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528 Cards in this Set

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what does growth refer to in bacteria
an increase in the number of cells present
What are the 5 temperature requirements? explain
psychrophiles-can grow at 0, optimum <15.
psychrotrophs-can grow at 0, optimum 20-30; import. in food spoilage
mesophiles-optimum 25-40, range 10-50, most common, pathogenic usually
thermophiles-opt. 50-60, range 40-70; in hot springs usually
extreme thermophiles-optimum of 80; archae
what pH do most bacteria thrive around
what can exist in extremely hypertonic environments like the dead sea?
What are chemical requirements for bacterial growth
what is carbon needed for & where do organisms get it from
needed for energy and molecule building; heterotrophs:organic sources like carbs, proteins, and lipids. autotrophs:CO2
what is nitrogen needed for and where do organisms get it from
needed for proteins, DNA, RNA, ATP
nitrogen fixers:atmospheric nitrogen (N2)
what is phosphorus needed for and where do organisms get it from
needed for DNA,RNA,ATP,phospholipids
autotrophs: inorganic phosphate
what is sulfur needed for and where do organisms get it from
needed for certain amino acids (cysteine, methionine)
autotrophs: hydrogen sulfide, sulfate
what are the trace chemicals requires for bacterial growth? explain
minerals (inorganic, elements from periodic table) & vitamins (organic)
what are the different organisms according to oxygen
-obligate aerobes=need O2 to live
-facultative anaerobes=will use O2 if present, but can exist without it
-obligate anaerobes:cant tolerate O2
-aerotolerant anaerobes:don't use O2 but it wont kill them
-microaerophiles: need only low O2 concentrations
what are the products of O2 respiration
O2- and H2O2
what are the 3 enzymes for eliminating O2 byproducts
-superoxide dismutase:O2- to H2O2
-catalase: H2O2 to H20 and O2
-peroxidase: H2O2 to H20
what is most culture media
complex (Luria-broth)
what is the streak plate method
grow bacteria in liquid medium, plate onto agar plate using serial dilutions, obtain colony, pick colony, put back in liquid medium, keep plate in fridge
how does bacteria divide
binary fission->form two daughter cells
what is the generation time
the time it takes for one cell to become two
what are the phases of growth
lag phase, log phase, stationary phase, death phase
what is the plate count method for determining the number of bacterial cells present
serially dilute your sample and plate out the solution until you get a countable plate. count the colonies and mult. by dilution factor
what is sterilization
complete destruction of all microbes on an object
the reduction or inhibition of microbial growth on a non-living surface
the reduction or inhibition of microbial growth on living tissue
what is sanitization
reduce/inhibit microbial growth
how do various agents harm bacteria
-damage to cell wall
-alteration of membrane permeability
-damage to proteins and/or nucleic acids
physical agents that control bacteria growth
-moist heat (boiling, autoclaving-lab instruments, pasteurization)
-dry heat=oxidizing effects (incineration, dry ovens)
-cold=inhibits growth
-desiccation=removal of water
-freeze drying/lyophilization= combo. of freezing and desiccation
-filtration=passage of a liquid or gas through a filter with pores
-osmotic pressure treatment (salts)
-radiation:ionizing (gamma,Xrays)=mutations, non ionizing(UV,microwaves)=abnormal DNA base linkages
chemical agents that control bacteria growth
-halogens (group 7):chlorine=oxidizing agent
-halogens II (iodine)=denature enzymes
-alcohols=dissolve membrane lipids and denature proteins (ex:ethanol, isopropyl alcohol)
-surfactants (detergents and soaps)=disrupt cell membranes, cleansing agents, emulsifiers
-surfactants II=QUATS->cationic detergents that disrupt plasma membranes
-phenols and phenolics=disrupt plasma membranes and denature proteins (toxic)
-aldehydes (terminal CHO)=inactivate proteins and nucleic acids, very toxic
-heavy metals=inactivate proteins by interacting with functional groups
-food preservatives=weak organic acids
who's more susceptive to growth control
gram-positive bacteria & enveloped viruses
who's very resistant to growth control
what are genes
units of information made of DNA-they carry info. about particular traits
what is the form of DNA
-a polymer of nucleotides, which come in 4 varieties (A,G,C,T)
-found as double helix, in which 2 parallel strands are joined by hydrogen bonds between the bases
central dogma of biology
what is replication
DNA copies itself before transcription
what is transcription
DNA makes an RNA copy (mRNA) of itself
what is translation
messenger RNA directs the synthesis of a protein during translation
what is transformation
a type of recombination; uptake of naked DNA by cell; discovered in an experiment that eventually led to the idea that DNA is the genetic material
what is conjugation
transfer of genetic material form one bacterial cell to another (F+)
what is transduction
transfer of bacterial genes from one cell to another mediated by a bacteriophage
what are the two types of transduction
generalized=any bacteriophage may be involved and any genes may be transferred
specialized=only temperate phages may be involved
what is taxonomy, what's the purpose of it
the science of classification of organisms; to show evolutionary relationships between groups, to provide a means of identifying organisms
what are the 2 methods of classification
phylogenetic=reflects the actual ancestry (evolutionary relationships)
phenetics=observable characteristics; identification and common language
what is the 5 kingdom system
-monera: unicellular prokaryotes
-protista: unicellular eukaryotes
-fungi: multicellular heterotrophs (external digestion)
-plantae: multicellular autotrophs
-animalia: multicellular heterotrophs (internal digestion)
what belongs in kingdom monera
domain bacteria & domain archaea
what belongs in domain eukarya
kingdom protista, plants, fungi, animals
what is the linnaean taxonomic hierarchy
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
what is the correct way for naming organisms
binomial designation: genus & species
*must be underlined or italicized & genus name must be capitalized
what is bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology
classification based on observable characteristics or phenetics (sometimes reflects phylogeny)
what are characteristics used to classify bacteria
*anything by DNA sequences
-morphological characteristics
-differential staining
-nutritional pattern
-relationship with oxygen
-biochemical characteristics
-serological analysis
-phage typing
what is bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology
reflects phylogeny, uses DNA, RNA, and protein analysis techniques
what is a species
a group of potentially interbreeding organisms that can produce viable offspring
how is bacterial species identified
population of cells with similar characteristics (more than 3% difference=different species)
how are viral species identified
a population of viruses that have similar characteristics
What are the four divisions (phyla)
-gracilicutes=gram negative
-firmicutes=gram positive
-tenericutes=(mycoplasms-no cell wall)
-mendosicutes (archaebacteria-no peptidoglycan)
what are the classes in gracilicutes, respiration mechanism, genus
-oxyphotobacteria (cyanobacteria, aerobic photosynthesizers, Oscillatoria
-anoxyphotobacteria, anaerobic photosynthesizers: green and purple sulfer bacteria (use reduced sulfur compounds as electron donor) genus chlorobium & chromatrium;green and purple non-sulfur bacteria genus chloroflexus & rhodospirillum
-scotobacteria: non-photosynthetic bacteria; family spirochaetaceae, family sprillaceae (microaerophillic), family vibrionaceae (facultatively anaerobic), family enterobacteria (facultatively anaerobic rods), chlamydias & rickettsias (obligate parasites), chemoautotrophs (oxidize reduced sulfur, iron, and nitrogen compounds), aerobic rods and cocci
what are viruses
obligate intracellular parasites
what do viruses contain
nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
and a protein coat (capsid)
(sometimes lipid envelope)
what is the host range
the certain types of cells in a particular species that viruses can infect
what is used to see viruses
electron microscope
what is the average size and shape of viruses
100 nm, and they VARY in shape so there is no average!
