena left her job and went to work for a rival company.

2. one of a group of things that people can choose between:
** The newest model has several advantages over its rivals.

هماورد، رقیب، حریف، هم چشم، هم چشمی کننده، نظیر،شبیه، هم چشمی، رقابت کردن


[ countable]
1. a small European bird with a red breast and brown back

2. a North American bird like a European robin, but larger

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) سینه سرخ


[ countable]
any small animal of the type that has long sharp front teeth, such as a rat or a rabbit

(Noun) جانور جونده (مثل موش)


[countable] an exciting and often short relationship between two people who love each other [↪ affair]

romance with:

** Hemingway's romance with his nurse inspired him to write 'A Farewell to Arms'.

** Michelle married him after a whirlwind romance (=one that happens very suddenly and quickly).

افسانه، رمان، کتاب رمان، داستان عاشقانه، بصورت تخیلی در اوردن


[ only before noun]
1. turning in a circle around a fixed point, like a wheel:
** the rotary movement of the helicopter blades

2. having a main part that turns like a wheel:
** a rotary engine

گردنده، چرخنده، ماشین چرخنده چرخشی، دوار


1. having a round shape [= curved]

2. having a wide range of qualities that make someone or something pleasant, balanced, and complete:
** Psychology tests found me to be thoroughly rounded in skills and attitudes.

(Adjective) بصورت عدد صحیح، گرد شده، شفاف شده، تمام شده، پر،تمام


1. a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic [≠ sophisticated]:
** Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
** my rudimentary German

2. rudimentary equipment, methods, systems etc are very basic and not advanced:
** subsistence farming in its most rudimentary form
** The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary.

(Adjective) ناقص، اولیه، بدوی، ابتدایی


1. a further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result.

** "he won only 49 per cent of the vote, so a run-off will be held"

2. the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land, a building or structure, etc.

** "the ratio of run-off to rainfall"

(Noun) هرزآب، روان آب
(Noun) (به ویژه اگر طرفین مساوی باشند) انتخابات نهایی، مسابقهی نهایی


[ uncountable]
1. a type of grain that is used for making bread and whisky:
** rye bread

2. a type of American whisky made from rye

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) چاودار، گندم سیاه، مرد کولی


[ countable]
a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag and contains liquid or air

(Noun) (تش.- ج.ش.) کیسه، عضو کیسه مانند جانور


[ uncountable]
small white grains obtained from some palm trees, used to make sweet dishes with milk

(Noun) درخت نخل ساگو، شیرینی که با نشاسته ساگو تهیه شود،پنیر خرما


a North American plant of the heather family, with clusters of pink or white flowers and edible purple-black berries.

نوعی گیاه در آمریکای شمالی از خانواده هدر، با خوشه های گل به رنگ صورتی یا سفید و توت سیاه-بنفش خوراکی.


containing or consisting of salt:
** saline solution

محلول نمک، درجه شوری، نمک دار، نمکین، شور


the process of increasing the salt content is known as salinization.

شور کردن، نمک زایی، شور شدن

samarqand / samarkand

Samarkand, alternatively Samarqand or Samarcand, traditionally was the second-largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of Samarqand Province.



[ transitive]
1. [formal] to make something very wet [= soak; ≠ dry]:
** Water poured through the hole, saturating the carpet.

2. to put a lot of something into a particular place, especially so that you could not add any more
saturate something with something:
** Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.

3. saturate the market: to offer so much of a product for sale that there is more than people want to buy

4. to mix as much of a solid into a chemical mixture as possible

اشتباه کردن، سیر کردن، اغشتن اشباع کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
a large flat area of grassy land, especially in Africa

(Noun) دشت بی درخت، زمین هموار


an aromatic plant of the mint family, used as a culinary herb.

(Noun) ( savoury ) خوش طعم، مطبوع طبع، مورد پسند

گیاهی قابل پخت


the past tense of see

اره،هراسبابی شبیه اره زمان گذشته ساده فعل See


1. size/level: [singular, uncountable] the size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening
scale of:
** We had underestimated the scale of the problem.
on a large/small/grand etc scale:
** There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
** Most alternative technologies work best on a small scale.
** A structural survey revealed the full scale of the damage.
** I was shocked by the sheer scale (=very big scale) of the destruction.
on a global/international/world scale:
** Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.
** Large firms benefit from economies of scale (=ways of saving money because they are big).

2. range: [countable usually singular] a whole range of different types of people or things, from the lowest level to the highest:
** Some rural schools have 50 pupils, while at the other end of the scale are city schools with nearly 5,000 pupils.
up/down the scale:
** She gradually made her way up the social scale.
** animals which are lower down the evolutionary scale (=the range of animals that have developed gradually over a long time)

3. a machine for weighing people or objects:
** a set of kitchen scales
** some new bathroom scales (=scales that you use to weigh yourself)

4. a system of numbers that is used for measuring the amount, speed, quality etc of something
on a scale:
** The earthquakes measured 7 on the Richter scale.
** changes to the company's pay scale
** Your performance will be judged on a scale of 1 to 10.
** We use a sliding scale (=in which prices are not firmly fixed) for charges.

5. a set of marks with regular spaces between them on a tool that is used for measuring, or on the side of a mathematical drawing:
** a ruler with a metric scale

کفه ترازو، (درجمع) ترازو، وزن، (جانورشناسی) پولک یاپوسته بدن جانور، فلس، هر چیز پله پله، هرچیز مدرج،اعداد روی درجه گرماسنج وغیره، مقیاس، اندازه،معیار، درجه، میزان، مقیاس نقشه، وسیله سنجش، خط مقیاس، تناسب، نسبت، مقیاس کردن، توزین کردن مقیاس، گام، مقیاس گذاشتن، پیمودن


1. not enough:
** There is only scanty evidence of his involvement.

2. scanty clothes are small and do not cover very much of your body - used to show disapproval

(Adjective) کم، اندک قلیل، غیر کافی


1. if something is scarce, there is not very much of it available:
** Food was often scarce in the winter.
** There was fierce competition for the scarce resources.

2. make yourself scarce:[informal] to leave a place, especially in order to avoid an unpleasant situation:
** I decided it was time to make myself scarce.

کمیاب، کم، نادر، اندک، تنگ، قلیل، ندرتا


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if someone scatters a lot of things, or if they scatter, they are thrown or dropped over a wide area in an irregular way
scatter (something) over/around/across etc something:
** Scatter the onions over the fish.
** The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.

2. if a group of people or animals scatter, or if something scatters them, they move quickly in different directions:
** The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.

پراکندن، پخش کردن، ازهم جدا کردن، پراکنده وپریشان کردن، افشاندن، متفرق کردن پراکنده کردن، پراکنده شدن، متفرق کردن


spread over a wide area or over a long period of time
scattered over/throughout/across/around etc:
** Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.
scattered with:
** The sky was scattered with stars.
** There will be some scattered showers (=short periods of rain) in the afternoon.
** a widely scattered set of islands

پراکنده،متفرق،پرت وپلا،ریخته وپاشیده،تارو مار


[ countable]
1. British English an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training [= program American English]
** The money will be used for teacher training schemes.
** a pension scheme
scheme for:
** schemes for two new cross-city lines
scheme to do something:
** a new scheme to boost exports
pilot scheme: (=something that is done on a small scale in order to see if it is successful enough to be done on a larger scale)
** The pilot scheme proved to be a great success.

2. a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal - used in order to show disapproval:
** a get-rich-quick scheme
scheme to do something:
** a scheme to pass false cheques

3. a system that you use to organize information, ideas etc:
** a classification scheme

4. in the scheme of things: in the way things generally happen, or are organized:
** the unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things

برنامه، طرح، نقشه، ترتیب، رویه، تدبیر، تمهید،نقشه طرح کردن، توطئه چیدن


[ uncountable]
an area of land that is covered with low bushes

زمینی که از درختچه های کوتاه و بوته پوشیده شده است


[ countable]
a farming tool that has a long curved blade attached to a long wooden handle, and is used to cut grain or long grass

داس، با داس بردن، درو کردن


[ countable]
a sailor or someone who travels regularly by ship

(Noun) دریا نورد، بحر پیما

sea lane

a route at sea designated for use or regularly used by shipping.

مسیر دریایی، جاده‌ دریایی‌


a) the production of this substance:
** the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland

(Noun) تراوش، ترشح، دفع، پنهان سازی، اختفا


[ countable]
a group of people with their own particular set of beliefs and practices, especially within or separated from a larger religious group

(Noun) فرقه، مسلک، حزب، دسته، دسته مذهبی، مکتب فلسفی،بخش، قسمت، بریدن، قسمت کردن


1. not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority:
** secular education
** our modern secular society

2. a secular priest lives among ordinary people, rather than with other priests in a monastery

وابسته بدنیا، دنیوی، غیر روحانی، عامی


1. [formal] spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much
sedentary life/job/lifestyle etc:
** health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles

2. [technical] a sedentary group of people tend always to live in the same place:
** a sedentary people living north of the Danube

(Adjective) نشسته، غیر مهاجر، مقیم در یک جا، غیر متحرک


[ uncountable and countable]
solid substances that settle at the bottom of a liquid:
** a thick layer of sediment

(Noun) ته نشین، ته نشست، لای، رسوب، درده، رسوب کردن



پر شده از آب ته نشین شده (معنای اینترنتی :D)


[ uncountable]
the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer

(Noun) رسوب سازی، لای گیری، ته نشینی، درزگیری، لایه گذاری


[ countable]
a young plant or tree grown from a seed

(Noun) نهال تخمی، جوانه کوچک درخت، جوانه


[ linking verb, not in progressive]
1. to appear to exist or be true, or to have a particular quality:
** Ann didn't seem very sure.
** It seems a foolish decision now.
seem to do something:
** The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.
seem important/right/strange etc to somebody:
** Doesn't that seem weird to you?
it seems to somebody (that):
** It seems to me you don't have much choice.
it seems (that):
** It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake.
it seems likely/unlikely/reasonable/clear (that):
** It seems likely that he will miss Ireland's next match.
seem like:
** Teri seemed like a nice girl.
** Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
** We waited for what seemed like hours.
seem as if/as though/like:
** It seemed as if the end of the world had come.
** It seems like you're catching a cold, Taylor.
** 'So Bill's leaving her?' ' So it seems (=it appears to be true).'

