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98 Cards in this Set

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What is Trisomy 21?
Down Syndrome - A chromosomal abnormality at C21, where the individual has extra genetic material (all or part).
Who is more at risk for Down Synd?
Older mothers. R=1/600
What are some systemic signs and symptoms of Down Syndrome?
- small chin
- excessive space between large and 2nd toe
- congenital heart defects
- hypotonia
What are some ocular signs and symptoms of Down Synd?
- oblique fissures (mongoloid) slope upward
- Brushfeld (white spot on iris)
- strabismus
- decreased accommodation
What is Turner's Syndrome?
Gonadal Dysgenesis - a chromosomal abnormality affecting the sex chromosomes. Born with just one X or one Y chromosome, or may have X and part of another X or Y
Who is usually affected with Turner Synd?
R=1/2500 girls
What are some systemic signs and symptoms of Turner Synd?
- underdeveloped gonadal structures
- low hair line
- webbed neck
- amanorrhea
- lymphedema
WHat are some ocular signs and symptoms of Turner Synd?
- hypertelorism
- corneal nebulae
- retinal detachment
What treatment is available for Turner Synd?
Growth hormone
estrogen therapy (replacement)
What is Crouzon Syndrome?
AD; disease characterized by premature closing of cranial sutures [craniosynostosis] which causes 2* facial anomalies
What are some general sign and symptoms of Crouzon synd?
- hydrocephalus
- facial abnormality
- asymmetric facial structure
- beaked appearance
- cleft palate
- syndactyly
What are some ocular sign and symptom of CROUZON?
- crossed hypers
- V-pattern
- SO u/a
- hypertelorism
What is Treacher-Collins syndrome?
AD; chromosomal disorder caused by mutation of treacle gene. Causes facial defects
What are some general signs and symptoms of Treacher Collin Synd?
- bilateral facial abnormality
- extra skin tags
- ear malformation
- hearing loss
- ears displaced toward angle of mandible
What are some ocular sign and symp of treacher collins?
- anti-mongoloid palpebral fissure
- coloboma of lower lid
- eyelashes missing medially from lower lid
- underdeveloped EOMs
What is Prader Willi Synd?
abnormality of C15; usually mutation is paternal deletion
what are some systemic signs and symp of prader willi?
- obesity
- excessive appetite with no sense of satiety
- hypotonia
what are some ocular sign and symp of prader willi?
- strabismus (ET)
- mongoloid fissures
- hypopigmentation
- foveal hypoplasia
- crossed asymmetry
What is the treatment for Prader Willi?
- no cure
- growth hormones
- limit caloric intake
- monitor for diabetes and life-threatening obesity
What is Ehlers-Danlos Synd?
(Caused by a gene mutation) disease characterized by abnormal COLLAGEN
What are the three types of Ehlers Danlos with ocular findings?
type I - gravis (AD)
Type VI - ocular (AR)
Type VII - dermatosparaxis (AR)
What are systemic signs and symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos?
I: gravis - hyperextensible skin, bruises easily, slow healing
VI: ocular - stretchable skin, joint dislocations, hypotonia
VII: dermatosparaxis - stretchable, bruisable, fragile skin, hypermotility of joints
What are some ocular signs and symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos?
I: gravis - stretchable lids, retinal detachment possible
VI: ocular - blue sclera, retinal detachment with minor trauma, globe rupture with minor trauma
VII: dermatosparaxis - hypertelorism, epicanthal folds
What is cicatricial pemphigus?
autoimmune disorder which affects the skin and mucous membranes
- dysregulation of T-lymphocytes
- antibodies target adhesion molecules
What are some general signs and symptoms of cicatricial pemphigus?
- lesions!!!!
What are some ocular findings with cicatricial pemphigus?
- symplepharon
- cicatrizing conjunctivitis
- dry eye
- red eye
What is erythema multiforme?
Adverse skin reaction of unknown cause. Thought that it may be a hypersensitivity of the body to a particular drug or microorganism; or precipitated by an infection or medication
What are some general signs and symptoms of erythema multiforme?
