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31 Cards in this Set

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Coliforms are :

Enterobacter,klebsiella, and E.coli

Bacillary white diarrhea is caused by :

Salmonella pullorum

Fowl cholera is caused by :

Pasteurella multocida

In humans the EHEC serotype 0157:H7 is associated with :

1-hemorrhagic colitis

2-hemolytic uremic syndrome

Fowl typhoid is caused by :

Salmonella gallinarum

Mannheimia harmolytica cause :

1-septicaemia of nursing lambs

2-shipping fever

Pasteurella and mannheimia of family pasteurellaceae are:

1-Small gram-negative rods,



Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is caused by :

Mycoplasma mycoides subsp.mycoides (small colony type)

Bacteroides is :


Borelia anserina is a:


Actinobacillus equuli cause _

Septicaemia in foal

Actinobacillosis in cattle and sheep occur most frequently around the _ and _ region

Head and neck

Wooden tongue caused by _

Actinobacillus lignieressii

ETEC is recognized as the cause of _ which seen in nursing calves,pigs, and lambs

Enterotoxigenic diarrhea

_and _ are the two most prominent virulence factors thus far identified for ETEC

Enterotoxin and pilus antigen

Invasive strains of E.coli cause _ a frequent-disease of calves at _ of life

1-bacteremia and septicaemia

2- first week of life

Most strains of klebsiella recovered from clinical specimens are _


Shigella species cause _ in humans and other primates


Unlike the other enteric bacteria, except for yersinia, the salmonella are _

Intracellular parasite

Campylobacter jejuni is the cause of _ of chickens and turkeys

Avian infections hepatitis

Campylobacter fetus subsp.venerealis cause _

Bovine genital campylobacter

Shipping fever is caused by _

Mannheimia hemorrhages

Moraxella bovis cause _

Pink eye

Disease-producing mycoplasma require _ for growth


Under low-power magnification, mycoplasma colonies appear transparent and flat and often resemble a _

Fried egg

Enzootic abortion of sheep and goats is caused by _

Chlamydia abortus

_ causes avian chlamydiosis and bovine abortion and , in human , psittacosis

Chlamydia psittaci

The forms of salmonella in animals are pricipally _ and acute , subacute , and chronic _



Infections of poultry caused by various salmonella is mainly transmitted _

By egg

Contagious agalactiae is an acute , subacute, or chronic disease of sheep and goats caused by _

Mycoplasma agalactiae (ccp)

_ causes septicaemia in feeder lambs

Pasteurella trehalosi