2. can't/couldn't seem to do something: used to say that you have tried to do something but cannot do it:
** I just can't seem to relax.

3. used to make what you are saying less strong or certain, and more polite
seem to do something:
** I seem to have lost my car keys.
it seems (that)/it would seem (that):
** It would seem that someone left the building unlocked.

بنظر آمدن، نمودن، مناسب بودن، وانمود شدن، وانمودکردن، ظاهر شدن

seep down

to flow slowly through small holes or spaces.

** Blood seeped down his leg

به آرامی از طریق منافذ چکه کردن

seep out

To escape or pass slowly through small openings or pores:

** I think that gas is seeping out through a crack in the tank.

به آرامی از طریق منافذ بیرون زدن ، رسوخ کردن


[ countable]
1. a part of something that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way
segment of:
** segments of the population

2. a part of a fruit, flower, or insect that it naturally divides into:
** Decorate with orange segments.

3. the part of a circle that is separated from the rest of the circle when you draw a straight line across it

4. [technical] the part of a line or of a length of something between two points
segment of:
** segments of DNA

قطعه، قطعه قطعه کردن قطعه، بخش، قسمت، حلقه، بند، مقطع، قطعه قطعه کردن،به بخشهای مختلف تقسیم کردن


characterized by light rainfall; especially : having from about 10 to 20 inches (25 to 51 centimeters) of annual precipitation.

(Adjective) نسبتا کم اب


denoting minerals which can be used as gems but are considered to be less valuable than precious stones.

** "beads of semi-precious stones"

(Adjective) (سنگ یا گوهر) نیمه بهادار، نیمه گرانبها (مانند فیروزه)


relating to or using your senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch:
** sensory stimuli such as music
** sensory deprivation

(Adjective) وابسته به مرکز احساس، حساس، حسی


[ countable]
one of the small leaves directly under a flower

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) کاسبرگ


1. [uncountable and countable] the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
in a ... sequence:
** The questions should be asked in a logical sequence.
** Be careful to perform the actions in the correct sequence.
in sequence:
** Number them in sequence, 1,2,3 etc.
out of sequence:
** The chapters may be studied out of sequence.

2. [countable] a series of related events, actions etc that happen or are done in a particular order
sequence of:
** He's had a sequence of business failures.
** the sequence of events leading up to the war

3. one part of a story, film etc that deals with a single subject or action:
** the dream sequence in the film

ترتیب، دنباله، ترتیب دادن پی رفت، توالی، ترادف، تسلسل، تابعیت، رشته، ترتیب،به ترتیب مرتب کردن


[ only before noun]
1. winding like a snake:
** the serpentine course of the river

2. complicated and difficult to understand:
** a serpentine plot

(مع.) سنگ مار، شکل مارپیچ، مارمانند


1. very serious: severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are very bad or very serious:
** His injuries were quite severe.
** She's suffering from severe depression.
** The US faces severe economic problems.
** The storm caused severe damage.

2. weather: severe weather is very bad and very extreme, and very hot, dry, cold etc

3. punishment: a severe punishment is very strict or extreme:
** Drug smugglers can expect severe penalties.

4. criticism: severe criticism is very extreme and shows that you think someone has done something very badly:
** The president came under severe criticism for his handling of the crisis.

5. difficult: very difficult and needing a lot of effort and skill:
** The negotiations will be a severe test of his abilities.

(Adjective) سخت، سخت گیر، طاقت فرسا، شاق، شدید


[ countable]
1. a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out
mine/elevator/ventilation etc shaft:
** a 300-foot elevator shaft

2. a long handle on a tool, spear etc

3. of light: a narrow beam of light
shaft of light/sunlight:

4. a thin long piece of metal in an engine or machine that turns and passes on power or movement to another part of the machine:
** a drive shaft

5. one of a pair of poles between which a horse is tied to pull a vehicle

میله، استوانه، بدنه، چوبه، قلم، سابقه، دسته، چوب،تیر، پرتو، چاه، دودکش، بادکش، نیزه، خدنگ، گلوله،ستون، تیرانداختن، پرتو افکندن میله، محور


[ uncountable]
a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat pieces

(Noun) سنگ رست، پوست، پوشش، صدف، سنگ نفت زا، صدف کندن،شوره سر، پولک


1. measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom [≠ deep]:
** a shallow river
** The lake is quite shallow.
** the shallow end of the pool
** Place the meat in a shallow dish.

2. not interested in or not showing any understanding of important or serious matters - used to show disapproval:
** a shallow argument
** If he's only interested in your looks, that shows how shallow he is.

3. shallow breathing: breathing that takes in only small amounts of air [≠ deep]

کم ژرفا، کم عمق، کم اب، سطحی، کم عمق کردن


1. [intransitive and transitive] to break suddenly into very small pieces, or to make something break in this way
shatter into:
** The plate hit the floor, and shattered into tiny bits.
** The explosion shattered the building.

2. [transitive]to completely destroy someone's hopes, beliefs, or confidence:
** Their hopes and dreams were shattered by war.
** A few weeks in a tiny damp room soon shattered his illusions about university life.

خرد کردن، داغان کردن، شکستن، (درجمع) قطعات شکسته


[ countable]
1. a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things:
** a tool shed
** a cattle shed

2. a large industrial building where work is done, large vehicles are kept, machinery is stored

(Noun) ریختن، انداختن افشاندن، افکندن، خون جاری ساختن،جاری ساختن، پوست انداختن، پوست ریختن، برگ ریزان کردن، کپر، الونک


1. the sheer weight/size etc: used to emphasize that something is very heavy, large etc
the sheer weight/size etc of:
** The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult.

2. sheer luck/happiness/stupidity etc: luck, happiness etc with no other feeling or quality mixed with it [= pure]:
** I'll never forget the look of sheer joy on her face.
** sheer hypocrisy

3. a sheer drop, cliff, slope etc is very steep and almost vertical

4. sheernylon, silk etc is very thin and fine, so that it is almost transparent:
** sheer stockings

صرف، محض، خالص، راست، تند، مطلق، بطورعمود، یکراست، پاک، بکلی، مستقیما، ظریف، پارچه ظریف، حریری، برگشتن، انحراف حاصل کردن، کنار رفتن، کنار زدن


[ uncountable and countable]
a situation in which there is not enough of something that people need
shortage of:
** a shortage of skilled labour
** There is no shortage of funds.
water/food/housing etc shortage:
** efforts to solve the housing shortage
acute/chronic/severe shortage:
** an acute shortage of manpower

(Noun) کسری، کمبود


[ countable]
1. a small sea creature that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell [= prawn British English]

2. someone who is very small - used humorously

(جانورشناسی) میگو، ماهی میگو، روبیان


[ countable]
1. a place that is connected with a holy event or holy person, and that people visit to pray
shrine of/to:
** his pilgrimage to the shrine of St John

2. a place that people visit and respect because it is connected with a famous person or event:
** Elvis's home has become a shrine for his fans.
shrine to:
** The museum is a shrine to the great Spanish artist.

معبد، جای مقدس، زیارتگاه، درمعبد قرار دادن


[ singular, uncountable]
the act of shrinking, or the amount that something shrinks:
** Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands.

(Noun) انقباض، چروک، چروک خوردگی، اب رفتگی


[ countable]
a small bush with several woody stems

(Noun) بوته، گلبن، بوته توت فرنگی، درختچه، بوته دار کردن


[ transitive]
to deliberately avoid someone or something:
** a shy woman who shunned publicity
** Victims of the disease found themselves shunned by society.

دوری واجتناب، پرهیز کردن، اجتناب کردن از، گریختن


Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, is just off the toe of Italy's boot

جزیره ی سیسیل (در جنوب باختری ایتالیا - مرکز: 25709 - Palermo کیلومترمربع)


1. [uncountable and countable] a dark image, shadow, or shape that you see against a light background
silhouette of:
** a dark silhouette of domes and minarets
silhouette against:
** Soon the bombers would return, black silhouettes against a pale sky.
in silhouette:
** The old windmill stood out in silhouette.

2. [uncountable and countable] a drawing of something or someone, often from the side, showing a black shape against a light background:
** silhouette pictures of snowmen and reindeer
in silhouette:
** a picture of Mozart in silhouette

3. [countable] the particular shape certain clothes give you:
** Fitted clothes often give the neatest silhouettes.

نیمرخ، نیمرخ هر چیزی برنگ سیاه یا برنگ یکدست،محیط مریی، نقاشی سیاه یکدست، بصورت نیمرخ سیاه نشان دادن


[ uncountable and countable]
one of a group of common solid mineral substances that exist naturally in the Earth

(Noun) باسیلیکا یا سیلیس ترکیب کردن، سیلیکات


[ uncountable]
sand, mud, soil etc that is carried in water and then settles at a bend in a river, an entrance to a port etc

لای، لجن، گل، کف، درده، ته مانده، لجن گرفتن، لیمون


a cavity in the ground, especially in a limestone formation, caused by water erosion and providing a route for surface water to disappear underground.

(Noun) چاه فاضل اب، گودال، منجلاب، تله پول


the American spelling of sceptical

(Adjective) وابسته به مکتب شک اندیشی، شک گرای، شک گرایانه
(Adjective) شکاک، شک کننده، تردید گرای
(Adjective) مردد در مورد اصول مذهب


[ countable]
1. a thick flat piece of a hard material such as stone:
** a concrete slab
** paving slabs
slab of:
** They used a slab of concrete as a lid.