- lesions of the skin especially over abdominal area
- lesions appear in groups
- disappear within 2-6 weeks
- vasculitis
What are some ocular signs and symptoms of erythema multiforme?
- vasculitis of conjunctival vessels
- conjunctival scarring
- neovascularization
What is the treatment for erythema multiforme?
- treat lesions
antibiotics, corticosteroids
lube and bandage CL for eye
What is Cockayne Synd?
congenital skeletal disorder (AR).
What are some signs and symptoms of Cockayne Synd
- dwarfism
- hearing loss
- photosensitive dermatitis
- progressive neurological dysfunction
What are some ocular signs and sympo of Cockayne Synd?
- retinal detach
- miosis unresponsive to mydriatics
What treatment is there for Cockayne synd?
- no cure; short LS
- physio
What is retinoblastoma?
mutation at C13; cancer of the eye [beginning in retina]
What are some systemic signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma?
- lethargy
- anorexia
- neurologic problems
What are some ocular findings with retinoblastoma?
- leukocoria
- strabismus
- proptosis
- fixed pupil
What are the treatment options for retinoblastoma
- enucleation
- cryotherapy
- photocoagulation
- chemotherapy
What is hypertension?
A vascular disease, exact etiology is unknown. Usually primary but can be 2* to another systemic condition
What are some risk factors for hypertension?
- age (BP inc with age)
- lifestyle
- diet
- use of alcohol/tobacco
- genetics
What are some systemic signs and symptoms of hypertension?
- dizzy spells
- dull headache
- nausea
- vomiting
- chest pain
- nosebleeds
What are some ocular findings with hypertension?
- amarosis fugax
- cotton wool spots
- flame hemorrages
what is the treatment for hypertension?
- anti-hypertensive meds
- no cure
- monitor diet
- at risk for TIA
What is Bardet-Biedel Synd?
AD disorder caused by one of six different gene mutations. More prevalent in areas with high amounts of interfamilial relationships
What are some general signs and symp of Bardet-Biedel?
- polydactyly
- obesity
- hypogenitalism
What are some ocular signs and symptoms of Bardet-Biedel?
- decreased VA
- night blindness
- photoreceptor degeneration
What is the treatment for Bardrt Biedel?
- decreased life span and no cure.
renal involvement causes death
What is Fetal-Alcohol Synd?
affects the developing embryo as a result of the consumption of alcohol by the mother. 100% preventable physical and mental defects
What are general signs and symptoms of Fetal Alcohol synd?
- underweight
- below normal height
- developmental problems
- learning difficulties
- low IQ
- behavioral problems
- microcephaly
What are the three craniofacial characteristics of fetal alcohol synd?
1- smooth philium
2- thin upper lip
3- small PFW
What are some ocular findings in fetal alcohol synd?
- small PFW
- microphthalmia
- strabismus
- refractive problems because of small eye
What is Shaken Baby Synd?
type of inflicted head trauma caused by deliberately shaking a baby or infant. Preventable physical and mental damage
What are some general signs and symp of shaken baby synd?
- subdural hematoma
- hearing loss
- neurological damage
- dev delay
- seizures
What are some ocular findings in Shaken baby synd?
- retinal hemorrhage
- strabismus
- retinal schisis
- retinal folds
What is Spina bifida?
"split spine" = latin
developmental problem caused by incomplete closure of neural tube - causing incomplete fusion of spinal vertebrae
What are general findings in spina bifida?
- birthmarks or patches of hair at the lower spine
- lower body paralysis
- hydrocephalus
- neulogical defects
What are the four categories of Spina Bifida?
1. oculta - mild - no protrusion
2. cyctica - cyst protrudes out of opening
3. meningocele - meninges come thru opening in spine (not common)
4. myelomeningocele - most common - caused when meninges and the spinal nerves protrude out of the spinal opening
What are ocular finding in spina bifida?
- strabismus (usually ET)
- SO o/a
- A pattern
What is Wilm's tumor?
nefroblastoma - tumor in one or both kidneys
usually genetic prob
What are systemic signs and sym of wilms tumor?
- lump in abdominal area
- abdominal pain
- blood in urine
What are ocular signs of wilms tumor?
