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45 Cards in this Set

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How is eukaryotic DNA packaged in the nucleus?

As chromosomes

Many eukaryotes reproduce sexually by forming ____________ and ____________.

Gametes and Zygotes

These three eukaryotes reproduce both sexually and asexually...

Algae, fungi and some protozoa

_______ form a zygote.


A nucleus has one or two complete copies of a genome. These are known as _________ and _________.

Haploid and diploid

Name the four phases of mitosis.

1. Prophase

2. Metaphase

3. Anaphase

4. Telophase

Name the two types of nuclear division.

Mitosis and meiosis

Name the longest phase in mitosis.


Name the shortest phase in mitosis.


When it comes to meiosis, how many phases are there?

There are four phases.

When it comes to meiosis, how many stages are there?

There are two stages for each phase.

In the second stage of meiosis, is there one copy or two copies of chromosomes?

One copy. There are four haploid nuclei.

Define cytokinesis.

Cytoplasmic division

When does cytokinesis occur in mitosis?

It occurs simultaneously with telophase of mitosis.

In some algae and fungi, cytokinesis does not occur at all. What is the result of this?

Multinucleated cells called coenocytes

In regards to protozoa, which is pathogenic; salt water protozoa or freshwater protozoa?

Freshwater protozoa are pathogenic.

These eukaryotes require moist environments and are critical numbers of plankton.


The motile feeding stage of protozoa is known as a...


The resting stage of protozoa is called a...


True or False: Some protozoa have 2 nuclei


In describing the nutrition of protozoa, most are ______________________.


Define what it means to call something chemoheterotrophic.

An example is protozoa which obtain nutrients by phagocytizing bacteria, decaying organic matter, other protozoa or tissues of a host.

In describing nutrition of protozoa, dinoflagellates and euglenoids are ___________________.


Name two types of asexual reproduction of protozoa.

1. Binary fission

2. Schizogony

Name two types of sexual reproduction of protozoa.

1. Some become gametocytes that fuse to form diploid zygotes.

2. Some utilize a process called conjugation.

In regards to nutrition of fungi, they are considered to be_______________________ and have cell walls that are typically composed of ________.

Chemoheterotrophic, chitin

True or False: Fungi perform photosynthesis and have chlorophyll.

False. They lack chlorophyll and do not perform photosynthesis.

True or False: The first antibiotic came from a fungi.


___________ causes diseases of plants, animals and humans.


Fungi acquire nutrients by ____________.


Most fungi are called___________.


True or False: Most fungi are anaerobic.

False. Most fungi are aerobic.

Many yeast have ________________ anaerobes.


While most fungi reproduce sexually, they all have some means of ____________ reproduction, involving mitosis and _____________.

Asexual, cytokinesis

The word used to describe asexual reproduction in yeast.


In fungi, instead of mating types being designated as male and female, they are instead '___' and '___.'

'+' and '-'

How many basic steps are there to sexual spore formation?

Four basic steps.

Algae carry out _____________ photosynthesis using ___________ 'a.'

Oxygenic, chlorophyll

Algae have sexual reproductive structures in which every cell becomes a ____________.


Most algae are aquatic and live in what is known as the __________ zone of water.

Photic zone.

In regards to morphology of algae, name three morphologies.

1. Unicellular

2. Colonial

3. Simple multicellular bodies called thalli

Describe reproduction in unicellular algae.

1. Asexual reproduction by mitosis which is followed by cytokinesis.

2. Sexual reproduction, individual gametes form zygotes which undergo meiosis.

Describe reproduction in multicellular algae.

1. Asexual reproduction by fragmentation.

2. Sexual reproduction with alternation of generations.

Known as partnerships between fungi and photosynthetic microbes.


They are abundant throughout the world, grow in almost every habitat, create soil from weathered rocks, and some provide nitrogen in nutrient-poor environments. They're also eaten by many animals. They are?