2. slab of cake/chocolate/meat etc: a large flat piece of cake etc

3. on the slab:[informal] lying dead in a hospital or mortuary

تخته سنگ، تکه، ورقه، باریکه، قطعه، لوحه، غلیظ،لیز، چسبناک، لزج، تکه تکه کردن، با اره تراشیدن،سقف را با تخته پوشاندن، باریکه باریکه شدن


1. if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas:
** a slick Hollywood production
** slick advertising
** The presentation was very slick.

2. if someone is slick, they are good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest:
** a slick used-car salesman

3. done smoothly and quickly:
** He got round the defender using some slick footwork.

4. smooth and slippery
slick with:
** Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain.

5. [old-fashioned] very good or attractive

سطح صاف، سطح صیقلی، لیز، ساده، مطلق، ماهر، صاف،نرم، یک دست، نرم وصاف کردن، یکدست کردن، جذاب


[ uncountable]
1. soft thick mud, especially at the bottom of a liquid

2. the solid substance that is left when industrial waste or sewage (=the liquid waste from toilets) has been cleaned

3. thick dirty oil in an engine

لجن، لای، پوسته یخ، جای کثیف ولجن الود، ادم شلخته،لجن مال شدن، کثیف شدن


a person who owns or works in a place where ores are smelted.

(Noun) قال گر،گدازکار


is a form of extractive metallurgy; its main use is to produce a base metal from its ore. This includes production of silver, iron, copper and other base metals from their ores.

گداختن، تصفیه کردن، گداخته شدن


[ transitive]
1. to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant
smother something with/in something:
** noodles smothered in garlic sauce

2. to kill someone by putting something over their face to stop them breathing [↪ suffocate]:
** A teenage mother was accused of smothering her 3-month-old daughter.

3. to stop yourself from showing your feelings or from doing an action [= stifle]:
** The girls tried to smother their giggles.

4. to give someone so much love and attention that they feel as if they are not free and become unhappy:
** I don't want him to feel smothered.

5. smother somebody with kisses: to kiss someone a lot

خفه کردن، در دل نگاه داشتن، خفه شدن، خاموش کردن

snow creep

a continuous, slow, downhill movement of snow.

بارش ملایم ولی مستمر برف


1. a soluble substance can bedissolved in a liquid:
** soluble aspirin
water-soluble: (=that can be dissolved in water)

2. [formal] a problem that is soluble can be solved [≠ insoluble]

(Adjective) قابل حل، حل شدنی، محلول
(Adjective) حل پذیر، قابل حل


[ uncountable]
equipment on a ship or submarine that uses sound waves to find out the position of objects under the water

(Noun) دستگاه کاشف زیر دریایی بوسیله امواج صوتی


[ uncountable]
a type of grain that is grown in tropical areas

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) ذرت خوشه ای


an Arab market or marketplace; a bazaar.

بازار عربی


[ countable]
1. a king or queen

2. a British gold coin used in the past that was worth £1

( sovran =) پادشاه، شهریار، لیره زر، با اقتدار،دارای قدرت عالیه


the past participle of sow:

1. [intransitive and transitive] to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground:

** Sow the seeds in late March.

sow something with something:

** These fields used to be sown with oats.

2. [transitive] to do something that will cause a bad situation in the future:

** repressive laws that are sowing the seeds of future conflicts

sow doubt/confusion/dissatisfaction etc:

** an attempt to sow doubt among the jury members

3. sow your wild oats if a man sows his wild oats, he has sex with many different women, especially when he is young

قسمت سوم sow


existing only in small amounts:
** his sparse brown hair
** rural areas with sparse population

(Adjective) کم پشت، پراکنده، تنک، گشاد گشاد


Spending to save

** When your wife, or girlfriend, comes home and says she saved over $500 while shopping. What she doesn't tell you is that she's spent $1100 to get there.

خرج کردن پول برای خرید چیزی ارزان تر و ذخیره بقیه پول


[ countable]
1. a small amount or piece that is taken from something, so that it can be tested or examined:
** a blood specimen
specimen of:
** a specimen of rock

2. a single example of something, often an animal or plant
specimen of:
** a very fine specimen of 12th century glass

3. a person you are describing in a particular way - used humorously:
** Her boyfriend is an impressive physical specimen.

(Noun) نمونه
(Noun) نمونه، مسطوره، فرد، شخص


[ countable]
1. a very impressive show or scene:
** a multimedia dance and opera spectacle

2. [usually singular] an unusual or interesting thing or situation that you see or notice - used especially in order to show disapproval:
** The trial was turned into a public spectacle.
spectacle of:
** the spectacle of drunken young men on the streets

3. spectacles:[formal][or old-fashioned] glasses that help you see

4. make a spectacle of yourself: to behave in an embarrassing way that is likely to make other people notice you and laugh at you

(Noun) تماشا، منظره، نمایش، (درجمع) عینک


[ countable]
someone who is watching an event or game [↪ audience]:
** The match attracted over 40,000 spectators.

(Noun) تماشاگر، ماشاچی، بیننده، ناظر


[ countable]
1. a complete range of opinions, people, situations etc, going from one extreme to its opposite
spectrum of:
** the ethnic spectrum of America
across the spectrum:
** The bill drew support from across the political spectrum.
broad/wide/full etc spectrum:
** a broad spectrum of environmental groups
** The two articles here represent opposite ends of the spectrum.

2. the set of bands of coloured light into which a beam of light separates when it is passed through a prism

3. a complete range of radio, sound etc waves:
** the electromagnetic spectrum

(Noun) طیف
(Noun) بینایی، طیف، خیال، منظر، شبح، رنگ های مریی در طیف بین


[ uncountable and countable]
1. when you guess about the possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts, or the guesses that you make
speculation that:
** There is speculation that the president is ill.
speculation about/on:
** speculation about the future
** the witness's statement was pure speculation (=not based on any facts)
wild/idle speculation: (=speculation that is unlikely to be true)

2. when you try to make a large profit by buying goods, property, shares etc and then selling them:
** property speculation

(Noun) احتکار، سفته بای، تفکر وتعمق، زمین خواری


1. based on guessing, not on information or facts
highly/purely/largely speculative:
** a purely speculative theory about life on other planets

2. bought or done in the hope of making a profit later:
** speculative investments

3. if you give someone a speculative look, you look at them while trying to guess something about them

احتکار آمیز، تفکری، مربوط به اندیشه


[ countable]
1. a ball shape

2. a particular area of activity, work, knowledge etc
in ... sphere:
** television's increasing role in the political sphere
public/private sphere:
** Women have often been excluded from positions of power in the public sphere.

3. somebody's/something's sphere of influence: a person, country's, organization's etc sphere of influence is the area where they have power to change things

کره، گوی، جسم کروی، فلک، گردون، دایره، محیط،مرتبه، حدود فعالیت، دایره معلومات، احاطه کردن،بصورت کره دراوردن


having the shape of a sphere [= round]

کروی، گوی مانند کروی


1. [countable] the row of bones down the centre of your back that supports your body and protects yourspinal cord [= backbone; ↪ spinal]

2. [countable] a stiff sharp point on an animal or plant [↪ spiny]:
** cactus spines

3. [countable] the part of a book that the pages are fastened onto

4. [uncountable]courage or determination

(Noun) تیره پشت، ستون فقرات، مهره های پشت، تیغ یا برامدگی های بدن موجوداتی مثل جوجه تیغی


1. [old-fashioned] very good [= excellent]:
** a splendid idea
** a splendid opportunity
** The staff are doing a splendid job.

2. beautiful and impressive [= magnificent]:
** All the rooms have splendid views.
** a splendid cathedral

3. [spoken][old-fashioned] used to show that you approve of or are pleased by something [= great]:
** 'I'll see you tomorrow then.' 'Splendid!'

4. in splendid isolation: used to emphasize that something is not with other things:
** The house sits in splendid isolation on top of a steep hill.

(Adjective) ( splendidly ) باشکوه، باجلال، عالی، براق، پرزرق وبرق


[ countable]
a cell like a seed that is produced by some plants such as mushrooms and can develop into a new plant

هاگ، تخم میکروب، تخم قارچ، هاگ اوردن


a cell like a seed that is produced by some plants such as mushroomsand can develop into a new plant

هاگ، تخم میکروب، تخم قارچ، هاگ اوردن


[ countable]
1. a small pipe on the side of a container that you pour liquid out through

2. spout of water/blood etc: a sudden strong stream of liquid which comes out of somewhere very fast ➔ waterspout (1)

3. up the spout:[informal] if something is up the spout, it is completely wrong or has failed completely:
** The computer's up the spout!
** My plans for the weekend seem to have gone up the spout.

لوله، دهانه، شیراب، ناودان، فواره، فوران، جوش،غلیان، پرش، جهش کردن، پریدن، فواره زدن، فوران کردن


the past tense of spring

زمان گذشته ساده فعل Spring


[ uncountable and countable]
a tree that grows in northern countries and has short leaves shaped like needles

(Adjective) تمیز، تر و تمیز، شیک، آراسته، مرتب


** - spruce somebody up
** - (Verb - transitive) خود را آراستن، خود را آراسته کردن، شیک کردن
** - spruce oneself up
** - خود را آراستن، خود را آراسته کردن، شیک کردن
(Noun) درخت نوئل
(Noun) درخت صنوبر، درخت نراد
(Noun) چوب (درخت نوئل)، چوب صنوبر، چوب نراد


a herbaceous plant or shrub with milky latex and very small, typically greenish, flowers. Many kinds are cultivated as ornamentals and some are of commercial importance.

(گیاه‌شناسی) فرفیون ( euphorbia =)


1. urge (a horse) forward by digging one's spurs into its sides.

** "she spurred her horse towards the hedge"

2. prune in (a side shoot of a plant) so as to form a spur close to the stem.

** "spur back the lateral shoots"

(Adjective) مهمیزدار، مهمیزکدار، مجهزبه مهمیز یا مهمیزک


** - spurred boots
** - چکمه های مهمیزدار


[ intransitive]
1. to sit with your knees bent under you and your bottom just off the ground, balancing on your feet
squat down:
** He squatted down beside the little girl.