what is a virion
a mature, infective particle consisting of a nucleic acid and protein coat (sometimes lipid envelope)
what types of nucleic acids can a virus have
single or double stranded, linear or circular
what is the capsid and what is it made of
protein coat, made of subunits called capsomeres
what must a virus have if it has an envelope
what is the general morphology of viruses
helical viruses
describe helical viruses
resemble long rods, their capsids are hollow cylinders surrounding the nucleic acid
describe polyhedral viruses
many-sided, usually the capsid is an icosahedron (20 triangular faces)
describe enveloped viruses
may be helical or polyhedral, acquire their envelope by taking part of the plasma membrane of the host cell as they "bud" from the cell
what is a "naked" virus
a virus that lacks an envelope (usually animal viruses)
describe complex viruses
have a polyhedral head with a complex tail attached (ex: bacteriophage)
what is the structure of a complex virus
capsid (head), sheath, tail fiber, pin, baseplate
what is the taxonomy of viruses based on
type of nucleic acid, life-cycle strategy, and morphology
what are the species/families of RNA viruses
HIV (retroviridae), Poliovirus (picornaviridae) , Rabies Virus (rhabdoviridae)
what the species/families of DNA viruses
HPV/human papillomavirus (papovaviridae), HSV/herpes simplex virus (herpesviridae)
why is it difficult to grow viruses in culture
cuz their host cells must be present
how are bacteriophages grown
phages are incubated on a lawn of bacteria and plaques (hole in bacteria) develop where they are multiplying
how do viruses reproduce?
by turning the host cell into a factory for producing more viruses
what do most bacteriophages carry their genomes as?
double-stranded DNA
what are the most studied viruses
E.Coli (T-even and phage lambda)
what is the lytic cycle
a phage causes the lysis (breaking) and death of its host bacterium as it replicates
What are T-even phages and what cycle do they use
T2 and T4, use the lytic cycle
what are virulent phages
they lead to the death of the host
what happens in the lysogenic cycle
the phage incorporates its nucleic acid into the host cell chromosome and remains dormant for a period of time
what cycle do phage lambda use? and what type of phage does that make it
phage lambda, its a temperate phage
what are the stages of the lytic cycle
what are the stages of the lysogenic cycle
-viral DNA recombines with bacterial chromosome to form a PROPHAGE
-prophage replicates with bacterial DNA until sometime triggers it to excise itself, then it goes into lytic cycle
what is kingdom protista
seaweed algae (plantlike, unicellular, primary producers in aquatic environment)
planktonic (floating) algae
what divisions are seaweed algae
chlorophyta->ulva, spyrogyra
what divisions are planktonic algae
chrysophyta (glass)
dinophyta/pyrrophyta (red tides)
->fossil fuels are largely the remains of these two groups
characteristics of protozoa
-animal-like protists (chemoheterotrophs)
-symbiotic relationships with animals
-some are pathogens
phyla of protozoa
sarcodina (entamoeba)
mastigophora (giardia)
ciliophora (paramecium)
apicomplexa (plasmodium)
what are the phylum in kingdom animalia
phylum platyhelminthes (trematodes, cestodes)
phylum nematoda
phylum rotifera
phylum arthropoda (class insecta & arachnida)
any agent capable of causing disease
successful invasion and growth of pathogens in the body
abnormal state in which the body or one of its parts is incapable of performing its functions properly
when is an organism said to have a disease
when a pathogen overcomes the body's defenses
organism that shelters and/or supports the growth of pathogens
infectious disease
disease caused by infective pathogens
study of disease
normal microbiota
microbiota that are "supposed" to be there
what is more numerous in the body normal microbiota or human cells
normal microbiota
members of normal microbiota
bacteria, fungi, protozoa
examples of normal microbiota
E.coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, lactobacillus, candida (yeast)
examples of symbiotic relationships
E. Coli- gets warm environment with free food, we get Vitamin K and protection from pathogens
types of symbiosis
commensalism=one benefits, the other is unaffected
parasitism=when pathogen is involved
opportunistic pathogens
cause disease under certain circumstances when they normally wouldnt
subjective reports by a patients (stomach ache)
objectively measurable changes in body function (fever)
identification of a disease
if a certain group of signs and symptoms always accompany a certain disease
acute disease
develops rapidly, relatively severe symptoms, lasts a short time (flu)
chronic disease
develops slowly, less severe symptoms, lasts longer (tuberculosis)
latent disease
causative agent is dormant for some time, then causes disease
local disease
remains confines to a small part of the body
systemic disease
spread throughout the body (usually by the circulatory system)
degrees of infection
primary:its the initial cause
secondary:occurs after host is weakened
subclinical: doesnt cause signs or symptoms
nosocomial infection
acquired in the hospital or other health care facility
the development of a disease in an individual
pattern of pathogenesis
incubation-betw. initial infection & 1st appearance of signs
prodromal:pd. of mild signs
pd. of illness:height of disease;all signs apparant
pd. of decline:signs decline
pd. of convalescence:return to normal
portals of entry
specific routes by which pathogens enter the body
integumentary system
protects u & surrounds your body entirely, the site of entrance of the pathogen
examples of portal of entry
respiratory tract (inhalation)
urogenital tract (sex)
gastrointestinal (food, etc)
parenteral route
if a pathogen is introduced through the skin via injection, insect bite, or presence of a wound
when pathogens need to attach to the host tissue
molecules on the pathogen's glycocalyx or fimbriae that react with cellular receptors on host cells
how do capsules contribute to virulence
they protect against phagocytosis
direct damage by bacteria
