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106 Cards in this Set

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Neisseria sp description

Gran neg diplococci (kidney bean)

Oxidase pos

Catalase pos

Neisseria normal flora

May be normal flora in respiratory tract and genital tracts

Neisseria gonorrhea

Always a pathogen!

Primary site in Male- urethra

Primary site in female- endocervix

Also rectum, pharynx, joints

Male infection of neisseria gonorrhea

Diagnose by gram stain

Intracellular gram neg diplococci

Female infection of neisseria gonorrhea

Diagnosis is by culture

Gram stain cannot diagnose bc large amounts of normal flora

Culture requirement for neisseria gonorrhea

Requires enriched media

Chocolate agar for sterile sites

MTM for non sterile sites

Small gray translucent

Thayer Martin agar

Selective media for gonorrhea

Chocolate agar that includes

Vanco, colistin, nystatin- inhibitors

Carbohydrate utilization test

Traditional method

Used to differentiate neisseria spp

Breakdown of sugars decrease ph

Red to yellow is positive

Carbohydrate utilization test

Rapid method

Preformed enzymes breakdown sugars and forms acids

Non growth dependent (dead)

2 hrs

Chart of carbohydrate utilization

NET test

Used to differentiate neisseria spp


Nucleic acid amplification test

Detect RNA or DNA from cervical, urethral, or urine specimen

Treatment of neisseria gonorrhea

Use beta lactamase to determine if resistant to penicillin by that method


Gardnerella vaginalis

Gram variable coccobacilli

Doesn't know what it wants to be

Clue cells

N. meningitidis description

Can exist as normal flora or be path

3-30% of pop are carriers

Peak incidence of infection 6m-2y

Acute purulent meningitis

Fever, stiff neck, confusion,headache

Large pmns in spinal fluid

Transmission oral secretions


N meningitidis enters blood stream

25% mortality rate

Purpura, DIC, shock

Diagnosis of neisseria meningitidis

Gram stain of CSF- kidney bean gram neg diplococci and many PMNs

Blood culture for sepsis

Serotyping, carb utilize, NET

Treatment of neisseria meningitidis


Prevention of neisseria meningitidis


Doesn't protect against type B

Moraxella catarrhalis description

Normal flora of upper respiratory (in small numbers)

Infection in eye, ear, sinus, bronchitis, pneumonia

Colony morphology moraxella catarrhalis

Grows well on BAP and chocolate


Moraxella catarrhalis test

Oxidase pos

Catalase pos

Positive butyrate esterase tes

Use carb test or net to differentiate from neisseria

Dnase pos

Positive butyrate esterase test

Blue green

Done like PYR

Haemophilus description

Gram neg coccobacilli

Require complex enriched media

Haemophilus normal flora

Normal flora of upper respiratory tract

May cause conjunctivitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia

H influnzae

Type b causes most signf. disease

Peak incidence is 2m to 6y

HIB vaccine

H influenzae virulence factors

Capsule-antiphago & anti complemt

IgA protease


IgA protease

Cleaves secretory IgA in mucous membranes

Diseases caused by H influenzae


Acute epiglottitis


Arthritis- children under 2

Diagnosis of acute epiglottitis caused by H influenzae

Blood culture

Not a throat swab

May cause collapse


Factor X

Provided by unlysed rbcs


Factor V

From chocolatizing the blood

H influenzae growth

Medium sized, mouse nest smell

Growth on chocolate agar

Satelite colonies around S aureus on BAP

Needs factor X and V

H aegyptius

Usual cause of pink eye

Koch weeks bacillus

Can't distinguish from h influenzae

Haemophilus factor requirements

Usual causes of meningitis in newborn

Group B strep

H influenzae

E coli


Usual causes of meningitis in children

H influenzae

N meningitidis

S pneumoniae

Usual causes of meningitis in young adults

N meningitidis

Usual causes of meningitis in adults

S pneumoniae

S aureus

E coli

N meningitidis


H ducreyi

Strict human pathogen

Causes tropical STD chancroid

Buboes- swollen lymph nodes

Enhances transmission of HIV

Gram stain shows school of fish

HACEK group

Slow growing, fastidious, gram neg bacilli requiring CO2

Causative agents of endocarditis


Haemophilus spp


Aggregatibacter actinomycetecomitans


Cardiobecterium hominis


Eikenella corrodons

Human bite wounds or fist



Pediatric bone and joint infections

Pasturella multocida

Gram neg coccobacilli faint staining

No growth on MAC, grow on BAP,CH

Cat bites

Treat with penicillin


Umdulant fever

Mediterranean fever

Contacted from animals

Bact is carried by PMNs intracellular

B abortus


B melitensis

Sheep goats

Sequelae of brucellosis

Systemic deep seated disease resulting in various long term sequelae

3 clinical stages of brucellosis


Sub chronic or undulant form

Chronic form

Acute brucellosis

Non specific symptoms

Fever, malaise, headache

Sub chronic brucellosis

Occurs within a year

Drenching sweats in afternoon

Fever spikes and continue for 2 yrs

Chronic brucellosis

Depression, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome

Diagnosis of brucellosis

Blood culture, bone marrow

Lysis centrifugation

Grows slow 2-4 weeks

Serological test for AB

ID of brucella

Rapidly hydrolyze urea

Less than 30 min or 30 to 120 min

Grows in aniline dyes

AB test more common

Rule out and refer is susp of brucella

Prevention of brucellosis

Pastuerizing of dairy products

Francisella tularensis

Causes tularemia

From fleas on rabbits

Causes ulceroglandular sign

Can be spread person to person

Francisella tularensis morphology

Tiny gram neg coccobacilli can hardly see

Grows on BAP Choc not on MAC EMB

Oxidase neg

Catalase weak pos

Urease neg

Beta lactamase pos (part of id)