2. to live in a building or on a piece of land without permission and without paying rent

چمباتمه زدن، قوز کردن، محل چمباتمه زنی، چاق وخپل


[ countable]
a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) موش خرما، سنجاب یا خز موش


[ intransitive and transitive]
to become firm, steady, or unchanging, or to make something firm or steady [↪ stable]:
** The patient's condition has now stabilized.
** an attempt to stabilize the economy

پایاساختن، تثبیت کردن تثبیت کردن، بحالت موازنه دراوردن، پابرجا شدن یاکردن، استوار کردن، ثابت شدن


[ countable]
1. a chemical that helps something such as a food to stay in the same state, for example to prevent it from separating into different liquids

2. a piece of equipment that helps make something such as a plane or ship steady

3. [usually plural] British English one of a pair of small wheels that are fastened to the back wheel of a child's bicycle to prevent it from falling over

(Noun) متعادل کننده، استوار کننده، (در کشتی وهواپیما وغیره) وسیله ای که از نوسانات و تکان جلوگیری میکند
(Noun) پایاساز، تثبیت کننده


to stop developing or making progress:

** Growth is expected to stagnate next year.

** His career had stagnated.

راکد شدن، راکد ماندن، از جنبش ایستادن، بیحرکت شدن، گندیده شدن


1. a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance [= carbohydrate]:
** He eats a lot of starch.
** Avoid fatty foods and starches.

2. a substance that is mixed with water and is used to make cloth stiff

نشاسته، اهار، اهارزدن، تشریفات


1. very plain in appearance, with little or no colour or decoration:
** In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding.
** the stark beauty of New Mexico

2. unpleasantly clear and impossible to avoid [= harsh]:
** The movie shows the stark realities of life in the ghetto.
** The extreme poverty of the local people is in stark contrast to the wealth of the tourists.
** We are faced with a stark choice.
** a stark reminder of life under communist rule

خشن، زبر، شجاع، خشک وسرد (در مورد زمین)، شاق، قوی،کامل، سرراست، رک، صرف، مطلق، حساس، سفت، سرسخت،پاک، تماما


[ countable]
a common bird with shiny black feathers that lives especially in cities

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) سار


1. continuous: continuing or developing gradually or without stopping, and not likely to change:
** Paul is making steady progress.
** a steady rain
hold/remain steady:
** Employment is holding steady at 96%.
steady stream/flow/trickle etc:
** a steady stream of traffic

2. not moving: firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking [↪ stable]
hold/keep something steady:
** Keep the camera steady while you take a picture.
** It takes a steady hand to perform surgery.

3. steady job/work/income: a job or work that will definitely continue over a long period of time:
** It's hard to find a steady, well-paying job.

4. voice/look: if someone's voice is steady, or they look at you in a steady way, they seem calm and do not stop speaking or looking at you:
** There were tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady.
** He could not meet Connor's steady gaze.

5. person: someone who is steady is sensible and you can depend on them:
** a steady worker

یکنواخت، محکم، پرپشت، استوار، ثابت، پی درپی،مداوم، پیوسته ویکنواخت کردن، استوار یا محکم کردن،ساکن شدن


[ uncountable]
1. the hot mist that water produces when it is boiled:
** Steam rose from the hot tub.

2. the mist that forms on windows, mirrors etc when warm wet air suddenly becomes cold

3. power that is produced by boiling water to make steam, in order to make things work or move:
** The engines are driven by steam.
steam engine/train/hammer etc: (=an engine etc that works by steam power)

4. let/blow off steam: to get rid of your anger, excitement, or energy in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active

5. get/pick/build up steam: also gather/gain steama) if an engine picks up steam, it gradually starts to go fasterb) if plans, beliefs etc pick up steam, they gradually become more important and more people become interested in them:
** The election campaign is picking up steam.

بخار، دمه، بخار اب، بخار دادن، بخار کردن


powered by steam

بخار محور ، قدرت گرفته از بخار


powered by steam

بخار محور ، قدرت گرفته از بخار


[ countable]
1. the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow [= stalk]

2. the long thin part of a wine glass, vase etc, between the base and the wide top

3. the narrow tube of a pipe used to smoke tobacco

4. long-stemmed/short-stemmed etc: having a long stem, a short stem etc:
** long-stemmed wine glasses

5. the part of a word that stays the same when different endings are added to it, for example 'driv-' in 'driving'

ستاک، ساقه، تنه، میله، گردنه، دنباله، دسته، ریشه،اصل، دودمان، ریشه لغت

قطع کردن، ساقه دار کردن، بنداوردن


[ countable]
1. a piece of plastic, metal, or paper in which designs or letters have been cut out, that you put over a surface and paint over, so that the design is left on the surface

2. a design made on something using a stencil

استنسیل، استنسیل کردن


[ uncountable and countable]
a large area of land without trees, especially in Russia, Asia, and eastern Europe

(Noun) جلگه وسیع بی درخت


1. a person or animal that is sterile cannot produce babies [= infertile; ≠ fertile]
make/render/leave somebody sterile:
** Radiotherapy has left her permanently sterile.

2. completely clean and not containing any bacteria that might cause infection
sterile equipment/water/bandages etc:
** Rinse the eye with sterile water.

3. lacking new ideas, interest, or imagination
sterile argument/debate etc:
** the increasingly sterile debate on political reform

4. a sterile building, room etc is not interesting or attractive and is often very plain:
** The classrooms are sterile, with no artwork on the walls.

5. sterile land cannot be used to grow crops

(Adjective) نازا، عقیم، بی بار، بی حصل، بایر، سترون


1. [intransitive] if you stiffen, your body suddenly becomes firm, straight, or still because you feel angry or anxious [≠ relax]:
** He touched her, and she stiffened.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to become stronger, more severe, or more determined, or to make something do this:
** a campaign to stiffen rules against drunk driving
** Their opposition only stiffened my resolve.

3. [intransitive] also stiffen up to become painful and difficult to move:
** His joints had stiffened.
** My back had stiffened up.

4. [transitive] to make material stiff so that it will not bend easily

سفت کردن،سخت کردن،شق کردن،سیخ کردن،خشک ومصنوعی کردن


1. [countable usually singular, uncountable] a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed of
the stigma of alcoholism/mental illness etc:
** The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.
** There is a social stigma attached to single parenthood.
** In the US, smoking carries a stigma.

2. the top of the centre part of a flower that receives the pollen which allows it to form new seeds

(Noun) کلاله، داغ، داغ ننگ، لکه ننگ، برامدگی، خال


1. [countable usually singular, uncountable] something that helps a process to develop more quickly or more strongly:
** Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
stimulus to:
** The discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to industrial development.

2. something that makes someone or something move or react:
** At this age, the infant begins to react more to visual stimuli.

(Noun) محرک، انگیزه
(Noun) انگیختار، محرک، انگیزه، وسیله تحریک، تحرک، تحریک


1. a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell:
** We have a huge stock of quality carpets on sale.
** Buy now while stocks last!
out of stock/in stock: (=unavailable or available in a particular shop)
** I'm sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.

2. the total value of all of a company's shares

3. amount available: [countable] the total amount of something that is available to be used in a particular area:
** Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.
** the stock of housing in rural areas

4. supplies: [countable] a supply of something that you keep and can use when you need to
stock of:
** He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard.
** The country has been building up its stock of weapons.

5. take stock (of something): to think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next:
** While in hospital, Jeremy took stock of his life.

موجودی، مایه، سهام، به موجودی افزودن، ذخیره، موجودی کالا، کنده، تنه، ته ساقه،قنداق تفنگ، پایه، دسته ریشه، نیا، سرمایه،مواشی، پیوندگیر حاضر، موجود، دم دست، در انبار، اماده، انبار کردن، ذخیره کردن


plural form of stoma:

1. [BOTANY] any of the minute pores in the epidermis of the leaf or stem of a plant, forming a slit of variable width which allows movement of gases in and out of the intercellular spaces.

2. [MEDICINE] an artificial opening made into a hollow organ, especially one on the surface of the body leading to the gut or trachea.

Noun) (جانورشناسی) شکاف دهان، شکاف، چاک، منفذ تنفسی


1. worry: [uncountable and countable] worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time [↪ stress]:
** I couldn't look after him any more; the strain was too much for me.
** Did you find the job a strain?
** the stresses and strains of police life
strain for:
** The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us.
strain on:
** It's quite a strain on me when he's drinking heavily.
put/place a strain on somebody:
** The long working hours put a severe strain on employees.
under (a) strain:
** I know you've been under a lot of strain lately.
crack/collapse/buckle etc under the strain: (=become unable to deal with a problem or work)
** I could see that she was beginning to crack under the strain.

2. difficulty: [uncountable and countable] a difficulty or problem that is caused when a person, relationship, organization, or system has too much to do or too many problems to deal with
strain on:
** The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources.
put/place (a) strain on something:
** The flu epidemic has put a huge strain on the health service.
strain in:
** The attack has led to strains in the relationship between the two countries.
under (a) strain:
** His marriage was under strain.
break/crack/collapse etc under the strain:
** The party split under the strain.

3. a situation in which something is being pulled or pushed, or is holding weight, and so might break or become damaged
strain on:
** The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous.
put/place (a) strain on something:
** Some of these exercises put too much strain on the back muscles.
** These four posts take the strain of the whole structure.
break/snap/collapse etc under the strain:
** The rope snapped under the strain.

4. an injury to a muscle or part of your body that is caused by using it too much:
** Long hours working at a computer can cause eye strain.
** The goalkeeper is still out of action with a knee strain.