host cells can be harmed or destroyed if bacteria are growing and metabolizing in or around them
what is most bacterial damage due to
production of toxins (poisonous substances)
two groups of toxins
exotoxins:byproducts of bacterial metabolism and are released into the host
endotoxins:part of the cell wall, liberated wen the bacteria dies
examples of exotoxins
cytotoxins:kill host cells or inactivate them
neurotoxins:interfere with transmission of nerve impulses
enterotoxins: adversely affect cells lining the GI tract
antibodies produced against exotoxins
what are endotoxins usually
lipopolysaccharides (in gram neg. bacteria)
what is the result of endotoxins
fever & chills, sometimes shock (systemic inflammation)
effects of viruses
cytopathic (cell+disease) effects, which may cause cell death or damage
chemicals produced by host cells to protect against viral infection
study of disease in populations
incidence of a disease
the rate of occurrence of new cases
total number of cases of disease in a population
degree of pathogenicity for a given pathogen
how is virulence measured
LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of inoculate hosts) or ID50 (infectious dose for 50% of inoculated hosts)
communicable disease
can be transmitted from one host to another
contagious disease
very easily communicable
cant be transmitted from one host to another (acquired from the environment)
occurs occasionally in a population
constantly present in a population
acquired by many people in a given area over a short time
epidemic worldwide
continual source of infective pathogens
examples of reservoir
human, animal, non-living like soil or water
contact transmission
direct contact:direct contact
indirect contact:from living reservoir to a host via intermediate object called fomite
droplet transmission: via droplets of mucus
vehicle transmission
transmission of a pathogen by physical contact betw non-living reservoir and host
non-living reservoirs
arthropod vectors as biological transmission
special form of direct contact in which an arthropod harbors a pathogen and transmits it from host to host
koch's postulates
set of rules to determine which microorganism caused which disease
what is necessary to use koch's postulates
same pathogen must be present in every case of the disease, cultured pathogen must be capable of causing the disease in healthy lab animals
exceptions to koch's postulates
viruses & certain bacteria, diseases caused by various pathogens
resistance to disease
ability to ward off disease
specific resistance
when u're not resistant to a particular disease
three lines of defense
first:blocks invasion at portals of entry
second:internalized, non-specific reactions including inflammation and phagocytosis
third:specific immune reactions
physical barriers
intact skin
mucous membrane
"sealant" protein in epithelial cells
examples of mucous membranes
-lacrimal apparatus of conjuctiva:lubricates and protects the eye from pathogens
-saliva:washes pathogens from teeth and gums
-urine flow:cleanses urethra and vaginal secretions
-ciliary escalator: moves mucus upwards
oily substance produced by sebaceous glands on the skin inhabits the growth of most pathogenic bacteria
chemical defense from pathogens
sebum, perspiration, lysozyme, high acidity of stomach, acidic pH in skin
how is perspiration a chemical defense
it causes osmotically unfavorable conditions due to its salt/urea content
enzyme that damages bacterial cell walls
biological defense
presence of E. Coli and other normal microbiota prevents the growth of many pathogens
what is the mandate of the 2nd and 3rd lines of defense
search for invaders, recognize and/or react with them, and destroy them
what do white blood cells do
they're on patrol and have access to virtually areas of the body, movie freely betw bloodstream & lymphatic circulation via tissue fluid, patrol reticuloendothelium
connective tissue made of various cells suspended in a liquid matrix, the plasma
types of cells in blood
red blood cells (erythrocytes), platelets (thrombocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes)
->granulocytes & agranulocytes
types of granulocytes
neutrophils:most numerous white blood cells
eosinophils:play a role in combating eukaryotic parasites
basophils: act in inflammation
type of agranulocytes
monocytes (macrophages)
lymphocytes (B cells or T cells)
B cells
anti-body mediated immunity
T cells
cell-mediated immunity
lymphatic system
a system of one-way vessels that returns excess tissue fluid back to cardiovascular circulation
lymph nodes
small organs positioned, often in clusters, along lymphatic pathways. They're packed with lymphocytes, and many of the reactions of the specific immune response
lymphoid organs
spleen:like giant lymph node;filters blood, destroys red blood cells
thymus gland: site of maturation of T cells
tonsils, adenoids: exposed to sites of heavy microbial populations
bone marrow: site of production of all blood cells
coordinated response to injury
inflammatory response
generalized nonspecific response to body tissue damage, whether caused by a pathogen or cut in the skin
what is inflammation characterized by
redness and heat, swelling, pain
why is inflammation beneficial
stops intruders from progressing any further and to promote tissue repair
what chemical initiates inflammation
what happens at the start of inflammation
vasodilation, increased permeability of blood vessels, increased blood flow, edema (fluid buildup)
dead cells and tissue fluid
phagocytes stick to the walls of the blood vessels lining the abcess
emigration or diapedesis
phagocytes squeeze through the blood vessel walls and enter the abscess
how does the tissue repair itself after the pathogens are destroyed
abnormally high body temperature produced in response to an infection
what do chills indicate about body temperature
it is rising
what does sweating indicate about body temperature
it is falling
benefits of fever
-inhibiting replication of some pathogens sensitive to temperature effects
-increased rate of metabolism, which speeds up phagocytosis and all specific immune reactions
2nd line of defense, ingestion & digestion of pathogens by phagocytes (white blood cells)
