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15 Cards in this Set

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Define Impetigo


Impetigo is called Pyoderma.Characterize small flattered patches on face/limbs honey colored sticky crust that causes itching. When it spread around the lymph node it trigger pain and

inflammation causing leukocytosis. Ex: Staph. aureus caused 80% in newborn. Ex: 20% Strep pyrogens: causes in toddler. 2 to 17%

mortality. S. pyogenes also cause erysipelas.

Define erysipelas

When infection of the skin spreads into

surrounding lymph nodes and triggers pain and

inflammation the condition is called

Define Scaled skin syndrome

check text on bacteria

AKA Ritter's disease caused by Staphylococci lysogen. Characterized by peeling off skin in sheets within 2 days, it also a reddening and wrinkling of skin follow by large blisters(clear) that contain bacteria or WBC's caused by release of toxin by Staph, separating skin layers. Beginning at the mouth, spread over the entire body. Toxin in blood is called toxemia.

Define Otius externa

AKA swimmer ear, caused by Pseudomonas

aeurginosa characterized by inflamed ear pain

Define Acne
text on bact

caused propionbacterium acnes (85%) also it a Gram positive rod shaped diptheroids. 1. bacteria grow on skin2. increase oil (hormones) 3. increase bacteria growth 4. White blood cells come to kill bacteria inflammation5. black head=dead bacteria, block pore. 6. White pus pimple= dead bacteria WBC's. Accumulations of sebum that rupture hair follicile.

Define small pox
caused by variola major with 20-40% mortiality. Variola minor (<1% mortiality) Characterize by skin lesions, Vaccination campaigns, in the US small pox is eradicated. Virus spread to resp sys.
Immunity by vaccination until 1971
Define chicken pox

caused by herpes varicella zoster virus (specifically caused by herpes varicella. Characterize by red, itchy, skin lesion spread via respiratory droplet.caused by varicella zoster virus (specifically caused by herpes varicella. Characterize by red, itchy, skin lesion spread via respiratory droplet.

Define shingles

caused by varicella-zoster virus; dormant

chicken pox reactivated due to stress, aging,

illness etc. Characterized skin rash,painful around the waist in older adults. ex: babysitting, grandchild and can get it if the grandchild never had chicken pox before.Latent in nerves to be later expressed

Define cold sore
caused by herpes simplex 1 (fever blister) characterized by around mucous membranes oral/genital, itchy & painfulfever blister. Recurrent throughout life. Latent viral disease. Onset due to stress, UV, fever
Define ringworm

caused by tinea pedas (super contagious)

characterized by red, raised lesion on /around

toes, soles of foot, webbing to toes

Define athlete's foot

caused by tinea pedas (super contagious)characterized by red, raised lesion on /aroundtoes, soles of foot, webbing to toes

Define thick nail
text bact

caused by tinea unguanium, characterized by discoloration, think nails, whit patches, pits; 10 % of adults have

Define candidiasis

Caused by candida albicans an opportunistic

pathogens; & affects mucous membranes or moist area skin. Causes 1. thrush white patches on tongue 2.yeast infection 3. vaginitis

Define conjunctivitis
Pinkeye, inflammation of conjunctiva. caused by 3 fungus 1. pseudomonas 2. H. influenzae3. H. Aegyptuis
Define Neonatal Gonorrheal Ophthalmia
conjuctivitis within 1st 28 days of life. Can be caused by many organisms, N. gonorrhoeae transferred from mom to baby 1-12% of infants