5. a type of animal, plant, or disease
strain of:
** different strains of wheat
** a new strain of the flu virus

کشش، خسته کردن کشش، زور، فشار، کوشش، درد سخت، تقلا، در رفتگی یاضرب عضو یا استخوان، اسیب، رگه، صفت موروثی، خصوصیت نژادی، نژاد، اصل، زودبکار بردن، زور زدن، سفت کشیدن،کش دادن، زیاد کشیدن، پیچ دادن، کج کردن، پالودن،صاف کردن، کوشش زیاد کردن


[ countable]
1. a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, usually connecting two seas:
** the Bering Strait

2. be in dire straits: to be in a very difficult situation, especially a financial one:
** After the war the country's economy was in dire straits.
** The firm is now in dire financial straits.

تنگ، باریک، دشوار، باب، بغاز، تنگه، در مضیقه، درتنگنا، تنگنا


1. the plural of stratum

2. a plural form sometimes used instead of stratum

(Plural) جمع واژه‌ی stratum


[ uncountable and countable]
1. when society is divided into separate social classes:
** The Indian caste system is an example of social stratification.

2. the way in which earth, rocks etc form layers over time

(Noun) قشر بندی، لایه بندی، تشکیل چینه، تشکیل طبقات زمین،چینه بندی


[ countable]
1. a layer of rock or earth

2. a social class in a society:
** people of different social strata

(Noun) لایه، چینه، طبقه، پایه، رتبه، طبقه نسج سلولی، قشر


1. design or provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and ease of movement.

** "streamlined passenger trains"

2. make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.

** "the company streamlined its operations by removing whole layers of management"

(Adjective) (هواپیما واتومبیل و غیره) هوا لغز، هوا لغز شده


** - a streamlined car
** - اتومبیل هوا لغز شده
(Adjective) (کشتی و غیره) آب لغز، آب لغز شده

** - sharks are marvelously streamlined
** - کوسه ماهیها به طور اعجاب انگیزی آب لغز هستند
(Adjective) بهسامان، ساده و پر بازده، عاری از تزئینات یا جزئیات زیادی، تر و تمیز، موثر و ساده، ساده ودلپسند

** - a streamlined design
** - طرح ساده و دلپسند


[ uncountable]
trouble between two or more people or groups [= conflict]
ethnic/religious/civil etc strife:
** a time of political strife

(Noun) ستیزه، نزاع، دعوا، سعی بلیغ، تقلا، کشاکش


1. [written] to hit or fall against the surface of something:
** She fell heavily, striking her head against the side of the boat.
** A snowball struck him on the back of the head.
** Several cars were struck by falling trees.
** The last rays of the setting sun struck the garden windows.! In spoken and ordinary written English it is much more usual to use hit.

2. [formal] to deliberately hit someone or something with your hand or a weapon:
** She struck him hard across the face.
strike something with something:
** The victim had been struck with some kind of wooden implement.
** Paul struck him a blow to the head.
** The assassin's bullet struck home (=hit exactly where it should).

3. thought/idea: [transitive not in progressive] if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc:
** A rather worrying thought struck me.
** The first thing that struck me was the fact that there were no other women present.
it strikes somebody that:
** It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her worries.
be struck by something:
** You can't help being struck by her kindness.

4. strike somebody as (being) something: to seem to have a particular quality or feature:
** His jokes didn't strike Jack as being very funny.
it strikes somebody as strange/odd etc that:
** It struck me as odd that the man didn't introduce himself before he spoke.

5. stop work: [intransitive] if a group of workers strike, they stop working as a protest against something relating to their work, for example how much they are paid, bad working conditions etc:
** In many countries, the police are forbidden to strike.
strike for:
** They're striking for the right to have their trade union recognized in law.

زدن، ضربت زدن، ضربه زدن، خوردن به، بخاطر خطور کردن، سکه ضرب کردن، اعتصاب کردن، اصابت، اعتصاب کردن، اعتصاب، ضربه، برخورد


[ countable]
1. the small pointed part of a record player, that touches the record

2. a thing shaped like a pen, used for writing on wax, making marks on metal, writing on a special computer screen etc

(Noun) ( stilus ) قلم فولادی حکاکی وگراورسازی، سوزن
(Noun) قلم، نوک سوزنی


[ intransitive]
1. to stay alive when you only have small amounts of food or money [= survive]
subsist on:
** We had to subsist on bread and water.
** Old people often have to subsist on very low incomes.

2. [especially law] to continue to exist [= survive]

زیست کردن، ماندن، گذران کردن


an underlying substance or layer.

the surface or material on or from which an organism lives, grows, or obtains its nourishment.

** "brachiopods attached to the substrate by a stalk"

(Noun) زیر لایه، شکل فرعی
سفره، لایه


the stratum or strata below the earth's surface.

** "the subsurface layer"

واقع در زیر سطح زمین یا دریا، زیر سطحی، زیر رویه، زیر رویهای


1. (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or describe.

** "his language expresses rich and subtle meanings"

2. making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.

** "he tried a more subtle approach"

(Adjective) زیرک، محیل، ماهرانه، دقیق، لطیف، تیز ونافذ


the regions adjacent to or bordering on the tropics.

زیر استوایی، نواحی زیر گرمسیری


1. in succession: happening one after the other without anything different happening in between:
** She won the championship four times in succession.
in quick/rapid/close succession: (=quickly one after the other)
** He fired two shots in quick succession.

2. a succession of something: a number of people or things of the same kind following, coming or happening one after the other:
** A succession of visitors came to the door.

3. the act of taking over an official job or position, or the right to be the next to take it [↪ accession]:
** If the prince dies, the succession passes to his son.
succession to:
** the queen's succession to the throne

(Noun) پی ایی، توالی، ترادف، ردیف، جانشینی، وراثت
(Noun) توالی، جانشینی


juicy and good to eat:
** a succulent steak

ابدار، شاداب، پرطراوت


the American spelling of sulphate

( sulphate ) (ش.) زاج، توتیا، سولفات، با اسیدسولفوریک امیختن


Indian Word: Super Sexy Indian Bloke.

هندی سکسی و شهوت انگیز


more formal or literary term for overabundant:

excessive in quantity.

زیاد، فراوان، وافر، دارای وفور


[ no comparative]
extremely good [= excellent]:
** The food was superb.
** superb weather

(Adjective) عالی، بسیار خوب، باشکوه، باوقار


[ transitive]
if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because it is more modern or effective [= replace]:
** Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.

(Verb - transitive) لغو کردن، جانشین شدن
(Verb - transitive) جانشین شدن، جایگزین چیز دیگری شدن


to take the place of a person or thing so that they are no longer used, no longer in a position of power etc [= replace]:

** Barker was soon supplanted as party leader.

(Verb - transitive) از ریشه کندن، جای چیزی را گرفتن، جابجا شدن، جابجاکردن، تعویض کردن


1. amount available: [countable] an amount of something that is available to be used
supply of:
** I've only got a week's supply of tablets left.
plentiful/abundant/adequate etc supply:
** There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour.
** The nation's fuel supplies will not last forever.
** To protect the food supply, the government ordered the slaughter of affected cattle. ➔ money supply

2. necessary things: supplies: [plural] food, clothes, and things necessary for daily life or for a particular purpose, especially for a group of people over a period of time:
** Supplies were brought in by air.
vital/essential/emergency supplies:
** trucks loaded with emergency supplies
medical/school/cleaning etc supplies:
** foreign aid used to buy medical supplies

3. gas/electricity/water etc supply: a system that is used to supply gas etc:
** the public water supply
** If you fail to pay your bill, you run the risk of having your electricity supply cut off (=stopped).

4. act of supplying: [uncountable]when you supply something
supply of/to:
** The military government is trying to stop the supply of guns to the rebels.

5. supply ship/convoy/route etc: a ship etc used for bringing or storing supplies

فرآورده، تهیه کردن، رساندن، دادن به، عرضه داشتن،تدارک دیدن، تولید کردن، موجودی، لزوم، اذوقه منبع، موجودی، تامین کردن، تدارک دیدن


[ intransitive]
1. [always + adverb/preposition] to suddenly move very quickly in a particular direction
surge forward/through etc:
** The taxi surged forward.
** The crowd surged through the gates.

2. also surge up if a feeling surges or surges up, you begin to feel it very strongly:
** She could feel anger surging inside her.

3. [usually + adverb/preposition] if a large amount of a liquid, electricity, chemical etc surges, it moves very quickly and suddenly:
** A wave surged up towards them.
** Adrenalin surged through her veins.

4. to suddenly increase [= shoot up]:
** Oil prices surged.

موج بلند، موج غلتان، موج خروشان، جریان سریع وغیرعادی، برق موجی از هوا، تشکیل موج دادن، موجداربودن، خروشان بودن، موج زدن


[ transitive]
[formal] to guess that something is true, using the information you know already
surmise that:
** When he came in, he didn't look up, so she surmised that he was in a bad mood.

حدس زدن، گمان بردن، حدس، گمان، تخمین، ظن


look closely at or examine (someone or something).

** "her green eyes surveyed him coolly"

examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description.

** "he surveyed the coasts of New Zealand"

(Noun) پیمایش، نقشه برداری، مساحی


1. likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem [↪ immune]
susceptible to:
** Older people are more susceptible to infections.
** Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.

2. a susceptible person is easily influenced or attracted by someone or something [= impressionable]:
** A lot of TV advertising is aimed at susceptible young children.
susceptible to:
** She was very susceptible to flattery.

3. susceptible of something:[formal] if something is susceptible of an action, that action can be done to it:
** Working conditions are susceptible of improvement by legislation.

(Adjective) مستعد، فروگیر، حساس، مستعد پذیرش


1. temporarily prevented from continuing or being in force or effect.

** "work on the dam was suspended"

2. hanged (something) from somewhere.

** "the light was suspended from the ceiling"



[ singular, uncountable]
1. [formal] a relationship between people or organizations that depend on each other equally

2. the relationship between different living things that depend on each other

(Noun) همزیگری، همزیستی، زندگی تعاونی، همزیستی وتجانس دو موجود مختلف یا دوگروه مختلف باهم


a symbiotic relationship is one in which the people, organizations, or living things involved depend on each other

(Adjective) وابسته به همزی گری


the fusion of chromosome pairs at the start of meiosis.

meiosis :
a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes and plant spores.