purpose of phagocytosis
-to search for foreign invaders and destroy them
-to gather immunological "intelligence" in the form of antigens from the invaders that are discovered
most important and prevalent granulocyte phagocyte
most important agranulocyte phagocyte
when do neutrophils predominate
early in infection
when do macrophages predominate
towards the end
process of phagocytosis
-chemotaxis:phagocytes are attracted chemically to the site of pathogen infiltration
-adherence:attachment of the phagocyte's plasma membrane to the pathogen
-ingestion:pseudopods engulf the pathogen, creating a phagocytotic vesicle or phagosome
-digestion: phagosome fuses with a lysosome to form a phagolysosome, where pathogens are degraded
-after lysosomal enzymes have done their job, vesicle is termed residual body, and its contents are discharged from the cell
system of plasma proteins that cause foreign cells to lyse by attacking their plasma membrane
what is the complement cascade triggered by
variety of chemicals like Lipid A (nonspecific) and antigen-antibody complexes (specific)
what do interferons stimulate
nearby cells to produce antiviral proteins, thereby protecting themselves from infection
where do interferons play roles
cancer suppression and in immune system regulation
the ability of the body to counteract SPECIFIC foreign organisms or agents that possess ANTIGENS
what is responsible for immunity
white blood cells called lymphocytes
two types of lymphocytes
B cells and T cells
acquired immunity
specific resistance to infection developed during the life of an individual
2 types of naturally acquired immunity
active:results from infection by a pathogen, and is long lasting
passive:results from antibodies transferred from mother to fetus, short in duration
2 types of artificially acquired immunity
active:results from vaccination, long lasting
passive: results from antibodies transferred by direct injection, short in duration
What are B cells responsible for
antibody-mediated humoral immunity, defense against bacteria, viruses, and toxins
What are T cells responsible for
cell-mediated immunity, defense against intracellular bacteria and viruses, and eukaryotic invaders
"markers" on cells, usually glycoproteins, protruding from the plasma membrane
MHC/HLA proteins
major histocompatibility complex/human leukocytic antigen system- allows a particular human organism to tell "self" cells from those that lack the "right" MHC proteins (nonself)
what does an antigen have the ability for
to provoke an immune response
immunoglobulin, and a polymeric protein produced by a B-cell in response to stimulation by an antigen and capable of specifically binding to that antigen
typical antibody, contains 4 polypeptide chains, 2 heavy and 2 light
2 regions on antibody chains
constant region responsible for its structure & unique variable region, responsible for antigen binding
How can millions of different antibodies be produced in the body if there are only 30,000 protein-coding genes in the genome
Ig genes are somatically rearranged in B-cells
clonal deletion
a process before birth, where all the lymphocytes that could react with self molecules are destroyed
where are B cells produced
bone marrow
antigen receptor
unique antibody on the cell surface of B cells
where do most B cells go
lymphatic system, lymph nodes, circulate freely in the blood
when does a B cell become activated
when it reacts with a free antigen via its antigen receptor
what happens when the B cell becomes activated
it divides into plasma cells and memory cells
what do plasma cells do
manufacture and secrete huge quantities of antibodies that go out and bind to antigen
memory cells
do nothing until the pathogen is encountered again in the future, at which time they stand ready to mount a quick reaction; responsible for naturally acquired active immunity
when antibodies bind to antigens and can inactivate toxins or viruses directly
complement fixation
if antibodies bind to antigens on a bacterial cell, they tag the bacterium to be targeted by the complement system, which lyses and kills the foreign cells
clumping of cells
process by which antibodies coat foreign cells, which identifies them to phagocytes
where are T cells produced
bone marrow
where do T cells mature
thymus gland
where do most T cells go
lymphatic system, lymph nodes, may circulate in the blood
types of T cells
-cytotoxic T cells/CD8 cells:neutralize cells containing antigens
-Helper T cells/CD4 cells:generally stimulatory to the entire immune system
-Suppressor T cells: limit activities of the immune response
-Delayed Hypersensitivity: delayed allergic reactions
Antigen presenting cell (APC)
usually a macrophage that had digested the pathogen and is now displaying pathogenic antigens on its cells surface
what must the displayed antigen be complexed with for the T cell to recognize it and be stimulated
with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
cytotoxic response
cells divide and release the protein perforin into the attached cell, directly causing it to lyse
what happens when the helper T cells are activated by an antigen
they stimulate the APC to release interleukin 1, which activates the helper cell further, then produces interleukin 2 and other cytokines, which communicate with other cells in the immune system
what does the helper T cell instruct
B cells and other T cells to become activated
who makes "first contact" with the antigen
helper T cell
suspension/portion of pathogens that is used to induce artificially acquired immunity
types of vaccinations
-inactivated whole-agent:killed bacteria/inactivated viruses
-attenuated whole-agent:weakened pathogens
-toxoids:inactivate toxins
subunit vaccines
consist of antigenic fragments of a pathogen; recombinant vaccines & acellular vaccines
recombinant vaccines
subunit vaccines; genetic engineering is used to artificially produce a protein antigen
acellular vaccines
subunit vaccines; fractionate the bacteria and isolate only a portion of them
DNA vaccines
introduce the gene for an antigenic protein into an organism, causing it to express the protein
why vaccine?
