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46 Cards in this Set

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Front (Term)

Fragmented and torn

Rotary microtome uses what medium?


Glycol methacrylate

CNS stands for

Central nervous system

What microtome is used for a research



Microtomy process examination includes

1) check accession # (slide & block)

2) check embedding was done correctly

3) check stain order & tissue type

Microtomy process for orientation block into chuck:

1) Cut softest to hardest: go through subsurface

2) make edges parallel to blade (makes ribboning easier)

Rough cut or face into block by

15-30 micrometers

When facing in to the block

Ensure all tissue is exposed

Look for artifacts

In order to obtain a good ribbon

Rotate ~1 revolution per second

Light blow ribbon to help decompress / reduce static

A warm water bath helps reduce..

Ribbon folds

Drying oven temperature should be kept at

Above paraffin melting point

Cleaning / skimming water bath helps with

Preventing floaters artifacts

Prevents misdiagnosis

Prevents cross contamination

When cleaning the microtome: (QC practices)

Use soft brush for loose paraffin

Use moist xylene cloth to dissolve paraffin wax

Cover when not in use

Lubricate according to manufacturers

Document when cleaned or serviced

The proper knife tilt or clearance angle should be:


Two blade angles


Knife tilt/Clearance

Use a sharp fresh blade to:

Reduce amount of artifacts

Ergonomics for microtomy includes

Use full arm when rotating

Keep steady posture

Position water bath to easily accessible

Keep waterbath at

5-10° C below paraffin mp

Routine sections should be cut:

4-6 micrometers

Kidney stain should be cut

2-3 micrometers

Amiloyd stains should be cut

8-10 micrometers

Keep blocks on ice to

Easier cuts

Add moisture to block (over processed or over dehydrated)

E) All of the above

All of the above

knife lines can be caused by

Defect in the blade edge

Hard particle in block (staple, calcium deposit

Knife line corrective actions include

Move/change blade

Remove defect in block (staple, calc)

How to prevent knife lines

Remove defects when grossing

Ensure your using a fresh knife

Clean off old paraffin wax on and behind knife

Crooked ribbons can be caused by

Top and bottom edges aren’t parallel

Uneven chilling

Not parallel to the blade

How to prevent crooked ribbons

Ensure edges are parallel

Ensure there’s no movement with the blade

Block gets chilled evenly

Uneven sectioning is cause by

Chuck not parallel to the blade

Holes in sections can be caused by

Block is faces too aggressively (tissue chips out, tear away tissue)

Excessive dehydration

Tissue types have holes (lungs)

How to prevent holes in section

Slower face block (smaller micrometers cuts)

Ribbon until holes disappear (if enough tissue)

Soak block in Ice before sectioned

Ribboning failure is caused by

Dull blade (most common)

Room temp

Too much blade tilt

Paraffin too hard

Possible causes of “washboarding”

Very hard tissues (uterus/bone)

Old/loose microtome parts

Prevention for washboarding includes:

Need enough support paraffin/Correct mold size (overcrowding)

Keep block & blade tight

Decrease blade tilt

Possible causes from chatter


Too much blade tilt

Dull blade (change blade frequent)

Cutting too fast

Prevention for chatter

Correct processing schedules

Soak in ice water

Decrease blade tilt

Slow down

Causes / prevention for varied thickness

Too little blade tilt / increase tilt

Loose microtome parts / maintenance of microtome

Causes for wrinkles or compressed sections

Dull blade

Build up on blade

Too little knife tilt

Too fast of cutting

Room temp = too warm

Torn sections caused by

Under processing

Leaving tissue is water bath too long or water bath temp too high

Temp for most tissues on cryostat should be held at

-20° C

Temp used for breast tissue on cryostat

-25° C

Temp used for brain, liver, spleen, lymph node on cryostat

-10° C

Steps to cryotomy

1) cryombed fresh tissue

2) rough out / face into flat sections

3) obtain sections directly onto slides

Front (Term)


Front (Term)

Sections uneven thickness

Front (Term)

Cut too thick of levels