همور (مراحل اولیه ی کاستمان meiosis) فامتن جفتی


1. [intransitive and transitive] to happen at exactly the same time, or to arrange for two or more actions to happen at exactly the same time
synchronize something with something:
** Businesses must synchronize their production choices with consumer choices.

2. synchronize your watches: to make two or more watches show exactly the same time

همگاه بودن، همزمان کردن، از حیث زمان باهم مطابق کردن، انطباق زمانی داشتن

Tamarisk / Tamarix

an Old World shrub or small tree with tiny scale-like leaves borne on slender branches, giving it a feathery appearance.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) گز، درخت گز


1. a tame animal or bird is not wild any longer, because it has been trained to live with people [≠ wild]:
** tame elephants

2. [informal] dull and disappointing:
** Most of the criticism has been pretty tame.
** I decided that teaching was too tame for me.

3. British English used to describe a person who is willing to do what other people ask, even if it is slightly dishonest:
** If you have a tame doctor, he might give you a sick note.

رام، اهلی، بیروح، بیمزه، خودمانی، راه کردن


[ countable]
a vehicle or ship specially built to carry large quantities of gas or liquid, especially oil

(Noun) کشتی نفت کش، تانک، اتومبیل نفش کش


[ uncountable and countable]
a tropical plant grown for its thick root, which is boiled and eaten

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) گوش فیل نواحی گرمسیر


related to technology:
** The steam engine was the greatest technological advance of the 19th century

مربوط به فن شناسی، تکنولوژیکی شگردی، اصول فنی، فنونی


1. [GEOLOGY] relating to the structure of the earth's crust and the large-scale processes which take place within it.

** "the movements of the tectonic plates"

2.relating to building or construction.

** "a contest of tectonic quality and public attractiveness"

(Adjective) وابسته به ساختن یا ساختمان یا معماری، ساختمانی، ساختی
(Adjective) وابسته به دگرگونیهای پوستهی زمین: زمین ساز، زمین ساختی


telltale signs/marks etc: signs etc that clearly show something has happened or exists, often something that is a secret:
** They examined the child carefully, looking for telltale signs of abuse.

(Noun) سخن چین، خبرکشی کردن


1. temperate climate/zone/region etc: a type of weather or a part of the world that is never very hot or very cold

2. [formal] behaviour that is temperate is calm and sensible [≠ intemperate]

(Adjective) معتدل، ملایم، میانه رو


ten times as much or as many of something:
** Business has increased tenfold in the past two years.

ده برابر، ده چندان


1. nervous feeling: [uncountable] a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax [↪ tense]:
** The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.
reduce/relieve/ease etc tension:
** Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.

2. no trust: [countable usually plural, uncountable] the feeling that exists when people or countries do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other or start arguing
political/racial/social etc tension:
** In those days, there was a great deal of racial tension on campus.
tension between:
** The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made everyone else uncomfortable.

3. different influences: [uncountable and countable] if there is tension between two things, there is a difference between the needs or influences of each, and that causes problems
tension between:
** In business, there's always a tension between the needs of customers and shareholders.

4. tightness: [uncountable] tightness or stiffness in a wire, rope, muscle etc:
** Tension in the neck muscles can cause headaches.
** Muscle tension can be a sign of stress.

5. the amount of force that stretches something:
** This wire will take 50 pounds tension.
tension on:
** There was a lot of tension on the wire before it snapped.

(Noun) کشش، تنش، کشمکش
(Noun) کشش، امت داد، تمدد، قوه انبساط، سفتی، فشار، بحران،تحت فشار قرار دادن


[ countable]
1. a row of houses that are joined to each other, or a street with one of these rows in it

2. a flat outdoor area next to a building or on a roof, where you can sit outside to eat, relax etc

3. the wide steps that the people watching a football match can stand on

4. one of a series of flat areas cut out of a hill like steps, and used to grow crops

بهار خواب، تراس، تراس دار کردن، تختان، تختان دارکردن


[ usually before noun]
1. relating to the Earth rather than to the moon or other planets ➔ extraterrestrial2

2. living on or relating to land rather than water

3. terrestrial TV/broadcasting/channels etc: TV etc that is broadcast from the Earth rather than from asatellite

زمینی، خاکی، این جهانی، دنیوی


third in place, degree, or order

سومین، ثالث، قسمت سوم، دوران سوم


[ countable]
1. be at the end of your tether: to be so worried, tired etc that you feel you can no longer deal with a difficult or upsetting situation

2. a rope or chain that an animal is tied to so that it can only move around within a limited area

کمند، افسار، حدود، وسعت، افسار کردن


[ countable]
1. any type of woven cloth that is made in large quantities, used especially by people in the business of making clothes etc:
** Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
textile industry/design/manufacture etc:
** textile design and technology
** a textile mill

2. textiles: the industry involved in making cloth

پارچه، پارچه بافته، در (جمع) منسوجات


[ intransitive and transitive]
to think of a possible explanation for an event or fact
theorize that:
** Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity.
theorize about:
** They have been theorizing about what may have caused the fire.

نگرشگری کردن، استدلال نظری کردن، تحقیقات نظری کردن، فرضیه بوجود اوردن، فرضیه ای بنیاد نهادن


[ uncountable]
a liquid such asturpentine that you add to paint to make it less thick

(Noun) نازک کننده، کم کننده، رقیق کننده، نازکتر، کم پشتتر


[ intransitive]
to become very successful or very strong and healthy:
** plants that thrive in tropical rainforests
** a business which managed to thrive during a recession

to enjoy or be successful in a particular situation, especially one that other people find difficult or unpleasant:
** I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.

پیشرفت کردن، رونق یافتن، کامیاب شدن


1. [sentence adverb] as a result of something that you have just mentioned:
** Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.! In spoken English it is more usual to use so.

2. in this manner or way:
** They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.

3. thus far: until now:
** Her political career thus far had remained unblemished.

بدین گونه، بدینسان، از این قرار، اینطور، چنین،مثلا، بدین معنی که، پس، بنابر این


relating to the regular rising and falling of the sea:
** tidal currents

(Adjective) جزر و مدی، کشندی


[ singular]
1. the height above the level of the sea beyond which trees will not grow

2. the northern or southern limit in the world beyond which trees will not grow

(در مناطق سرد و کوهستانی) خط مفروضی که بالای ان هیچ درختی رشد نمیکند


[ singular, uncountable]
[formal] a state of being not active because you are lazy or sleepy:
** She tried to rouse him from the torpor into which he had sunk.

(Noun) سستی،بیحال،بیحس،خدر،حالت خواب،بیحالی


1. involving strong emotions, especially of sexual love:
** a torrid love affair

2. torrid weather is very hot:
** the torrid desert sun

3. British English a torrid time is a very difficult one:
** He had a torrid time out there on the racetrack.

(Adjective) حاره، زیاد گرم، حاد، سوزاننده، سوزان، محترق،بسیار مشتاق


[ countable]
1. the digestive/reproductive/urinary etc tract: a system of connected organs that have one main purpose in a part of your body

2. a large area of land:
** vast tracts of woodland

3. a short piece of writing, especially about a moral or religious subject:
** a tract on the dangers of drink

(Noun) مدت، مرور، کشش، حد، وسعت، اندازه، داستان یا نمایشنامه ویاحواد مسلسل، نشان، اثر، رد بپا،رشته، قطعه، مقاله، رساله، نشریه


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]
1. to step heavily on something, so that you crush it with your feet
trample on/over/through etc:
** There was a small fence to stop people trampling on the flowers.
trample somebody/something underfoot:
** The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.
trample somebody to death: (=kill someone by stepping heavily on them)
** Several people were nearly trampled to death in the rush to get out.

2. to behave in a way that shows that you do not care about someone's rights or feelings
trample on/over somebody/something:
** Don't let people trample all over you.
** Their interests and rights had been trampled underfoot.

پایمال کردن، پامال کردن، زیر پا لگد ماکل کردن، لگد


[ uncountable and countable]
[formal] when something changes from one form or state to another
transition from something to something:
** the smooth transition from full-time work to full retirement
** Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
** a society that is in transition (=changing)
** the period of transition to full democracy

(Noun) گذار، تحول
(Noun) انتقال، عبور، تغییر از یک حالت بحالت دیگر، مرحله تغییر، برزخ، انتقالی


[ transitive]
[formal] to move across, over, or through something, especially an area of land or water:
** two minutes to traverse the park

پیمودن، عرضی، متقاطع خاکریز یا جان پناه، خط متقاطع، اشکال، مانع حائل،درب تاشو، حجاب حاجز، عبورجاده، مسیر، معبر، پیمودن، طی کردن، گذشتن از، عبور کردن، قطع کردن

tree shoots and buds

When a tree or plant buds, buds (جوانه و شکوفه) appear on it


a young branch or sucker springing from the main stock of a tree or other plant.

جوانه ها و شکوفه های درخت


1. very big, fast, powerful etc:
** Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook.
** She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.
** She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.
** Sales have been tremendous so far this year.
** This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money.

2. excellent:
** She's got a tremendous voice, hasn't she?

(Adjective) شگرف، ترسناک، مهیب، فاحش، عجیب، عظیم


1. very big, fast, powerful etc:

** Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook.

** She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.

(Adjective) شگرف، ترسناک، مهیب، فاحش، عجیب، عظیم


[ countable]
1. the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to fire it
pull/squeeze the trigger:
** He took aim and squeezed the trigger.

2. be the trigger (point) (for something): to be the thing that quickly causes a serious problem:
** The hijacking became a trigger point for military action.

ماشه اسلحه، گیره، سنگ زیر چرخ، چرخ نگه دار، ماشه(چیزی را) کشیدن ماشه، رها کردن، راه انداختن


[ countable]
a type of fossil of a small sea creature

(Noun) بند پایان خرچنگی دارای بدن سه بند


1. small pieces trimmed off something.