-protect oneself from disease
-protect public's health
herd immunity
when more people get vaccinated and there'll be less carriers, less reservoir for the pathogen
antimicrobial drugs
substances meant to be taken internally to kill or retard the growth of pathogens in individuals with infections
what do the most effective drugs have
high toxicity to pathogen & low toxicity and occurrence of adverse side effects in human host
ALL naturally occurring chemicals produced by ascomycete fungi or bacteria
synthetic drugs
produced in the lab
lab-modified versions of antibiotics
categories of antimicrobial drugs
-inhibition of cell wall synthesis/destruction of cell walls
-inhibition of nucleic acid function or nucleic acid synthesis
-protein synthesis inhibition
-interference with the function of the plasma membrane
antibiotics that affect bacterial cell wall
narrow spectrum (effective against gram-pos. cocci & spirochetes) and work by inhibiting peptidoglycan cross-linking
enzymes that many bacteria have evolved that make them resistant to penicillin
what has resistance to penicillinases
semi-synthetic penicillins like amoxycillin, methicillin, carbenicillin, oxacillin
produced by fungal genus penicillium, similar to penicillin
damages cell walls by interfering with NAG/NAM polymerization, effective against gram pos. bacteria & is limited to topical use
produced by streptomyces, used to treat infections by staphylococci resistant to penicillin and other drugs
antibiotics that interfere with protein synthesis
amino sugars linked by glycosidic bonds, made by streptomyces species. broad spectrum, all antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis
complex ring structures produced by various species of streptomyces. often adversely affect the normal microbiota, can cause upset stomach & yeast infection
type of macrolide-inhibits protein synthesis
antibiotics that damage plasma membrane
polymyxin B- effective against gram neg. bacteria & is often used topically (will affect cell in mitochondria)
antibiotics that inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
rifamycins (rifampin)-inhibits mRNA synthesis (transcription) and is often used against mycobacterium species that causes tuberculosis and leprosy
the cutaneous membrane of the integumentary system
what does the skin consist of
-epidermis: epithelial tisses filled and sealed with keratin
-dermis: contains sweat & sebaceous glands & hair follicles
-subcataneous layer: mostly fat
what is the purpose of the skin producing sweat and sebum
inhibits the growth of microorganisms
what is the most common normal skin microbiota
gram-possitve cocci, staphylococcus sp.
skin lesions terms
staph infections
S. epidermidis, S. aureus
how does S. aureus usually infect skin
by entering hair follicle
manifestaation of staph infection
folliculitis (pimple), sties (eyelash), boils
what the danger in staph infections
underlying tissue may become infected or infection will enter the bloodstream (septicemia)
what is toxemia caused by
circulation of toxins
what are examples of staph toxemia
-scaled skin syndrome:skin peels off when touched
-toxic shock syndrom: fever, vomiting, rash, shock
what are species of streptococcus classified according to
hemolytic enzymes and cell wall antigens
what is the most medically important streptococci
group A beta-hemolytic streptococci-> S. pyogenes
erysipelas disease
skin erupts into reddish particles with enlarged margins and high fever
what is effective against S. pyogenes
necrotizing fascitis
flesh eating bacteria, agressive strain of S. pyogenes that produced a toxin that destroyed skin, muscle, and connective tissue.
cellulitis & myositis
infection of the deep tissue without necrosis, caused by S. pyogenes
purpose of nervous system
electrical communications
structure of nervous system
CNS-brain & spinal cord
PNS-all other nerves
membranes filled with cebrebrospinal fluid, they surroung the CNS
inflammation of the meninges that can be caused by various bacteria and other pathogens
when can meningitis occur
-after an infection of respiratory tract (when bacteria reach the CNS via blood)
-injury which exposes CNS
symptoms of bacterial meningitis
sudden fever, severe headache, rigidity of neck, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, coma, death
how is bacterial meningitis treated
broad spectrum antibiotics
how is meningitis diagnosed
spinal tap
types of bacterial meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae
neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus)
streptococcus pneumoniae(pneumococcus)
haemophilus influenzae
gram negative, common member of throat microbiota, generally begins as an upper respiratory infection (pharyngitis) that enters blood & carries it to the CNS
gram negative, commonly present in nasopharynx
Hib vaccine
controls haemophilus influenza
member of normal pharyngeal microbiota, gram POSITIVE, majority of bacterial meningitis cases, presence of CAPSULE is important
pathogen for tetanus
clostridium tetani-obligate anaerobe, endospore-forming, gram positive rod
what is tetanospasmin
potent neurotoxin produced by the tetanus pathogen which inhibits muscle relaxation
physical characteristics of tetanus
lockjaw, difficulty swallowing, spasms of diaphragm->respiratory arrest
what is the transmission for tetanus
when spores are introduced via a puncture wound
what is treatment for tetanus
toxoid vaccine DTP & antitoxin
botulism pathogen
clostridium botulinum (obligate anaerobe, endospore-forming, gram positive rod)
botulinum toxin
potent neurotoxin from botulism pathogen that inhibits nerve transmission, blocking acetylcholine release from neurons
early symptoms of botulism
blurred vision and trouble swallowing
->death by respiratory & cardiac arrest
how does botulism transmission occur
when the toxin is ingested (grows in improperly canned foods)
how does nitrite affect endospores
nitrite inhibits endospore germination
treatment for botulism
antitoxin mixture, NO ANTIBIOTICS
cardiovascular system purpose
transport of various substances throughout the body
structures of cardiovascular system
blood, heart, blood vessels
pumps blood
blood vessels
tubes through which blood flows
connective tissue
anthrax pathogen
bacillus anthracis (aerobic, endospore forming, gram pos. rod)
term for anthrax affecting grazing animals
2 major forms of getting anthrax
what does anthrax cause when inhaled
what does anthrax cause when contracted by contact
skin lesions
