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78 Cards in this Set

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Endemic areas for Histoplasma
Ohio and MS river valleys
Mech of spread for Histoplasma
inhalation conidia from soil contaminated by of bird or bat feces
Etiology of Actinomyces
Gram positive, filamentous, non acid fast, anaerobic
Describe spread of Actinomyces
Is normal flora so it is endogenous
Infection with what organism is increased with steroid use?
Etiology of Nocardia
Gram positive, acid fast
Describe spread of Nocardia
through soil dust
Possible complication of Nocardia infection
CNS abscess
Etiology of Influenza A
enveloped virus with 8 segments of neg sense RNA
Means of developing Staph aureus pneumonia
Lab value for Na with Legionella infection
decreased Na
Test to dx Legionella
direct antigen on urine
What causes tissue damage in Legionella infection?
PMNs and T cells
Etiology of Klebsiella
mucoid on culture, lactose fermenting, indole negative
Possible complication of Klebsiella pneum
Who should receive the pneumo vaccine?
Sickle cell pt (no spleen)
What organism has a pos cold agglutinin (IgM agglutinates RBCs)?
Mycoplasma pneum
Tx for Mycoplasma pneum
Erythromycin (no cell wall, so no beta-lactams)
SE of Isoniazid
liver injury
Etiology of EBV
enveloped ds linear DNA
EBV causes increase in what lab values?
AST, ALT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase
Who is at greatest risk for complications with EBV infection?
African kids with malaria
Action of Pertussis toxin
inactivates Gi which increases cAMP activity and increases protein kinase activity
DOC for Strep pneum that is resistant to penicillin
Organism that causes cauliflower lesion on skin (verrucous) and undergoes broad base budding
Organism that causes erythema nodosum and forms septae to form endospores
Endemic areas for Coccidiodes
Tx for Coccidiodes
Describe spread of Coccidiodes
via arthroconidia
Etiology of diphtheria
Gram positive rod, aerobic, grows on tellurite agar
What type of toxin does diphtheria produce?
bacteriophage A-B toxin
Tx for diphtheria
Manifestations of Adenovirus infection (2)
pharyngitis and conjunctivits
Possible complication of Adenovirus
Describe macroconidia of Histoplasma
has fingerlike projections
Most common organisms of rhinitis (2)
rhinovirus and coronavirus
Most common organisms of AOM (3)
Strep pneumo, H influ, Moraxella
Most common organisms of sinusitis (3)
Strep pneumo, H influ, Moraxella
Most common organisms of eye infections (unilateral) (7)
Adenovirus, CMV, HSV, S aureus, Neisseria gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Toxoplasma
Most common organisms of pharyngitis (5)
Adenovirus, EBV, Mycoplasma, Strep pyogenes, Corynebact diphtheriae
Type of organism that causes the following: bulging and inflamed TM, opaque liquid in middle ear, occuring after common cold
Gram neg cocci (Moraxella)
Main reason to give antibiotics for AOM
to prevent further suppurative complications like chronic effusions of middle ear that don't respond well to antibiotics
Tx of STI infection in 2 week old
Etiology of agent: fever, sore throat, red left eye with feeling of sand in it, hx of playing in water
naked, ds-linear DNA (adenovirus)
What virulence factor is most likely to be involved in pathogenesis of petechiae on soft palate during a strep pyogenes infection?
erythrogenic toxin
Which important Gram pos bacterium is catalase positive?
Staph aureus
Are all streptococci catalase negative?
2 organisms that are gamma hemolytic
enterococcus and staphylococcus epidermidis
Course of action if the following: 5 yo immigrant with fever, sore throat, dyspnea, lymphadenopathy, whitish-gray adherent membrane over tonsils/pharynx
passive immunization against diphtheria toxin
Mech by which non-capsular strains become capsular
Mech by which nontoxic strains become toxic
trunsduction (via lysogeny)
Mech by which drug sensitive strains become resistant
conjugation (plasmids)
Mech of diphtheria toxin
inactivates EF2
oncogenic DNA viruses (2)
Most common organisms of croup (2)
parainfluenza, RSV
Most common organisms of epiglottitis (1)
Most common organisms of bronchitis (3)
resp viruses, Mycoplasma pneum, H influ (AECB)
Most common organisms of bronchiolitis (3)
RSV, influenza, pneumovirus
Dx: barking cough, wheezing, preceeded by coryza, perioral cyanosis, virus is nonseg neg sense ssRNA, nucleocapsid with surface spikes of hemagluttinin
Toxin associated with following sx: increased cough with repetitive dry cough followed by inspir whistle; incomplete immunizations
ADP-ribosylase associated with pertussis causes what change in lymphocytes?
preferential increase in lymphocytes by inhibiting chemokine receptor
special media for pertussis
Boredet-Gengou charcoal blood agar with cephalexin
Common organisms of typical pneumonia (4)
Strep pneumo, Klebsiella, E coli and GBS
Common organisms of atypical pneumo (9)
Mycoplasma pneum, Chlamydophila pneum, Legionella pneum, Influenza, RSV, Adenovirus, Sin Nombre, SARS, H5N1
Common organisms of TB/chronic pneum (5)
TB, Histoplasma, Blastomyces, Coccidioides, Actinomyces
Common organisms of pneumo in comorbids (9)
Pseudomonas (CF), MDR-GNB (ICU), S aureus (flu), anaerobes (elderly), Nocardia (CMI), Pneumocystis (HIV), Aspergillis and Candida (neutropenic), CMV (AIDS/transplant)
What best differentiates Strep mutans from Strep pneumo
Strep pneumo is Optochin sensitive
Tx for a Gram neg rod that is mucoid in colony, oxidase neg, lactose fermenting and causes cough, fever, muscle aches, chest pain
ceftriaxone and gentamicin (3rd or 4th ceph plus aminoglycoside) (for Klebsiella)
Dx: fever, cough, muscle aches, delirium, watery diarrhea, clear sputum, urine antigen test confirms dx
Legionella pneum
special media for Legionella
BCYE with Fe and cysteine
Target of drug used to tx influenza
What genetic changes of influenza are responsible for a number of epidemics and pandemics?
Dx: CXR shows ground-glass appearance and air bronchograms in lung fields
INH must be given with what vitamin?
Drug that is directed against the synthesis of ergosterol
Dx and Tx: fever, chills, hemoptysis, cytotoxic chemotherapy for leukemia, CXR with multiple nodular infiltrates, Galactomannan positive
Aspergillus; drug that causes pores in membrane by binding with ergosterol
Dx: works with wool, cyanosis, hemoptysis, chest pain, fever, rales, mediastinitis
Anthrax produces what type of toxin?
adenyl cyclase toxin