** "hedge trimmings"

2. decoration, especially for clothing.

** "a white romper suit with pink trimmings"

(Noun) ارایش،زینت،توری،چین چینی،مخلفات،لوازم


1. [countable] one of the two imaginary lines around the world, either the Tropic of Cancer which is 23½º north of the equator, or the Tropic of Capricorn which is 23½° south of the equator

2. the tropics the hottest part of the world, which is around theequator:

** plant species found in the tropics

نواحی گرمسیری بین دومدارشمال وجنوب استوا، گرمسیری، مدارراس السرطان، مدارراس الجدیحاره، گرمسیر


[ uncountable and countable]
the large flat areas of land in the north of Russia, Canada etc, where it is very cold and there are no trees

(Noun) تندرا، دشت های بی درخت پوشیده از گلسنگ نواحی قطبی


[ uncountable]
1. irregular and violent movements of air or water that are caused by the wind

2. a political or emotional situation that is very confused:
** A period of political turbulence followed the civil war.

(Noun) ( turbulency ) اشفتگی، اغتشاش، اشوب، گردنکشی، تلاطم


1. a turbulent situation or period of time is one in which there are a lot of sudden changes:
** the turbulent times of the French Revolution
** He has had a turbulent political career.

2. turbulent air or water moves around a lot:
** the dark turbulent waters of the river

(Adjective) سرکش، گردنکش، یاغی، متلاطم، اشفته


[ countable]
a large road for fast traffic that drivers have to pay to use:
** the New Jersey Turnpike

جاده، شاهراه، باج راه


[ countable]
one of a pair of very long pointed teeth, that stick out of the mouth of animals such aselephants

دندان دراز وتیز، دندان نیش اسب، عاج، دندان عاجفیل، دندان گراز حیوانات، (بادندان) سوراخ کردن یاکندن


[ uncountable]
1. when you are taught or looked after by someone
under somebody's tutelage:
** You can attend embroidery classes under the tutelage of Jocelyn James.

2. responsibility for someone's education, actions, or property:
** parental tutelage

(Noun) للگی، قیمومت، سرپرستی، تعلیم سرخانه


1. to turn a part of your body around or change your position by turning:
** He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her.
twist round/around:
** She twisted round, so that she could see the dog better.b) if you twist your mouth or features, you smile in an unpleasant way or look angry, disapproving etc:
** His mouth twisted in a humourless smile.

2. bend: [transitive] to bend or turn something, such as wire, hair, or cloth, into a particular shape
twist something into something:
** She twisted her handkerchief into a knot.
twist something together:
** Twist the two ends of the wire together.

3. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to wind something around or through an object
twist something round/around/through etc something:
** She twisted a silk scarf round her neck.
** Ann twisted some daisies through Katherine's thick brown hair.

4. turn: [transitive] to turn something in a circle using your hand
twist something off (something):
** Jack twisted the cap off the bottle.

5. road/river: [intransitive] if a road, river etc twists, it changes direction in a series of curves:
** The road twisted between spectacular mountains.

پیچ، تاب، نخ یا ریسمان تابیده، پیچ خوردگی، پیچیدن، تابیدن، پیچ دار کردن


seeming to be everywhere - sometimes used humorously:
** Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.
** a French film, starring the ubiquitous Gérard Depardieu

(Adjective) (م.م.) حاضر، همه جا حاضر، موجود درهمه جا


ultraviolet light cannot be seen by people, but is responsible for making your skin darker when you are in the sun
ultraviolet radiation/rays:
** ultraviolet radiation from the sun

فرابنفش، ایجاد شده بوسیله اشعه ماورا بنفش یا فرا بنفش


[ transitive]
to be the cause of something, or be the basic thing from which something develops:
** the one basic principle that underlies all of the party's policies ➔ underlying

در زیر چیزی لایه قرار دادن، زمینه جیزی بودن


1. not smooth, flat, or level:
** She walked back carefully over the uneven ground.

2. not regular:
** His breathing had become uneven.
** uneven rates of development

3. not equal or equally balanced:
** an uneven distribution of resources

4. good in some parts and bad in others:
** an uneven performance

(Adjective) ناهموار، ناصاف، ناجور


[ transitive]
1. to suddenly let a strong force, feeling etc have its full effect:
** Lefèvre's comments unleashed a wave of protest.

2. to let a dog run free after it has been held on a leash

(Verb - transitive) از بند باز کردن، رهاکردن


never having happened before, or never having happened so much:
** He took the unprecedented step of stating that the rumours were false.
** Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale.
unprecedented in:
** an event that is unprecedented in recent history

(Adjective) بی سابقه، بی مانند، جدید، بی نظیر


1. not protected against possible harm or damage:
** Thieves often target unprotected vehicles.
** Part-time workers are unprotected by this law.

2. unprotected machines are not covered and could injure someone:
** Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent.

3. unprotected sex: sex without using a condom

محافظت نشده


[ uncountable]
a political situation in which people protest or behave violently:
** There is growing unrest throughout the country.
political/social/industrial etc unrest:
** The protests were the biggest show of social unrest since the government came to power.

(Noun) ناارامی، اشوب، اشفتگی، اضطراب، بیقراری، بیتابی


1. [formal] intended to be useful and practical rather than attractive or comfortable:
** ugly utilitarian buildings

2. based on a belief in utilitarianism

مطلوبیت چیزی بخاطرسودمندی ان، معتقد باصل اخلاقیسودمند گرایی، سودمندگرا


[ + adjective/adverb]
completely - used especially to emphasize that something was very bad, or that a feeling was very strong:
** You look utterly miserable.

مطلقا، کاملا، بکلی


[ transitive]
1. to leave a job or position so that it is available for someone else to do:
** Clay will vacate the position on June 19.

2. to leave a seat, room etc so that someone else can use it:
** Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.

تعطیل کردن، خالی کردن، تهی کردن، تخلیه کردن


[ transitive]
1. [formal] to prove that something is true or correct, or to make a document or agreement officially and legally acceptable [= confirm]:
** The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
** Many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research.

2. to make someone feel that their ideas and feelings are respected and considered seriously:
** Talking with people who think like you helps validate your feelings.

3. American English if a business validates a ticket from a parking garage, it puts a special mark on it, showing that it will pay the parking costs

(Verb - transitive) معتبرساختن، قانونی کردن، قانونی شناختن، نافذشمردن، تنفیذ کردن
(Verb - transitive) معتبر ساختن، تایید اعتبار
(Verb - transitive) معتبر ساختن، تایید اعتبار


[ countable]
an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it:
** the San Fernando valley

(Noun) دره، وادی، میانکوه، گودی، شیار


1. disappear suddenly and completely.

در حال ناپدید شدن، غیب شدن


[ uncountable and countable]
the American spelling of vapour

(Noun) ( vapour ) بخار، دمه، مه، تبخیر کردن یا شدن، بخوردادن، چاخان کردن


[ usually before noun]
1. if there are various things, there are several different types of that thing:
** The jacket is available in various colours.
** There are various ways to answer your question.
** He decided to leave school for various reasons.

2. many and various: British English various and sundry American English many different types of something:
** The reasons why teenage girls get pregnant are many and various.

گوناگون، مختلف، چندتا، چندین، جورواجو


1. extremely large [= huge]
vast amounts/numbers/quantities/sums etc (of something):
** The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money.
** The refugees come across the border in vast numbers.
vast areas/expanses/tracts etc (of something):
** vast areas of rainforest
** In the past five years, there has been a vast improvement in graduation rates.

2. the vast majority (of something): used when you want to emphasize that something is true about almost all of a group of people or things:
** The vast majority of books on the subject are complete rubbish.

پهناور، وسیع، بزرگ، زیاد، عظیم، بیکران


[ uncountable]
a type of theatre entertainment, popular from the 1880s to the 1950s, in which there were many short performances of different kinds, including singing, dancing, jokes etc [↪ music hall]

(Noun) نمایش متنوع، واریته، درام دارای رقص و اواز


[ uncountable]
plants in general:
** Lefkas has an abundance of lush green vegetation.

(Noun) زندگی گیاهی، نشو و نمای نباتی، نمویاهی


1. [technical] the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction:
** the velocity of light
** The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.
** a high velocity bullet

2. [uncountable] a high speed:
** Martinez had good velocity on his fastball.

(Noun) تندی، سرعت، سرعت سیر، شتاب، تندی برحسب زمان


[ intransitive and transitive]
to express something in words [= articulate]:
** Urge your child to verbalize his feelings.

تبدیل به فعل کردن، وراجی کردن، بصورت شفاهی بیان کردن، لفاظی کردن


[ countable]
a living creature that has a backbone [↪ invertebrate]

( vertebral ، vertebra ) استوی، مهره، فقره، (کالبد شناسی)استخوانهای مهره، بندها


1. [technical] a vestigial part of the body has never developed completely or has almost disappeared:
** The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.

2. [formal] remaining as a sign that something existed after most of it has gone:
** his vestigial sense of pride

(Adjective) ( vestige ) نشان، اثر، جای پا، ردیا، ذره، خرده،بقایا


1. a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully
viable alternative/proposition/option etc:
** The committee came forward with one viable solution.
economically/commercially/financially viable:
** Will a hotel here be financially viable?

2. [technical] able to continue to live or to develop into a living thing:
** viable seeds

(Adjective) زنده ماندنی، زیست پذیر، ماندنی، قابل دوام، مناسبرشد و ترقی


a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.

** "her husband's sharp vicissitudes of fortune"

(Noun) تحول، دگرگونی، تغییر، فراز و نشیب زندگی


[ transitive often passive]
to treat someone unfairly because you do not like them, their beliefs, or the race they belong to [= pick on]:
** The men claim they have been victimized because of their political activity.

