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71 Cards in this Set

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Spallanzani's conclusion about spontaneous generation was challeneged when?
Lavosier showed oxygen was essential for life
Pasteur is credited for all of the follow except?
Specific microbes cause specific disease in hummans
The ability of a microscop lens to distinguish between two points is based on it's what?
Bacteria have a net _____ charge on their surface and are stained with _____ dyes
Negative, basic
Following the decoloring step in the gram stain, gram positive cells appear _____ and gram negative cells appear _____.
Purple, colorless
Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
a) capsule- simple stain plus negative stain
b) cell arrangement-simple stain
c) cell size- negative stain
d) gram stain-bacterial identification
e) none of the above
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is?
Gram negative cocci
Which of the following microscopes requires the specimen be placed in a vacuum?
Transmission electron
Special stain is used to?
Color and isolate various structures such as flagella
The movement of flagellum is best described as?
propellar like
Gram positive cells are more sensitive to antibiotics compared to gram negative cells because gram positive cells do not have what?
There is no immunity to syphilis. This is because the bacteria?
Has an outer sheath
Individuals with cystic fibrosis would be most concerned about infection by bacteria with what?
Bacterial membranes can be damaged by what?
alcohol, detergents, and polymixins
All are true of endospores except
a) dormant structures
b) resistant to UV light, heat, and chemicals
c) function as energy reserve inclusions
d) germinate into vegetative cells
Which of the following is not a distinguishing characterisitic of procaryotic cells?
They lack a plasma membrane
Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
a) glycocalyx-adherence
b) pili-reproduction
c) cell wall-toxin
d) cell wall-protection
e) plasma membrane-transport
You have isolated a motile, gram-positive cell with no visible nucleus. You can assume this cells has what?
Bacteria that would grow on refrigerated foods are most likely?
You inoculated a brother tube and observed bacteria growth only in the bottom of the tube. The oxygen requirment of the bacterium is most likely?
Obligate anaerobe
The Term Fastidious refer to bacteria that require?
organic growth factors
A chemically defined medium would not contain?
Beef extract
Mannitol Salts Agar?
Differentiates betwen pathogenic and non pathogenic Staphylococcus
Nutritional studies are done using what type of medium?
Chemicalled defined
MacConkey agar is best used to grow samples from patient's with what?
Blood agar is best used to grow samples from patient's with what?
Sore throat?
Reducing media is used to culture what?
Clostridium tetani
Bacterial populations peak at approximately _____ cells per ml.
1 billion
The object of pasteurization on milk is to what?
kill all milk borne vegatative pathogens
WHich of the following statements concerning chemicals used in disinfection is not true?
all kill spores
Which of the following infectious agents is most sensitive to chemical disinfection?
Enveloped viruses
Ethanol would not be effective against what?
Which of the following chemical agents would be effective against both ensospores and mycobacteria?
True or flase, G+ bacteria are more susceptible than G- bacteria to chemical disinfection
The best method to serilize tissue culture flasks packaged in a plastic bag?
Gamma rediation
Avian influenze A?
Bird Flue
Staphylococcus aureus?
Endemic in many hospitals since methicillin resistance
West Nile Encephalitis?
Transmitted between birds and to humans by mosquitoes
Cretzfeldt-Jakob disease?
Disease caused by prions
Invasive Group A streptococcus?
so called flesh eating bacteria
Organizing center for mitotic spindle
Oxigation of amino acids and fatty acids
Enzymes for ceullar respiration
Digest various molecules and bacteria
Cell wall?
protection from osmotic lysis
attachment to surfaces
Protection from phagocytosis
Name the catagory of bacteria that lacks a cell wall?
Antibiotic that prevents peptidoglycan synthgesis?
Name for the types of microorganisms that live in extreme conditions?
Acellular microorganism composed of a DNA or RNA core and protein coat?
Type of sterilization that ensures Clostridium botulinium spores are killed?
Commericial Sterilization
Gram negative cellular structure within which endotoxines are located?
Space or area in procaryotic cell within which the DNA is found?
Medium that differientiates between alpha and beta hemolytic Streptococci?
Blood Agar
Nutritional term means to use organic compounds as a source of carbon?
Term for absence of significant contamination?
Germs are referred to as a constantly dividing microorganism
Biofilms is a structure that houses many species of cells in one organized community
A cell without a well defined Nucleus
The removal of vegatative Pathogens
Gram positive cocci, golden colored, in grape list clusters?
Staphylococcus Aureus
Gram negative rod, inhabits the large intestine?
Escherichia coli
Spirochetes, causes syphilis?
Treponema Pallidum
Attaches to mucous membranes in the genital urinary tract and surface of the eye?
Neisesseria gonorrhea
Define Antibiotic?
Microbial Metabolic with Antimicrobial Acitivity
Any one of three bacterial test organisms used to evaluate disinfectant
Escercichia Coli
Define disinfection. How does antisepsis differ from disinfection? Cite one example of a chemical that can be used as both a disinfectant and an antiseptic.
See Test 1 Long answer
Define the term virulence factor and explain why bacterial why bacteria capsules are considered virulence factors?
Long Answers Test #1