- aniridia
- photophobia
- glaucoma
- strabismus
What is Usher syndrome?
AR disorder caused by gene mutation; characterized by hearing loss, vestibular prob, and RP
What are the three types of Usher synd?
Type I: deaf at birth, vestibular problems, RP by age 10
Type II: moderate hearing loss at birth, no vestibular problems, RP by puberty
Type III: no congenital problems but all 3 progressively affected - vision first
What are general signs and symptoms of Usher synd?
- hearing loss
- deafness
- problems with balance
- visual feild defects
- developmental delay
What are the ocular findings in usher synd?
- retinitis pigmentosa
- night blindness
- blind spots
- progressive field loss
What is cerebral palsy?
a neurological disorder with unknown etiology. Although - more at risk are premature babies who had prenatal injury or infection. disorder permanently affects muscle coordination and movement
What are some general signs and symptoms of CP?
- early hand preference
- unusual posture
- prefer one side of the body
- not meeting developmental milestones
- problems sucking
- problems with fine motor tasks
What are some ocular signs and symptoms of CP?
- strab (usually XT)
- variable strabismus
- decreased accommodation
- A pattern
What is Retinopathy of Prematurity?
a vasoproliferative disorder affecting premature babies (i.e. affects retinal vasculature)
What are some general findings with ROP?
- low birth weight
- premature
(below 1000g and 32 weeks)
What are some ocular findings with ROP>
- leukocoria
- strabismus
- neovascularization
- high myopia
- demarcation line
What is Guillain Barre synd?
an autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology in which nerve tissues become infiltrated with WBCs and result in the eventual destruction of te myelin sheath -- causes muscle weakness/paralysis
Who gets guillain barre synd>
occurs frewuently after vaccunation or after contracting a viral infection
(C. jejuni common)
what are general signs and sym of GBS?
- tingling and numbness beginning in legs and move up t the body
- muscle weakness in face and neck
- difficulty breathing
What are ocular signs of GBS?`
- CN III palsy
- Adie's pupil
- CN palsy
- gaze palsy
- unsteady gait
- ophthalmoplegia
What is Goldenhar Synd?
congenital facial anomaly due to neural crest damage during developm,ent
Who is affected in Goldenhar synd?
Male more than female!!!
usually sporadic
What are general signs and symptoms?
- skin tags
- facial anomaly
- cleft palate
- recessed chin
- abnormal facial features
What are ocular signs and symp of goldenhar synd?
- duane's syndrome
- strabismus (ET)
- amblyopia
What is Klippel-Feil Syndrome?
AD congenital anomaly of vertebrae (failure in separation)
systemic sign and symp of klippel feil?
- hearing loss
- facial asymmetry
- superior spinal abnormality
- may just be neck problem
What are ocular sign and symp of klippel feil?
- duanes
- ET
- gaze palsy
What is Marfan Synd?
AD CONNECTIVE TUSSUE disorder; mutation at C15
signs and symptoms of marfan synd>
tall/long stature
long fingers
heart problems
What are ocular sign and symop of marfan synd?
- displaced lens
- cataract
- strabismus
- amblyopia
What is Stickler synd?
AD disorder affecting collagen.
systemic sign and symo of stickler synd?
- hearing loss
- flat nose
- broad face
- hyperextensible skin
what are ocular findings with stickler synd?
- high myopia
- ret detachment
- strabismus
Which syndromes have decreased accommodation?
Cerebral Palsy
Trisomy 21 (DS)
Which syndromes have an A-pattern?
Spina Bifida
Cerebral Palsy
Which syndromes have a V-pattern?
Crouzon Syndrome
Which syndromes have characteristic mongoloid fissures?
Trisomy 21
Which syndromes are associated with obesity?
Turner Syndrome
Spina Bifida
Which are disorders of collagen?
Stickler Synd
Marfan Synd
Who may have Duane's synd?
What are orthoptic concerns with CP and downs?
- a pattern
- VARIABLE strabismus
- decreased accom (bifocal)
Who may have anti-mongoloid fissures?
Which are associated with Retinitis Pigmentosa?
Usher synd
Cockayne synd