what does B. anthracis produce
what do exotoxins from anthrax result in
fatal septicemia
how is anthrax treated
(Gas) Gangrene pathogen
clostridium perfringens (obligate anaerobe, endospore forming, gram pos. rod)
if a wound causes blockage of blood supply
tissue death
tissue death resulting from blockage of blood supply (ischemia) and wound becoming anaerobic
when does gas gangrene occur
if the disease is allowed to progress, as fermentation by the bacteria produces CO2 and diatomic hydrogen
what does gangrene bacteria produce
toxins that destroy muscle tissue, and eventually become systemic
plague pathogen
yersenia pestis (gram neg. rod)
what is the plague normally a disease of
rat, which contract it from bites of the rat flea
how can the plague be contracted
droplet transmission
forms of plague
bubonic plague
pneumonic plague
bubonic plague
pathogens become localized in lymph nodes, causing enlargement (buboes)
bubonic plague symptoms
fever, pain, tissue necrosis, subcutaneous hemorrhages which manifest as blackened skin
how is pneumonic plague usually contracted
droplet transmission
pneumonic plague symptoms
respiratory difficulty
pneumonic plague treatment
antibiotics like streptomycin and tetracycline
lyme disease pathogen
borellia burgdorferi (spirochete)
how is lyme disease transmitted
via the deer tick
symptoms/signs of lyme disease
target-shaped rash, flu-like symptoms, arrythmias, arthritis
lyme disease treatment
antibiotics, penicillin
sore throat; inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx
inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, affects ability to speak
inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses, usually leads to mucus production
strep throat pathogen
streptococcus pyogenes
symptoms of strep throat
local inflammation (redness and pain), fever
strep throat treatment
strep throat complications
some strains produce an erythrogenic toxin which enters the circulation and causes scarlet fever
scarlet fever symptoms
high fever, red skin rash
how is scarlet fever transmitted
droplet transmission
tuberculosis pathogen
mycobacterium tuberculosis (gram pos., acid fast rod)
tuberculosis transmission
droplet transmission, if not phagocytized many white blood cells accumulate at the infection site forming a "tubercle" causing lung inflammation
tuberculosis symptoms
weight loss, coughing, lack of vigor (consumption)
tuberculosis treatment
used to be streptomycin, now need prolonged treatment with multiple antibiotics
pneumonia pathogens
streptococcus pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae
klebsiella pneumoniae
pneumonia symptoms
inflammation, swelling, coughing, inhibition of gas exchange
most common pneumonia pathogen, symptoms
streptococcus pneumoniae, high fever, difficulty breathing, chest pain
pneumococcal pneumonia treatment
who is mycoplasma pneumoniae common in
who does klebsiella pneumoniae and haemophilus influenza usually effect
older people, or debilitated people
what else can pneumonia be caused by
variety of viruses
microorganisms (microbes)
organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye
significance of microorganisms in ecology
-primary photosynthesizes in aquatic environments
-primary decomposers
-dominant organisms on earth
significance of microorganisms in symbiosis
-E.Coli in our large intestines
-bacteria & protozoans in termite & cow guts
significance of microorganisms: commercial
-yeasts are involved in making alcoholic beverages and bread
-some bacteria are involved in making cheeses and yogurt
-bacteria are genetically engineered to produce useful chemicals
significance of microorganisms in disease
viruses-HIV, flu
bacteria-strep throat, tuberculosis
fungi-ringworm, yeast infections
Robert Hooke
observed cells in 1665
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
observed microorganisms under the microscope in 1673
Edward Jenner
performed first vaccination by exposing a person to cowpox virus, person was then protected from small pox infection- 1796
Rudolph Virchow
introduced the cell theory (cells can only come from other cells)- 1858
Louis Pasteur
-disproved spontaneous generation in 1861
-discovered fermentation
-developed pasteurization to make liquid foods safer
Joseph Lister
introduced disinfectant to clean human wounds and prevent surgical infections-1860s
Robert Koch
introduced Koch's Postulates- a set of procedures to determine the causative agent of a particular disease- 1876
Alexander Fleming
discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin- 1928
Classification of organisms
bacteria- Kingdom Monera
protozoa & algae- Kingdom Protista
yeasts & fungi- Kingom Fungi
Worms- Kingdom Animalia
Viruses- NO KINGDOM cuz theyre not alive
Kingdom Monera
-unicellular prokaryotes (no nucleus)
-bacteria, archaea
-usually have cell wall of peptidoglycan
Kingdom Protista
-unicellular eukaryotes
-protozoa=animal like protists (amoeba, paramecia, no cell walls)
-algae=plantlike protists (can photosynthesize, usually have cell wall of cellulose)
Kingdom Fungi
-multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs with external digestion
-usually have cell wall of chitin
unicellular fungi
Kingdom Animalia
-multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs with internal digestion
-most organisms and microscopic worms and rotifers
-no cell walls
-obligate acellular parasites
-consist of nucleic acid and protein
-infect all known types of cells
virus structure
-tail fiber
virus size
about 100 nanometers
bacteria size
about 1 micrometer
eukaryotic cell size
10 micrometers
ability to make objects appear larger
ability of an optical system to distinguish between two adjacent points
what does resolving power have to do with
the wavelength of the light employed for viewing
Compound Light Microscope (brightfield microscopy)
-ocular lens & objective lens
-uses visible light
-max resolving power: 200 nanometers
-maximum magnification: 2000X
-specimens are usually stained since most microorganisms are clear
immersion oil
used under high magnification to reduce loss of light; has refractive index similar to the microscopic slide
-much better resolution
dark field microscopy
specimen appears light against a dark background (no staining)
fluorescence microscopy
specimens are stained with "fluorochromes" which absorb and reradiate UV light
-sample appears bright against a dark background
electron microscopy
-a beam of electrons is used instead of visible light
-much greater resolution and magnification