(Verb - transitive) طعمه کردن، دستخوش فریب یا تعدی قرار دادن، قربانی کردن


1. [formal] moral goodness of character and behaviour [≠ vice]:
** Women have often been used as symbols of virtue.

2. [countable] a particular good quality in someone's character [≠ vice]:
** Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

3. [uncountable and countable] an advantage that makes something better or more useful than something else
virtue of:
** Adam Smith believed in the virtues of free trade.
** Wilkins is now extolling (=praising very much) the virtues of organic farming.

4. by virtue of something:[formal] by means of, or as a result of something:
** She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

5. make a virtue of necessity: to get an advantage out of doing something that you have to do

(Noun) تقوا، پرهیزکاری، پاکدامنی، عفت، خاصیت


[ uncountable]
a very high degree of skill in performing

ذوق هنرپیشگی، استعداد هنرهای زیبا یا فنون


[ plural]
[medical] the large organs inside your body, such as your heart, lungs, and stomach

اندرونه، احشا، دل وروده و جگر و امثال ان


1. [uncountable and countable] formal an official visit to a place or person

2. [uncountable and countable] law an occasion when a parent is allowed to spend time with the children after a divorce, or the right to do this:

** visitation rights

(Noun) ( visitational )

سرکشی، عیادت، دیدار، مهاجرت موسمی


[ countable]
an important government official in some Muslim countries in the past

(Noun) وزیر(فارسی است)


[ countable usually singular, uncountable]
a popular and fashionable style, activity, method etc [= fashion]
vogue for:
** the vogue for large families in the pre-war years
be in vogue/be the vogue:
** Short skirts are very much in vogue just now.
** Suntanning first came into vogue in the mid-1930s.

رسم معمول، رواج، عادت، مرسوم، مد، متداول، عمومی و رایج


1. a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning:
** an increasingly volatile political situation
** the highly volatile stock and bond markets

2. someone who is volatile can suddenly become angry or violent

3. [technical] a volatile liquid or substance changes easily into a gas

فرار( farraar )، بخارشدنی، سبک، لطیف فرار فرار


1. sound: [uncountable]the amount of sound produced by a television, radio etc
turn the volume up/down:
** Can you turn the volume up?

2. amount of something: [countable usually singular, uncountable] the total amount of something, especially when it is large or increasing
volume of:
** The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years.
** the volume of trade

3. space filled: [countable usually singular] a measurement of the amount of space that a substance or object fills, or the amount of space in a container
volume of:
** an instrument for measuring the volume of a gas
** The volume of the container measures 10,000 cubic metres.

4. a book
volume of:
** a volume of Keats's poetryc) all the copies of a particular magazine printed in one particular year

(Noun) حجم، جلد
(Noun) (رادیو و غیره) درجه صدا، جلد، دفتر، حجم، توده،کتاب، برحجم افزودن، برزگ شدن (حجم)، بصورت مجلد دراوردن
(Noun) حجم، جلد


[ countable]
1. a long journey in a ship or spacecraft:
** The voyage from England to India used to take six months.
** the Titanic's maiden voyage (=first journey)
** I don't want to make the voyage single-handed
** These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. ➔ see usage note travel2

2. voyage of discovery: a situation in which you learn a lot of new things about something or someone:
** Writing a biography is an absorbing voyage of discovery.
** a voyage of self-discovery (=when you learn more about yourself)

سفر دریا، سفر، سفر دریا کردن


1. someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt:
** He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
** We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
be vulnerable to something:
** Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home.

2. a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize
vulnerable to:
** The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.
** Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.

(Adjective) زخم پذیر، اسیب پذیر، قابل حمله
(Adjective) اسیب پذیر


[ countable]
1. a thick pile of pieces of paper or thin material
wad of:
** a wad of dollar bills

2. a thick soft mass of material that has been pressed together
wad of:
** a wad of cotton wool

(Noun) لایی، کهنه، نمد، استری، توده کاه، توده، کپه کردن،لایی گذاشتن، فشردن


1. money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work [↪ salary]:
** He earns a good wage.
wage increase: also
wage rise: British English
** The wage increases will come into effect in June.
daily/weekly etc wage:
** a weekly wage of $250
wage levels/rates: (=fixed amounts of money paid for particular jobs) ➔ see usage note pay2

2. a living wage: money you earn for work that is enough to pay for the basic things that you need to live:
** The church no longer paid a living wage.

3. wage freeze: an action taken by a company, government etc to stop wages increasing

4. wage claim: the amount of money asked for by workers as an increase in wages

مزد، دستمزد، اجرت، کار مزد، دسترنج، حمل کردن، جنگبر پا کردن، اجیر کردن، اجر


A mark raised on the skin, as by a whip (a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle, used for flogging or beating a person or for urging on an animal); a weal or welt.

رنگ ارغوانی روشن ، رنگ کبودی بعد از ضربه توسط شلاق


[ countable]
a large sea animal with two long tusks (=things like teeth) coming down from the sides of its mouth [↪ seal]

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) شیر ماهی، گراز ماهی


[ intransitive]
1. if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important:
** My enthusiasm for the project was waning.
** The group's influence had begun to wane by this time.

2. when the moon wanes, you gradually see less of it [↪ wax]

رو بکاهش گذاشتن، نقصان یافتن، کم شدن، افول، کم وکاستی، وارفتن، به اخر رسیدن


[ countable]
1. a bird that can make musical sounds

2. a singer, especially one who does not sing very well - used humorously

(Noun) سراینده، مرغ خوش الحان، چکاوک


power that is derived from the weight or motion of water, used as a force to drive machinery.

نیروی ابی


[ countable]
1. an event or time when important changes happen in history or in your life [= turning point]
watershed in:
** The 1932 election represented a watershed in American politics.
watershed decision/case etc:
** a watershed case on pension rights

2. the (9 o'clock) watershed: the time in the evening after which television programmes that are not considered suitable for children may be shown in Britain

3. [technical] the high land separating two river systems

(Noun) اب پخشان، منطقه ای که اب دریا یا رودخانه را پخش وتقسیم میکند


[ countable]
a unit for measuring electrical power:
** a 100- watt bulb

(Noun) وات، واحد اندازه گیری الکتریسیته


like wax, or made of wax:
** the waxy blossoms of the water lily
** young men with waxy faces

(Adjective) مومی، پراز موم، (ز.ع) عصبانی، خشمگین


[ intransitive,transitive not in progressive]
to marry - used especially in literature or newspapers

عروسی کردن با، بحباله نکاح در اوردن، (بزنی یاشوهری) گرفتن


[ only before noun]
1. [formal] married:
** a newly-wedded couple
** my lawfully wedded wife

2. wedded bliss: the happiness that comes when you are married - used humorously

3. be wedded to something: to believe strongly in a particular idea or way of doing things:
** On the whole the working class is still wedded to the Labour Party.

(Adjective) ازدواج کرده، زن و شوهر (شده)
(Adjective) وابسته به ازدواج، ازدواجی، زن و شوهری، (همسر) قانونی
(Adjective) وابسته، بسیار علاقمند


** - he is wedded to his job
** - خیلی به شغلش دلبستگی دارد


[ countable]
1. a piece of wood, metal etc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keeping a door open or for splitting wood

2. a piece of food shaped like a wedge:
** Garnish with lemon wedges.
wedge of:
** a wedge of cheese

3. drive a wedge between somebody: to make the relationship between two people or groups worse:
** Their divorce has driven a wedge between the two families.

گوه (goveh)، با گوه شکافتن


[ uncountable]
1. someone's welfare is their health and happiness:
** Our only concern is the children's welfare.

2. help that is provided for people who have personal or social problems
welfare benefits/services/programmes etc:
** the provision of education and welfare services
** The company's welfare officer deals with employees' personal problems.

3. American English money that is paid by the government in the US to people who are very poor or unemployed [= benefit British English]
on welfare:
** Most of the people in this neighborhood are on welfare.

(Noun) اسایش، رفاه، خیر، سعادت، خیریه، شادکامی


towards the west:
** The ship turned westward, away from the coast.

( westwards ) بسوی باختر، بطرف مغرب، در جهت مغرب


a vehicle having a specified number of wheels.

** "a huge sixteen-wheeler truck"

گردنده، چرخنده، دور زننده، چرخ دار


1. from what place or source.

** "whence does Parliament derive this power?"

2. from which; from where.

** "the Ural mountains, whence the ore is procured"


از کجا، از چه رو، که از آنجا


[ intransitive]
1. if a plant wilts, it bends over because it is too dry or old [↪ droop]

2. [informal] to feel weak or tired, especially because you are too hot

پلاسیده و پژمرده شدن، خم شدن


[ countable]
1. a building or structure with parts that turn around in the wind, used for producing electrical power or crushing grain

2. British English a toy consisting of a stick with curved pieces of plastic at the end that turn around when they are blown [= pinwheel American English]

اسیاب بادی، هر چیزی شبیه اسیاب بادی، (اسیاب وار)چرخیدن

wood lot

a restricted area of woodland usually privately maintained as a source of fuel, posts, and lumber.

چوب، هیزم، بیشه، جنگل، چوبی، درختکاری کردن، الوار انباشتن


the past tense of weave1

زمان گذشته ساده فعل Weave


a plant which needs very little water.

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) گیاه زیست کننده در نواحی خشک و بی اب


[ countable]
1. a tropical climbing plant grown for its root, which is eaten as a vegetable

2. a type of sweet potato

(Noun) (گ.ش) سیب زمینی هندی، سیب زمینی شیرین


[ uncountable and countable]
a tree with dark green leaves and red berries, or the wood of this tree

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) سرخدار


1. someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt:
** He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
** We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
be vulnerable to something:
** Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home.

2. a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize
vulnerable to:
** The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.
** Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.

(Adjective) زخم پذیر، اسیب پذیر، قابل حمله
(Adjective) اسیب پذیر


[ uncountable and countable]
a tree with dark green leaves and red berries, or the wood of this tree

(Noun) (گیاه‌شناسی) سرخدار