Francisella tularensis ID

Use rule out refer

Serodiagnosis best

Hazardous to culture


Contains 50 spp and 70 serotypes


Inhalation acquired

Asymptomatic to life threatening

Legionella pneumophila gram stain

Gram neg rods pleomorphic


Stain poorly with gram stain use 10 min safranin

Legionella pneumophila culture

Acid treatment may have better recovery

Needs L-cysteine for growth

Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar

Gray white or blue green glistening

Ground glass with special scope

BCYE agar

Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar

Can be non selective or semi selective

With L-cysteine grows legionella

Non culture diagnosis of legionella

Direct fluorescent AB

Urine antigen test

Presentation of legionella pneumophilia

Legionnaires disease

Pontiac fever


Legionnaires disease

Severe pneumonia

Community acquired pneumonia

Pontiac fever

Non pneumonic form

Mild self limiting

Last 2-5 days

Epidemiology of legionella

Man made water systems

Organism can tolerate chlorine

Not person to person transmission

Bordetella pertussis

Gram neg coccobacillis aerobic

Fastidious, survives short while outside human respiratory tract

Strict human pathogen

Bordetella pertussis media

Regan Lowe- drops of mercury q

Bordet Gengou- culture media

ID of bordetella pertussis

PCR is most reliable and accurate

Need nasopharyngeal swab

B bronchiseptica

Kennel cough

3 stages of pertussis

Catarrhal stage

Paroxysmal coughing stage

Convalescent stage

Catarrhal stage

Non specific cold like symptoms

Highly contagious

Paroxysmal stage (2nd)

Sudden onset severe rapid cough

Vomiting from cough

Characteristic whoop inhalation

3rd stage convalescent

4 weeks after symptoms

Frequency and severity of cough diminishes

May take weeks to months to clear

Complications of bordetella pertussis

Pneumonia- caused by opportunistic pathogen (s. Pneumo)

Convulsions, hemorrhage, hernia from coughing

Mostly in infants as no immunity

Treatment once coughing stage

Only supportive the damage is done to bronchial epithelium

Early treatment of pertussis


May be given prophylactically

Prevention of bordetella

Immunization at 6-8 weeks

Boosters through childhood

Corynebacterium description

Many species of gram pos rods

Normal flora of skin, nose, throat


Grow on BAP and chocolate

Pleomorphic, club end, palisades

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Causes diphtheria

Diphtheria toxin is major virulence factor can be lethal

May be a toxin producing strain or not

2 forms of diphtheria

Cutaneous and respiratory

Cutaneous diphtheria

Prevelant in tropics

Non healing ulcers gray

Respiratory diphtheria

Uncommon in US due to vaccine

Humans are only natural host

Sore throat, tonsillitis, gray pseudo membrane on tonsils

Caused by toxin

Swabbing for diphtheria

Dont swab throat membrane can dislodge

Nasopharyngeal swab instead

Complications of diphtheria

Respiratory obstruction

Demyelination of peripheral nerves

Paralysis is reversible unless it reaches diaphragm

Prevention of diphtheria

Immunization- can still he infected but dont get disease bc AB protect against toxin

Diagnosis of diphtheria

Clinical signs and symptoms

No rapid tests

Agars for Corynebacterium diphtheriae



Cysteine tellurite

Corynebacterium diphtheriae morphology on tinsdale or cysteine tellurite

Brown to black colony with brown halo

Isolate of Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Just because you isolate ot doesn't mean they have diphtheria

It needs to be toxin producing strain

How to ID toxin producing Corynebacterium diphtheriae

EIA assay for the toxin

PCR for toxin gene

Elek test

Elek test

Treatment of diphtheria

Administration of antitoxin


Listeria monocytogenes

Gram positive coccobacilli


Morphology resembles group b

Tumbling motility

Likes cold temp

How you get listeria

Dairy or cold cuts

How is listeria different from group B

List- cat pos

Grows in NaCl 6.5%

Gram stain

Grp B- cat neg

No growth in NaCl 6.5%

Gram stain

Arcanobacterium haemolyticum

Gram pos diptheroid like bacilli

Small colony narrow zone hemolysis

Pitting of agar under colony

Test results for arcanobacterium haemolyticum

Cat neg

Reverse camp pos using s. aureus

Camp pos using group B

Reverse camp pos

Haemolyticum illness

Symptoms similar to group A strep

In age of 10-20 years old

Penicillin resistant

Positive camp test