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55 Cards in this Set

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Stain involved with simple staining

Methylene blue.

Heat fix the stain.

Stain sits for 2 min.

negative staining

*do not apply water*

One drop of nigrosine.

Mix bacteria.

Use another slide to smear it

*do not rinse*

Allow to air dry.

Examine at thin areas of the smear

Negative stain wont

Stain the cells, only the background

Does negative stain leave cells clear?


Use negative staining when

Bacteria dont have a - or + charge

Gram staining

Prepare smear with water.

Air dry.

Apply crystal violet, 2min, rinse

Apply grams iodine, 2min, rinse

Apply acid alcohol, 30sec, rinse

Apply safranin, 1min, rinse

Gram + is the color


Gram - is the color


Safranin is a


Acid fast staining

Prepare stain with water & bacteria.

Heat fix.

Add carbol fuschin, 5min, rinse.

Add decolorizer, 1min, rinse.

Add methylene blue, 2min, rinse, dry

Carbol fuschin is

A primary stain in acid fast.

Methylene blue

Is a counter stain in acid fast.

What is used to view moving bacteria?

Hanging drop

Acid fast is the color


Non acid fast is the color


Malachite green is used in

Endospore staining

Endospore stain technique

Prepare smear w/ water and bacteria.

Heat fix.

Cover w/ blotting paper, add malachite green, 15mins on hot plate, rinse.Remove paper, rinse.Add saffranin, 1min, rinse, dry.

, rinse.

Remove paper, rinse.

Add saffranin, 1min, rinse, dry.

Vegetative cells in endospore staining

Will be red from safranin.

Endospore may stain


Endospore staining is also called

Schaffer-Fulton method

An endospore is

A shell, protein, DNA, enzymes

What group of bacteria produce endospores?


Bacillus thurgeinsis

Is used for a pesticide. Forms endospore for survival. Most common

Endospores are formed when

Stained, dry, or exposed to UV

Endospores are problematic because

They are resistant to attack.

Negative capsule staining technique

Clean slide and apply one drop of Congo red and bacteria.

, air dry completely.

Spread into thin smear, air dry completely.

Immerse in acid fuschin, 30 secs.

Remove slide and do NOT rinse.



Background of slide in negative staining will be what color and why

Blue because of reaction between Congo red and acid fuschin

Cell in negative staining will be what color

Red because of Congo red

Kingdom monera contains


Kingdom protista contains

Eukaryotes and protozoa

Kingdom protista contains the subkingdom


Division of algae Cholophyta contains

*green algae*

Chlamydomonas (unicellular)

Spirogyra (filamentous)

Ulothrix (filamentous)

Volvox (colonial)

Ulva (filamentous)

Acetabularia (unicellular)

Division of algae Chrysophyta (diatoms)

Marine diatoms

Division of algae Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates)

Noctiluca (unicellular)

Division of algae Phaeophyta (brown algae)

Padina (filamentous) marine. Attached algae

Sargassum (filamentous) floating seaweed

Fucus (thallus buoyant)


Division of algae Rhodophyta (red algae)

Spiridea (filamentous) attached algae

Rhodymenia (filamentous) attached algae

Corralina (filamentous) attached algae. Makes up structure of coral reef.

Kingdom monera is

A group of cyanobacteria that are photosynthetic.

Anabaena streptococcus

Oscillatoria streptobacillus

Kingdom protista subkindgom protozoa contains

Phylum sarcodina.

Phylum sarcodina contains

Entamoeba histolytica. Prepared slide has trophozooite stage. Cause of amoebic dysentery. Montezumas revenge

Naegleria fowleri

Class ciliata/ciliophora

Balantidum coli. Slide has trophozooite stage, causes diarrhea. Very large cell

Phylum mastigophora/flagellates

Trypanosoma- blood smear from the host. bacteria is in the blood.

Giardia lambia- has trophozooite and cysts. Has 2 nuclei, and causes diarrhea.

Trichomonas vaginalis- slide has nothing but flagellated protozoan. Causes inflammation of mucous membranes of urethra and vagina

Phylum sporozoa/apicomplexa

Toxoplasma gondii- causes toxoplasmosis

Plasmodium- causes malaria

Pneumocystitis carnii- causes pneumonia in aids patients.


Is a yeast.

Cell forms of protozoans include

1. Trophozoite- metabolically active; feeding form of vegetative protozoan; more sensitive to control

2. Cyst- dormant form which is resistant to control measures

Kingdom mycota/fungi (molds & yeast) division zygomycota

Rhizopus nigricans- noted for food spilage in bread. Produces black sporangiospores.

Kingdom mycota/ fungi Division Ascomycota (sac/ cup fungi)

Aspergillus niger- mold. Used for soy sauce. Causes food spoilage. Produces black conidia.

Penicillin chrysogenum- mold. Used for penicillin and cheese production. Food spoilage. Produces green conidia.

Neurospora crassa- mold. Used for genetic research. Produces pink-orange conidia.

Sacchromyces cerevisae- yeast. Used in baking and brewing.

Division basidomycta (club fungi)

Important decomposers that digest cellulose and lignin in dead plants and return nutrients to the soil.

Amantia- poisons death cap mushroom

Cryptococcus neoformans causes fungal meningitis.

Examples of basidiomyctes

Earth star, puffball, mushroom

Division Deuteromycota (imperfect fungi)

Rhodotorula rubrum- yeast. Cells are pigmented pink. Food spoilage.

Candida albicans- main cause of yeast infections

Histoplasma capsulatum- causes histoplasmosis.

Kingdom Animal Phylum nematoda (roundworms)

Enterobius vermicularis- pinworm. Lives in large intestine.

Necator americanus- hookworm. Lives in intestine.

Trichinells spiralis- muscle worm. Larvae incysted in pork.

Ascaris lumbroicoides- adults live in intestines

Dirofilaria immitis- heartworm. Larvae live among blood cells.

Toxocara cati- intestinal roundworm in cats

Toxocara canis- intestinal roundworm in dogs

Phylum platyheminthes (flatworms)

Class trematoda (flukes)-

Schistosoma mansoni- human blood fluke. Adults live on blood vessels

Clonorchis sinensis- human liver fluke. Adults live in hosts bile.

Fasciola hepatica- sheep live fluke.

Class cestoda (tapeworms)

Monezia- sheep tapeworm. Lives in intestine

Taenia solium- human pork tapeworm. Larval stage termed cysticercus (bladderworm)

Dipylidium canium- tapeworm in dogs and cats. Has several proglottids and the scolex present.

Microbacterium tuberculosis is

Acid fast

E coli is

Non acid fast and encapsulated. Has some motility

Pseudomonas sp. and E coli

Both have some motility

1. Psychrophiles

2. Mesophiles

3. Thermophiles

4. Hyperthermophiles