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13 Cards in this Set

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Which of the spiritual gifts are still opperational in the church today?

All of them. They have not ceased.

What are the 3 basic groupings of the gifts?

They are the manifestation gifts, ministry gifts, and the motivational gifts

Hi ow is the motivational gift of prophecy different than the ministry gift of prophecy?

Any believer can excercise the motivational gift of prophecy while the ministry gift is given to the church and has a special anointing.

What does it mean that the gifts should be excercise in proportion to the faith of the ones using them

God has given a portion of the type of faith that is necessary to excercise each gift

Does one have to be wealthy to excercise the gift of giving? What does it require?

No, but it requires a gracious desire to share material assistance.

What are the 5- fold gifts outlined in Ephesians 4:7-11

They are that of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher

What is the source of the 5 ministry gifts?

They are given by God alone and cannot be given by human appointment or ability

What is the purpose of the 5 ministry gifts?

They are given for the purpose of the equipping of saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ

There are 2 main groups of apostles in the new testament. The 12 apostles of the lamb and the post ascension apostles. Which is still functioning and how long will it function.

The post ascension apostles are still functioning and will throughout the church age

What are several important ministries of the apostles today?

He starts new churches and sets them on sound foundation, is very concerned with sound doctrine, quickly corrects error and is involved in the care of the churches he had begun

What are the W main uses for the gift of prophecy in the new testament

There are forth telling , declaring or speaking a message from God and fore telling a predictave revealing of Gods thought. Something about to happen that he want to reveal.

What is the main goal of the evangelist In The body of chrisy

Is to travel and preach the gospel in unreached places and teach and train others how to evangelize

What is a pastor is in the body of christ

He is a servant leader who watches and cares for the flock, the body of Christ.