-electromagnets act as lenses to focus the beam
two types of electron microscopy
transmission electron microscopy
scanning electron microscopy
transmission electron microscopy
-beam penetrates the sample like in light microscopy
-samples must be very thin
-highest magnification and resolution (1,000,000X, 1nM)
similar in idea to brightfield microscopy
scanning electron microscopy
-electrons bounce of the surface of the specimen, revealing a 3D image
-best pictures- magnification typically 10,000X, res. 10nM)
-similar in idea to darkfield microscopy
coloring a microbe with a dye that binds to and emphasizes certain structures
stain preparation: fixing
a smear of bacteria (thin film containing cells) is spread over the slide and the cells are killed and fixed in place by exposure to dry heat
salts composed of positive and negative ion, one of which is colorful, called a chromophore
what is the chromophore in basic dye
positive ion
what is the chromophore in acidic dye
negative ion
which dyes bind to bacterial structures
basic dyes like crystal violet and methylene blue
what do acidic dyes cause
negative staining because they may bind to the background and avoid binding to the bacteria (charge repulsion)
simple stain
solution of a single basic dye that generally highlights the entire microorganism
mordant purpose
improves binding of dye to sample
differential staining
divides bacteria into groups according to their reaction to the staining procedure (like Gram stain)
gram stain
divides bacteria into gram positive and gram negative
gram stain procedure
-apply a basic dye (primary dye that stains all of the cells purple or blue)
-wash off dye and apply mordant, iodine: after its washed off, all the cells appear purple
-wash preparation with alcohol, a decolorizing agent which removes the stain from SOME bacteria
-apply another basic dye, safranin (counterstain) which colors the unstained bacteria pink or red
-at the end, gram pos. cells look purple/blue and gram negative cells look pink/red
Acid-fast stain
distinguishes bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium which cause tuberculosis
acid-fast stain procedure
-apply basic dye like carbolfuchsin (primary dye) which stains all cells red
-wash preparation with acid-alcohol, a decolorizing agent which removes the stain from SOME bacteria (those without the waxy substance)
-apply another basic stain, methylene blue (counterstain) which colors the unstained bacteria blue
-at the end, acid-fast cells look red and non acid-fast cells look blue
what do special stains exist for
-visualizing microbial capsules (negative capsule staining)->use acid dye that colors background then safranin (colors entire bacterium except capsule) and capsule appears as a halo
-highlight endospores
-highlight flagella
subunits that when polymerized, make up a larger polymer
four types of biological molecules
-carbohydrates: monomers+polymers
-lipids: have one physical property in common
-proteins: polymers of amino acids with versatile functions
-nucleic acids: polymers of nucleotides, may be DNA or RNA
basic building blocks of carbohydrates
monosaccharides like glucose, fructose, or galactose
how does a dissarcharide form
when 2 monosaccharides are joined by a glycosidic bond (dehydration synthesis)
examples of disaccharides
sucrose, lactose, maltose
plant storage polysaccharide
plant structural polysaccharide
animal storage polysaccharide
makes up fungal cell walls and arthropod exoskeleton- polymer of NAG
polymer of alternating NAG and NAM subunits, most bacterial cell walls contain it
functions of carbs
-structural components of cell walls
-may be attached to proteins and function as antigens
simple carbohydrates or sugars
mono and disaccharides
complex carbs
biological molecules that are insoluble in water
types of lipids
triglycerides (fats & oils)
triglyceride formation
2 fatty acids joined to a molecule of glycerol by dehydration synthesis
solid at room temp, C-C saturated fatty acids
liquid at room temp, C=C unsaturated fatty acids
a glycerol, 2 fatty acids, 1 phosphate group->amphipathic
popular sterol/steroid
triglyceride function
long term energy storage, cushioning and insulation in multicellular organisms
phospholipid function
structural basis of cell membranes and lipid-transporting lipoproteins
cholesterol function in the structure of cell membrane, others are hormones, etc
long chains of subunits called amino acids joined by peptide bonds (dehydration synthesis)
levels of protein structure
primary: sequential order of amino acids in chains
secondary: alpha helix & beta pleated sheet
tertiary: molecule folded up in 3D space
quaternary: folded polypeptides associate with eachother to form a functional protein
interactions that cause tertiary protein structure
hydrogen bonds, ionic/electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions between R groups
functions of proteins
membrane associated transporters
famous proteins
hemoglobin, insulin, collagen, keratin
nucleic acids
long chains of nucleotides joined together by phosphodiester bonds
two classes of nucleic acids
what does the nucleotide contain
nitrogenous base
phosphate group
5 carbon sugar
DNA bases
adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
what does DNA exist as
double helix with 2 nucleotide strands running antiparallel and joined by hydrogen bonding between the bases
functions of nucleic acids
-DNA makes up the genes, which contain genetic information
-RNA functions in various capacities in the process of protein synthesis
triphosphate form of an RNA nucleotide that functions as the major energy carrying molecule of the cell
bacterial shapes
spiral-corkscrew shape
pleiomorphic-no fixed shape
bacterial arrangements
diplo: in pairs
staphylo: in clusters
strepto: in chains
outermost layer of the cell
capsule: if firmly attached
slime layer: if loosely attached
filamentous appendage used for movement
axial filament
flagellum that coils around a spiral shaped bacterium
fimbriae and pili
appendages for attachment
important in determining virulence of pathogens and formation of biofilms
flagellum structure
basal body- attaches to the cell wall and membrane
hook- rotates due to basal body movement
filament- projection that acts as a propeller
axial filament (periplasmic flagellum)
-structurally like flagellum, only occurs in spiral shaped bacteria
-between cell wall and cell membrane
-short and numerous
-allow adherence of a bacterium to a substratum.
-play roles in biofilm formation
-contribute to pathogenicity
-long and sparse
-involved in bacterial conjugation: transfer of genetic material (DNA) from one bacterial cell to another
-generally found on gram negative bacteria
functions of bacterial cell wall
-protection from osmotic changes
-determination and maintenance of cell shape
what is bacterial cell wall made of
peptidoglycan made of NAG and NAM
gram-positive cell wall
-many layers of peptidoglycan surrounding the plasma membrane
-techoic acids and lipotechoic acids
gram-negative cell wall
-single layer of peptidoglycan surrounding plasma membrane
-another membrane (outer membrane)
outer membrane components
-lipopolysaccharides (lipid A and O polysaccharide)
-porin proteins
-NO techoic acids
outer membrane functions
-protect the cell by excluding large toxic molecules like penicillin
-creates a periplasmic space (betw, the 2 membranes) in which there are enzymes and transport proteins
which cell walls are most susceptible to mechanical breakage, why
gram negative, cuz theyre thin
which cell walls are most successful in avoiding poor osmotic conditions, why
gram negative, cuz of outer membrane
what can cell walls be damaged by
-lysozyme:enzyme that breaks the glycosidic bonds betw. NAG and NAM
-penicillin: antibiotic that interferes with cell wall synthesis by inhibiting peptide bridge formation
structures internal to the cell wall
plasma membrane
what does the plasma membrane consist of
phospholipid bilayer associated with various proteins (fluid mosaic model)
major functions of plasma membrane
-delineate cell boundary, and hold in the contents
-control transportation of substances into and out of the cell
circular piece of DNA
ribosome's job
making proteins
ribosomal components
2 subunits made of RNA and proteins
localized storehouses of needed substances such as nutrients
granular inclusions
concentrated areas of inorganic crystals
dormant structures that can survive essentially forever and are very difficult to destroy (like bacillus and clostridium)
who can form endospores
certain gram-positive cells
when do endospores form
when the environment is unfriendly (and the cell will otherwise die) , usually due to lack of oxygen and nitrogen source
where does the spore form
INTERNAL to the plasma membrane and then released to the environment
what makes the eukaryotic cell different than in prokaryotes
-membrane bounded nucleus and organelles
-extensive compartmentalization and internal organization
-diploid complement of linear chromosomes complexed with histone proteins
eukaryotic flagella
made of 9+2 arrangement of microtubules , also for locomotion
same structure as flagella, but shorter and more numerous
what are algae cells walls made of
cellulose, a single glucose polymers
do animal cells and protozoa have cell walls
what are fungal cell walls made of
chitin, a repeating NAG polymer
what do animal cells and protozoans have associated with their plasma membrane and what for
glycocalyx (outermost layer), for adhesion and protection of the cell
major functions of eukaryotic plasma membrane
-delineate cell boundary
-control transportation of substances into and out of the cell
transport processes
-simple diffusion:CO2, O2
-facilitated (passive) diffusion: glucose=requires carrier protein
-active transport: ions= requires carrier protein & energy
simple diffusion
things move along their concentration gradient from higher to lower concentration
movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane along its concentration gradient
concentration of water the same inside/outside
concentration of water is greater outside
concentration of water is greater inside
facilitated diffusion
transported substance if following its concentration gradient but its too large/polar so it requires a transmembrane transport protein
active transport
molecules are pumped from areas of lower concentration to higher concentration, requires transport protein & energy
contains the genetic material (DNA) in the form of long, linear chromosomes
what does nuclear envelope consist of
2 membranes dotted with nuclear pores
site of production of ribosomal subunits
endoplasmic reticulum
part of the cytomembrane system, the ER is a continuous network of tubes surrounded by a single membrane
rough ER
has associated ribosomes and functions mainly in transporting proteins to the plasma membrane for secretion or insertion
smooth ER
has no associated ribosomes, and is involved in lipid biosynthesis
golgi complex
series of flattened sacs, the golgi apparatus receives proteins and lipids from the ER, then sorts, packages, and delivers them to their final destinations via secretory vesicles.
intracellular recycling centers, a sac surrounded by one membrane containing various hydrolytic enzymes
disease involving lysosomes
Tay-Sachs disease: materials build up in lysosomes
protein synthesis
mitochondria components
-consists of double membrane; inner one is highly folded and the folds are called cristae
-soluble portion of called the matrix
-has its own ribosomes and a single, circular DNA molecule
mitchondria functions
aerobic cellular respiration (generation of ATP)
chloroplast components
-2 membranes and a series of internal membranous sacs called thylakoids
-soluble inner portion: stroma
-contain their own ribosomes and a single circular DNA
stacks of thylakoids; contains the chlorophyll
endosymbiont theory
both mitochondria and chloroplasts are evolutionary derived from bacteria (have size & shape of bacteria, has its own circular chromosome)
the net sum of all chemical reactions taking place in a cell
breakdown/hydrolysis reactions
examples of catabolism
glycolysis & fermentation
synthesis/condensation reactions
examples of anabolism
protein synthesis, DNA replication
carbohydrate catabolism reactants
glucose is the most popular reactant, though other sugars work.
beginning set of reactions of catabolism
-redox reaction where glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid (oxidation)
-net gain of 2 ATPs produced by substrate-level phosphorylation
-2 molecules of the coenzyme NAD+ are reduced to NADH (reduction event)
what can occur after glycolysis
pyruvic acid may enter fermentation pathway of a respiration pathway (aerobic or anaerobic)
-pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid or ethanol+CO2
-NADH is oxidized back into NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue
-NO ATP is produced
-popular in microorganisms like yeast (beer, alcohol, bread)
what does respiration involve
-Krebs Cycle (also citric acid cycle or TCA)
-electron transport chain with an inorganic terminal electron acceptor
TEA in aerobic respiration
TEA in anaerobic respiration
not oxygen; nitrate or sulfate
obtain carbon in an organic form
obtain carbon in inorganic form (CO2)
obtain energy from light; capable of photosynthesis
obtain energy from the oxidation of chemical compounds
use reduced organic compounds for both carbon and energy (ex: E.Coli and humans)
oxidize reduced inorganic compounds for energy, use CO2 as carbon source (ex:deep sea vent bacteria, lithoautotrophs)
use light as an energy source and CO2 as carbon source (most common ecological producers, like cyanobacteria)
use light as energy source and organic compounds for carbon (ex:green and purple nonsulfur bacteria)